Research and Written Report: TASK 2: BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan
Research and Written Report: TASK 2: BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan
Research and Written Report: TASK 2: BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan
Every transformation requires resources. As BBQfun plans to transform its business
from physical stores to online store for which the organization needs both physical
and human resources.
Physical sourcing
Organization requirement
As an external consultant,I consulted with the BBQfun management regarding their
physical sourcing needs . Along with delivery vans and forklifts, the firm requires
needs to develop its website for which they need to appoint external IT firms.
All sorts of human must be within the budget. For every position, the organization
shall prefer internal candidates to external candidates.
Protection of IP assets
Employees are integral part of the organization. In the course of running the business,
they find access to the trade secrets and confidential information of the business. To
protect the IP’s of BBQfun, the organization will use nondisclosure agreement. Every
employee must sign the nondisclosure agreement before they start working for
Candidate- Marketing manager
Questions Ideal answer Number of possible Score
contains points
1.How many stores An explanation of Has the rich work 3
do you coordinate? achievement and experience.
2.How would you A detail overview Teamwork 4
plan to position of the positive Organization
BBQ fun for its sides of the culture
e-commerce organization. Task design.
strategy in the
3.what is your Highlight the Organizational 3
opinion of the importance of
organization team spirit.
increase its profit
by 20%?
Total: 10
Human sourcing
Organizational requirements
To implement the e-commerce strategy, the organization needs 4 online staffs, 4
warehouse staffs and 6delivery drivers.
Protection of IP assets
Employees are integral part of the organization. In the course of running the business,
they find access to the trade secrets and confidential information of the business. To
protect the IP’s of BBQfun, the organization will use nondisclosure agreement and
noncompete agreement .Every employee must sign the nondisclosure agreement
noncompete agreement before they start working for BBQfun.
Role play
Interviewee: May I come in?
Interviewee: Thanks
Interviewer: You applied for the sales representative position. Why did you choose
with this line of work?
Interviewee: I had my diploma in marketing. I think the position I applied for will give
me the opportunity to use my knowledge and skills from the page of book into
Interviewer: What did you enjoy most about your last job?
Interviewee: pleasure.
Candidate 2
Interviewee: May I come in?
Interviewee: Thanks
Interviewer: What are the two things you plan to do for this organization?
Interviewee: First of all, I would like to increase the sales of my working territory
beyond organizational territory. Secondly, I would conduct a market research on
consumers’ behavior towards our products which will allow me to position our
product align with customers’ needs and demands.
Interviewee: I expect that BBQfun will allow me flexible working time so that i can
maintain work life balance.
Interviewer: OK thanks.
Interviewee: Pleasure.
For Candidate 1
Candidate 1
Question Ideal answer Number of possible Score
contains points
1. Why did you An explanation of Background 4
choose this line of the reasons of why personal interest
work the candidate has Experience
chosen this career.
2.What did you A detail overview Teamwork 3
enjoy most about of the positive Organization
your last job? sides of the culture
organization. Task design
3.Why should we A highlight of the Success story 3
be hiring you? candidate’s ability Experience
to make the Ability to make
difference. difference
Total : 10
For Candidate 2
Candidate- 2
Question Ideal answer Number possible score
contains points
1.What do you An explanation of Working alone 2
prefer working best working Working in group
alone or working approach for a
with groups? particular job.
2.What are the two An overview of Plan of the work 3
things you plan to how the candidate activities
do for this can make a change Implmentation of
organization? in the firm if the plan
3.What do you A discussion of the Teamwork 3
expect from this positive sides of Organizational
employer? the prospective environment pay
employer? and performance
Total : 8
From the evaluation and assessment of interview of the two candidates, it is clear
that candidate 1 (10) has scored higher that candidate 2 (8). Hence, candidate 1
should be hired for the sales representative position.