Basic Petrophysical Model: Log Response Chart PDF
Basic Petrophysical Model: Log Response Chart PDF
Basic Petrophysical Model: Log Response Chart PDF
The rock-fluid model used for the analysis methods described in this Handbook is shown in
the illustration below. From this model, we can generate a series of equations that can be used
to calculate the petrophysical properties of a rock. These equations have been derived by
many researchers across a long period of years. Some equations are tuned to local areas, and
may not be universally applicable. The mathematical algorithms selected for inclusion in this
Handbook were chosen for their universal applicability, although many regionalized variations
probably exist for most of them. Because you might need to modify existing models, or
develop a new one of your own, the basic reservoir model should always be in the back of your
The physical model shown below is critical in the understanding of how logs respond to the
different components of the rock. To see the effect of variations in lithology, porosity, and fluid
type, see Log Response Chart (PDF). You will need to view this file at 100% zoom in Acrobat to
read the curves. Remember that the density and neutron are shown on a Limestone equivalent
scale, so sandstones show crossover even when there is no gas.
Lh = log reading in 100% hydrocarbon
Li = log reading in 100% of the ith component of matrix rock
LOG = log reading
Lsh = log reading in 100% shale
Lw = log reading in 100% water
PHIe = effective porosity (fractional)
Sxo = water saturation in invaded zone (fractional)
Vi = volume of ith component of matrix rock
Vsh = volume of shale (fractional)
This response equation will work for sonic travel time, density, or density porosity, neutron
porosity, gamma ray (and the spectrolog curves - uranium, thorium and potassium), resistivity
(if Sxo is replaced by Sw for deep resistivity logs), the electromagnetic propagation log, the
thermal decay time log, and the photoelectric effect (if PE * DENS is used). It will also work for
various derived logs described in later chapters of this handbook.
The response equations can be used in several ways. One is to find out what a log would read
under a hypothetical set of circumstances. Another way is to calculate one unknown in the
equation, for example porosity or shale volume, by using a log reading and assuming the other
terms to be known or derivable from some other response equations. A third approach is to
use sets of response equations simultaneously to determine as many unknowns as possible
from the available log data.
Some terms in the response equation for certain logs go to zero. This is what makes it
possible, for example, to calculate the shale volume from the gamma ray response. Both the
water and hydrocarbon terms go to zero, since neither of these components has any gamma
ray contribution. By re-arranging terms and further assuming that porosity is small, we get:
Here GR, GRshale, and GRmatrix are read from appropriate places on the gamma ray log to
calculate shale volume.
In other cases, we sometimes lump two terms together, as for water and oil in the sonic log
equation for porosity. This strategy eliminates the need to know water saturation prior to
knowing porosity. This approach will fail if gas is present because the water and gas
contributions are too dissimilar.
The algorithms in following chapters attempt to resolve as many of the unknowns as possible
using these piecewise techniques. Where this is inappropriate, sets of two or three
simultaneous equations are solved, with the final solution being given. It will not always be
obvious that simultaneous response equations were used, but ALL deterministic log analysis
methods rely on this approach. What we have done here is eliminate the repetitive derivation of
the solution, and present instead the finished product, ready for inclusion in a calculator,
spreadsheet or computer program.
The borehole environment, invasion, and rock model define the log analysis problem. Logging
tools define most of the data available to analyze the model. With many analysis methods to
choose from, there are usually many possible answers. It is the analyst's job to select the
method and model that best describe the problem to be solved. Adjustments to the basic
model presented here are therefore plausible, and may be essential.