Seikel Honors Geometry Extra Credit - Aidan Lavelle
Seikel Honors Geometry Extra Credit - Aidan Lavelle
Seikel Honors Geometry Extra Credit - Aidan Lavelle
1. The 3 undefined terms: point, line, and plane 31. Theorem: A mathematical statement that can be proved
2. Angle: The union of 2 rays with a common endpoint 32. Theorem definition: mathematical statement that can be
3. Angle bisector: If a ray bisects an angle, then it divides the proved
angle into 2 angles of congruent measure 33. Triangle: A union of 3 segments which are joined at their end
4. Angle trisector: If 2 rays trisect an angle, then the 2 rays divide points
the angle into 3 angles of congruent measure 34. A triangle is a _____ of 3 segments.: Union
5. Collinear points: Points that lie on the same line 35. What are the rays in an angle called: Sides
6. A common endpoint: A vertex 36. What is a line: A line is made up of infinitely points. A line
7. Congruent angles: If 2 angles are congruent, then they have the extends indefinitely in both directions.
same measure 37. What you can assume from diagram: 1. straight lines and
8. Congruent angles key word: Measure angles
2. collinearity of points
9. congruent segments key word: Length
3. betweenness of points
10. Congruents segments: If 2 segments are congruent, then they 4. relative positions of points
have the same length
38. What you can't assume form diagram: 1. right angles (needs to
11. Definition: The meaning of a term tell you in the description of the angle)
12. Elements of deductive structure: 1. Postulates 2. congruent segments
2. Definitions 3. congruent angles
3. Theorems 4. relative sizes of segments and angles
4. Undefined terms: Point, line, and plate
13. First theorem in deductive structure: If 2 angles are right
angles, then they are congruent
14. Indicator of congruent angles or segments: Tick mark
15. Is a converse of a definition always true?: Yes
16. Is the converse of a theorem always true?: No
17. Line Segment: A segment is made up of infinite points, but has
a definite beginning and end.
18. Measure of acute angle: Between 0 and 90
19. Measure of obtuse angle: Between 90 and 180
20. Measure of right angle: 90
21. Measure of straight angle: 180
22. Midpoint: If a point is a midpoint of a segment, then it divides
the segment into 2 congruent segments
23. Naming an angle: One letter, a number, or 3 uppercase letters
24. Naming a ray: Name endpoint first with an uppercase letter.
Name another point of ray with an uppercase letter
25. Naming a segment: 2 uppercase letters with a line above them
26. Postulate: An assumption
27. Ray: A ray is made up of infinitely many points. There is an end
point, and another point. The ray can extend indefinitely
beyond that.
28. Second theorem in deductive structure: If 2 angles are straight
angles, then they are congruent
29. Segment bisector: If a point (segment, ray, line) bisects a
segment, then the point (segment, ray, line) divides the
segment into 2 segments of congruent length
30. Segment trisector: If a point (segment, ray, line) trisects a
segment, then the point (segment, ray, line) divides the
segment into 3 segments of congruent length