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Pharmacy - Pre Q Pharm 5 6 Years - 27!02!2018

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Pro-forma for Pre-Qualifiers

(Extension of Duration of Accreditation from 5 years to 6 years and for full accreditation for 6 years)
[Applicable to – UG Pharmacy]

PARTA- Profile of the Institute

A1. Name of the College:- Year of Establishment:-

Location of the College:-

A2. Address:- City:-

State:- Pin Code:-

Website:- E-mail:-

STD Code:- Phone No:-

Fax STD Code:- Fax:-

A3. Head of the Institution:-

Name:- Designation:-

Status of Appointment:-

A4. Contact details of Head of the Institution:-

STD Code:- Telephone No:-

Mobile:- E-mail:-

Fax STD Code:- Fax No:-

A5. Name of the Affiliating University:-

Address:- City:-

State:- Pin Code:-

Website:- E-mail:-

STD Code:- Phone No:-

Fax STD Code:- Fax:-

A6. Type of the Institution:

University Deemed University
Autonomous Any other (Please Specify)

A7. Ownership Status:

Central Government State Government

Grant-in-Aid Self financing

Trust Society
Section 25 Company Any Other (Please specify)

Provide Details:

A8. Students Admissions (Institute level considering all programs):

Item CAY CAYm1 CAYm2 Total

Sanctioned intake

Number of students admitted

% of Students Admitted over last three assessment years

( Total Admitted/Sanctioned Intake )

Table A8
CAY: Current Academic Year
CAYm1: Current Academic Year minus1=Current Assessment Year
CAYm2: Current Academic Year minus 2=Current Assessment Year minus 1

A9. Campus Information:-

Does the College have its own building:-

Sports Complex:-

Canteen and Hostel (If any):-

Medical Room:-

Computer Laboratories:-

Counselling and guidance:-


A10. Names of programs offered by the College:-


Note: - Please mention department wise.

A11. Programs to be considered for Accreditation vide this application.

S. No. Program Name

Table A11

PART B- Program information as per point A11
(To be filled separately for all the programs applied for)

B1. Provide separate Information for each program applied for:-

Name of Increase/decrease
the in intake, if any AICTE
Year Initial
program Year of Approval Accreditation
Sr. No. of Intake (mention the no. of
to be increase Letter Status*
consider- Start seats
ed increased/decreased,

Table B1

* Write applicable one:

 Applying first time

 Granted provisional accreditation for two/ three years for the period(specify period)
 Granted accreditation for 5 /6 years for the period (specify period)
 Not accredited (specify visit dates, year)
 Withdrawn (specify visit dates, year)
 Not eligible for accreditation
 Eligible but not applied

B2. Student Admissions (Program specific):-

Item CAY CAYm1 CAYm2 Total

Sanctioned intake

Number of students admitted

% of Students Admitted over last three assessment years

( Total Admitted/Sanctioned Intake )

Table B2
CAY: Current Academic Year
CAYm1: Current Academic Year minus1=Current Assessment Year
CAYm2: Current Academic Year minus 2=Current Assessment Year minus 1

B3. Information of Faculty

Please provide the list of faculty in the department as per the below format since CAYm3 (2013-
14), please provide separate list for each year till CAY

Date on
Date of
Area which Nature of
Date Currently Leaving
of Designated Association
S. Nam PAN Qualifi Desig of Associat (In case
Specia as (Regular/C
No. e No. cation nation Joini ed Currently
lizatio Professor/ ontract/
ng (Y/N) Associated
n Associate Adjunct)
is “No”)


Table B3


Number of Faculty in the department*

S. No. Designation/Numbers


1. Professor

2. Associate Professor

3. Assistant Professor

4. Number of Ph.D.

Table B3.1
*Atleast one Professor or Associate professor should be available exclusively for the
program under consideration

B3.2. Detail of Head of the Department for the program under consideration:

B.4.Student Faculty Ratio (to be calculated as per the Department):-

(No of Faculty as per the sanctioned intake)
No. of UG Programs in the Department (n): __________
No. of PG Programs in the Department (m): __________
No. of Students in UG 1st Year= u1
No. of Students in UG 2rd Year= u2
No. of Students in UG 3rd Year= u3
No. of Students in UG 4th Year= u4
No. of Students in PG 1st Year= p1
No. of Students in PG 2nd Year= p2

No. of Students = Sanctioned Intake + Actual admitted lateral entry

(The above data to be provided considering all the UG and PG programs of the department)

S = Number of Students in the Department = UG1 + PG1 + PG2

F = Total Number of Regular Faculty Members in the Department

Student Faculty Ratio (SFR) = S/F

Year CAY CAYm1 CAYm2

UG1 u1.1+u1.2+u1.3+u1.4 u1.1+u1.2+u1.3+u1.4 u1.1+u1.2+u1.3+u1.4
PG1 p1.1+p1.2 p1.1+p1.2 p1.1+p1.2
PGm pm.1+pm.2 pm.1+pm.2 pm.1+pm.2
Total No. of
Students in the UG1 + PG1+… + UG1 + PG1+… +
UG1 + PG1 + …PGm=S1
Department PGm= S2 PGm= S3
No. of Faculty
in the
F1 F2 F3
Student Faculty
SFR1=S1/F1 SFR2= S2/F2 SFR3= S3/F3
Ratio (SFR)
Average SFR SFR=(SFR1+SFR2+SFR3)/3

Table B3.3

Minimum 75% should be Regular/ full time faculty and the remaining shall be Contractual
Faculty/Adjunct Faculty/Resource persons from industry as per AICTE norms and standards.
The contractual faculty will be considered for assessment only if a faculty is drawing a salary as
prescribed by the concerned State Government for the contractual faculty in the respective cadre
and who have taught over consecutive 2 semesters.

B5. Placement Ratio

N=No. of Students Z=(No. of students Placed +

Placement Ratio
Year admitted in 1st year selected for higher studies
+ opted Entrepreneurship)



Average Placement Ratio

Table B5

B6. Faculty Cadre Proportion:-

(The reference Faculty cadre proportion is 1:2:6 i.e.; Professor: Associate professor:
Assistant professor)

Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors


Required F1 Available Required F2 Available Required F3 Available




RF1= AF1= RF2= AF2= RF3= AF3=

Table B6

Compliance status to Pre-Visit Qualifiers

Compliance Status
S.N. Pre Visit Qualifiers Current Status (Complied/Not

Essential Qualifiers
1 Vision, Mission & PEOs
i. Are the Vision & Mission
stated in the Prospectus /
ii. Are the PEOs of the Program
listed in the Prospectus /

2 Whether approval of AICTE for

the programs under consideration
has been obtained for all the
years including current year

3 Whether admissions in the

undergraduate programs under
consideration has been more than
% Admission
or equal to 75%* for previous
three academic years including
current academic year.
5 Whether student faculty ratio in
the department of the program
under consideration is better than SFR
or equal to 1:15 averaged for
previous three academic years
including current academic year.
6 Whether at least one Professor
and one Associate Professor
available in the respective
Department during previous two
academic years including current
academic year.
7 Whether the placement
ratio(Placement + higher studies)
is greater than 40%
(average of the last three
assessment years)
8 Whether two batches have
passed out in the programs under
9 Whether HODs possess Ph.D.
10 Whether number of available
faculty with Ph.D. in the
department is greater than or
equal 30% (including the
director) of the required number
of faculty for previous two
academic years including current
academic year.

*Total number of students admitted in first year in the respective program minus number of students
migrated to other programs/ institutions plus the number of students migrated to this program divided by
the sanctioned intake in the respective program.


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