Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Subang Jaya Scheme of Works 2018 Chemistry Form 4
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Subang Jaya Scheme of Works 2018 Chemistry Form 4
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Subang Jaya Scheme of Works 2018 Chemistry Form 4
Date/ Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Chemistry
January 1.1 Understanding Students should be able to: Circle Map
2nd – 12th chemistry and its - explain the meaning of chemistry (Defining the
importance - list some common chemicals used in context)
wk 1-2 daily life
- list the examples of occupations that
require the knowledge of chemistry
- list chemical-based industries in
-describe the contributions of
chemical-based industries towards
development of our country
1.2 Synthesising Students should be able to: Flow Map
scientific method - identify variables in a given situation (Sequencing)
- identify the relationship between two
variables to form a
- design and carry out a simple
experiment to test the hypothesis
- record and present data in a suitable
- interpret data to draw a conclusion
- write a report of the investigation
1.3 Incorporate Students should be able to: Bubble Map Revision questions using
scientific attitudes and - identify scientific attitudes and (Describing) VLE Frog
values in conducting values practised by scientists in
scientific investigation carrying out investigations
- practise scientific attitudes and
values in conducting scientific
Chapter 2 : The Structure of the atoms
January 2.1 Analysing matter Students should be able to :
15th – 26th - describe the particulate nature of Bubble Map
wk 3-4 matter (Describing)
- state the kinetic theory of matter
- define atoms, molecules and ions
- relate the change in the state of
matter to the change in heat Revision questions using
- relate the change in heat to the VLE Frog
change in kinetic energy
- explain the inter-conversion of the
states of matter in terms of kinetic
theory of matter
January 2.2 Synthesising atomic Students should be able to :
15th – 26th structure - describe the development of atomic Bubble Map
wk 3-4 model (Describing)
- state the main subatomic particles of
an atom
- compare and contrast the relative
mass and the relative charge of the Double
protons, electrons and neutrons Bubble Map
- define proton number and nucleon (Comparing
number &
- determine the proton number and the Contrasting)
nucleon number
- relate the proton number to the
nucleon number
- relate the proton number to the type
of element
- write the symbol of elements
- determine the number of neutrons,
protons and electrons from the proton
number and the nucleon number and
vice versa
- construct the atomic structure
2.3 Understanding Students should be able to:
isotopes and assessing - state the meaning of isotope Circle Map
their importance - list examples of elements with (Defining the
isotopes context)
- determine the number of subatomic
particles of isotopes
- justify the uses of isotope in daily life
2.4 Understanding the Students should be able to:
electronic structure of - describe electron arrangements of Circle Map
an atom elements with proton numbers 1 to 20 (Defining the
- draw electron arrangement of an context)
atom in an element
- state the meaning of valence
- determine the number of valence
electrons from the electron
arrangement of an atom
2.5 Appreciate the Students should be able to: Circle Map Revision questions using
orderliness and - describe the contributions of (Defining the VLE Frog
uniqueness of the scientists towards the uderstanding of context)
atomic structure the atomic structure
- describe the creative and
conscientious efforts of scientists to
form a complete picture of matter
Chapter 3: Chemical Formulae and Equation
January 3.1 Understanding Students should be able to:
29th – 31st and applying the - state the meaning of relative atomic
February concepts of relative mass based on carbon-12 scale
1st – 23th atomic mass and - state the meaning of relative molecular
relative molecular mass based on carbon-12 scale
Wk 5 - 8 mass - state why carbon-12 is used as a
standard for determining relative atomic
mass and relative molecular mass
- calculate the relative molecular mass of
3.2 Analysing the Students should be able to:
relationship between - define a mole as the amount of matter Brace Map
the number of moles that contains as many (Part-Whole
with the number of particles as the number of atoms in 12 g Relationship)
particles of 12C
- state the meaning of Avogadro constant
- relate the number of particles in one
mole of a substance with the Avogadro
- solve numerical problems to convert the
number of moles to the
number of particles of a given substance
and vice versa
26th – 28th
1st – 2nd
Wk 9
March 3.3 Analysing the Students should be able to: Brace Map
5st – 17th relationship between - state the meaning of molar mass (Part-Whole
wk 10 - 11 the number of moles - relate molar mass to the Avogadro Relationship)
of a substance with constant
its mass - relate molar mass of a substance to its
relative atomic mass or
relative molecular mass
- solve numerical problems to convert the
number of moles of a
given substance to its mass and vice
3.4 Analysing the Students should be able to:
relationship between - state the meaning of molar volume of a Brace Map
the number of moles gas (Part-Whole
of a gas with its - relate molar volume of a gas to the Relationship)
volume Avogadro constant
- make generalization on the molar
volume of a gas at a given
temperature and pressure
- calculate the volume of gases at STP or
room conditions from
the number of moles and vice versa
February - solve numerical problems involving
27nd – 28th number of particles, number of moles,
March mass of substances and volume of gases
1st – 17th at STP or room conditions
wk 10 - 11 3.5 Synthesising Students should be able to:
chemical formulae - state the meaning of chemical formula
- state the meaning of empirical formula
- state the meaning of molecular formula
- determine the empirical and molecular
formulae of substances
- compare and contrast empirical formula Double Bubble
with molecular formula Map
- solve numerical problems involving (Comparing &
empirical and molecular formulae Contrasting)
- write ionic formulae of ions
- construct chemical formulae of ionic
- state names of chemical compounds
using IUPAC nomenclature
3.6 Interpreting Students should be able to: Bubble Map
chemical equation - state the meaning of chemical equation (Describing)
- identify the reactants and products of a
chemical equation
- write and balance chemical equation
- interpret chemical equations
quantitatively and qualitatively
- solve numerical problems using
chemical equation
3.7 Practising Students should be able to:
scientific attitudes - identify positive scientific attitudes and Bubble Map Revision questions
and values in values practised by scientists in doing (Describing) using VLE Frog
investigating matter research on mole concept, chemical
formulae and chemical equations
- justify the need to practise positive
scientific attitudes and good values in
doing research on atomic structures,
chemical formulae and chemical
- use symbols, chemical formulae and
equations for easy and systematic
communication in the field of chemistry
March Holiday homework
17th -25th CUTI PERTENGAHAN PENGGAL 1 using VLE Frog
March - identify groups and periods in the
26th- 30th Periodic Table
April - state the basic principle of arranging the
2nd – 13th elements in the Periodic Table from their
proton numbers
Wk 12-14 - relate the electron arrangements of an
element to its group and period
- explain the advantages of grouping
elements in the Periodic Table
- predict the group and the period of an
element based on its electron
4.2 Analysing Group arrangement
18 elements Students should be able to: Bubble Map
- list all Group 18 elements (Describing)
- state in general the physical properties
of Group 18 elements
- describe the changes in the physical
properties of Group 18 elements
- describe the inert nature of elements of
Group 18
- relate the inert nature of Group 18
elements to their electron arrangements
- relate the duplet and octet electron
arrangements of Group 18 to their
- describe uses of Group 18 elements in
4.3 Analysing Group daily life
1 elements Students should be able to:
- list all Group 1 elements
- state the general physical properties of
lithium, sodium and potassium Bubble Map
- describe changes in the physical (Describing)
properties from lithium to potassium
- list the chemical properties of lithium,
sodium and potassium
- describe the similarities in chemical
properties of lithium, sodium and
- relate the chemical properties of Group
1 elements to their electron arrangements
- describe the changes in reactivity of
Group 1 elements down the group
- predict physical and chemical
properties of other elements in Group 1
- state the safety precautions when
4.4 Analysing Group handling Group 1 elements
17 elements Students should be able to: Bubble Map Revision questions
- list all Group 17 elements (Describing) using VLE Frog
- state the general physical properties of
chlorine, bromine and iodine
March - describe changes in the physical
26th- 30th properties from chlorine to iodine
April - list the chemical properties of chlorine,
2nd – 13th bromine and iodine
- describe the similarities in chemical
Wk 12-14 properties of chlorine, bromine and
- relate the chemical properties of Group
17 elements with their electron
- describe changes in reactivity of Group
17 elements down the group
- predict physical and chemical
properties of other elements in Group 17
- state the safety precautions when
4.5 Analysing handling Group 17 elements
elements in a period Students should be able to: Bubble Map
- list all elements in Period 3 (Describing)
- write electron arrangements for all
elements in Period 3
- describe changes in the properties of
elements across Period 3
- state changes in the properties of the
oxides of elements across Period 3
- predict changes in the properties of
4.6 Understanding elements across Period 3 Bubble Map
transition elements Students should be able to: (Describing)
- identify the positions of transition
elements in the Periodic Table
- give examples of transition elements
- describe properties of transition
- state uses of transition elements in
4.7 Appreciating the industries Revision questions
existence of elements Students should be able to: using VLE Frog
and their compounds - describe efforts of scientists in Bubble Map
discovering the properties of elements (Describing)
- describe what life would be without
diverse elements and compounds
- identify different colours in compounds
of transition elements found naturally
- handle chemicals wisely
Chapter 5 : Chemical Bonds
April 5.1 Understanding Students should be able to:
16th - 27th formation of - explain the stability of inert gases
Wk 15-16 compounds - explain conditions for the formation of Circle Map
chemical bonds (Defining the
- state types of chemical bonds context)
5.2 Synthesising Students should be able to:
ideas on formation of - explain formation of ions
ionic bond - write electron arrangements for the ions
formed Circle Map
- explain formation of ionic bond (Defining the
- illustrate electron arrangements of an context)
ionic bond
- illustrate formation of ionic bond
5.3 Synthesising Students should be able to:
ideas on formation of - state the meaning of covalent bond
covalent bond - explain the formation of covalent bond
- illustrate the formation of a covalent Double Bubble
bond by drawing electron arrangement Map
- illustrate formation of covalent bond (Comparing &
- compare and contrast formation of ionic Contrasting)
and covalent bonds
5.4 Analysing Students should be able to:
properties of ionic - list properties of ionic compounds
and covalent - list properties of covalent compounds
compounds - explain differences in the electrical
conductivity of ionic and covalent
- describe differences in melting and
boiling points of ionic and covalent Double Bubble
compounds Map Revision questions
- compare and contrast the solubility of (Comparing & using VLE Frog
ionic and covalent compounds Contrasting)
-state uses of covalent compounds as
11th – 31st
Wk 18-21
5th – 8th
Wk 22
Holiday homework
June CUTI PENGGAL 1 using VLE Frog
9 - 24th
Chapter 6 : Electrochemistry
Flow Map
6.5 Analysing voltaic Students should be able to: (Sequencing)
June cell - describe the structure of a simple
25th -29th voltaic cell and Daniell cell
2nd – 13th - explain the production of electricity
from a simple voltaic cell
Wk 23 -25 - explain the reactions in a simple voltaic
cell and Daniell cell Bubble Map
- compare and contrast the advantages (Describing)
and disadvantages of various voltaic
- describe the differences between
electrolytic and voltaic cells
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
16th – 20th Circle Map
7.1 Analysing Students should be able to:
Wk 26 (Defining the
characteristics and - state the meaning of acid, base and
properties of acids alkali
and bases - state the uses of acids, bases and alkalis
in daily life
- explain the role of water in the
formation of hydrogen ions to show the
properties of acids
- explain the role of water in the
formation of hydroxides ion to show the
properties of alkalis
- describe chemical properties of acids
and alkalis
7.2 Synthesising the
concepts of strong Students should be able to:
Tree Map
acids, weak acids, - state the use of pH scale
strong alkalis and - relate pH value with acidic or alkaline
weak alkalis properties of a substance
- relate concentration of hydrogen ions
with pH value
- relate concentration of hydroxide ions
with pH value
- relate strong or weak acid with degree
of dissociation
- relate strong or weak alkali with degree
of dissociation
- conceptualise qualilatively strong and
weak acids
- conceptualise qualitatively strong and
weak alkalis
Students should be able to:
- explain the meaning of neutralisation Bubble Map
- explain the application of (Describing)
neutralisation in daily life
- write equation for neutralisation
7.4 Analysing
- describe acid-base titration
- determine the end point of titration Revision questions
during neutralisation using VLE Frog
- solve numerical problems involving
neutralisation reactions to calculate
either concentration or volume of
Chapter 8 : Salts
Chapter 9 : Manufactured Substances in Industry
Students should be able to: Revision questions using
9.7 Appreciating - justify the importance of doing research VLE Frog
various synthetic and development continuously
industrial materials - act responsibly when handling Bubble Map
synthetic materials and their wastes (Describing)
- describe the importance of synthetic
materials in daily life
1st – 17th Final Year Examination
Wk 36- 38
22nd – 26th Discuss Examination Papers
Wk 39
October Discuss Examination Papers
29th – 31st
1st – 2nd
Wk 40
5th – 23th
Revision questions using VLE Frog
Wk 41 -43
24th– 30th
Year End Holiday
1st- 31st