Abstract:: Inderjeet Kaur, Karamdeep Singh, Shivinder Devra, Gagandeep Kaur
Abstract:: Inderjeet Kaur, Karamdeep Singh, Shivinder Devra, Gagandeep Kaur
Abstract:: Inderjeet Kaur, Karamdeep Singh, Shivinder Devra, Gagandeep Kaur
In this article, the bit error rate (BER) analysis of four-wave mixing (FWM) in semiconductor optical amplifier
(SOA) based wavelength converter is carried out for various modulation formats such as carrier suppressed return to-
zero (CSRZ), duo binary return to-zero (DBRZ) and modified duo binary return to-zero (MDBRZ). The performance
analysis is performed at following bit rates: 10 Gbps, 20 Gbps and 40 Gbps. The power penalty of each format is
determined. Lower the power penalty better is the performance. It has been noticed that CSRZ gives better performance
at 10 Gbps while at 20 Gbps DBRZ performs better than the other and again at 40 Gbps line rates, CSRZ exhibits better
performance as compared to two advanced modulation formats.
Keywords — Wavelength conversion, Four Wave Mixing (FWM), Modulation Format, CSRZ, DBRZ, MDBRZ.
multicasting to three different channels of a signal been demonstrated based on exploitation of various
simultaneously at a bit rate of 10 Gbps with the use 2nd order and 3rd order non-linear effects utilizing a
of FWM (four wave mixing) in a highly nonlinear variety of mediums such as SOA, HNLF, PPLN etc.
fiber (HNLF). The channel spacing was noted to be However, it has been observed that there is still
200GHz in C-band and the power penalty was scope of research in evaluation of FWM in single
observed to be less than 2.5 dB. At that time SOA based wavelength converter for various types
multicasting capability was a new feature requested of advanced modulation formats such as CSRZ,
to the physical wavelength converter [10]. DBRZ and MDBRZ. So, in this article, we have
Jansen, S. L. et al. (2005) presented the evaluated the performance of a FWM in a single
demonstration of a compact integrated all-optical SOA based up/down wavelength converter for
wavelength converter based on an asymmetric different advanced modulation formats such as
sagnac loop. It gave the idea of how a 40 Gbps non- CSRZ, DBRZ and MDBRZ in terms of power
return-to-zero data signal could be converted over penalties.
the entire C-band employing an asymmetric Sagnac This article is organized as follows: In section 1 a
loop. A receiver sensitivity power penalty of near brief introduction is provided about the wavelength
about 2.1 dB was measured for both down and up- conversion and the studies that have reported so far
conversion cases [11]. related to field of wavelength converters. Then next in
Zhang, J. et al. (2008) demonstrated flexible section 2, the non-linearity that has been exploited for
wavelength conversion practically. The scheme implementation i.e. for wave mixing (FWM) has been
presented was based on cascaded χ (2) process in a described briefly. In section 3, the wavelength
periodically poled MgO doped LiNbO3 of 20 nm. In conversion and its types have been discussed. In
this scheme, the input signal wavelength could be section 4, the simulation setups of wavelength
directly converted to output wavelengths within conversion have been discussed for various
second harmonic bandwidth (up to 25 nm) [12]. modulation formats. In section 5, Results and
Wu, X. et al. (2009) realized the tunable optical discussion have been elaborated. Conclusions have
wavelength conversion of 10 Gbps signal which was been addressed in section 6.
RF (radio frequency) tone assisted OFDM
(orthogonal frequency-division-multiplexing) signal, 2. 2. Four Wave Mixing
by means of PPLN (periodically poled lithium The terms linear and nonlinear in optics mean
niobate) waveguide. It provided approximated 5 dB intensity independent and intensity-dependent
conversion efficiency over approximated tuning phenomenon respectively. Nonlinear effects in
range of 30nm in C-band. Subcarriers up to 360 and optical fibers happen due to change in the refractive
16 QAM was demonstrated and for that the power index of the medium with optical intensity and
penalty obtained was less than 3dB [13]. inelastic scattering phenomena [17]. FWM (four
Stamatiadis, C. et al. (2011-12) presented an optical wave mixing) is one among them and is a third (χ3)
wavelength conversion of ultra-high speed using a type of non-linearity, which involves wave mixing
hybrid integrated photonic circuit on a silicon-on- process i.e. in this, three signals are injected in a non-
insulator substrate. The chip completed the linear medium and they get mixed under phase
performance for inverted and non-inverted matching condition. As a result of their interaction, a
wavelength conversions up to a bit rate of 160 Gbps forth signal is obtained at the receiver side. There are
along with power penalty of about 4.6dB [14]. mainly two types of FWMs: Degenerate and Non-
Ahmad, H. et al. (2011) reported the demonstration degenerate. In a degenerate FWM, two signals i.e.
of FWM (four wave mixing) generation system pump signal at a particular wavelength (ωpump) and a
experimentally in a 100 m highly nonlinear fiber data signal (ωsignal) are sent to a 3rd order non-linear
(HNLF). Ring configuration was used efficiently for device which can be either HNLF (highly non-linear
the demonstration and it was the first of this kind. fiber) or SOA (Semiconductor Optical amplifier) etc.
The conversion efficiency was measured to be If phase matching conditions are satisfied, then a
approximate -4dB [15]. new signal is generated whose wavelength is
Ji, H. et al. (2012) demonstrated the wavelength determined by the energy conservation rule [18]. i.e.
conversion at 80 Gbps to two copies experimentally. ωconverted1 =2 ω pump – ω signal
This was done by taking out the red-shifted and blue- (1)
shifted sidebands from cross phase modulation
(XPM) in a silicon nanowire simultaneously. Bit It can be said that the converted signal is a copy if its
error rate for both the sidebands was measured to be original signal. The only difference is that it is phase
10-9 and the power penalty of approximate 2 dB was conjugated and its wavelength is converted from that
observed. The power penalty observed was just of the original signal. The degenerate FWM signal
negligible (i.e. < 0.3dB at a bit error rate of 10-3) does not keep the phase of original signal and not
[16]. even the intensity shape [19].
It has been observed from the study of available
literature that various wavelength converters have
Fig. 2 Generalized simulation setup for wavelength converter based on FWM exploitation in SOAs
Fig. 2 represents wavelength converter based on FWM = 1502 nm. These CW wavelengths are then further
exploitation in SOAs. The transmitter includes one filtered with the help of Butterworth optical filter and
inetensity modulated pump signal cneterd at 1548 nm are then fed to optical receiver section comprising of
which has one of suitable modulation format (CSRZ or PIN diode, low-pass filter and a BER analyzer.
DBRZ or MDBRZ) and is kept constant for a particuler Further, as elucidated before, three types of transmitters
observation. The other arm has CW laser centerd at having respective modulation formats have been
1525 nm which serves as probe signal. The optical considered in the presnet study. Fig. 3, 4, 5 show
amplifiers deployed in each branch amplify bith pump transmitter for DBRZ, MDBRZ & CSRZ modulation
and probe signals and then both signals are further fed formats, respectively.They all make use of various
to power combiner (PC). PC combines the two signals components like continuous wave laser, mach-zehnder
and further injectes both signals into SOA. The SOA modulator (MZM) , RZ or NRZ pulse generator etc.
parmeters used in the presen study are elucidated in Firstly, the Duo binary modulation is a format for
Table 1 as follows: sending R bits/sec exploiting less than R/2 Hz of
bandwidth. Duo binary signaling, also known as
Table 1. SOA physical parameter values correlative coding, was initially developed in the period
of electronic communications as a proficient way for
SOA Physical reaching the Nyquist limit [23]. DBRZ transmitter
parameter comprises of different sub-blocks PRBS i.e. pseudo
Injection current (I) 600 mA random binary sequence is the very first block of
Amplifier length (L) 300 µm transmitter which is used to generate PRBS sequence
Active region width (w) 1 µm (difficult to predict and exhibits statistical behavior)
Active region thickness and its output is sent to not gate. After being inverted
0.1 µm
(t) from not gate, the output goes to Duo pre-coder, Duo
Optical confinement pre-coder is basically a technique which uses transmit
factor (Γ) diversity by weighing the information stream. It
Differential gain (Ag) 2.78×10-20 m2 processes the signal and sends it to at two output unit
Transparency carrier i.e. NRZ generator which generates the non-return to
1.4×1024 m3 zero pulse train and duo binary pulse generator. From
density (N0)
Linear recombination here, output branch proceeds to MZM i.e. one output
1.43×108 s-1 directly goes and the other one encounter electric gain
coefficient (Anr)
Bimolecular of -1 unit. At MZM, a third input i.e. the pump signal
recombination 1×10-16 m3 s-1 wavelength also gets included whose data has to be put
coefficient (Bsp) on a different wavelength for wavelength conversion
Auger recombination purpose. The second block of mach zender modulator
3×10-41 m6 s-1 receives one direct sine wave signal and one sine wave
coefficient (Ca)
Initial carrier density (N) 3×1024 m-3 signal with gain of -1 and after being processed, the
output proceeds towards the SOA block. Duo binary
Due to injection of pump and probe signals at Modulation is an effective method in high speed optical
appropriate wavelengths inside above said SOA, FWM transmission systems to improve spectral efficiency
process takes place which gives rise to new FWM [23].
idlers at frequencies ωconverted1 = 1571 nm and ωconverted2
In MDBRZ transmitter, Pseudo random binary electric delay. From the combiner, again two output
sequence (PRBS) generators having the ability to branches rise and reaches the mach zender
generate 27-1 long sequences are used to produce modulator (one output directly and other through
binary data streams [24] and it has two outputs, one electric gain) where a third input from continuous
is return to zero coder and the other one is duo pre- wave laser is added and the merged product walks
coder which weighs the input signal for security off to next mach zender block where two inputs
purpose and further a NRZ coder converts the from sine generator (working at 20 GHz) are
signal to non return to zero format and give two inserted and the further output is processed by SOA
outputs which gets combined i.e. one directly goes [24].
to combiner and the second one after encountering
4. Result and discussion modulation format (DBRZ, MDBRZ & CSRZ). This
The BER calculations have been conducted for back- whole procedure is repeated at 10, 20 and 40 Gbps
to-back signals for each modulation format (DBRZ, line rates. The power penalties in each case have
MDBRZ & CSRZ). Further, BER estimations of been calculated at log (BER) = -9 level. The BER
both up/down converted signals obtained by utilizing results obtained at 10 Gbps line rates are presented in
FWM in a single SOA converter, have been done for Fig. 6 as follows:
MD DUO down
-24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10
Recieved Power
Fig. 6. Bit error rate analysis at 10 Gbps
At 10 Gbps, as shown in Fig. 6, the power penalty is CSRZ down converted and approximated 6 dB for
observed to be approximately, 1.5 dB for DBRZ, CSRZ up converted signal. Further, The BER results
4.4dB for MDBRZ up converted signal, 9.2 dB for obtained at 20 Gbps line rates are presented in Fig. 7
MDBRZ down converted signal and 1.3 dB for as follows:
MD DUO down
-22dBm -20dBm -18dBm -16dBm -14dBm -12dBm -10dBm -8dBm
Recieved Power
Fig. 7 Bit error rate analysis at 20 Gbps
At bit rate of 20 Gbps, as depicted in Fig. 7, dB. It can be noticed from BER calculations at 20
power penalties are observed to be approximately Gbps that DBRZ gives the best performance at 20
2.2 dB for up conversion and 9.6 dB for down Gbps line rates. Additionally, the BER results
conversion for MDBRZ format and it reaches to a obtained at 40 Gbps line rates are presented in Fig.
value 1.1 dB for duo binary up converted signal. 8 as follows:
CSRZ up conversion has a power penalty of 2.7
-22dBm -20dBm -18dBm -16dBm -14dBm -12dBm -10dBm
Received Power
Fig. 8 Bit error rate analysis at 40Gbps
Here, when the observations are taken at 40 Gbps as CSRZ signals, respectively are most suitable
shown in Fig. 8, it can be observed that CSRZ modulation formats.
provides a receiver power penalty of approximate 8
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