GK Vanguard 1000

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Grey Knights 1000 Vanguard (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [65 PL, 1000pts]

Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Grey Knights) [65 PL, 1000pts]

HQ [16 PL, 303pts]

Brother-Captain Stern [8 PL, 157pts]

3: Unyielding Anvil, And They Shall Know No Fear, Daemon Hunters, Iron Halo, Psychic Locus, Teleport Strike, The Strands of
3: Unyielding Anvil, Purge Soul, Warlord

Name Range Details Ref

If manifested, pick a visible enemy unit within 12" of the psyker. Both controlling
players roll a dice and add their respective unit's highest Leadership value. If the
Purge Soul 5 12" target's total is equal to or greater than the psyker's total, nothing happens. If the
psyker's total is greater than the target's total, the target unit suffers a number of
mortal wounds equal to the difference.

When Brother-Captain Stern manifests the Smite psychic power, it has a range of
6" rather than 18". Additionally, the target unit suffers only 1 mortal wound rather
Smite (Zone of than D3 (whether or not the result of the Psychic test is more than 10) – unless
5 6"
Banishment) the target is a DAEMON, in which case it suffers 3 mortal wounds instead of D3 –
and all DAEMON units within 6" of Brother-Captain Stern also suffer a mortal

Name Cast Deny Powers Known Other Ref

Psyker (Sanctic
2 1 Smite, +1 Sanctic

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Save Ref

Brother Captain
5" 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Ref

Frag grenade 6" 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6" 6 -1 D3 -

Melee Melee User -3 D3 -
Force Sword

Each time you roll a 6+ for this weapon when targeting a (Psyker)
Psyk-out Grenade
6" 2 0 1 or (Daemon), the target suffers a mortal wound instead of the
Grenade D3
normal damage.

Storm bolter 24" 4 0 1 -
Fire 2

Grey Knight Chaplain [8 PL, 146pts]

And They Shall Know No Fear, Curiass of Sacrifice, Daemon Hunters, Litanies of Hate, Rites of Banishment, Rosarius, Spiritual
Leaders, Teleport Strike
Curiass of Sacrifice, Hammerhand, Storm bolter [2pts]

Name Range Details Ref

If manifested, pick a friendly (Grey Knight) unit within 12" of the psyker. Add
Hammerhand 6 12" 1 to any wound rolls you make for that unit's Melee weapon until the start of
your next Psychic phase.
Smite (Rites of If manifested, the closest enemy unit within 12" suffers 1 mortal wounds;
5 12"
Banishment) unless target is a Daemon, in which case it causes 3 mortal wounds.

Name Cast Deny Powers Known Other Ref

Psyker (Sanctic
1 1 1 Sanctic

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Save Ref

Grey Knight
5" 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 9 2+

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Ref

Melee Melee +1 -1 2 -

Frag Grenade
6" 3 0 1 -
grenade D6

Krak Grenade
6" 6 -1 D3 -
grenade 1

Each time you roll a 6+ for this weapon when targeting a (Psyker) or
Psyk-out Grenade
6" 2 0 1 (Daemon), the target suffers a mortal wound instead of the normal
Grenade D3

Storm bolter 24" 4 0 1 -
Fire 2

Troops [14 PL, 138pts]

Strike Squad [14 PL, 138pts]

And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Daemon Hunters, Rites of Banishment, Teleport Strike
Astral Aim

4x Grey Knight (Halberd) [84pts]

4x Storm Bolter [8pts]

Grey Knight (Psycannon) [33pts]

Psycannon [14pts]

Grey Knight Justicar [21pts]

Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm bolter [2pts]

Name Range Details Ref

If manifested, pick a friendly (Grey Knights) unit within 18" of the psyker. Until
your next Psychic phase, the unit you picked is able to target enemy units that
Astral Aim 5 18"
are not visible to them, and units they target with shooting attacks do not gain
any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover.

Smite (Rites of If manifested, the closest enemy unit within 12" suffers 1 mortal wounds; unless
5 12"
Banishment) target is a Daemon, in which case it causes 3 mortal wounds.

Name Cast Deny Other Ref

When manifesting of denying a psychic power, first select a model in the unit -
Psyker measure range, visibility, etc. from this model. If the unit suffers Perils of the
(Sanctic 1 1 1 1 Warp, is suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units
Squad) within 6" with only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp cause the last model
in the manifesting unit to be slain.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Save Ref

Grey Knight 6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7 3+

Grey Knight
6" 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 8 3+

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Ref

Nemesis Force
Melee Melee +1 -2 D3 -

Psycannon 24" Heavy 4 7 -1 1 -

Storm bolter 24" Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1 -

Elites [35 PL, 559pts]

Paladin Ancient [7 PL, 160pts]

And They Shall Know No Fear, Crux Terminatus, Daemon Hunters, Rites of Banishment, Sacred Banner, Teleport Strike

Incinerator [20pts]
Incinerator (Terminator) [20pts]

Name Range Details Ref

If manifested, pick a friendly (Grey Knight) unit within 12" of the psyker. Add
Hammerhand 6 12" 1 to any wound rolls you make for that unit's Melee weapon until the start of
your next Psychic phase.

Smite (Rites of If manifested, the closest enemy unit within 12" suffers 1 mortal wounds;
5 12"
Banishment) unless target is a Daemon, in which case it causes 3 mortal wounds.

Name Cast Deny Powers Known Other Ref

Psyker (Sanctic
1 1 1 Sanctic

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Save Ref

5" 2+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 8 2+

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Ref

Frag grenade 6" 3 0 1 -

Incinerator 8" 6 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its targets.

Krak grenade 6" 6 -1 D3 -

Each time you roll a 6+ for this weapon when targeting a (Psyker) or
Psyk-out Grenade
6" 2 0 1 (Daemon), the target suffers a mortal wound instead of the normal
Grenade D3

Paladin Squad [19 PL, 220pts]

And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, Crux Terminatus, Daemon Hunters, Rites of Banishment, Teleport Strike
Vortex of Doom

3x Paladin (Sword) [165pts]

3x Storm Bolter [6pts]

Paragon [55pts]
Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter [2pts]
Name Range Details Ref

Smite (Rites of If manifested, the closest enemy unit within 12" suffers 1 mortal wounds; unless
5 12"
Banishment) target is a Daemon, in which case it causes 3 mortal wounds.

If manifested, a vortex opens above the nearest visible enemy model within 12"
of the psyker. That model's unit, and every other unit within 3" of that model
Vortex of Doom 8 12"
suffers D3 mortal wounds. The number of mortal wounds inflicted is increased to
D6 if the power is manifested with a Psychic test of 12+.

Name Cast Deny Other Ref

When manifesting of denying a psychic power, first select a model in the unit -
Psyker measure range, visibility, etc. from this model. If the unit suffers Perils of the
(Sanctic 1 1 1 1 Warp, is suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units
Squad) within 6" with only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp cause the last model
in the manifesting unit to be slain.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Save Ref

Paladin 5" 3+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 8 2+

Paragon 5" 2+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 9 2+

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Ref

Frag grenade 6" 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6" 6 -1 D3 -

Melee Melee User -3 D3 -
Force Sword

Each time you roll a 6+ for this weapon when targeting a (Psyker)
Psyk-out Grenade
6" 2 0 1 or (Daemon), the target suffers a mortal wound instead of the
Grenade D3
normal damage.

Storm bolter 24" 4 0 1 -
Fire 2

Venerable Dreadnought [9 PL, 179pts]

Daemon Hunters, Explodes, Rites of Banishment, Smoke Launchers, Unyielding Ancient
Dreadnought Combat Weapon (storm bolter) [42pts], Gate of Infinity, Multi-melta [27pts], Psyker (Sanctic 1)

Name Range Details Ref

If manifested pick a friendly Grey Knight unit within 12" of the psyker. Remove
Gate of Infinity 6 12 that unit from the battlefield and immediately set it up anywhere on the
battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy model.

Smite (Rites of If manifested, the closest enemy unit within 12" suffers 1 mortal wounds;
5 12"
Banishment) unless target is a Daemon, in which case it causes 3 mortal wounds.

Name Cast Deny Powers Known Other Ref

Psyker (Sanctic
1 1 1 Sanctic

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Save Ref

6" 2+ 2+ 6 7 8 4 8 3+

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Ref

Melee Melee x2 -3 3 -
combat weapon
If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice
Multi-melta 24" Heavy 1 8 -4 D6
when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result.

Storm bolter 24" 4 0 1 -
Fire 2

Selection Rules
3: Unyielding Anvil: Friendly Grey Knights units that are within 6" of your Warlord automatically pass Morale tests.
And They Shall Know No Fear: You can re-roll failed Morale tests for this unit.
Combat Squads: Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, if this units contains 10 models it may be split into two units, each
containing 5 models.
Crux Terminatus: All models in this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
Curiass of Sacrifice: (Infantry) model only. Roll a D6 each time the bearer loses a wound. On a 5+, the damage is ignored and the bearer
does not lose a wound.
Daemon Hunters: If this unit attacks any Daemon in the Fight phase, you can re-roll failed wound rolls for those attacks.
Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark.
On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save.
Litanies of Hate: You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly Grey Knight units within 6" of this model.
Psychic Locus: When a friendly Grey Knights units within 6" of a (Brother-Captains) manifests the Smite power, double its range.
Rites of Banishment: When this unit manifests the Smite psychic power, it has a range of 12" rather than 18". Additionally, the target unit
suffers only 1 mortal wound rather than D3 (whether or not the result of the Psychic test is more than 10) - unless the target is a Daemon in
which case it suffers 3 mortal wounds instead of D3.
Rosarius: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save.
Sacred Banner: Friendly Grey Knights units within 6" of any sacred banners add 1 to their Leadership characteristics. In addition, models from
friendly Grey Knights Infantry units that are within 6" of any sacred banners when they fight can make 1 additional attack that phase.
Smoke Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this models can use its smoke launchers; if it
does so, until your next Shooting phase your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls that target it.
Spiritual Leaders: All friendly Grey Knights units within 6" of this model can use the Chaplains Leadership instead of thier own.
Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up this unit in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of
any of your Movement phases this unit can teleport into battle - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy
The Strands of Fate: In each of your turns, you can choose to re-roll a single failed hit or wound roll, or a single failed saving throw for Brother-
Captain Stern. However, if you do so, your opponent can re-roll a single failed hit or wound roll, or a single failed saving throw for one of their
models in their next turn.
Unyielding Ancient: Roll a D6 each time this model loses a wound; on a 6 the damage is ignored and that wound is not lost.

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