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General Chemistry Atomic Theory Periodic lfends

The biggest deviations are attributed to the stability associated with a filled s-
shell. The graph may seem confusing at first, because the lowest numbers have
'Jre greatest electron affinity. The numbers listed are energy released upon
:aining an electron, so a negative number refers to an element with a high
rlectron affinity. The sudden increase in electron affinity (energy released upon
an electron) from Be to B, Mg to Al, and Ca to Ga is attributed to the
-rstability of one electron in the p-level. For instance, upol gainilS 1n electron,
:re electionic configuration of Mg goes from 1s22s22p63s2 to 1's22s22p63s23p1,
.'hich creates a new energy level, and is unfavorable. Upon gain{g a-n electron,
--.e electronic configuration of Na goes fromLs22s2zp6ZJ
to 1's22s22P63s2, which
i-Js the s-shell and generates stability. From element 21 to element 30, electron
::f,nity is erratic, because the d-shell stabitity is changing. No trend for electron
-:inity is evident in the transition metals.

-:ke ionization energy, the energy associated with electron affinity depends on
re attraction of an electron to the nucleus, its distance from the nucleus, and the
-:ability of its electronic configuration. Because several factors influence electron
.--irLity, the trend across a period is erratic. In general, an element releases more
::.ergy upon gaining an electron as you move left to right in the periodic table.
-r:astic exceptions occur when there is half-filled stability of the energy level and
:-en there is an s2-shell. In general, an element also releases more energy upon
:,iing an electron as you ascend a column in the periodic table. This is because
,, the number of electronic shells decreases, the new electron is closer to the
- ::leus, and thus the attraction to the nucleus increases.

-:r.ample 2.21
-:.t electron affinity of an element is MOST similar to which of the following
l" Electronegativity
l lonization energy
: Cxidation potential
l, Reduction potential

: : Xution
-- electron affinity for an element measures the energy associated with the gain
: re electron. Choices B and C are out, because both of them deal with losing
.: =-ectron. Electronegativity is not the best choice, because it deals with the
r" r:ng of electrons in a bond, not the gaining of an electron. The best answer is
:.r" : -;e D, reduction potential, because reduction is the gain of an electron. An

, s:..€flt with a high reduction potential has a high electron affinity.

- ;ight @ by The Berkeley Review lo3 Exclusive MCAT Preparation

General Chemistry Atomic Theory Periodic Trends
Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's tendency to gain and retain an fu@

electron from a neighboring atom within a bond. It is formally defined as the tu

ability of an atom to attract towards itself the electrons in a chemical bond. &
Electronegativity is related to both ionization energy and electron affinity. This
is to say that the electronegativity of an atom depends on both the electron
affinity and ionization energy of that atom. Linus Pauling generated a method to
measure electronegativity, and created a scale, referred to as the Pauling scale.
Electronegativity is measured on a relative scale, with the values measured from
the electron distribution within a bond. The standards are 0.9 for sodium and 4.0
for fluorine, and all other values are based on dipole moments associated with
bonds to these atoms.

The electronegativity of an atom increases as the periodic table is ascended,

because as the number of electronic shells decreases, causing the attraction to the 1-

nucleus to increase. The electronegativity of an atom increases as the periodic mr

table is scanned from left to right, because the effective nuclear charge increases. m
The trend in electronegativity is very clean, showing no exceptions. Figure 2-28
reflects these trends.
4.0 m
3.6 mm
3.4 dW
3.0 rilitu
b z.+ &
'E ))
(d -'-
!U 1.8

E 1.6








1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 910 11 12 1,3 14 15 16 17 1.8 19

Atomic Number

Figure 2-28

Copyright @ by The Berkeley Review to,4 The Berkeley Revieu

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