Q SystematBakhtiarydam
Q SystematBakhtiarydam
Q SystematBakhtiarydam
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Article in International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences · February 2015
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2014.12.004
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Estimation of the grout take using empirical relationships (case study: Bakhtiari dam site) View
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International Journal of
Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijrmms
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this research, Q-logging system was developed based on the cores drilled at the grouting panels to
Received 24 November 2013 investigate the influence of the cement grouting on the rock mass properties at the Bakhtiary dam site.
Received in revised form In this way, rock masses in the different boreholes at the grouting panels were classified using the Q-
16 December 2014
system. Then, using the experimental equations, rock mass deformation modulus (Erm) was calculated
Accepted 22 December 2014
for each borehole. In order to evaluate this method, value of the rock mass deformation modulus was also
obtained by the dilatometer test results. The outcomes display that the Q-logging system can be used as a
Keywords: practical and undemanding method in evaluation of rock mass quality by the grouting treatment.
Cement grouting & 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Deformation modulus
Rock mass improvement.
1. Introduction velocity of foundation rock stratum about 51%. From cyclic plate
load tests, they found that displacement corresponding to the load
Consolidation cement grouting for dam foundation and tunnels intensity of 1500 KPa decreased from 7 mm to 5.8 mm. Yang and Li
is executed to improve the mechanical properties of rock masses. [4] ran two geophysical sonic wave surveys before and after
To assess the cement grouting effect on the improvement of rock grouting. They achieved an increment of about 5.7% in the wave
mass, water pressure tests (WPT) are carried out in the vicinity of velocity; from 5300 m/s to 5600 m/s on average. Di and Wang [5]
the grouted area. However, investigations show that WPT does not performed 2D resistivity survey using multielectrode resistivity
determine how much the rock mass mechanical properties have meter system along the Da Ye Dam foundation, where previous
been changed quantitatively [1,2]. Consequently, in recent years, grouting had been undertaken. They found that the rocks app-
the geotechnical and geophysical in-situ tests have been used to eared more homogeneous and no obvious anomalies were re-
evaluate the amount of improvement in mechanical properties of corded where the dam foundation was grouted. Li and Wu [6]
rock mass due to cement grouting. analyzed the effect of grouting reinforcement to the stress and
Kikuchi et al. [2] employed in-situ rock mechanical tests and deformation of rock mass with Numerical simulation models and
geophysical methods (such as electromagnetic wave, elastic wave concluded that after grouting, the stress and displacement of rock
prediction and borehole expansion test) to investigate the grout- mass become more symmetrical and continuous. Utsuki [7]
ing effects on rock quality. They showed that the characteristics of executed dilatometer tests at the dam sites in 14 places and
the rock mass become uniform by progress of the injection steps 5 kinds of rock types before and after grouting and examined
which was concluded from the increment of elastic wave velocity the effect of improvement about the deformability of rock masses
and rock mass deformation modulus. Boominathan and Gandhi [3] quantitatively in detail from these experimental results. He found
carried out seismic cross-hole and cyclic plate load tests before that after grouting, the modulus of deformation is larger than
and after consolidation grouting to assess the improvement of before grouting at almost all the points. The degree of rise of
strength and stiffness of weathered granite hypersthenes rock modulus is different by the original geological condition as the
strata of reactor building foundation due to consolidation grout- tendency is indicated roughly that the effect of improvement is
ing. The results have been showed increasing of shear wave small when the modulus is large originally, where it is large when
the modulus is small originally.
Although in situ tests, such as geotechnical (plat load test,
Correspondence to: School of Geology; University College of Science; University
dilatometer test, plate jacking test…) and geophysical tests (seis-
of Tehran, Tehran, P.O. Box: 14155-64155, Iran. Tel.: þ 98 21 6111 2985;
fax: þ98 21 6649 1623. mic tomography, seismic cross-hole …) have been commonly used
E-mail address: Sohrabi@khayam.ut.ac.ir (A. Sohrabi Bidar). to evaluate the rock mass improvement due to cement grouting,
1365-1609/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Zolfaghari et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 74 (2015) 38–44 39
some limitations restrict their applications such as expensive and and Lugeon testing and excavation of exploratory galleries. Two
time-consuming operations and many practical and administrative trial cement grouting panels were executed to investigate the
problems. Thus, in this study, new application of the Q-logging groutability and its effect on the mechanical properties of the kink
system was developed for the assessment of rock mass mechanical band zones (as the worst rock mass) at the GL1 and GR2 galleries
property improvement once grouting treatment performs. In this at elevations of 557 and 695 masl., respectively. In this study,
way, Q-logging system was used to investigate the impact of outputs of these trials grouting were used to explore the rock mass
cement grouting on the enhancement of the Q parameters (e.g., improvement due to the cement grouting.
RQD, Jn, Ja, Jr and Jw) in two trial grouting panels were considered
in the worst rock mass at the Bakhtiary dam site, namely Kink 2.2. Geological setting
Band Zone (KBZ).
Bakhtiary dam site and its reservoir are located in the north-
western part of the folded Zagros, at the boundary of Lorestan and
2. Background Dezful embayment zones in Iran. The dam body is placed in the
northern limb of Siah Kuh anticline. The siliceous limestone of
2.1. Bakhtiary dam specifications Sarvak Formation, which is Mid-Cretaceous marine sediments,
forms the dam foundation and appurtenant structures. The Sarvak
Bakhtiary Dam and Hydropower Plant Project is located on Formation can be divided to seven units at the dam site, namely
Bakhtiary River in Lorestan province, southwest of Iran. The main Sv1–Sv7 (Fig. 1), Sv1 is the oldest with no outcrop at the dam axis,
dam body has been designed as a double curvature concrete dam and Sv7 is the youngest. Most of dam body is located on Sv2 and
with maximum height of 325 m which will be the highest arched Sv3 units. Unit Sv2 is thin to medium bedded dark gray limestone
dam in the world after. The catchment area and reservoir capacity to marly limestone with thin black laminated marlstone to shale
of dam were estimated to be 6495 km2 and about 4800 MCM, interbeds. Unit Sv3 is thin to medium bedded dark gray marlstone
respectively [8]. An underground powerhouse complex was and siliceous limestone. Intact rock properties of these units are
designed including of 6 250 MW units with a total installed presented in Table 1 [8].
capacity of 1500 MW and expected to render an annual energy
output of about 3000 GWH [8]. 2.3. Discontinuities
Detailed and extensive surface and subsurface explorations
have been carried out at the dam site to characterize the The rock mass at the dam site area is intersected by four main
geotechnical properties of rock masses. These are including rock discontinuities including bedding planes and three major joint
mechanical in-situ tests, trial grouting, dye test, borehole coring systems; J1, J2 and J3 (Table 2). Most of the joint sets observed in
Fig. 1. Geological map of Bakhtiary dam site, Locations of grouting panels are shown on the map [9].
40 A. Zolfaghari et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 74 (2015) 38–44
Sv2 and Sv3 Units are planar-slickensided to rough and filled with marly layers. The stereographic projection of bedding planes as
calcite and clay-calcite with narrow apertures, while bedding predominant structure in the both limbs of the Siah Kuh anticline
planes are clay filled which created from the in situ alteration of is shown in Fig. 2. Deformed kink band zones in Sv2 and Sv3 Units
caused to the scatter of the bedding planes.
Table 1
Physical and mechanical properties of intact rock; Sv2 and Sv3 units [5].
3. Trial grouting procedure
Unit Density (g/cm3) Porosity (%) UCS (MPa)
Sv3 2.65 2.66 1.42 111 108 Two trial grouting panels were carried out at the dam site in
Sv2 2.64 2.65 0.98 114 88 GL1 and GR2 galleries at the elevation of 557 and 695 masl.,
respectively. In both panels, the primary holes were drilled in a
triangular array with a well head distance of 2 m and the second
Table 2
holes drilled between the two of the primary holes and formed
Major discontinuity surveyed at site. smaller triangular array with a distance of 1 m (Fig. 3). During core
drilling of boreholes, water pressure tests were carried out and
Discontinuity Dip direction Dip then the cement grout was injected in upward direction. Each of
the triangular arrays was controlled by a centrally located cored
Bedding Downstream limb of anticline 2151 751
Upstream limb of anticline 0301 501 check hole (Fig. 3). The check holes were not grouted and only
J1 J1A 3101 701 drilled and cored to control the permeability of the grouted
J1B 3101 401 vicinity by WPT and finally filled with cement.
J2 J2A 1251 351
Grouting holes in GL1 panel were drilled to the depth of 60 m
J2B 1251 751
J3 0451 151
towards N0501 with inclination of 751 against the horizontal
(0–15 m in Sv3 Unit and 15–60 m in Sv2 Unit). While in GR2
Fig. 2. Stereographic projection of bedding planes in the dam site area, northeastern limb (0301/501), southwestern limb (2151/751) and Siah-Kuh anticline fold axis
Fig. 3. Schematic set up of the grouting holes at two trial grouting panels.
A. Zolfaghari et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 74 (2015) 38–44 41
Table 3 Table 4
Grouting pressures at the different depths. Average value of rock mass deformation modulus computed from plate load tests
(PLT) and dilatometer tests (DLT) in kink band zone [5].
GL1 Grouting panel GR2 Grouting panel
Testing location Rock unit Testing type Erm (GPa)
Stage (m) Pressure (bar) Stage (m) Pressure (bar)
GL1 Sv2 PLT 4.0–6.0
0–10 5 0–5 5 Sv2 DLT 5.0
5–10 10 Sv3 DLT 2.9
10–15 8 10–20 15 GR2 Sv3 PLT 8.0
20–30 18 Sv3 DLT 3.0
15–20 12 30–40 20
40–50 21
20–25 15 50–60 22
60–70 23
25–30 20 70–80 24
80–90 25
430 25 90–100 26
panel, grout holes were drilled vertically in Sv3 Unit to the depth
of 100 m.
Fig. 6. Improvement of the Q-parameter due to cement grouting; horizontal axis are borehole names regarding to the trial grouting panels and rock unites in order of drilling
and grouting and vertical axis are weighted average rating of each parameter.
A. Zolfaghari et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 74 (2015) 38–44 43
Table 6
Improvement of the deformation modulus of rock mass due to cement grouting.
Trial grouting panel Erm from Q-Logging (GPa) Erm Improvement (%)
Table 7
Results of dilatometer tests and Q-logging in LCHB borehole.
Rock unit Erm from Dilatometer Tests Erm from Q-Logging Difference between the results of dilatometer
tests and Q-Logging (%)
Depth (m) Erm (GPa) Depth (m) Erm (GPa)
Fig. 8. The calculated values of the Erm at the first boreholes (as Resources Development Co., for their kindly permission to publish
ungrouted rock mass) were compared to the calculated ones at the this paper. Grateful thanks to Bakhtiary Joint Venture Consultants
second check holes (as grouted rock mass). The results show the (BJVC), especially Sadd Tunnel Pars Engineering Co. for providing
improvement of rock mass which is more than 110% (Table 6). the test results and valuable comments. Special thanks should be
At the dam site, dilatometer tests were carried out at three expressed to Prof. Nick Barton, for his kindly comments on
different depths in LCHB borehole to investigate the effect of this paper.
grouting on the rock mass deformation modulus in GL1 trial
grouting panel. The results of dilatometer tests were compared to References
the calculated Erm at the second check holes, as presented in Table 7.
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