Shale Volume: Main Index Page
Shale Volume: Main Index Page
Shale Volume: Main Index Page
This page is a highly abbreviated version of Chapter 11 on this website. For more about shale,
clay types, alternate methods and examples, go to the Main Index Page.
Shale is an imprecise term used to describe a rock composed of clay, silt, and bound water.
The clay type and silt composition can vary considerably from one place to another. These can
be determined from appropriate cross plots of PE, thorium, and potassium logs. The bound
water volume varies with clay type, depth of burial, and burial history. Some shales have not
lost as much water as others at similar depths and are called overpressured shales. Most
shales are radioactive due to potassium and thorium, and sometimes due to uranium.
Shale distribution can vary, as shown above. The shale volume calculations shown below are
insensitive to the shale distribution. However, porosity and water saturation are strongly
affected by laminated shale, so the methods shown in Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 in this handbook
do not apply to laminated shaly sands.
Shale volume estimation is the first calculation step in a log analysis. All other calculations
depend on the shale volume being known from this step.
STEP 1: Convert density log (gm/cc or Kg/m3) to porosity units if a density porosity log is not
available (skip this step if density data is already in porosity units):
1: PHIDSH = (DENSSH – KD2) / (KD1 – KD2) – do this once in an obvious shale zone
2: PHID = (DENS – KD2) / (KD1 – KD2) – do this for every data level
NOTE: The choice for KD2 must match the neutron log units – if neutron is in Limestone units,
KD2 must be 2.71 for gm/cc or 2710 for Kg/m3 log scale.
In radioactive sands, replace the gamma ray method with Thorium method if gamma ray
spectral data is available:
7: Vshth = (TH - TH0) / (TH100 - TH0)
NOTE: Trim Vsh values between 0.0 and 1.0. If too many values fall outside this range, check
the clean and shale parameters. Do not calculate methods which fail to pass all usage rules
listed below.
Do not use GR in radioactive sandstones or carbonates. Use Thorium curve from NGT for
radioactive sandstone, and uranium corrected GR (CGR) curve for radioactive carbonates.
Do not use SP in fresh water formations, salt mud systems, high resistivity zones, or in
Do not use density neutron crossplot when bad hole, gas, or heavy minerals are present.
Do not use the nonlinear young rock model unless there is some evidence that it is needed.
If log analysis porosity is too low, calculated shale volume may be too high (or vice versa).
The shale in the zone may not have the same properties as nearby shales seen on the log.
Therefore, some adjustments to shale properties might be necessary.
Average effective porosity calculated from logs is pessimistic in thinly laminated sand shale
series, and unconventional methods should be used to determine porosity and water
GR0 = 8 to 35 GR100 = 75 to 150
SP0 = -20 to -120 SP100 = +20 to -20
PHIDSH = -0.06 to +0.20 PHINSH = 0.15 to 0.45
All values must be picked from logs or assumed from previous experience.