Arizona Crop Progress - August 6, 2018
Arizona Crop Progress - August 6, 2018
Arizona Crop Progress - August 6, 2018
AGRICULTURAL SUMMARY: By the end of last week, 88 percent of cotton has reached the setting bolls stage compared with 84
percent last year, according to the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Twenty-two
percent has reached the bolls opening stage, the same percent as last year. Cotton conditions were rated mostly fair to good. Alfalfa
conditions were rated mostly good to fair, depending on location last week with harvesting taking place on over three-quarters of the
alfalfa acreage across the State. Last week, Western Arizona growers shipped mixed melons. Arizona growers also shipped red and
yellow potatoes. Pasture and range conditions were generally rated mostly very poor to poor. In the Northeastern and East Central part
of the State, producers are still hauling water to livestock. While enough rain was received in some areas of the North Central part of
the State to help grow forage and fill some water tanks, some other areas are still exceptionally dry. There is a general improvement in
forage production in the Northwestern part of the State, but there are still significant areas where only sparse amounts of rain have fallen
and drought conditions still prevail. For the week ending on August 5th, all but 13 of the 48 reporting weather stations reported some
precipitation, with Kayenta reporting the least at 0.01 inches while Kartchner reported the most at 1.91 inches. All but 6 of the 48
reporting weather stations reported above normal temperatures. The highest temperature during the week was 116 degrees at Mohave.
The lowest temperature during the week was 47 degrees at Grand Canyon. Twenty-nine of the 48 reporting stations reported
temperatures of 100 degrees or greater, with 13 stations reporting values at or over 110 degrees.
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Current week Previous week Previous year 5-year average
Days suitable for fieldwork .................................... 7.0 7.0 6.8 NA
Notice: Please be advised, the Weekly Crop Progress report’s weather data table may be discontinued for budget reasons. Please contact the NASS
Mountain Regional Field Office at (720) 787-3150 with comments or compliments regarding this issue. The Weekly Crop Progress report’s crop
progress and condition data will remain and be available.