SOW Peralihan Summary

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Talk about one’s likes and dislikes Listen to dialogue Read a passage on likes and Plural form
LIKES AND Practice a dialogue based on given Read a dialogue dislikes Regular and
DISLIKES stimulus Answer open-ended questions Role-play the given dialogue irregular plurals
Students write a postcard suing Cut words and pictures from newspapers Punctuation:
short notes or magazines capital letters
Talk about one’s ambition Listen to a conversation Read a text on Datuk Dr. Articles
WHAT’S MY Ask and respond to questions Noting the format of a descriptive text Jemilah Mahmood Punctuation:
LINE Rearrange sentences to form Write a description of people and Read about Zang Toi’s comma
paragraphs occupation achievement Dictation
Talk about one’s favourite Listen and respond to a letter Read a text on Ronaldo Luiz Subject-
FAVOURITE personality Answer open-ended questions Nazario De Lima verb/agreement
PERSONALITIE Talk about and compare people Complete a text using information given Read short notes on Shalin Punctuation:
S one likes Question mark
Write a short description of a Dictation
famous personality
Talk about animals Listen to a documentary on wild animals Read and understand a poem Adjectives of
WORLD OF Describe animals using adjectives Identify words that describe animals : A black cat comparison
ANIMALS Use adjectives to describe animals Write sentences using short notes Read sentences with initial Dictation
Write short description on animals Match animals to their homes blends

Give advice: On recycling Listen to a speech on recycling and note Read a poster on “How to Modals
LIVING WITH Role play a dialogue important details save our environment” Positive –must
NATURE Discuss: School Clean-up campaign Answer MCQ Read a flow chart on how Negative – must
Write a short message : note expansion unwanted items can be Dictation
Prepare a folio on recycling reused

Talk about inventors and their Listen to a text on Alexander Graham Bell Read and understand a Sequence
WORLD OF inventions Answer open-ended questions factual text connectors
INVENTIONS Role play a dialogue Sequencing paragraphs into a complete Read and understand a Dictation
Write out jumble paragraphs into a text story on “Hamburgers”
complete text

Give instructions Listen and follow instructions on how to Read and understand Imperative forms
GIVING Role play a dialogue make paper swan. Identify main ideas instructions on how to of verbs
INSTRUCTIONS Answer MCQ prepare a pancake Dictation
Write simple instructions; Expand notes
Talk about the different types of Listen to a description of a battery Read and understand how an Simple and
LIGHTING UP batteries Matching words to their meanings electrical circuit is set up compound
THE WORLD Role play: How to set up an Write out the process of making a simple sentences
electrical circuit electrical circuit Dictation
Talk about one’s own festival Listen to a text on Ponggal festival Read a letter on Hari Gawai SVA
LIVING IN Talk about some of the major Match statements on Ponggal Festival Dictation
HARMONY festivals in M’sia
Talk about infectious diseases and Listen to a speech on vaccination Read and understand a text Polite requests:
HEAL THE how to protect ourselves Answer ‘Wh’ questions about x-ray may and would
WORLD Make polite requests Write a short message to a friend Role play a conversation you
The do’s and don’ts when one has Dictation
Talk about the importance of Listen to and follow simple instructions Read and understand a Sequence
THE WORLD computers on how to use the computer dialogue connectors
OF Talk about all the different Ask and answer questions about Role-play Dictation
COMPUTERS components of a computer computer
Discuss how an email is sent Write an email

Talk about shapes and sizes they Listen to and follow instructions Read a narrative Adjectives of
SHAPES AND see Ask for description of obj Read a story quality and
SIZES Describe objects Respond to ‘wh’ questions quantity
Write sentences about a circus – Dictation
expand notes

Talk about savings Listen to a dialogue Read a text on how to save Postive / negative
MONEY Talk about buying a present for a Use short notes given to make money statements and
MATTERS friend comparisons Read a poem: save water questions
Answer ‘wh’ questions Role-play Dictation
Talk about ways of savings Listen to a radio announcement on saving Read and understand a Modals – can,
SAVE THE electricity and water water poster on how to save must, may
WORLD Talk about the importance of Answer ‘wh’ questions and open-ended electricity Dictation
saving water questions
Write: how to save water Match words meanings

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