Oil and Gas in Canada
Oil and Gas in Canada
Oil and Gas in Canada
Peter Pond was the first non-native to report the discovery of oil in Canada in 1778 at what is
now the Athabasca oil sands. Canada's first commercial oil wells were found in Oil Springs and
Petrolia, near Sarnia, Ontario, in 1858, a year before Edwin Drake's discovery at Oil Springs
(Titusville), Pennsylvania. Both the Oil Springs discoveries were known before these dates
from flowing seeps.
The contribution that Canadians made to the world's petroleum industry during the same
period is even less appreciated. Men trained in the production, transportation, refining, and
administration of this new resource, took their knowledge and skills to every corner of the
world, opening many of the great oil fields that are still major suppliers of crude. They laboured
on every continent in a hundred different countries. And the tradition continues to this day.