RRMRegistrationForm July2018

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Directorate of Research and Development

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad

Kukatpally, HYDERABAD - 500 085
Tel: (o) 040-23152332, Fax: (o) 040-23152331, Email: rndadmin@jntuh.ac.in

Registration Form


Name :

H. T. No. :

Faculty / Department :

Appearing for RRM 1 / RRM 2 :

( A candidate can apply for RRM 2 only after getting
evaluation of performance in RRM 1 as satisfactory)

Research Scholar’s
Communication Postal Address :

Mobile Number :

E-mail ID :

Supervisor’s Name with Designation :

Co-Supervisor’s Name with Designation :

I agree to attend RRM as per JNTUH, R & D Schedule programme for RRM – July 2018 without
fail, by following Academic Regulations and Guidelines.

DECLARATION: I hereby declare whatever has been stated above is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and no material has been concealed there from. If it is later on noticed to be false
or untrue my admission will be cancelled.

Note: - 1) The candidates who have completed both Research Methodology Course and Pre-Ph.D successfully, are
eligible to apply for RRM 1.
2) In case of change of topic after RRM 1, the candidate has to apply again for RRM 1 with the new Topic.
3) The Registration Form should be filled in with Capital letters and sent to the “Directorate
of Research and Development, JNTUH, JNTUH Campus, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500085” or mailed to
rndadmin@jntuh.ac.in on or before due date as announced i.e. Dt. 28 / 06 / 2018.


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