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Ddi Ontrack Reports

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Data Driven Instruction (DDI) Reports Task

Instructions: Use this Task Card to assist in effectively using the DDI tabs in OnTrack. The first
section of this task card focuses on general reports functionality. The second section focuses on
effective use of DDI reports for instructional next steps. The order of the reports matter and
should be done in the suggested order. If issues or errors are encountered in executing any of
the performance tasks, please contact the Service Desk.
Internet Access: This site works best when viewed with Visit http://houstonisd.org/fa for
Google Chrome more OnTrack task cards and
Access: Go to www.houstonisd.org/ontrack
Click on Login in Active Directory
- Select Reports from flip card or Top Menu Bar
- Select DDI Reports
- Select Item Analysis.
Other popular reports include Student Response,
Standard Analysis and Student Grouping by
Standard. Toggle across tabs to view various reports
Change Assessment: Note: System defaults the test to the
most recent assessment accessed
- To change assessment, Select the and use filters
such as year, subject, assessment name. For TEA STAAR
data select: HISD+STAAR+Subject+Language+Year
(ex: HISD STAAR Math English 16-17)
- Select
- If needed, select the grade level tested, course
group (High School), course and/or period(section)
- Optional: Select to filter by student groups,
ethnicity, gender, and other special pops indicators,
then select
Sort Data
- Any column can be reordered by clicking on the
column header or (i.e. % Correct from lowest to
highest, alpha sort vs. ranking students, etc.)
- Click column header or again to reorder from
highest to lowest)
- One arrow on the column header means the
report is already sorted by that column
Show additional report features:
- In the Show menu, select to add or remove
features including: Student ID, Level Tested, Time
Spent, Demographics, Graph, Color Scale
Note: selections are based on reports type or
information availability ex: time spent is only available
on online assessments)
- Tip: when selecting Graph, hover over each bar to
view details (Standards, Description, Average percent
correct, Number of Items, and Item numbers)
- Select Mastery/Non-Mastery or By Performance
Levels to see various reporting metrics


Hover over Standards & Question Types links
- Standards appear in blue letters. Hover mouse over
TEKS, to see full standard, standard type: readiness or
supporting standard, etc.
- Question types appear in blue letters. Hover mouse
over question types abbreviation and you will get the
full question type name. Multiple Choice
Student History Report (Student Name Links)
- Select desired student’s first or last name in blue
letters on an existent report
- You may search for a student in the search box in the
navigation menu. Type in first name or last name,
Select Student and select Submit.
- Select the All Assessments tab to view all the student
tests taken at HISD.
- Find tests using the “Assessment Name” search box
- Search assessments by selecting to expand year
- Select next to assessment name to expand
individual for test details (standard performance,
percent correct, raw score, etc.)
- The Hide in PDF check box hides that portion of the
report in the PDF download
- Select Local Assessments to see only district
- Select the Standard Progression tab to compare
assessment standard performance across various
tests. Use the subject and assessment filters. Select
Refresh. Note: select multiple assessments to
compare TEKS performance across multiple tests
- Adjust Mastery Value as desired and select on Apply
- Select desired view Mastery/Non-Mastery or By
Performance Levels
- Select Class Schedule tab to view student schedule
- To exit out of the Student History Report select

Export or Print the report and assessments

- Select the Download button on any report
- Select the desired format (PDF-Portrait, PDF-
Landscape, Excel, CSV)
- Select to download and Save or the export
- Select the icon next to access a PDF version of the
test (must have been provided by test author)
Create/Modify Group
- Select next to desired student’s names
- Select
- Check Add Students to New Group and Enter new
group Name
- Check on Add Students to Existing Group and select
existing group from the drop-down and select
- Confirmation message: Group Name created
successfully. click on OK


Data Driven Instruction Made Easy
Use this this packet to help you find reports, understand how to use them, and ponder on questions that will allow you to dig deep into student
misconceptions and seamlessly, plan instructional next steps. OnTrack is designed to make Data Driven Instruction (DDI) easy. Teacher and leaders can spend
less time finding reports and more time planning how to refine instruction to meet student needs. HISD uses the “Goal Setting and Action Plan Snapshot
Assessments” template to engage in uniform data tracking and structured data conversations. This workflow will walk you through the process of doing surface
and deep analysis of your data.

You will need:

- OnTrack: www.houstonisd.org/ontrack
- Access to assessment questions: Read the test and question items to find distractors and misconceptions
- Goal Setting & Action Plan Template: fill out the template to complete an action plan
- Curriculum blueprints: Use blueprints to access interventions and resources
- Optional lead4ward documents (Review Quickstart Guides): see common learning mistakes by standard

Surface Analysis
Get the big picture by looking at the overview of your data through surface
analysis.Deep Analysis
See strengths and growths at a glance.
Go deeper. Look for patterns in your students’ performance to distinguish which items require whole group support vs.
Use the smaller
Standard Analysis
groups Report with
of student (sort % correct to rank standards)
common misconceptions.

Whole Group
Use the Item Analysis Report (sort % correct to rank items) Items with high failure rate require whole group intervention. Other items
with smaller groups of students with common misconceptions require small group intervention.

Small Group
DDI- Item Analysis
Purpose: Use this report to determine which test questions were difficult and note the key questions to review to
analyze causes and solutions (distractors, ambiguity, and further instruction). It helps deconstruct questions to
determine which subskills are being addressed, understand distractor rationales, and make informed decisions
about effective, corrective, and adaptive instruction.

Measured: Percent of student responses per answer choice (Choice 1-A/F, Choice 2-B/G, etc.)
Standards are labeled as (S) Supporting and (R) Readiness and Process has its own column

Location: Reports > DDI > Item Analysis

Tips: Click on the Blue % Correct bar in the % Correct column to view an Item Summary, that contains an
interactive pie chart and student grouped by their responses select Item Preview tab to view online student’s
view, correct answers, and item properties.

Test Question # (TEKS) Standard # Correct Answer Top Incorrect Answers

Click the Percent Correct bar to

view response distribution details
Griddable Questions displays % correct* vs top incorrect answer choices
Rubric Questions display the % of students who scored a 1, 2, 3 or 4
Omitted are answers left blank

Guiding Questions:

1. Which standard(s) need the greatest attention? What have you noticed about instruction for that
particular standard? Select STOP Items sub-tab under Item Analysis Scrutinize These On
Performance): An item is a STOP item if the threshold was not met (Item Correct Threshold) or if
too many students choose the same wrong answer (Item Distractor Threshold) You may change the
Thresholds under My Preferences
2. What misunderstandings do the students’ errors reveal? What do you think students were doing wrong? (Refer
to the test question)
3. Look within standards: On questions that measured the same standard, were students better on some questions
than on others? (Tip: click on column title Student Expectation to sort by SE) If so, how do those questions differ
in difficulty? Why did students do better on one than on another?
4. Compare similar standards: Do the results on one standard influence the other?
5. What needs to be different next week to ensure scholars achieve mastery this specific standard?
6. Is the issue on the content or process standards, or both?
Student Response

Purpose: This report indicates incorrect answer choices made by individual students. It allows teachers to see
individual student misconceptions. Teachers can even see student griddable and rubric responses to see
performance in open ended type questions. This report allows a teacher to surface misconceptions made by
individual students and can help group students who made similar mistakes. It also allows teachers to prioritize re-
teaching standards.
Notes: Standard Category: R – Reporting; S – Supporting
PS – Process Standard (PS currently only apply to Math, Science and Social Studies)

Measured: Aggregate percent correct of all students’ responses and individual student selection per answer choice
(Griddable- actual student response, Rubric 0-4, = no response)

Location: Reports > DDI > Student Response

Tip: Hover over TEKS number to view in detail and click on Item # to preview question and correct answer

% of All Students Correct Question# (TEKS) Standard

Answered Incorrectly Answered Correctly

Guiding Questions:
1. In regards to the reporting category, how did the students perform? (Strand) In regards to the standards, how did
the students perform?
2. In regards to the type of standard (readiness, supporting, process), how did the students perform?
3. Are there similar trends in the students’ responses?
4. Are there questions that only the struggling students are getting wrong?
5. Are struggling students’ misunderstandings different than those of the rest of the students on these standards?
6. What are all the steps the students need to take to answer these questions correctly? Which of these steps need
to be made more explicit to the students?
7. What additional support or steps will the struggling students need when these standards are being reviewed?
8. Look at specific questions: Did students all choose the same wrong answer? Why or why not?
9. What misunderstandings do the students’ errors reveal? What do you think the students were doing wrong here?
10. How are the students performing with open ended questions (rubric, griddable)?
11. Is the issue on the content or process standards, or both?
12. What were all the steps students needed to be able to do in order to answer the question correctly?
13. Within those steps, where does it appear that student mastery broke down?
14. Which students have mastered the standards and may serve as peer tutors?
15. What will your plan of action entail?
Standard Analysis
Purpose: This report displays the reporting category, standards, standard type, number of items to achieve the mastery threshold,
total number of questions, the percent correct by standard by class, and the percent correct by standard by student.
Teachers can use this report to assess the class performance, individual student performance, and standard mastery. This
report provides a global view of student strengths as well as areas of growth. It provides the opportunity to identify trends
among the grade level as well as determine focus of 2 to 3 standards that need corrective reinstruction.
Measured: Percent correct by standard by individual student including class aggregates
Location: Reports > DDI> Standard Analysis
Tip: Select desired view: Mastery/Non-Mastery or By Performance Levels

% Correct by student Standard #

# of questions met per standard % mastery

Guiding Questions:
1. Based on the mastery threshold, which students achieved mastery? What are areas of celebration?
2. Based on the mastery threshold, which students need remediation to achieve mastery? Areas of growth?
3. Which standards were the most challenging for the students?
4. Which students have mastered the standards and may serve as peer-tutors?
5. Are there similar trends in the students’ responses?
6. How are individual students performing on readiness and process standards?
7. How can knowing this information help understand a student’s level of mastery of a standard?
8. What strengths and weaknesses can be seen for each individual student?
9. How does the mastery threshold help have discretion around which student achieved mastery?
Student Grouping by Standard

Purpose: This report provides student performance by class by standard. It places students in one of three
bands. Teachers use this report to group students by standard performance in an effort to provide
enrichment or remediation on identified areas of need.

Measured: Percent correct by standard with banding

Location: Reports > DDI> Student Grouping by Standard

Tip: To change the percent correct bands for each column, select Percentage of Questions Correct to edit
percentages of the 4b ands, edit the percent’s as need and select

Questions by Standard # of Questions by standard 4-Bands: 100-85%, 84-70%, 69-45%, 44-0%

Teacher & Section % correct by Standard by student

Guiding Questions:
1. Which students need intervention and on what standards (TEKS)?
2. Can students be further divided within a group?
3. What sort of practice do the students need to master this standard – heavy repetition of
computation skills? Following a multi-step protocol?
4. Based on the class performance, what re-teaching do I need to do?
5. What are the standards that will be reviewed or retaught for the whole class?
6. Are the struggling students’ misunderstandings different than those of the rest of the students on these
7. What additional support or steps will the struggling students need when these standards are being
8. Are there any student’s not attaining proficiency across reporting categories?
9. How can the question numbers be leveraged to support instructional next steps?
10. What interventions and resource material could support the mastery of the standard?
11. How can this report help document an action plan and instructional next steps?
Student Feedback Cards

Purpose: This report displays individual student performance on individual questions, total percent correct, item count
and percent correct by standard for each student. Teachers can use this report conference with individual
students to discuss performance and standard mastery. This report provides a meaningful way to provide
individual students with feedback for data conferences, and documentation for student DDI binders.

Measured: Average percent correct of individual students including student responses and performance by standard

Location: Reports > Predefined Reports> Feedback Card

Student Name Student Percent Correct Performance Band Assessment Name

Standard Percent Correct (# of items correct/# of total items) Student Responses vs Correct Response

Guiding Questions for Elementary Students:

Directions: Shade the question numbers you answerd correctly. Then answer the questions below:
1. I can ….
2. I need help with...
3. In the areas that I need help, I will get help by...

Guiding Questions for Secondary Students:

Directions: Shade the item numbers you answered correctly. Then answer the questions below:
1. Where do you see success in your learning?
2. To what do you attribute your success?
3. Where are you struggling?
4. What steps will you take to address your struggling area?
Find Interventions Using Your Blueprints and Outlines on the Hub
Trend Documents
After thorough data analysis, find instructional next steps and interventions for Snapshots using
Curriculum Blueprints and Outlines. Below are steps on how to access these documents. Secondary
campuses can click on the following link. Curriculum and Instruction SharePoint page.
Elementary campuses can follow the instructions below:

Go to www.houstonisd.org/hub Click on “Courses.”

Click “Site course catalog.”

There are hundreds of

course guides.

Search for a specific course or

search by scrolling through all of
the courses.

Enroll in the course.

Click “Back to Site course catalog” to

view the English 1A Guide.

Each guide provides a wealth of information.

To find Outlines / Blueprints, go to “District

Find Snapshots

The available Outlines /

Blueprints are presented.

Here is a sample District Snapshot

Outlines / Blueprints complete with:
 Standards
 Question Numbers
 Question Types
 Level of Rigor
 Details
 InstructionalConnections- -

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