Final Research Chapter 1 5

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A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Course Specialists of the Open and Distance Education
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Lopez, Quezon Center

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Degree Master in Educational Management






Background of the Study………………………………………………………………1

The Theoretical Paradigm……………………………………………….…………..4

The Theoretical Framework……………………………………………….…………4

The Conceptual Paradigm……………………………………………………………5

The Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………....6

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………….7

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………….……………………8

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………….....9

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………..11


Foreign and Local Literature and Studies………………………………………..12

Synthesis of the Related Review and Studies…………………………………..17


Research Design…………………………………………………………………. 19

Sampling Procedure……………………………………………………………… 19
Description of Respondents of the Study………..……………………………………..20

Research Instrument……………………………………………………………………..20

Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………….…21

Statistical Treatment of Data…………………………………………………...............21




CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………………………37

Chapter 1



Earth is currently facing lot of environmental concerns such as global warming,

acid rain, air pollution, urban sprawl, waste disposal, ozone layer depletion, water

pollution, climate change and many more that affect every human, animal and nation on

this planet. This realization made many agencies to do something about it, which lead to

the implementation of different programs and activities for the retrieval of our planet.

The environmental awareness in the Philippines was set out in the 1987

Philippine Constitution which stipulates that “The State shall protect and advance the

right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and

harmony of nature.”

In 1991, our government has addressed this issue in thrust to achieve

sustainable development with the formulation of the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable

Development. As a result, the country officially adopted the Philippine Agenda 21 which

serves as the nation’s blueprint for sustainable development. During the same year,

government agencies and the Philippine Network on Climate Change were convened to

create the Inter-Agency Committee on Climate Change (IACCC) lead by the Bureau of

the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The Philippine

commitment to address global environmental issues was further manifested by its

support to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)

ratified on August 2, 1994 and the Kyoto Protocol, which was ratified on November 20,

2003. (

Also, the Philippines passed and implemented national measures that advance

the international community’s agenda pertaining to environmental preservation. Some of

the major legislations enacted were R.A. 8749 (Clean Air Act of 19 Act of 1999), R.A.

8435 (Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997), R. A. 9003 (Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000), R.A. 9229 (Climate Change Act of 2009) and R.A. 9275

(Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004).

Just like other agencies, the Department of Education also contributes on the

campaign against environmental concerns. For they believe that the key to retrieval of

the Earth is through education. Educating the children and the world on the effects and

consequences of the bad habits humans been doing to jeopardize the safety of the world

we live in. This led to the implementation of the DepEd Order No. 52 s. 2011 entitled

“Strengthening Environmental Education in Public and Private Schools” , which contains

a mandate for the Department of Education – Center for Students and Co – Curricular

Affairs (DepED-CSCA) to lead pupils and students’ environmental programs, projects,

activities and advocacies in schools, and formulate, design and develop various forms in

connection with the application, registration, establishment, assessment, monitoring and

evaluation of the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES –O) in public and

private schools.

In addition with this, the department also came up with the DepEd Order No. 72,

series of 2003, which establishes YES-O as the only co-curricular environmental club or

organization in schools. It consolidates all other environmental and/or ecology clubs or

organizations in schools with main and primary programs or projects for the

environment. The YES-O, Youth for Environment in School Organization is a classic

example of a young people’s academic, civic and political participation, which continues

to increase in nurturing our environment. Organizations and government programs are


working to further boost opportunities for youth to participate for it has direct implications

for their well-being both now and in the future. The natural environment must be

maintained and preserved for both present and future generations This effort believes

that starting them young in the ways of environmentalism help secure a clean and

healthy environment for generations to come..

For this reason, the Schools Administrators, YES-O Advisers, and teachers

made sure that the YES-O Related Programs has been continuously implemented

among schools. However, that in spite of the efforts exerted by the schools all over the

Philippines, the problem underlies on the level of implementation of the program.

In the First District of Camarines Norte, the implementation of the YES-O Related

Program is still minimal. The participation of the pupils in this area can hardly be seen.

The attitudes radiated by the school inside and outside the classrooms remain hidden.

The researcher, like other implementers expect that sooner or later, the level of

implementation could be seen and felt by the public.

To avoid frustrations on the part of the implementers, teachers and YES-O

Advisers, the researcher wants to find out the “Level of the Implementation of YES – O

Related Program in the First District of Camarines Norte: as Basis for Enhancement

Theoretical Paradigm:

Nigthingale’s Theory of Environmental

Implementation of YES-O
Learners’ response

Safe and Healthy Environment

Theoretical Framework:

The research study entitled, “Level of implementation of YES - O Related

Programs in the First District of Camarines Norte: Basis for Enhancement Program”. It

wants to deliberate how the YES-O Related Programs can help the surroundings in

reducing the garbage and have a safe and clean environment to live in.

The next statement was cited by Paul B. Tchounwou in relation with the YES-O Related

Programs and how does it affects to achieve a better and clean environment:

“Currently, use and disposal of plastic by consumers through waste management

an activity in Ghana not only creates environmental problems, but also reinforces the

notion of a wasteful society. The magnitude of this problem has led to increasing

pressure from the public for efficient and practical measures to solve the waste problem.

This paper analyses the impact of plastic use and disposal in Ghana. It emphasizes the

need for commitment to proper management of the impacts of plastic waste and

effective environmental management in the country. Sustainable Solid Waste

Management (SSWM) is a critical problem for developing countries with regards to


climate change and greenhouse gas emission, and also the general wellbeing of the

populace. Key themes of this paper are producer responsibility and management of

products at end of life. The paper proposes two theatrical recovery models that can be

used to address the issue of sachet waste in Ghana.”

The researchers continuously have their own further study about YES-O Related

Program. The researchers were agreed upon the statement that shows above. It is

related to the research study because it is pertaining to our environment as well as our

capacity to take good care of it.



Integration in the
Subject Areas OUTPUT

PTA Meetings Improve living

Attend Lectures
INPUT Healthful and Peaceful
School Administrators communities
YES-O Related Program
School Facilities Sanitary and Clean
Dissemination of
Information Waste Reduced

Seminars on YES-O People enjoy a better

Related Program quality of life

YES-O Camp


Feedback Loop

Fig. 2 Conceptual Paradigm

Conceptual Framework 6

With the increase in the number of people, it becomes more and more difficult to

maintain the quality and vitality of the environment.

Awareness and concern about the environment can be developed through

Environmental Education – integrating the YES-O Related Programs in the Curriculum.

Through school administrators, this program will be implemented and monitored to meet

the concerns of DepEd and our government that will result to improve the living

conditions, healthful community and school conducive for learning.

There are lessons adopted from the environmental Education modules

developed by the Curriculum development Committee of Mirriam – P.E.A.C.E. in Miriam


The Environmental Education Curriculum is based on seven basic principles.

These principals “explain the cause, effect and objectivity or desirability of environmental

situations; they suggest solutions to environmental problems; they suggest solutions to

environmental problems; they direct environmental behaviour.”

Environmental Education principles cover broad values that the students/pupils

can internalize to enable them to gain environmental awareness and develop

environmentally responsible behaviour.

Some of these principles were first expressed by Barry Commer, a noted

American Environmentalist. They have been rewarded and added to in order to cover

the ideas that have been evolved up to the present state of environmental studies.
Statement of the Problem 7

This research study aims to determine the “Level of Implementation of the YES –

O Related Program in the First District of Camarines Norte: Basis for the Enhancement


Specifically, the study ventures to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the YES-O school coordinators, teachers and

administrators of the public schools in with respect to:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 grade level handling

1.4 type of school enrolled/employed in;

1.5 number of years participating/handling/administering YES-O

Related Programs

2. What are the YES-O Related Programs implemented in the public elementary

schools in the Division of Camarines Norte?

3. What is the level of implementation of the YES-O Program in the public schools

of the Division of Camarines Norte?

4. What are the problems encountered by the school coordinators, teachers and

administrators in the implementation of the YES-O Related Programs?

5. What are the solutions offered by the school coordinators, teachers and

administrators to solve the problems identified?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this research study focuses only on the level of implementation of

the YES – O Related Program in the First District of Camarines Norte.

This research delimits on how those YES – O Programs are manage and

implemented in the school. It also delimits the persons who are the pioneers of those

programs. The Administrators, teachers and the YES-O coordinators as respondents9are

preferred for they are the one who initiated and disseminated to the school population

the YES-O Related Program.

Significance of the Study

The writer believed that the results of this study may help classroom teachers

integrate the YES-O Related program in their daily lessons. Likewise, the significance of

this research will give some ideas and strategies on how to implement the YES-O

Related Programs effectively. It will also enhance pupils’ awareness and assist the

community in attaining a safe and clean world to live in.

Specifically, the result of this study will benefit the following:

 Teachers

The teachers will be aware on the state of the YES –O Related

programs in the school. And because of that awareness they will also

have their own strategy and ways in leading and encouraging their

students in following those programs. This study may guide them in the

selection of learning experiences to the children so that they could be

useful members of the community.

 Administrators

Managerial effectiveness may be attained by school

administrators if their action plans are based on valid data or information.

The programs of the school may be prepared on the basis of the needs

and problems of the children and the community. As an administrator, he

has to make decision and these have to be sound especially if they are

result of research. The results of this study may help the administrator in

the evaluation of the YES-O Related Program to be able to attain a

successful implementation of the program.

 Students

This research also helps the students to be aware on the YES –O

Related programs that were implemented in the said school. They will

develop and exercise their discipline in caring our nature specifically on

their surroundings. This study may also help the pupils become value-

oriented, useful, enlightened and productive. The improvement of the

quality of life in the community provides job opportunities for the parents

of the school children.

 Community

The community will be benefited because they can get an idea

and knowledge as related in caring for the Mother Earth. It can also help

the community to be aware on the YES –O Related programs and

adopts it on their everyday lives.

 Future Researchers

This research can help the future researchers because they will

gain knowledge and ideas about the study. It can also serve as their

reference when it is needed. Researchers need data gathered by

previous researchers so that they could continue to conduct

investigation significant problems that may improve community life. The

data that may be able to future researchers may open other fields for

research that ultimately may bring about community improvement due

the implementation of the YES-O Related Program that are designed to

provide skills and job opportunities for the people as a means of

attaining sustainable development.

Definition of Terms

Consequences – this refers to something that happens as a result of a particular

action or set of conditions

Constitution – this is the system of beliefs and laws by which a country, state, or

organization is governed.

Environmentalism – this refers to the advocates’ preservation of the

environment, as from commercial exploitation

Impacts – this means to have a direct effect

Implementation – this means to begin to do or use (something, such as a plan):

to make (something) active or effective

Integration – this refers to the coordination/combination (two or more things) to

form or create something; to unite with something else

Opportunity – this refers to the amount of time or a situation in which something

can be done.

Sustainable – this refers to the involving methods that do not completely use up

or destroy natural resources.

YES-O – this refers to the Youth for Environment in School Organization, the

only co-curricular environmental club or organization in schools.



Related Literature

Another method, which sets off before waste disposal is waste reduction through

recycling or often coined as the 3 R’s: Re-use, reduce, and recycle. On the local or

regional level, reducing wastes is accomplished through these methods by source

separation and subsequent material recovery.

Currently, the United States recycles about 10% of its glass and 25%of its paper

wastes; in countries such as Switzerland and the Netherlands, the proportion in the

glass recycled approaches to 50% while Japan recycles 50%of its paper wastes

(Montgomery, 2000).

Solid waste is broadly defined as including non-hazardous industrial, commercial

and domestic refuse including household organic trash, street sweepings, hospital and

institutional garbage, and construction wastes; generally sludge and human waste are

regarded as a liquid waste problem outside the scope of MSW (Zerbock, 2003).

Waste Management in Developed Countries Brought basically by their more

developed industries and more advanced technology, developed nations have more

efficient and standard liquid waste management plans. Developed countries, however,

still employ different methods of waste disposal (which largely depends on a country’s

policies and preferences). The large amount of solid waste (including its collection,

transfer and disposal) generated in developed nations has been generally assumed by

municipal governments. The format varies, however, in most urban areas, where

garbage is collected either by a government agency or private contractor, and this


constitutes a basic and expected government function in the developed world. (Zerbock,


There exists no definitive definition in the literature of ‘zero waste,’ but rather

several definitions, each with their own scope and focus. In the 1970s, Paul Palmer— a

chemist from the City of Oakland—coined the term ‘zero waste.’ Palmer’s focus was on

the reduction of the amount of chemicals produced and disposed of in the electronic

industry (Palmer, 2005).

On the other hand, YES-O Related Program is effective in many places but there

are still places that garbage not reduces even it were implemented. There are some

factors that may affect the implementation of the YES-O Related Program. Waste can be

described as "any substance or object the holder discards, intends to discard or is

required to discard", as defined by the Waste Framework Directive (European Directive

(WFD) 2006/12/EC).

The primary emphasis for Oakland’s Zero Waste Strategic Plan is to reduce

generation from producers and in homes by encouraging changes in personal

consumption. However, a cautionary tale from decades of waste management efforts in

Europe—a continent plagued with waste issues for centuries—has shown that an

emphasis in the production process is not enough to reduce the environmental efforts

caused by waste generation. Consumption-related emissions and wastes in Europe

have risen, even after attempts to reduce waste generation in production and

consumption patterns (Christensen, 2011, p. 183-192).

YES – O Program is not simply about putting an end-of-pipe solution. That is

why, it herald fundamental change. Aiming for zero waste means designing products

and packaging with house and recycling in mind. It means closing the gap between

landfill prices and their products and packaging. It means making manufacturers take

responsibility for the entire life cycle of their products and packaging. Zero Waste efforts

just like recycling efforts before, will change the face of solid waste management in the

future. Instead of managing waste, we will manage resources and strive to eliminate

waste. (Cyndra, 2015)

A waste disposal system usually refers to a selected technique, strategy, or

device accustomed treat waste materials. This might embody the gathering,

transportation, recycling, disposal, or process of waste. The employment of waste

management systems varies in step with each the sorts of stuff to be treated and

therefore the aims of the treatment itself. In general, waste management systems plan to

curb waste for reasons like public health threats, environmental issues, or the overall

look of a location. (Thomas, 1998.)

There are negative issues, however, in the use of this burning method and much

of that circulate around its safety for the environment and to the human health. It is

argued that the combustion process creates air pollution, ash, and waste water, all of

which must be properly managed using technical monitoring, containment, and

treatment systems. Harmful pollutants are released into the environment whenever

these by-products are not controlled (US EPA, 2009).

Related Studies

In November 2000, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary endorsed the

concept of Zero- Waste. The region officially adopted it later as a waste management

strategy in March 2002. The new strategy, called “Bringing Zero Waste to Kootenay

Boundary- A Strategy for a Waste Free Future” provides a blueprint for moving from

concept to implementation. It consists of eight initiatives to be pursued at the local level


and ten initiatives involving local government efforts to influence change at the provincial

level. The strategy is broad- based, targeting increased materials efficiencies in

businesses, local economic development through “resource recovery” and public policy

renewal to facilitate the development of a Zero-waste economy.

On May 26, 2006 Metro Vancouver (Formerly Greater Vancouver Regional

District) directors voted unanimously to adopt a Zero waste philosophy. In 2009, the

region officially launched the Zero waste challenge, with an interim goal of a 70%

diversion rate. Recently, Metro Vancouver announced plans to ban residential organics

from landfills and transfer stations. The Cities of Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, New

Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, and Port Moody have already implemented

residential organics collection programs. The City of Surrey is currently running a pilot


In June 2006, Recycling Council of British Columbia (Canada) redefined its

mission statement to be a multi-sectorial organization promoting Zero-Waste through

information services, the exchange of ideas, and research. A milestone for RCBC as

more and more regions in the province moves toward making Zero Waste its goal.

The Massachusetts 2010-2020 Solid Waste Master Plan, Pathway to Zero Waste

identified zero waste as a state-wide goal with both environmental and economic

development benefits. YES – O Program is a newer vision formulated in the last two

decades that proposes re-organizing linear waste management of extraction production

consumption disposal into circular economic cycles of Resource production consumption

resource. In part, zero waste helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and toxic

pollution from the current system. The purpose of this thesis was to identify barriers and

challenges to zero waste in Massachusetts and gather legislative and economic


strategies to overcome these barriers through evaluating successful zero waste

initiatives throughout the United States.

Cities all over the world are setting zero waste goals. In the United States, most

of the places that have adopted zero waste goals are at the municipal, county or regional

level. According to the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA) (Liss, 2013), California

is the only state that has officially adopted a zero waste goal.

According to ZWIA, the majority of zero waste Places in the U.S. are found in

California. Massachusetts has established a plan to forward a zero waste agenda. When

asked via email to be included on the ZWIA list, the response from zero waste

advocates was that the recent moratorium lift on Incineration in the state’s most recent

Solid Waste Master Plan excluded them by 5 definition from zero waste (G. Liss and L.

Pledger, personal communication, May 8, 2013).

The modern age is analogous with waste generation. Waste has always been a

part of human life that has increased proportionally with increment in standard of living.

Developed countries contribute more on waste production. Urban civilization and its

influence has convince the developing world that production of waste is step taken

towards development, and this step causes the unplanned and non-engineered society.

This type of society will sooner be considered as ghetto as the management fails and

also the production fails to meet the consumption. Waste, which is generated from these

places, lacks proper treatment and epidemic diseases are spread in the environment

causing global effect. Technologies associated with development are more or less waste

contributors to our surroundings. Nuclear power plants, chemical industries,

agrochemical industries, hospitals, vehicles, waste energy power plants are all waste

generators (toxic). Depending upon the origin and toxicity of waste, they are dealt with in

the following sub-headings. (Conway, Warner, Wiles, Duckett EJ, Frick, 1989.)

Waste Management Group (2008), Environmental sustainability and waste

management are the most important issues of our time. An important step towards

achieving environmental sustainability and responsible waste management involves

reducing our impact on the environment. It is through the successful implementation of

our waste management and diversion programs that we commit us to continually satisfy

our client's needs. The main principals that are employed by Zero Waste Management

Group involve resource preservation and waste reduction. These are the core

fundamental components of the 'Zero Waste Philosophy'. This is done by means of

recycling all potential waste and reusing those materials in different ways, creating a

circular system of use Andre-use. Implementing this philosophy, bring solutions to all

segments of society. This is demonstrated by our commitment to work with and provide

efficient solutions to individuals, groups and municipalities.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and Studies

The format varies, however, in most urban areas, where garbage is collected

either by a government agency or private contractor, and this constitutes a basic and

expected government function in the developed world. (Zerbock, 2003). Societies

promoting some waste management that can help to promote a better quality


YES – O is not simply about putting an end-of-pipe solution. That is why, it herald

fundamental change. Aiming for zero waste means designing products and packaging

with house and recycling in mind. (Cyndra, 2015). In modern times, people consumes a

lot in using some machineries to survive every day. It helps us to make our own works

finish easily. It continues to flows everywhere that we lived.

In general, waste management systems plan to curb waste for reasons like

public health threats, environmental issues, or the overall look of a location. (Thomas,

1998.) There are many negative effects of environmental issues that will surely affects

out health status. It looks like that in a society, it is very important to have a zero waste

program in order to promote an environmental awareness to every one of us.

The researcher wants to discover the similarities and differences of implementing

YES – O Programs in every school and how it can be improved.




Method of Research

This study will make use of the descriptive – normative survey method in order to

achieve the goal and objectives set for the present investigation. The reason for using

the particular research method lies in the fact that the study is mainly status-trend and

attempts to evaluate the implementation of YES-O Related Programs of public schools

in the First District of Camarines Norte.

The normative survey method will also be used because the researcher will go

from one school to another to gather data and ascertain if the public elementary schools

implement YES-O Related Programs based on the guidelines and regulations set by

Department of Education.

Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique

Based on the data furnished by the Department of Education, Camarines Norte

to the researcher, there were 20 public elementary schools in the First Distrcit of

Camarines Norte which constitutes the 20 YES-O schools coordinators, 13 school

administrators and 150 teachers of the same district. The data furnished by the DepEd

were most helpful since the researcher accurately identified the number of elementary

schools and the number of YES-O advisers, most particularly in selecting the population

involved in the research.

The sampling method used was descriptive – normative survey method where

the YES – O coordinators, teachers and administrators are selected for the purpose of

the study. Teachers with such experience in joining/administering/supervising the YES-O


related programs are used as respondents, given that a letter of permission was

requested. From the total number of teachers with such experience, the desired

information was determined.

Description of Respondents

The population frame of the study consists of the public elementary school

coordinators, teachers, and administrators in the First District of Camarines Norte.

Twenty (20) public schools YES-O Coordinators/Advisers, one hundred fifty (150)

teachers and thirteen (13) administrators as representative of all the elementary schools

in the First District of Camarines Norte as respondents of the study will be chosen

through simple random sampling procedure.

Research Instrument

This study will make use of only one set of questionnaire good for the school

coordinators, teachers and administrators. The questionnaire contains the same items

constituting the perceptions of respondents on the evaluation of YES-O Related


Part 1 of the questionnaire deals on the personal data of the respondents such

as age, sex, type of school enrolled/employed in, number of school years

participating/handling/supervising YES-O Related programs during the year. The

respondents will be asked to place a check mark ( / ) on the space provided for the


Part II of the questionnaire is composed of items which determine the different

YES-O Related activities currently organized and how these are implemented in the

public schools; the perceptions of the school coordinators, teachers and administrators

on the extent of awareness of the organizational objectives; values derived by the

students in participating in YES-O Related Programs and activities; benefits enjoyed an

effects of YES-O Related Programs on the academic grades of pupils. Problems

encountered by the respondents will also be included.

Data – Gathering Procedure

Upon the approval of the questionnaire by the adviser, the researcher will

request permission from the Schools Division Superintendent to conduct the study.

A dry – run will be conducted first to ensure that the questionaires are all clear to

the respondents. After this trial, finalization of the questionnaire will be done.

Questionnaires will be reproduced for final administration. The researcher will administer

this questionnaire personally to ensure one hundred percent retrieval.

The needed data for the pupils will be obtained by consulting Form 1, the

cumulative records, and by interviewing the teachers concerned. To make the needed

information more reliable, informal interviews will be conducted to the school

coordinators, teachers, and administrators.

Statistical Treatment of Data

For better and more reliable results, the following statistical treatment will be

employed in this study.

To determine the profile of the respondents with respects to age, sex, number of

years when they participated/handled/administered YES –O Related Programs, number

of YES-O Related Activities participated/handled/administered and number of trainings

on YES-O Related Programs attended, the frequency and percentage of variables will

be employed as reinforced by the ranking method.


To determine the YES-O Related Programs implemented in the elementary

schools in the First District of Camarines Norte, the frequency and percentage of

variables will be employed as reinforced by the ranking method.

To find out the perception of the respondents on the extent of awareness on the

organizational objectives, the values derived by pupils in joining YES-O Related

Programs, and the benefits enjoyed in joining YES-O Related Activities. Effects of YES-

O Related Programs on the academic grades of the pupils, problems encountered and

the solutions to these problems, frequency, and weighted mean procedures will be


To find out the significant differences on the perceptions among the pupils,

teachers, and administrators on the implementation of YES-O Related programs, the

Analysis of Variance or ANOVA will be used.

According to Alcausin et al., Analysis of Variance is a comparison test used to

determine the significant difference among normal population means. This test is a

generalization of the Z and t-tests of two or more normal population means. This was

developed by Sir Ronald A. Fisher. The following assumptions should be met in the use


3 The various groups are assumed to be with normal populations.

4 The variances of the different groups are assumed to be equal.

5 The random samples in the groups should be independent.

Only when all the assumptions are met will be the results of the analysis of

variance be valid.
Chapter 4


1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1.1
Age Profile of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

20-25 7 11.11
26-30 14 22.22
31-35 28 44.44
36-above 14 22.22
TOTAL 63 100

Table 2 shows the age of the respondents from the multigrade teachers in the

Lopez East District. It can be discerned from the table that most of the teachers teaching

in multigrade schools are ages ranging from 26 to 30 which is the 22.22% of the total

population and from the ages ranging 20 to 25 which got the 25.00% of the total

population. These results indicate that most of the teachers assigned in multigrade

schools are the newly hired teachers. While the remaining teachers who are in age

range of 31 to 35 got the third highest percentage with 22.73 or 10 teachers out of 44

multigrade teachers in Lopez East District. The researcher assumed that the main

reason why there are few teachers with the age ranging 36-40 and above are assigned

in a multigrade schools for the reason that schools under multigrade are commonly

located in the far flung areas which can only be reached by walking for more than an

hour or by riding habal-habal if the road is not muddy due to excessive raining. One of

the reasons also is that the district supervisors are transferring the teachers due to

having newly hired teachers. They are giving way to the teachers who are teaching for

more than two years in multigrade schools to select if they want to transfer to nearer

schools in town.
Table 1.2
Civil Status Profile of the Respondents

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 14 31.82%
Married 30 68.18%
TOTAL 44 100.00

The table regarding the civil status of the respondents shows that more than half

of the total population of the multigrade teachers in the Lopez East District was married.

It can be discern from this table also that 31.82% of the respondents are single. The

results indicate also that there are no multigrade teachers who are annulled and


Table 1.3
Length of Service Profile of the Respondents

Length of Service Frequency Percentage

Less than a year – 5
years 28.57
6 – 10 years 20 31.75
11 – 15 years 14 22.22
16 – 20 years 7 11.11
21-above 4 6.35

Majority of the respondents were serving the school for less than a year – 5

years with a frequency of 23 (52%). This was followed by those 6 – 10 years in service

with a frequency of 13 (30%). Six (6) respondents were serving the school for 11 – 15

years. And, those serving the school for 16 – 20 years had the frequency of 2 (5 %). This

only indicates that teachers in multigrade schools are being transferred in to school near

in town after a year or couple of years. They are being changed by newly hired teachers

who are not well-experienced in handling multigrade classes.

Table 1.4
No. of YES-O Activities Participated

Frequency Percentage
Only 1 38 60.32
Two 16 25.40
Three 9 14.29
Total 63 100

Table 1.5
The School Size of the Respondents

Frequency Percentage
Large 7 35
Medium 3 15
Small 10 50
Total 20 100

Table 1.6
No. of Times attended In-Service Training Program or
Training/Seminars related to Science

Frequency Percentage
Once 39 61.90
Twice 20 31.75
Thrice 4 6.35
Total 63 100



Jackson/Evans, Effects of Pollution”, Spaceship Earth, earth Science, p. 550, 1973

Garcia, Bienvenido, “national Pollution Control Commission”, saving the Earth, p.


Deuna, Melecio C. et. Al., “Land and Soil Pollution” Environment Science for Philippine

High School, p. 211, 1998

Alcausin, Garcia and Manikis, “ Fundamentals of Statistics with Application, p. 163, 1989

Pagoso, Cristobal M. et al, Fundamental Statistics for College Students, p. 216, 1987

Unpublished Master’s Thesis/Dissertation

Manalo, Wilfredo C. , An Evaluative Study of Co-Curricular Activities in the Division of

Camarines Norte

Baay, Danilo, “ Implementation of DECS Thrust Program in Paracale District

(Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Mabini Colleges, Daet, Camarines Norte)

Journals/ Magazines

Mendoza, Agugusto T. “An Approach to Zero Waste Management” Modern teacher, p.

19, June 2000

DECS Order No. 54, series 1995, :War on Waste Crusade” , DECS Pasay City, dated

August 20

Direction: This questionnaire aims to determine the YES-O Programs of public

elementary schools in the First District of Camarines Norte during the school year 2017
– 2018. The success of the investigation depends upon the sincerity and accuracy of
your answers. Kindly supply all the data sought for by checking the space/box
corresponding to your answer.

Part I – Demographic Profile

1. Age
______ 21 – 25
______26 – 30
______31 and above
2. Sex
______Male ______Female
3. Type of school enrolled in
______Small _____Medium _____ Large
4. Number of school year teaching, managing in YES –O Related activities.
______five years and less
______6 – 10
______11 – 15
______16 – 20
______21 or more
5. Number of YES –O related activities participated in during the school year 2017 -
______more than three
______only one
______none at all
6. Number of in – service trainings attended on YES – O Related Programs.
______more than three
______only one
Part II. YES – O Related Activities Implemented
Direction: Please check ( / ) the YES – O Related Activities currently implemented[-= in
your school. In case your answer is not found in the choices, please include them in the
spaces for others.

How aware are you in the Very Much Little Very Not
organizational objectives of the YES – Much Little at
O activities. all
1. YES – O Camp

2. Tree Planting

3. YES – O Club

4. 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

5. Waste Segregation
6. Others:


Direction: In the implementation of YES – O Related Activities, there are underlying

procedures which are reflected in the following items. Please indicate the extent of
implementation by checking the corresponding columns for:

5 – Very much implemented (VMI)

4 – Much Implemented (MI)
3 – Implemented ( I )
2 – Less Implemented ( LI)
1 – Not implemented (NI)

Extent of Implementation
1. Planning And Organizing of YES – O
1.1 A wide variety of YES-O activities is
offered to meet the needs of the
1.2 The activities are in keeping with
the ideals and practices of the school
subjects to administrative and
supervisory control.
1.3 YES – O Program are included
in the school program.
1.4 Time is provided for the teachers
and student to meet plan and
implement YES-O program.
1.5 Students desiring to form an organization
seek first the approval of the principal.
1.6 The organization of YES – O program is
based on a specific purpose.
1.7 Plan and Organize YES – O Program to:
1.7.1 prepare the students for active life 29
1.7.2. provide opportunity for students to
discover and to develop their skills and
1.7.3. supplement the regular programs
1.7.4 train the student to use leisure time
wisely for personal growth and development.
1.7.5 provide opportunities to develop social
cooperation and citizenship training
2. Membership and Participation in YES
– O Related programs
2.1 All students, rich or poor are
encouraged to participate in YES – O
2.2 Students are free to choose the
YES – O activity they like to join in.
2.3 Membership in the YES –O
activity is voluntary.
2.4 Students who excel in the
academic subjects are allowed to
participate in YES –O activities in the
2.5 Students with academic
deficiencies are allowed to join any
YES-O activities.
3. The Teacher and Sponsor of YES– O 30
3.1 The subjects teachers recognize
the YES –O related activities of their
3.2 The teacher sponsors attend to
YES-O activities regularly.
3.3 The teacher sponsors are
interested of the welfare of the
3.4 The teacher sponsors promote
close relationship with the students.
3.5 The teacher sponsor serves as an
adviser and not a dominator.
3.6 The teachers keep records of the
participation and achievement of
students in YES – O related
3.7 Teachers assigned with class
activities are qualified and
4. Selection of Teachers – Sponsor of
YES –O Activities
4.1 the principal appoints teacher-
sponsor to take charge of YES – O 31
4.2 the principal considers the
knowledge, interests, skills, training of
teachers in the selection of sponsors.
4.3 The students take part in the
selection of teachers sponsors.
5. The Principal and YES – O Activities
5.1 the principal recognizes the
importance of YES-O activities in the
growth and development of the
5.2 the principal encourages the
organization of YES – O activities.
5.3 the principal gives assistance to
teachers and students with YES – O
5.4 The principal sends students and
teachers for trainings and conferences
on YES – O activities.
5.5 The principal sends students and
teachers to participate in YES – O
Related Activities.
6. There YES – O Activities Be
6.1 Whenever possible, YES –O
activities should be held in the school
buildings or in the school premises. 32
7. Equipment, materials and Facilities
7.1 the school initiates the
procurement of equipment, materials
and facilities needed for the effective
implementation of the YES – O
7.2 The school taps the parents
assistance in the procurement of
needed equipment, materials and
7.3 The parents are willing to assist
the school in the procurement of
needed equipment, materials and
7.4 The equipment and materials
procured out of solicited funds from
parents or from any civic spirited
citizens are properly received and
included in the inventory of properties
of the school
8. Financial Management of YES – O
8.1 All funds collected are supported 33
with official receipts
8.2 The treasurer of the organization
maintains a record of funds of the
8.3 the treasurer observes accounting
and auditing procedures in the
8.4 the students take part in the
financial management of the
8.5 The teacher sponsors supervise
closely the funds of the organization.
8.6 Monthly reports in fiscal matters of
the organization are submitted to the
principal for the information.
9. Evaluation of the YES-O Program
9.1 The school provides for a periodic
evaluation of the services and
educational values of YES –O
program of students, to the school
and to the community.
9.2 The school and the community are
kept well – informed of the YES – O
Programs and activities.


Direction: Please check the challenges you have encountered in YES – O Activities.

1. What are the problems you have encountered in

participating/handling/administering YES –O activities.
______inadequate equipment for YES –O activities
______lack of school fund
______poor attitude of parents toward YES – O activities
______teachers involved in YES – O activities are not competent
______poor student-teacher relationship
______lack of time for YES – O Activities
______lack of financial support from parents
______poor communication system
______Others: Please specify__________________________


Identify the possible solution to the existing challenges you have been encountered in

the implementation of YES-O. Put a check mark on the space provided.

________ 1. Create a group chat on messenger for the YES-O coordinators.

________ 2. Create an annual plan for YES-O activities in school level and

district level.

________ 3. Include YES-O equipment in the next annual implementation plan

(AIP) budget of the school.

_________ 4. Involve parents’ participation in the YES-O activities.

_________ 5. Create a fund raising activities for YES-O

_________ 6. Seek assistance from the Local Government Units (LGU):

barangay and municipal level for the YES-O activities.




Date of Birth : March 17, 1989

Age : 28 years old

Place of Birth : Talisay, Camarines Norte

Civil Status : Married

Name of Parents : Godofredo B. Zantua Jr.

Marilou P. Zantua

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Sta. Elena Elementary School

Secondary : Rizal National High School

Tertiary : Camarines Norte State College

Post Graduate : Polytechnic University of the Philippines


Passed Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)

Position : Teacher I

Length of Service : 2 Years

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