Task 1 - BSBMGT517 Develop An Operational Plan
Task 1 - BSBMGT517 Develop An Operational Plan
Task 1 - BSBMGT517 Develop An Operational Plan
1. BBQfun's operational plan is that Engaging with customers through marketing, research
and personalised service, Building reputation for quality products and quality customer
service, Supporting people to perform via training and performance management,
Increasing sales revenue, Reduce direct and indirect costs of operations.
2. Brief summary of the BBQfun operational environment that :
a. an outline of the legislative and regulatory context that is relevant to BBQfun’s
operational plan are
- Health and safety legislation sometime referred to as work health and safety
(WHS) or occupational health and safety (OHS)
- Privacy legislation protect the privacy of citizens by ensuring that personal
information is only collected when necessary
- Australian Consumer Law details consumers' rights and responsibilities
- workplace relations legislation ensure that organisations treat their employees
- Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation exist to ensure that all
seeking employment are treated fairly by employees and employers.
b. an outline of the BBQfun policies and procedures that directly relate to the
operational plan are
Recruitment and induction policy and procedures:
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the recruitment and
selection of employees. BBQfun aims to attract and employ the most suitable
person for the position who will support the organisation’s values, culture and
goals in order to achieve its strategic directions.
● High risk of customer service quality problems for online customers leading to a breach
of consumer law.
● High risk of staff misunderstanding changes and considering online sales as threat to
● Medium risk of not being able to recruit fully trained online staff.
Staff training (Online customer service training) 1 August 2017 Les Goodale, $3,000 per staff member =
Human Resources
(HR) Manager
Management change leadership training for store managers and team 30 June 2017 Pat Mifsud, CEO $3,000 each = 1 Brisbane store
leaders manager, 4 Brisbane team
leaders, 1 Gold Coast store
manager and 3 Gold Coast team
leaders x $3,000 = $27,000
Total $861,000
4. Develop performance indicators for operational and financial targets and amend or
develop existing operational plans to include KPIs and financial targets related to e-
commerce strategy.Develop a balanced scorecard for an e-commerce customer service
representative including three KPIs and associated targets.
Balanced scorecard
5. Identify at least three risks to the implementation of the operational plan and develop
a contingency plan for each risk (you may use the contingency plan template provided
in Appendix 4). Risks must include:
a. one risk due to employee underperformance
b. one risk related to management of intellectual property (IP)
c. one risk due to breach of health and safety compliance responsibilities.
Contingency plan
Contingency Plan
Name Position
Kim Chen Operations General Manager
Risk identified:
● Medium risk of poor online sales
● High risk of customer service quality problems for online customers leading to a
breach of consumer law
● High risk of staff misunderstanding changes and considering online sales as threat to
● Medium risk of not being able to recruit fully trained online staff
Not being able to recruit fully trained online staff 1 August Les Goodale,
- consider to hire consult companies to manage at the (HR) Manager
short time.
- Training staff to support position that missing
Loss of IP when employees leave the organisation and risk 1 Oct 2018 Kim Chen,
of not complying with WHS legislation
- Consult with the lawyer General
- Make sure the employment contract cover that IP Manager
relating to confidential information contained
within the e-commerce strategy when employees
leave the organisation.
- Find other website developer
WHS legislation through lack of risk assessment conducted 1 August Les Goodale,
on potential musculoskeletal disorders resulting from poor 2017
(HR) Manager
customer service workstation design
- Make sure health insurance cover all employees
- Make sure the employment contract cover all WHS
Wastage due to overstocking product 1 Oct 2018 Kim Chen,
- Try to do online marketing by Preoder sale. Operation
- In case overstock than make promotion by consider General
the price should cover overall cost at least. Manager
- According to research from the website. The e-ecommerce become more popular
because time plays an important role to both the business and consumers. The e-
ecommerce make more cost effective because company don’t need more human
resources, Capital…etc. Therefore, low capital make high quality then make more
profit. So the company make a faster, easy for the consumers to use the e-ecommerce
that would be winner.
a. breakdown of costs:
Resources Costs
The benefit of the organization is reducing the cost and increases the market share because
e-commerce does not need more human resourcing and capital for example, electricity and
rent…etc. however, it can increase the qualities of the service and product. Therefore, BBQfun
can attract more customers then the sale revenue would increase, the profits will increase also
the market share will increase.
c. a list of different approaches to developing key performance indicators
If the organization do not follow the action plan to implementing, it may impact the business
process. In addition, this may cause the costs increasing spend extra wages and the qualities
of service and product may decrease. These thing will cause the company make the loss.
Overall the action can help the company be success.
e. outline of identified risks and contingency planning
According to research from the internet. The e-ecommerce become more popular
because time plays an important role to both the business and consumers. The e-
ecommerce make more cost effective because company don’t need more human
resources, Capital…etc. Therefore, low capital make high quality then make more
profit. So the company make a faster, easy for the consumers to use the e-ecommerce
that would be winner.