Anne Frank Lesson Plans 6th
Anne Frank Lesson Plans 6th
Anne Frank Lesson Plans 6th
Lesson Structure Abby’s Lessons Abby’s Lessons Snow Day 1. Sentence Quiz 1. SR
1. Do now: 2. Introduction to 2. Video & Notes
10 minutes the Timeline on the Rise of
2. Mini Lesson/Active Activity Hilter
Learning checking 3. Timeline Activity: -read aloud
for understanding group work summary
strategy -read, underline 3. Read diary
15 minutes certain information, entries from a
3. Guided place card under Jewish teenager
Practice/Active date who was among
Learning/check for 4. Gallery walk and those confined by
understanding discussion
strategy 5. Shout outs the Nazis in
10 minutes ghettos.
4. Application “You 4. Written
do”/checking for response: reflect on
understanding the experience of
strategy reading the
35 minutes powerful diary
5. Exit ticket/ Debrief/ entries and share
Next steps some of their
10 minutes responses
Learning Targets I understand what a I will understand I can prepare an I can create a I can use a
“flashback” is. how events during interview. timeline based on Flashback in my
the Holocaust my interview. writing.
impacted the lives
of real people.
Questions to ask How does a Is it courageous to Why did Anne's What stood out to What are
“flashback” help help someone? actual diary; her your interview as examples of
when story telling? father arranged its important? courage?
-Discuss the immediately after What do we
importance of doing the war's end? define as
the right thing in the “important events”
face of opposition. What makes in our lives?
Lesson Structure 1. SR 1. SR 1. SR 1. SR 1. SR
1. Do now: 2. Mini lesson: 2. Read Scene 3 2. Read Scene 4 2. Read Scene 5 2. Quiz on Act 1
10 minutes “flashback” as a -add Anne’s events -add Anne’s events -add Anne’s 3. Review
2. Mini Lesson/Active literary term to the timeline. to the timeline. events to the “flashback”
Learning checking for 3. Introduce & read 3. (group work) 3. Introduce prompt timeline. 4. Fill out graphic
understanding aloud Scene 1-2: Students research for timeline. 3. Model a organizor for
strategy Anne Frank’s a survivor or 4. students write timeline (of my short story
15 minutes Diary (play rescurer and interview life) using
3. Guided version) create a poster of questions 4. Create a interview
Practice/Active -add Anne’s events their stories of -Create timeline of that notes
Learning/check for to the timeline courage classification for person’s life 5. Shout outs
understanding 4. Create a list of 4. Gallery Walk of important events. for 5-10 years
strategy people that posters Ex: where they 5. Present
10 minutes helped Anne 5. Discuss in class lived, what jobs timelines
4. Application “You Frank’s family. why you think that they had, etc. groups
do”/checking for Discuss briefly person is 5. Exit slip: -shout-outs
understanding their role. courageous. -Review as a class
strategy 5. shout-outs -Shout outs interview potential
35 minutes questions
5. Exit ticket/ Debrief/ -shout-outs
Next steps
10 minutes
Differentiation: Glossay for vocab Provide support for Provide support for Provide support Provide support for
Support Extend support: small groups small groups for small groups small groups
Extra Materials for http://teacher.schola
unable to follow along Purposeful Glossay for vocab Purposeful Glossay for vocab
htm groupings support: groupings support:
http://teacher.schol http://teacher.schol
Glossay for vocab Glossay for vocab
support: s.htm support ss.htm
http://teacher.schol Collaborate on Website: timeline scaffoling: graphic
ss.htm interview questions creator organizer for story
of courage
Assessment for -Participation and -Participation and -Participation and -Participation and -quality of writing
Learning responses during responses during responses during responses during and
discussion. discussion. discussion. discussion critical-thinking
-Galley walk poster -Observational -timeline rubric skills
-quality of writing Assessment of -quiz
and research skills potential interview
as evidenced by questions
students retelling -Ability to create
the story of a quality interview
Holocaust survivor questions
or rescuer.
Homework Finish Scene 1& 2 Finish reading Finish reading Finish reading Finish graphic
scene 3 scene 4 scene 5 organizor for story
of courage
Interview someone
who you can write
5-10 events on
Week of: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
March 19-23 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12
Learning Targets I can write a short I can write an I can write 2 body I can write a I can revise my
story. introduction paragraphs of a conclusion classmate’s letter.
paragraph of a letter. paragraph of a
letter. letter.
Questions to ask Why did you What are examples Do bad things Anne is a good How can we help
choose this person of courage in this seem to get worse example of strengthen our
to represent play? when they’re kept someone who classmate’s work?
courage? secret? never gives up,
What makes How do others in
someone a the attic compare
“survivor”? with her?
Differentiation: Provide support for Provide support for Provide support for Provide support for Provide support for
Support Extend small groups small groups small groups small groups small groups
Glossay for vocab Glossay for vocab Glossay for vocab Glossay for vocab Glossay for vocab
support: support support support support
http://teacher.schol Scaffolding: Scaffolding: Scaffolding: Scaffolding:
ss.htm Graphic organizor Graphic organizor Graphic organizor Graphic organizor
of introduction of body paragraph of conclusion for revising
elements elements elements
Assessment for -Participation and -Participation and -Participation and -Participation and -Participation and
Learning responses during responses during responses during responses during responses during
discussion. discussion discussion discussion discussion
-quality of writing -letter rubric -letter rubric -letter rubric -letter rubric
and -Introduction para. -body para. -conclusion para. -peer revisions
critical-thinking -quiz on act 2
Homework Finish scene 1 Finish scene 2-3 Finished scene 4 Finish scene 5 Revise letter-due by
Finish story of Work on Work on body Work on conlusion Monday April 2nd
courage introduction of paragraphs of letter *Finish letter (after spring break)
Google Classroom:
Extra acitivty Read:
Students need:
computer, literacy notebook, Pens
Sentence quiz
ID cards (2)
Laws (2)
Google Classroom:
link for materials: diaries & blank document for response
Doc for written response with rubric
Students need:
journal, blank paper, Pens, computer
Video Questions
1. SR (10 minutes)
2. Watch History Channel Video (20 minutes)
a. Students answer video questions (5 minutes)
b. Go over the answers (5 minutes)
c. Discussion(10 mintues)
i. Why is pride so important to people?
ii. Why would people in Germany support this man?
iii. add to timeline missing events
3. Writing what emotions we feel when reading a diary (google doc) (30 minutes)
Prompt: Write one paragraph (5 sentences)
Sentence 1) What emotions did you feel when reading this diary?
Sentence 2) Use a quote from the diary as an example of what made you feel those emotions.
Ex: For example, I felt _____ when I read this sentence, “_______”.
Sentence 3) Does this remind you of current events today? Do we have ghettos?
Sentence 4) Do you relate to anything this girl is saying in her diary?
Sentence 5) Why should we readdiaries like that of the anonymous girl from Łódź? What do you think we can learn from sources like
this diary?
Finish writing paragraph-due monday
Day 3: Monday
I Need:
class list printed
White Board--->write the character roles on the board
White paper
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Google Classroom:
Anne Frank’s diary play
Students need:
journal, blank paper, Play
Anne Frank’s Dairy Play (30)
finish reading scene 1 & 2
Day 4: Tuesday
I Need:
class list printed
Projector & computer connection
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Blank white paper
Poste paper: 8
Google classroom:
website for rescurer/survivor’s bios
Students need:
Computers, play
PRINT: (extra)
Pictures of rescurers/surviors---glue to poster paper
1. SR (10 minutes)
2. Read aloud Play: Scene 3 (10 minutes)
b. add Anne’s events to the timeline on blank white pieces of paper (merit if they find an event)
3. Group work: Students research a survivor or rescurer and create a poster of their stories of courage (30 minutes)
a. Assign groups, assign survivor/rescurer (2 minutes)
i. Count off by 3s=8 groups
4. Gallery Walk of posters (10 minutes)
5. Discuss in class why you think that person is courageous (if time, 5 minutes)
-Shout outs
Finish reading scene 3
Day 5: Wednesday
I Need:
class list printed
White Board
Projector & computer connection
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Blank paper for timeline
Google classroom:
Interview questions doc
Students need:
Colored markers, journal, Play, computer
1. SR (10 minutes)
2. Read aloud: Anne Frank’s Diary (play version) Scene 4 ( 10 minutes)
a. add Anne’s events to the timeline.
3. Introduce prompt for timeline. (10 minutes)
a. Does not have to be family member, students write interview questions to ask
b. As a class, Create classification for important events. Ex: where they lived, what jobs they had, etc.
i. type on computer, project on board
4. Students create a list of questions for interview independently (15 minutes)
a. Meet with absent students, students who need extra help on missing assignments from this week
5. Exit slip: (5 minutes)
-Review as a class interview potential questions
finish reading scene 4
Interview someone couragous
Quiz on Act 1 friday
Day 6: Thursday
I Need:
class list printed
White Board
Projector & computer connection
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Google classroom:
Timeline creator/doc
Students need:
Play, Computers
Finish reading scene 5
Finish timeline
Quiz on Act 1 friday
Day 7: Friday
I need:
class list printed
White Board
Projector & computer connection
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Characters names on the board for re-assigning
Google classroom:
story-Graphic organizor
Students need:
Play, Computers, cut up long strips of paper for timeline
1. SR (10 minutes)
2. Quiz Act 1(20 minutes)
3. Mini lesson: flashblack review, Introduce story prompt (15 minutes)
a. Introduce prompt: write a short story about the person who showed courage from timeline assignment.
4. Students write fill in the graphic organizer of their story. (25 minutes)
5. Share who they chose and why (if have time, 5 minutes)
Finish graphic organizor
Day 8: Monday
I Need:
class list printed
White Board----new roles on the board
Projector & computer connection
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Google classroom:
Timeline rubric doc
Timeline creator website
Students need:
Play, Computers
1. SR (10 minutes)
2. Read aloud Act 2: Scene 1 (20 minutes)
a. Reassign reading roles
3. Review story of courage rubric (10 minutes)
4. Students write a short story using thei graphic organizor (20 minutes)
5. shout-outs
Finish scene 1
Finish story
Day 9: Tuesday
I Need:
class list printed
White Board
Projector & computer connection
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Powerpoint of camps
Google classroom:
Letter prompt
Graphic organizor
Letter draft doc
Students need:
Play, Computers, notebooks
Video questions
1. SR (10 minutes)
2. Read aloud Act 2: Scene 2-3 (10 minutes)
3. Liberated survivor: Watch video (4 minutes)
a. Answer video questions
b. Go over answers (10 minutes)
c. Assess students: write down participators
4. Introduce letter: writing to a Holocaust Survivor (10 minutes)
a. Graphic organizor
5. Students work on letter’s Format & introduction (13 minutes)
Finish scene 2-3
Finish intro of letter
Day 10: Wednesday
I Need:
class list printed
White Board
Projector & computer connection
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Google classroom:
Graphic organizor for body paragraphs
Students need:
Play, Computers
1. SR (10 minutes)
2. Read aloud Scene 4 (10 minutes)
3. Letter: writing to a Holocaust Survivor (10 minutes)
a. Go over graphic organizor
4. Students work on letter’s body paragraphs (23 minutes)
5. Shoutouts (2 minutes)
-finish reading scene 3
-finish writing body paragraphs
-Quiz friday
Day 11: Thursday
I Need:
class list printed
White Board
Projector & computer connection
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Google classroom:
Play reading
Graphic organizor for conclusion
Students need:
Play, Computers
Video questions
1. Read aloud Act 2: Scene 4 (10 minutes)
2. Holocaust survivor:
4 (8 minutes)
a. 0-1:27 (review video questions: what were the ghettos like? How much food were they given?)
b. 2:51-3:41 (review video questions: what happened when Jewish people were brought to Camps?)
c. 4:51-7:18 (discuss-what does he want us, the future, to stop doing?)
3. Go over video questions (10 minutes)
4. Letter: writing to a Holocaust Survivor (10 minutes)
a. Go over graphic organizor
5. Students work on letter’s conclusion (23 minutes)
-Shoutouts (2 minutes)
-finish reading scene 4 & 5
-finish writing conclusion
-QUIZ friday
Day 12: Friday
I Need:
class list printed
White Board
Projector & computer connection
Timer, stop watch visible for students
Google classroom:
Play reading
Graphic organizor for body paragraphs
Students need:
Play, Computers
Anne Frank’s play (30)
1. SR (10 minutes)
2. Quiz Act 2 (15 minutes)
3. Letter: writing to a Holocaust Survivor (10 minutes)
a. Go over graphic organizor for peer revising
4. Students revise their peers (23 minutes)
5. Shoutouts (2 minutes)
Letter due 4/2
Extra Resources:
-interview of Anne Frank’s best friend
To Do:
-day 3 creategraphic organizer for story of courage
-day 5 Act 1 quiz
-day 10 Act 2 quiz
-Graphic organizor: introduction of a letter, body paragraph of a letter, conclusion of a letter
-day 6 timeline of my life, powerpoint on science facts & bio of holocaust survivor
-day 11 holocaust survivor video question
Timeline Rubric: Interview
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Title The timeline has a The timeline has an The timeline has a The title is missing or
creative title that effective title that title that is easy to difficult to locate.
accurately describes accurately describes locate.
the material and is the material and is
easy to locate. easy to locate.
Preparation The student had The student had The student had The student had not
(interview notes about all the notes about almost all notes about most prepared adequate
events and dates s/he the events and dates (~75%) of the events notes before
questions and
wished to include on s/he wished to include and dates s/he beginning to design
notes) the timeline before on the timeline before wished to include on the timeline.
beginning to design beginning to design the timeline before
the timeline. the timeline. beginning to design
the timeline.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Drafting Student devotes a lot of time and Student devotes sufficient time and Student devotes some time and Student devotes little time and
effort to the writing process effort to the writing process effort to the writing process but effort to the writing process.
(prewriting, drafting, reviewing, (prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and was not very thorough. Does Doesn\'t seem to care.
and editing). Works hard to make editing). Works and gets the job enough to get by.
the story wonderful. done.
Introduction First paragraph has a \"grabber\" First paragraph has a weak A catchy beginning was attempted No attempt was made to catch
or catchy beginning. \"grabber\". but was confusing rather than the reader\'s attention in the
catchy. first paragraph.
Focus on The entire story is related to the Most of the story is related to the Some of the story is related to the No attempt has been made to
Assigned Topic assigned topic and allows the assigned topic. The story wanders assigned topic, but a reader does relate the story to the assigned
reader to understand much more off at one point, but the reader can not learn much about the topic. topic.
about the topic. still learn something about the
Organization The story is very well organized. The story is pretty well organized. The story is a little hard to follow. Ideas and scenes seem to be
One idea or scene follows One idea or scene may seem out of The transitions are sometimes not randomly arranged.
another in a logical sequence with place. Clear transitions are used. clear.
clear transitions.
Spelling and There are no spelling or There is one spelling or punctuation There are 2-3 spelling and The final draft has more than 3
Punctuation punctuation errors in the final error in the final draft. punctuation errors in the final spelling and punctuation errors.
draft. Character and place names draft.
that the author invented are
spelled consistently throughout.
Story of Courage Graphic Organizer
1. Flash back
2. Introduce the characters in the story
3. Describe the setting
4. Introduce the problem
5. Build suspense and reveal more information about the problem.
6. What prevents the main character in the story from getting what he/she wants? What does the main character do to continue
to try to get what he/she wants?
7. Climax: Create a dramatic turning point for the story. How does the main character come
face to face with the major problem of the story? How does this experience
change the main character?)
8. (Falling Action/Resolution: Tie up the loose ends and bring the story to a close.
What is the ultimate solution to the main problem? What is the final result
of this solution?)