Fast Play Reference Sheet: Ctions

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-2 The grenade overshoots or undershoots D6

5.56mm -3
The grenade over or undershoots D6+1 inches.

Fast Play Reference Sheet If a miss is caused roll a D6:

3.27 D6 Result Effect
1 The grenade lands 90-degrees to the left of the
Move target.
2 The grenade lands 45-degrees to the left of the
Character moves up to 4”. target.
3 The grenade land short of the target.
Fire 4 The grenade lands long of the target.
If the enemy is 50% obscured the character must make a Morale 5 The grenade lands 45-degrees to the right of the
check to spot him (D6+Morale). If the enemy has fired the Morale 6 The grenade lands 90-degrees to the right of the
check is at +2. target.

3.21 Distance TN Stealth

1” to 2” 1
If shot at character has a +1TN.
2” to 4” 2
4” to 8” 3 Aim
8” to 16” 4 Character adds a +1 modifier to subsequent Fire action.
16” to 32” 5
32” + 6
First Aid
3.22 Modifiers to the TN D6+Morale, if equals or beats TN wound is reduced to next level for
D3+1 turns.
+1 Target is using Stealth action
+1 Firer has less than 25% line of sight. 3.51 Injury TN

Determine distance between character an enemy in inches and Minor 2

compare the number to the weapon’s range categories to find the Serious 4
Critical 5
enemies TN. Roll to hit. (D6+Weapons) or for grenades, Mortal 6
Cover Fire
3.23 Range Category TN
Character is allowed a single Fire action at any point during the
Close 2 opposing players turn.
Short 3
Medium 4 Engage
Long 5
Extreme 6
To hit the enemy the character must attack (D6+Strength) and equal
or beat enemy’s TN (D6+Strength):
3.24 Modifier to TN Reason
3.71 Modifier to Attackers Roll Reason
+1 Target in partial concealment (25% obscured)
+2 Target in full concealment (50% +1 Character is Engaging
obscured) +2 Defender is unaware of attackers
+1 Target is using Sprint special action presence (ie from behind)
+1 Firer has already used a Move action +1 Character is attacking from higher
+1 Firer is on moving vehicle ground.
+2 Firer is on vehicle moving at Full Speed +1 For each additional attacker
+2 Firer is using a specialist weapon without the
appropriate skill 3.72 Modifier to Defenders Roll Reason
+1 Target is using Stealth action
+1 Firer is using Auto-Fire special action with a sub +1 Defender is behind an obstacle
machinegun, assault rifle at a second target. +1 Defender is on higher ground
+1 Firer is using Auto-Fire special action with a +1 For each additional defender
machinegun at a target more than 2” from the
first target
+1 Target is not the closest enemy with a line of
Special Actions
+1 Target is a vehicle moving at Full Speed Sprint
+1 Firer is using Covering Fire action Character moves 4” and a number of additional inches equal to a
+1 Firer is “holding on” to a grenade
+1 Target is a helicopter in flight
Sprint check (D6+Movement).

3,25 Modifier to Fire Reason Hide

Character may only move by making a D6+Movement roll against
+2 Target is incapacitated the TN of the terrain, with the distance moved dependant on the level
+1 Target is unaware of firer
+1 Firer is using Aim action
of success:
+1 Target is using Carry special action
+2 Target is a vehicle 4.22 TN Terrain

3.26 Strength Result Effect 3 Even ground

4 Light undergrowth, brush
-1 The grenade overshoots or under shoots by D3 5 Light rubble, dense undergrowth
6 Dense rubble, obstacles
5.01 Strength Result Effect
4.23 Result Distance Moved
-1 Minor Wound – No effect, but treat
0 1” a second Minor Wound as a Serious Wound.
+1 2” -2 Serious Wound – Character suffers
+2 3” a +1 modifier to the TN of all tasks
+3 4” and only moves 3” when taking the
Move action.
-3 Critical Wound – Character suffers
Enemies attempting to attack the character must make a spot check a +2 modifier to the TN of all tasks and can only
(D6+Morale) against a TN dependant on the distance between the perform one action
two. per turn and no special actions.
When taking the Move action he
only moves 2”.
4.24 Distance TN
-4 Mortal Wound – Character can
take no action and is incapacitated. He will die in
1” to 2” 3
D6+1 rounds unless treated.
2” to 4” 4
-5 Dead.
4” to 8” 5
8” to 16” 6
16” to 32” 7 Battlefield Environments
32” + 8

4.25 Concealment Modifier to TN Difficult terrain – The character must make a roll (D6+Movement)
against the terrain’s TN. The greater his success, the faster he may
Partial +1 move.
Full +2
6.01 TN Terrain
Sub machineguns and assault rifles Auto-Fire one time, 1 Dense undergrowth, light rubble
2 Shallow water, sand dunes
machineguns Auto-Fire one or or more times.
3 Dense rubble, obstacle (1” height)
4 Obstacle (1”-2” height),
Weapon Auto-Fire Distance 5 Deep water, Obstacle (2”-3” height)

Sub Machinegun 2” 6.02 Result Effect

Assault Rifle 2”
Machinegun 4” +0 ¼ movement
+1 ½ movement
Treat Injury +2 Full movement
If the roll (D6+Morale) is equal or higher than the injury’s TN, the
injury is reduced to next level permanently. Lighting – Characters performing actions without adequate light
receive penalties to the TN of all actions.
4.41 Injury TN
Light Level TN Penalty
Minor 2
Serious 4 No Light +2
Critical 5 Low Light +1
Mortal 6 Full Light +0

Carry Morale Tests

Character makes a roll (D6+Strength) against the TN of the injured
friendly soldier. The difference indicates how far both can move Characters required to take a Morale Test (D6+Morale) do so against
TN 4.
4.51 Character’s Injury TN
Factors requiring a Morale Test
Critical 2
Mortal 3
- The squad leader has been killed or is fleeing.
- A character is within 2” of a friendly character who is killed
4.52 Result Distance Moved
- Each time 25% of the squad is killed.
+0 3
+1 4 Morale Result Effect
+2 5
+3 6 -3 The character must take two Move actions or a
Sprint special action away from the enemy or
Drive / Pilot / Fast Rope / Use Radio -2 The character’s courage has suffered a severe
Refer to Special Actions (4.6 to 4.9) for details. blow. On his next and subsequent turns he must
take a single Move action away from the enemy
as he tries to withdraw.
Injury -1 The character is shaken and must take a single
Move action away from the enemy on his next
The attacker rolls (D6+DMG) for damage determining the TN. The turn only. After this he suffers no other effects.
defender then rolls (D6+Strength) to equal or beat the TN to avoid

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