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EPT329: Professional Experience Goals

Goal and Rationale Action Evidence

Goal 1: Professional  Consult with  Lesson Plan examples
Knowledge supervising teacher containing annotations
To utilise a variety of teaching about student’s describing the varied
strategies that cater to multiple abilities and needs. teaching strategies
learning styles.  Develop a thorough  Documented strategies
understanding of the and their level of
This aligns with Standard 1.5: content and implement effectiveness
Differentiate teaching to meet strategies that promote  Student work samples
the specific learning needs of engagement for a that incorporated these
students across the full range variety of students. visual and written
of abilities  Develop lesson plans strategies
that encompasses
Rationale different teaching
Upon reviewing my lesson strategies that cater
plans from my last professional different learning
experience placement, I styles.
identified an area of
improvement through utilising
more strategies to meet a
wider array of needs. When
planning tasks on my EPT218
placement, I rarely catered my
strategies for multiple needs
and academic levels. I aim to
understand the specific needs
of students in my classroom in
order to provide adequate
support to promote positive
engagement in the content.
Goal 2: Professional Practise  Ensure students are  Lesson plans with
To utilise effective teaching attentive and focused accompanying
strategies and communication before I present annotations of
techniques to present clear instruction. strategies used
and concise instruction to  Utilise strategies such  Copies of supervising
students regarding activities as verbal cues to bring teachers feedback of
and behaviour. back focus when the lesson and rating
students are exhibiting of strategies.
This aligns with Standard 3.5: signs of disinterest.  Final placement report
Demonstrate the capacity to  Make instructions clear
organise classroom activities and concise.
and provide clear directions  Implement the ‘thumbs
up, thumbs middle,
Rationale: Upon reviewing my thumbs down’ scale
last professional placement, I after instruction to
received constructive feedback determine whether
from my student liaison officer students have
that focused on strategies to understood.
improve my communication  Use a variety of verbal
and directions to the class. I and visual ways to
need to ensure that students present instruction.
understand the instructions
through clear, explicit means
and in ways that is engaging
for all students.
Goal 3: Professional  Observe supervising  Copies of supervising
Engagement teacher during lessons teacher’s feedback
To engage with secondary in areas of:  Annotated
teachers on best practise to o behaviour conversation with
adapt my pedagogy to meet management supervising teacher
the needs of secondary o providing  Final Placement
students. instruction Report
o multiple
This aligns with Standard 6.3: teaching
Engage with colleagues and strategies
improve practice  Consult regularly with
my supervising teacher
Rationale: Upon reviewing my on how to best
professional placement report, approach certain
my supervising teacher situations within the
emphasised the need to classroom
develop my own personal  Seek regular feedback
pedagogy. As I’m entering into from my supervising
the secondary context, I aim to teacher
consult with my supervising  Apply multiple theories
teacher and other members of and practises that I
staff to gain perspectives on have researched since
best practises to help me my last placement.
develop my own pedagogy in a
secondary context.

Other aims for Professional Placement:

I aim to consistently engage and consult with my supervising teacher and other members of staff
through attending regular meetings to enhance my own teaching practise.
I endeavour to improve my organisational skills and better my planning practises for lessons.
I aim to create positive relationships with my students which is a critical aspect in creating a
positive learning environment.

Teacher Education Student __________________________________ Date: ________________

Supervising Teacher: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Subject Coordinator: __________________________________ Date: ________________

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