SOW Peralihan Summary
SOW Peralihan Summary
SOW Peralihan Summary
Give advice: On recycling Listen to a speech on recycling and note Read a poster on “How to Modals
LIVING WITH Role play a dialogue important details save our environment” Positive –must
NATURE Discuss: School Clean-up campaign Answer MCQ Read a flow chart on how Negative – must
Write a short message : note expansion unwanted items can be Dictation
Prepare a folio on recycling reused
Talk about inventors and their Listen to a text on Alexander Graham Bell Read and understand a Sequence
WORLD OF inventions Answer open-ended questions factual text connectors
INVENTIONS Role play a dialogue Sequencing paragraphs into a complete Read and understand a Dictation
Write out jumble paragraphs into a text story on “Hamburgers”
complete text
Give instructions Listen and follow instructions on how to Read and understand Imperative forms
GIVING Role play a dialogue make paper swan. Identify main ideas instructions on how to of verbs
INSTRUCTIONS Answer MCQ prepare a pancake Dictation
Write simple instructions; Expand notes
Talk about the different types of Listen to a description of a battery Read and understand how an Simple and
LIGHTING UP batteries Matching words to their meanings electrical circuit is set up compound
THE WORLD Role play: How to set up an Write out the process of making a simple sentences
electrical circuit electrical circuit Dictation
Talk about one’s own festival Listen to a text on Ponggal festival Read a letter on Hari Gawai SVA
LIVING IN Talk about some of the major Match statements on Ponggal Festival Dictation
HARMONY festivals in M’sia
Talk about infectious diseases and Listen to a speech on vaccination Read and understand a text Polite requests:
HEAL THE how to protect ourselves Answer ‘Wh’ questions about x-ray may and would
WORLD Make polite requests Write a short message to a friend Role play a conversation you
The do’s and don’ts when one has Dictation
Talk about the importance of Listen to and follow simple instructions Read and understand a Sequence
THE WORLD computers on how to use the computer dialogue connectors
OF Talk about all the different Ask and answer questions about Role-play Dictation
COMPUTERS components of a computer computer
Discuss how an email is sent Write an email
Talk about shapes and sizes they Listen to and follow instructions Read a narrative Adjectives of
SHAPES AND see Ask for description of obj Read a story quality and
SIZES Describe objects Respond to ‘wh’ questions quantity
Write sentences about a circus – Dictation
expand notes
Talk about savings Listen to a dialogue Read a text on how to save Postive / negative
MONEY Talk about buying a present for a Use short notes given to make money statements and
MATTERS friend comparisons Read a poem: save water questions
Answer ‘wh’ questions Role-play Dictation
Talk about ways of savings Listen to a radio announcement on saving Read and understand a Modals – can,
SAVE THE electricity and water water poster on how to save must, may
WORLD Talk about the importance of Answer ‘wh’ questions and open-ended electricity Dictation
saving water questions
Write: how to save water Match words meanings