Geological Structures and Tectonic Reconstruction of Luwuk, East Sulawesi

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Geological Structures and Tectonic

Reconstruction of Luwuk, East Sulawesi

Conference Paper · May 2014

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3986.5042


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3 authors, including:

Salahuddin Husein
Gadjah Mada University


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IPA 14-G-137


Thirty-Eighth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2014



Salahuddin Husein*
Moch. Indra Novian*
Didit Hadi Barianto*

ABSTRACT1 exploration is a revision of Luwuk thrust-fold belt

model, which is proposed to be thin-skinned
Luwuk at the eastern end of Sulawesi’s East Arm (basement uninvolved) northwestward vergeance.
has been recognized to be formed under obductional
tectonic where the East Sulawesi Ophiolite INTRODUCTION
Complex thrusted southward over the Banggai-Sula
microcontinent during Late Neogene event. At the Tectonic of eastern Indonesia is built upon
southern section, a gas field of Tomori has been convergence history between three major
developed with reservoirs distributed in the pre- lithospheric plates, i.e. the Australian Plate, the
collisional Miocene carbonates. To date, Pacific Plate and the Eurasian Plate. One of the key
explorational work over the area has been area in understanding those plate interaction and its
incorporating collisional structures such as thrusts impact to geology and hydrocarbon resources is the
and wrench faults into the petroleum systems, e.g. East Arm of Sulawesi, where collision has been
hydrocarbon maturation and trap formation. Most of taking place since the Late Cenozoic between the
the structural concept based on the existing model North Sulawesi island arc and the Banggai-Sula
of southeastward vergeance thick-skinned microcontinent (Figures 1 and 2).
(ophiolitic basement involved) thrust-fold belt.
The East Arm of Sulawesi comprises a thrust-fold
A geologic field work has been conducted belt, consisting of disrupted and tectonized
transecting north-south section and east-west ophiolites, associated with Mesozoic to Cenozoic
section of Luwuk. Satellite imagery interpretation oceanic sediments (Rusmana et al., 1993; Surono et
and field observation suggest the existance of three al., 1993). This belt is flanked by a cover of
structural compartments, i.e.: (i) the northern Neogene clastics, dominantly Pliocene sands and
extensional, block-faulting, tectonic regime on the gravels, known as the Sulawesi Molasse. The thrust
ophiolite complex, (ii) the central compressional, zone, called the Batui Thrust (Silver et al., 1983;
northwestward vergeance thrust-fold belt, tectonic Garrard et al., 1988), separates the ophiolites from
regime on the Tertiary carbonates, and (iii) the the sedimentary formations with the NW block as
southern, locally gravitational sliding, tectonic upthrown part, suggesting a SE-vergent thick-
regime on the Pliocene molasse. Each compartment skinned (basement-involved) thrust-fold belt
exhibits distinct structural style and diverse tectonic (Figure 2). The Batui Thrust is also observed to be
control. continued further eastward offshore (Watkinson et
The northern extensional compartment were al., 2011).
controlled by rifting of Siuna Bay along the Late-
Miocene right-lateral movement of Balantak Fault. Luwuk is a coastal town near the eastern tip of
The central compressional compartment were Sulawesi's east arm. This area is situated in the
developed by the Late Pliocene northwestward central portion of the arcuate thrust-fold belt where
shortening due to activation of Sorong Fault. The Quaternary reefs was utmost elevated.
southern gravitational Molasse sliding were induced
by the Late Pliocene uplift along the existing weak It is speculated that the area had suffered maximum
zone of north-south transtensional strike-slip fault. compression of Banggai-Sula microcontinent, as it
Implication of this research to petroleum is located at the frontal collisional zone. The
distance to Peleng Island, the westernmost front of
                                                             Banggai-Sula microcontinent, is just about 30
* University of Gadjah Mada 
kilometres as separated by a narrow Peleng Strait. the major fault zone, where kinematic analysis were
The elevation of Luwuk uplifted reef terraces later performed in the laboratory.
gradually decreases towards the east tip of the
peninsula and towards the southwest of Batui Town GEOLOGICAL SETTING
(Rusmana et al., 1993a; Surono et al., 1993).
Beyond Batui the Quaternary coastal development Luwuk is considered to be located in a collisional
along the Gulf of Tolo is governed by subsidence, belt between the Banggai-Sula microcontinent and
as indicated by the presence of a vast, swampy the East Sulawesi Ophiolite complex. The Banggai-
coastal plain and drowned reef platforms offshore. Sula microcontinent is interpreted to be originated
from western Papua (Watkinson et al., 2011) and
Southwest from Batui down to Tomori Embayment had been drifted westwards along the Sorong Fault
along the shoreline, a major Tomori PSC gas field (Garrard et al., 1988). Initial extensional phase on
was explored and operated since mid 1980s mid Mesozoic as represented by a transgressive
(Davies, 1990). Hydrocarbon exploration in this phase of continental to shallow marine Jurassic
area was supported by the above-mentioned tectonic clastics was followed by passive margin
concept, which was mostly derived from geologic sedimentation through Cretaceous and early
observation in Luwuk area. This paper attempts to Tertiary during its drift.
examine the existing concept, as a new finding
during field mapping in crossing the East Arm of A major regional unconformity separated the
Sulawesi, from Luwuk to the north to Pagimana. Mesozoic sequences with deposition of Oligo-
Miocene carbonate. The collision of Banggai-Sula
METHODOLOGY with Sulawesi probably took place from Middle
Miocene (Garrard et al., 1988). It is commonly
This paper presents result of geologic mapping assummed that the collision responsible for
conducted by Department of Geological overthrusting the East Sulawesi Ophiolite over the
Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) with Banggai-Sula leading edge. This compressive
Pusat Survey Geologi (PSG, Center for Geological period further have uplifted the eastern arm of
Survey). Particular research stages have been Sulawesi, producing molasse deposition to its
developed as: (i) desk study and satellite imagery surrounding lower areas. This uplift is still taking
analysis which produced tentative geologic map, (ii) place, as indicated by earthquakes and tremors
field mapping where stratigraphic and structural (Watkinson et al., 2011). However, some Plio-
data had been collected along selected key Pleistocene normal faulting were observed, and
traverses, (iii) laboratory examination incorporated tought to be caused by relaxation of the earlier
petrographic - paleontologic analysis and structural compressive phase (Watkinson et al., 2011).
data analysis, and (iv) construction of geologic map
and tectonostratigraphic synthesis. However, since The collision of Banggai-Sula and obduction of
this paper focuses on tectonic reconstruction, East Sulawesi Ophiolite were assummed to be
presentation and discussion on stratigraphic data are accommodated by the Batui Thrust zone, located
just adequately given in supporting structural north of Luwuk (Watkinson et al., 2011). They
aspects. formed an arcuate thrust front eastwards towards
Balantak, and imbricated further southeast, had
Satellite imagery used in this work was a composite caused this fault zone interpreted as SE-vergence
image of Landsat and Digital Elevation Model (van Bemmelen, 1949; Hamilton, 1979). Based on
(DEM), and several physiographic unit and major seismic and gravity data, Silver et al. (1983)
structural elements could undoubtedly be suggested that the Batui Thrust extended offshore to
established. These physiographic delineation were the east. However, with reexamination on new and
intensively used in determination of lithologic unit better seismic dataset of similar line, Watkinson et
and their coverage limit. Field traverse consist of al. (2011) had doubted their interpretation of a
one major north-south transect from Luwuk in the north-dipping thrust plane, and suggested new
south to Poh in the north, perpendicular to the East south-dipping normal faults developed in
Arm structural trend and covering most of the extensional system. Another seismic line yet
lithologic unit (Figure 3). Another east-west suggested the Batui Thrust probably, though poorly
segmented transect was added in the northern area understood, as a north-vergent thin-skinned thrust
to cover extention of those major structural system (Watkinson et al., 2011). More amusingly,
elements. Structural data collected in the field these north-vergent thrusts were overlying by
mostly composed of abundant minor faults along undisturbed marine sediments, which expanding
contradiction to arguments on south-vergent Batui intercalated with well-bedded reddish chert. Its
Thrust as an active structures (Figure 4). age was Middle Cretaceous.

The eastern onland segment of Batui Thrust, that 4. Salodik Formation

cut the Poh Head into the northern rugged This first Tertiary formation unconformably
mountainous area and the southern smoother deposited over Mesozoic rock units. This
topographic one, is also re-interpreted by research observed this formation probably
Watkinson et al. (2011) as dextral strike-slip fault deposited since Early Eocene, much earlier than
and named as Balantak Fault. Rusmana et al. previously mentioned by Rusmana et al.
(1993a) have named the Balantak Fault as Siuna (1993a), which was Late Eocene. Three
Fault. Sigmoidal folds on seabed morphology sedimentary facies were found, i.e. Nummulitic
suggest that this Balantak Fault was a transpressive grainstone-rudstone, grainstone intercalated with
fault (Watkinson et al., 2011). calcareous sandstone, and rudstone intercalated
with reefal limestones. Their depositional
environments varied from reef to shallow
RESULTS marine.

Geologic mapping conducted in the study area had Nummulitic grainstone-rudstone facies was
resulted on new finding on stratigraphy and observed in the heart of Salodik anticlinorium.
geologic structures, as presented on the simplified They are deposited in reef front environment
geologic map in Figure 5. during Early to Late Eocene, as characterized by
large foraminifera as alveolina, heterostegina,
However, since this paper is focusing on geologic numulite, and austrotilina. Grainstone
structures and tectonic, then presentation on intercalated with calcareous sandstone facies
stratigraphy is briefly given, particularly to support contains smaller nummulitic fossils. Rudstone
discussion on basinal tectonic evolution. intercalated with reefal limestones, which was
identified to be deposited in Early Eocene to
Stratigraphy Middle Miocene, were characterized with
fragments composed of coral, algae, mudstone,
Regionally, there are various kind of rock formation and grainstone containing nummulites. Reefal
in the East Arm of Sulawesi, with their age ranging limestones mostly composed of framestone with
from Jurassic to Recent. The following description few bindstone containing acropora palmata,
is given only for those found in the study area, pelecypoda and algae.
which were identified into 8 formation (Figure 6).
5. Poh Formation
1. Ultramafic Complex This formation was interfingered with Salodik
Most of ultramafic rocks were found in the Formation. Rusmana et al. (1993a) had
northern part of study area, along the northern estimated depositional age of Late Oligocene to
coast of East Sulawesi Arm. They consist of Early Miocene, however this research found it
gabro, basalt, serpentinit, and few phyllite and initiated earlier and ceased later, that is Early
schist. Their age was dated to be ranged from Eocene to Middle Miocene. Depositional
Middle Cretaceous to Late Oligocene, broadly environments ranged from lagoon, neritic, to
known as Balantak Ophiolite and considered as bathyal. There are two lithologic facies
part of a broader East Sulawesi Ophiolite belt recognized for this formation, i.e. packstone-
(Simandjuntak, 1986; Mubroto et al., 1994; marls and calcareous sandstone-shales.
Kadarusman et al., 2004). Packstone-marls were grading to grainstone and
rudstone, whereas marls contained few thin
2. Lamusa Formation lenses of lignite. Calcareous sandstone-shale
In the study area, this formation was found in facies were found in Pagimana, both rock unit
Poh and Salodik, which mostly composed of were in thick bedded.
cross-laminated calcareous sandstones that
deposited in neritic environment during Middle 6. Kintom Formation
to Late Cretaceous. This formation was deposited unconformably
over Poh Formation during Pliocene. It was
3. Matano Formation observed in Luwuk and mainly composed of
This formation composed of crystalline ultramafic conglomerates, and deposited in
limestones, which found in Pagimana. They are alluvial fan.
7. Uplifted coral reef Late Cretaceous-Paleogene ultramafic rocks and the
This unit consists of three facies, i.e. limestone Tertiary Poh Formation. Block faulting were also
breccias, limestone conglomerates, and developed in the southern part of study area, aligned
rudstones. Limestone breccias were found in in NNW-SSE trend and collectively named as Biak
Pagimana, composed of limestone and coral fault zone (Figure 5). This fault zone cut Plio-
fragments which embedded in mix silicic- Pleistocen molasse of Kintom conglomerates,
carbonate coarse-sand matrix. They are limestone breccias, and uplifted reef terraces.
deposited in planar cross bedding, probably in
beaches to shallow platform environments. Their Strike-slip faulting was noticed in the south of
age is estimated of Pliocene. Luwuk Town with left-lateral sense of displacement
(Figure 5). This Luwuk sinistral fault trends NW-SE
Limestone conglomerates were observed in and cut almost all rock formation of the area, i.e.
Luwuk, composed of loose allochemic Plio-Pleistocene uplifted reef terraces in the south,
conglomerates with thin layer of cross-bedded Tertiary Poh Formation, Eo-Oligocene Salodik
calcareous sandstones. It contents planktonic Formation, and Paleogene ultramafic rocks in the
foraminifera Globigerinoides extremus Bolli of north. Another strike-slip fault but with right-lateral
middle to late Pliocene, and bentonic sense of displacement was observed in Salodik
foraminifera Ephidium advenum Cushman of Village (Figure 5). This dextral Poh Fault was
dengan inner neritic environments. aligned NNW-SSE and in prolongation with Biak
Rudstone-reefal limestones were widely formed block faulting, thus it appears that these two fault
beach terraces, up to elevation of 400 m above system were linked in transtensional mechanism.
sea level. They mostly consists of chalky
framestone and rudstone, with approximate age Folds are the most obvious geologic structures of
of Pliocene to Holocene and deposited in the study area. Their geomorphic expression, such
shallow platform. Observable macro fossils such as elongated and warped ridges, as well as trellis
as nodular corals, acropora cervicornus, drainage pattern, were evident in topographic map
acropora palmata, and various molluscs. and satellite imageries. Folds were developed in the
center of study area and prolonged in ENE-WSW,
8. Alluvial had deformed the Paleogene Salodik and Tertiary
It consists of sand, gravel, and mud. They are Poh limestones. As they consists of numerous
interfingered with rudstone-reefal limestone smaller folds and the oldest strata were exposed in
facies of coral reef unit. Their depositional its center around Salodik Village, these folds were
environment are braided river and beaches. named as Salodik anticlinorium (Figure 5). To the
north of Salodik Village, a minor parasitic S-fold
Geologic structures were observed with its relatively horizontal axial
plane, suggesting that the northern limbs of Salodik
Remote sensing interpretation and field mapping anticlinorium was overturned to the northwest
have identified geological structures of faults, folds, (Figure 7). As arrangement of Salodik anticlinorium
and mass movement (Figure 5). There were three is sub-parallel to the adjacent Salodik Thrust that
kind of faults, i.e.: thrust and reverse faults, normal located its northern margin, hence both structures
block faults, and strike-slip faults. The most are thought to be connected each other in fold-thrust
conspicuous major thrust fault is Salodik Thrust, belt orogenic course.
that developed in the middle of study area and
extending in ENE-WSW direction (Figure 5). The Major mass movement were mostly developed in
Salodik Thrust had deformed the Eocene-Oligocene the southern part of studi area, between Kemumu to
reefal limestones of Salodik Formation and the Biak villages (Figure 5). These surficial
Eocene-Miocene fine-grained marine sediments of deformation were dominated by rock slides, as
Poh Formation. In fact, the Salodik Thrust actually inferred from arcuate crown escarpment and the
is a name given to the well-known Batui Thrust presence of minor toe-thrust faults at its terminus.
which was applied in the study area. The movement involved several rock formation,
from the Paleogene Salodik limestones to the Plio-
Block faulting were developed in the northern part Pleistocene Kintom conglomerates and uplifted reef
of the study area, collectively named as Poh fault terraces. Distance across this Kemumu rock slides
zone and Bungawan fault zone (Figure 5). These varies from 1 to 4 kilometres, and they are aligned
block faulting oriented in E-W direction, each in WNW-ESE to NNW-SSE. As their location just
segment was curving northward, cutting both the across the Biak block faulting, it is most likely that
those two structures were genetically associated, structures in the study area, except the northern
where the Kemumu rock slides occurred as extensional compartment. It is characterized by the
antithetic structures for the Biak block faulting in existence of Salodik anticlinorium, which involved
extensional tectonic regime. almost all the sedimentary rock formation. The
mechanism for compressional tectonic regime was
DISCUSSION AND SYNTHESIS developed by the Late-Pliocene northwestward drift
of Banggai-Sula microcontinent due to activation of
Structural compartment
the regional Sorong strike-slip fault.
The field mapping and satellite imagery
Apparently this compression of sedimentary rocks
interpretation result on three structural or
remarked the inversion of a sedimentary basin, in
morphotectonic compartment, i.e. (i) the northern
which at the southeastern side received significant
extensional, block-faulting, tectonic regime on the
shortening from Banggai-Sula approaching while at
ophiolite complex, (ii) the central compressional,
the northwestern side impeded by Balantak
northward vergeance thrust-fold belt, tectonic
Ophiolite that influenced under completely different
regime on the Tertiary carbonates, and (iii) the
tectonic regime. Along the southern coast of East
southern, locally gravitational sliding, tectonic
Arm of Sulawesi, the obvious evidence of this
regime on the Pliocene molasse. Each compartment
compressional uplift was the multi-level coastal
exhibit distinct structural style and diverse tectonic
terraces. Sumosusastro et al. (1989) have dated the
0.35 mya reefal terrace and calculated the rate of
uplift might reached 1.84 mm/year, suggesting the
Evidences for the northern extensional compartment
Plio-Pleistocene uplift lasted to Recent.
were mostly observed in the Late Cretaceous –
Paleogene Balantak Ophiolite complex. Beside of
The southern gravitational Molasse sliding, in this
Poh and Bungawan block faulting which were
paper is named as the Kemumu rock slides, were
determined from satellite imagery interpretation,
also induced by the Late Pliocene uplift in which
other field data also strongly support the existance
some strain were accommodated along the existing
of extensional regime. Such as a kinematic analysis
weak zone of Late Miocene north-south strike-slip
on a minor fault plane at Pagimana (Figure 8),
fault. It appears that the southern section of the Poh
which suggest a NE-SW extensional system had
strike-slip fault had triggered the transtensional
occurred on the area. The mechanism of extensional
regime and created Biak block faulting. The latter
regime in this structural compartment is most likely
then induced the Kemumu rock slide. It means that
to be controlled by rifting of Siuna Bay along the
this graviational sliding was local occurrence during
Late-Miocene right-lateral movement of Balantak
the Luwuk uplift.

The involvement of Balantak strike-slip fault in this Tectonic development

extensional tectonic regime have suggested from
two indication, i.e. (i) similar rock distribution and From explanation above, those three structural
coastline geometries around Bay of Poh, and (ii) compartment still have been looked as if they were
structural geomorphic indicator and outcrop-scale three different mechanism. However, in author’s
data. There are so much resemblance of coastline plain opinion, they have worked simultaneously
around Bay of Poh, suggesting that they had been together. It appears that the present-day
teared open to form the present embayment. This morphotectonic distribution should be perceived
supposition is also supported by similarities of rock from the tectonic uplift processes that brought all
types, that is ultramafic complex, in both coasts of rocks to the surface. Thus, discussion in this part is
Poh embayment, suggesting that once they were limited to the responsible tectonic processes for the
same rock mass (Rusmana et al., 1993a). morphotectonic units. Further discussion on tectonic
Geomorphic data along the northern escarpment of interaction processes in basin and regional scale of
Siuna valley, as eastward extension of Poh Banggai-Sula microcontinent and East Sulawesi
embayment, showing triangular facets as indication Ophiolite complex is given in Husein et al. (in
of normal faulting (Figure 9). Various minor fault prep.).
data found along the Siuna Valley also indicate a
predominant NE-SW extension (Figure 10). The Balantak Ophiolite was uplifted first in the
study area, during Late Miocene event. It was when
The central compressional compartment dictated the ophiolitic rocks were subjected to terrestrial
almost all features of geomorphology and geologi erosion and producing initial Molasse deposit of
Kintom Formation. The mechanism of this first have shown normal anticline younging direction
pulse of uplift was NW-ward compression of with minor indication of extreme recumbent or
Banggai-Sula microcontinent as it had been pushed overturned bedding. In broader viewpoint, the
by North Banda Sea opening and spreading. It is Salodik anticlinorium is a portrayal of a typical
deduced that in this period the activation of asymmetric anticline, with a steep north forelimb
Balantak Fault had been initiated. and a gentle south backlimb. A field evidence of the
presence an S-shaped parasitic fold in the northern
The second pulse of uplift, also the most influenced limb of Salodik anticlinorium have suggested that
on the study area, occurred in Late Pliocene event. the system was a NW-ward tectonic transport.
It was when the Banggai-Sula had another NE-ward
pushed by the activation of Sorong Fault. This event Indeed there is one outcrop just south of Poh
inverted the Luwuk Basin, uplift its sedimentary Village that showing a structural contact of reverse
rock formation into a major anticlinorium. The key faulting between the Balantak Ophiolite with Poh
structure in this inversion is Salodik fold-thrust belt, Formation, where the northern ophiolite is the
that consists of Salodik/Batui Thrust and Salodik upthrown block (Figure 11). However, looking at
Anticlinorium. This compressional compartment the structural compartment working in the study
further had local gravitational regime of Kemumu area, this particular reverse fault does fit into the
rock slides as driven by the transtensional Poh local contact response between the northern
strike-slip fault. extensional area with compressional belt regimes,
and it does not represent the whole obduction
However, the Banggai-Sula approaching and NW- scenario. Thus, this paper recommends a model of
ward compression also made the Poh Head to be thin-skinned NW-vergent thrus-fold belts for the
clock-wised rotated along the E-W weak zone of East Arm of Sulawesi.
Balantak Fault. It could be occurred as Poh Head
located in the right margin of outer rim of Banggai- Implication to hydrocarbon exploration
Sula approach. These Poh rotation and right-lateral
slip of Balantak Fault were responsible for the There is one report on the occurrence of
extensional regime over the Balantak Ophiolite hydrocarbon seepages in the study area, that is
exposures in the north of study area. Thus, it was located in Lobu-Lobu Village, Pagimana. Rusmana
the Late Pliocene event that brought the study area et al. (1993a) put the seepage on the Balantak
to the present-day morphotectonic arrangement. Ophiolite complex. Since it is most unlikely to have
seepage from ophiolite rocks, this indication have
Tectonic transport been used to support the existence of subthrust
sedimentary formation, which further also
Most of previous publication have speculated on strengthened the occurrence of SE-ward ophiolitic
southeastward tectonic transport of Luwuk Basin obduction over the Luwuk Basin. However, this
(Garrard et al., 1988; Davies, 1990; Parkinson, research have visited the outcrop site, and found out
1998). It is when the Balantak Ophiolite interpreted that the seepage was located in the Early Miocene
to be obducted southeastward over the sedimentary Poh limestones. Thus, it does not necessary to
formation through a series of SE-ward vergent evoke the SE-ward obduction scenario.
thrust faults. The main Batui Thrust was drawn with
the NW block as upthrown part. This interpretation There are also several other reported hydrocarbon
was derived from assumption that the Banggai-Sula seepages around the Gulf of Tolo, that is located
microcontinent once separated from the East south of the study area. Most occurrences were
Sulawesi Ophiolite complex. The Late Miocene observed near Batui Town (Surono et al., 1993;
collision was thought to be responsible for NE-ward Figure 2), which was further have explored by the
approaching and collision of Banggai-Sula to the gas-producing well of Matindok-1 (Davies, 1990).
East Sulawesi Ophiolite, obducted the ophiolite SE- In this area, those seepages were found on the
ward over the sedimentary formation. In this Pliocene Kintom molasse that unconformably
viewpoint, the Luwuk Basin had experienced a covered the Eosen Salodik limestones. The drilling
significant shortening, as the Banggai-Sula revealed the existence of Early Miocene reefal
microcontinent had drifted hundreds of kilometres limestones overlying the granitic basement.
from southeast. Measured depth to the granite was 9830 feet.

However it is not the case observed in field. Salodik Further south to the Bay of Tomori, some seepages
anticlinorium as the main compressional structure were also reported in the regional geologic map.
Another seepage was observed around Tokala since Late Pliocene (Davies, 1990; Satyana, 2006).
Village just north of Bay of Tomori (Surono et al., However, it is about thrust faulting that came to
1993; Figure 2). This seepage was found on the author's attention regarding this paper.
indeterminated structural contact of the East
Sulawesi Ophiolite with the Triassic Tokala Davies (1990) have put several seismic lines in his
limestone, one of the oldest sedimentary rock publication. Two lines located in Minahaki Field
formation in the East Arm of Sulawesi. Offshore 20 and oriented NW-SE, capturing a gentle and
kilometres to the east from Tolaka Village, a relatifely undisturbed Miocene limestones and the
number of oil wells, Tiaka-1 (oil and gas), Tiaka-2 overlying Plio-Pleistocene molasse. This field sit on
(oil-producing), Tiaka-3 (dry hole), Tiaka-4 (non- the granitic basement that observed in 8239 feet
commercial oil) and Kalomba-1 (dry hole), have depth. Davies (1990) have intepreted a positive
been drilled (Davies, 1990). Those wells penetrated flower structure of possibly E-W wrench fault in
the Early Miocene reefal limestones overlying the order to explain a gentle undulating reflectors
metamophic basement. Depth to the basement was (Line-4), which was strangely disappeared in the
11,075 feet in Tiaka-2 and 11,219 feet in Tiaka-3. adjacent a kilometre south Line-3 although the
gentle undulating reflectors were still identifiable.
In between Tiaka and Matindok fields at a distance
of 45 kilometres SW Matindok along the shoreline, Another seismic line crossed the Tiaka Field in
the first drilling in the area by Union Texas at 1983, WNW-ESE direction. Few indistinct SW-vergent
known Mantawa-1, was located (Davies, 1990). It is thrusts were intepreted cutting the Miocene
a gas-producing well, penetrating the Miocene limestones (Davies, 1990). Comparable to the
limestones that overlying granitic basement. Depth seismic lines in Minahaki Field, seismic reflectors
estimation to the top of the granitic is 8515 feet. pattern in this field also suggests a gentle and
Another well was drilled in between Mantawa and relatively undisturbed Miocene to Pleistocene
Matindok fields, at a distance 20 kilometres SW section. It was reported that those thrust fault which
Matindok along the shoreline, and labelled as identified at depth of 9100 feet, separated the
Minahaki-1 well (Davies, 1990). It was a gas- overlying Miocene limestones with the underlying
producing well from the Miocene limestones, and Plio-Pleistocene molasse (Davies, 1990), before
had penetrated the granitic basement at 8239 feet Tiaka-3 encountered the metamorphic basement at
depth. depth of 11,219 feet. However, there was no further
report on the subthrust clastic section that as thick
Another see page was found in the Lamona Village, as 2100 feet, thus it is demanding to be certain the
south of Bay of Tomori (Simandjuntak et al., nature of this 'molasse'.
1993a; Figure 2). It is located in the deep marine
Cretaceous Matano limestones that probably being The adjacent Tiaka-2 well that was located at 2.5
deposited at the same time with East Sulawesi kilometres NE from Tiaka-3, had penetrated the
Ophiolite magmatism. The Matano limestones and metamorphic basement at 11,075 feet (Davies,
the ophiolitic complex were in structural contact 1990). These two wells were supposed to penetrate
with the Triassic shales-containing Tokala similar overthrust structure, however the Tiaka-2
Formation that possibly to be source rocks potential had not encountered the thrust fault. In the Tiaka-2
for the seepage. About 30 kilometres further north well, the Miocene limestones overlaid the 60 feet
of the seepage, two drilling have been conducted basal clastic that unconformably covered the
offshore, a dry-hole Tolo-1 and a gas-producing metamorphic basement. Therefore, is it possible that
Dongkala-1 wells (Davies, 1990). The Dongkala-1 the 'subthrust molasse' of Tiaka-3 was essentially an
was penetrated the ophiolites at 3107 feet, which Eocene basal clastic as found in Tiaka-2?
interestingly showing gas production from fractured
Another seismic line crossed the Dongkala-Tolo
field, and few NE-ward vergent thrust faults were
The petroleum exploration in the Gulf of Tolo and interpreted had cut the Miocene limestones and
Bay of Tomori was targetting the Miocene deformed the Plio-Pleistocene molasse (Davies,
limestones (Davies, 1990). The proposed source 1990; Satyana, 2006). The Dongkala-1 penetrated a
rocks were Middle Miocene shales, and its thick Plio-Pleistocene molasse and encountered the
maturation time is put to be related with Plio- ophiolites at 3107 feet, without any significant
Pleistocene thrusting event and molasse Miocene limestone section (Davies, 1990).
depositional system. Some seismic data suggest that
molasse deposits might attained 1.5 seconds thick, The Tolo-1 had penetrated a thick Miocene
which is showing rapid sedimentation had occurred limestones and terminated at 11,000 feet depth
without encountering basement. This substantial for hydrocarbon maturation, as they had been
change of lithologic section in a distance of 3 subsided deep enough in the basin.
kilometres between those two wells, suggesting that
the controlling structures were not thrust faults, but  Swelling anticlinal traps as shown in Tiaka and
major strike-slip faults. Minahaki fields (Davies, 1990) were not
necessarily being produced by SE-vergent thick-
Wrench tectonic is more plausible hypothesis than skinned thrust nor E-W wrench fault as they
thrust-fold belts for Dongkala-Tolo field. This field could also be resulted from WNW-vergent thin-
is located perpendicular to NW-SE alignment of skinned thrust as proposed in this paper.
Tomori Bay, where the Manui Fault Zone existed
and down SE offshore (Garrard et al., 1988).  Further assessment were needed to separate the
Numerous onshore geomorphic evidences have hydrocarbon play system in the Tomori PSC,
supported the presence of NW-SE wrench fault. among the NE section (Matindok, Minahaki, and
Mantawa fields), the central section (Tiaka and
The NNW extension of Tomori Bay was a linear Kalamba fields), and the SW section (Tolo and
valley of Wekuli Fault that acting as a major Dongkala fields). They have different type of
structural contact between the East Sulawesi basement and structural control. The NE section
Ophiolite to the east with the high-pressure exhibits gentle deformation over a granitic
metamorphic Pompangeo complex, both were basement. The central section suggests gentle
Cretaceous in age (Simandjuntak et al., 1997). deformation over a metamorphic basement. The
SW section denotes a strong influence of wrench
To the south of Dongkala-Tolo field, another major fault tectonic over an ophiolitic basement. In
strike-slip of the WNW-ESE Matano Fault was regional perspective, this Dongkala-Tolo fields
unmistakably observed, although it was supposed to actually is not entirely located in the East Arm of
be kinematically right-lateral strike-slip in order to Sulawesi, but in the SE Arm of Sulawesi, which
pull the Matano Lake apart, in opposed with a more is indeed vastly dissected by wrench tectonic
well-known assumption of left-lateral strike-slip (Simandjuntak et al., 1993a,c; Rusmana et al.,
(Simandjuntak et al., 1993a,b; Moss & Wilson, 1993b).
1998). The existing seismic line could also be CONCLUDING REMARKS
intepreted of the existence of wrench faults, as the
undulating reflectors might have been produced by This geologic mapping program yields some new
some vertical movement in a transpression strike- structural intepretation on Luwuk Basin, that are:
slip faulting.
 The collisional event between Banggai-Sula
Since there were no compelling indication for SE- microcontinent and the East Arm of Sulawesi
vergent thick-skinned (basement-involved) thrusts, had resulted in a thin-skinned NW-vergent fold-
both from surface mapping in Luwuk as presented thrust belt, in opposite with the existing
by this paper as well as re-examination on published assumption on the SE-vergent fold-thrust belt.
sub-surface data in Tomori PSC (Davies, 1990;
Satyana, 2006), several points need to be considered  Three structural compartments were established
as follows: in the East Arm of Sulawesi, i.e. (i) the
extensional Balantak Ophiolite division that
 Hydrocarbon system established in the East Arm directed by the Late Miocene transtensional
of Sulawesi was not related with the SE-vergent Balantak dextral fault as well as the Poh Head
thick-skinned thrust front that deduced from clockwise rotation, probably induced by North
unconvinced assumption of tectonic obduction Banda Sea spreading, (ii) the compressional
of East Sulawesi Ophiolite complex over Salodik fold-thrust belt that forming the main
Banggai-Sula microcontinent. section and produced by the Late Pliocene
compressional event due to activation of Sorong
 Mesozoic source rocks need to be proposed and Fault, and (iii) the gravitational mass movement
quested in order to provide an alternative for in the southern limb of Salodik Anticlinorium
previous postulation that main source rocks were as provoked by the Late Pliocene Poh strike-slip
Miocene section which required sufficient fault.
overburden of Plio-Pleistocene thrust sheets
(Davies, 1990). Mesozoic source rocks were not  Previous arguments on the structural and
supposed to require thrust sheets emplacement basinal relation of Luwuk to the Tomori Field
in the SW part of the East Arm need to be Kadarusman, A., S. Miyashita, S. Maruyama, C.D.
reviewed. There were no considerable Parkinson, dan A. Ishikawa (2004) Petrology,
compressive structures observed in sub-surface. geochemistry and paleogeographic reconstruction of
Indeed there is compressive structures noticed the East Sulawesi Ophiolite, Indonesia.
in the Dongkala-Tolo fields, but they are more Tectonophysics, 392, 55-83.
suitable in wrench tectonic regime rather than
the classic fold-thrust belt. Furthermore, Letouzey, J., P. de Clarens, J. Guignard, and J-L.
missing Mesozoic to Paleogene stratigraphic Berthon (1983) Structure of the North Banda-
section in the Tomori Field might suggest that it Molucca Area from Multichannel Seismic
was located at the basinal margin. Reflection Data. Proceedings of 12th Indonesian
Petroleum Association Annual Convention. p. 143-
 Further study is recommended to examine the 156.
possible Mesozoic hydrocarbon source for the
East Arm of Sulawesi, as a consequence of the
absence of obduction scenario where Eocene- McClay, K. (1987) The Mapping of Geological
Miocene sedimentary formation might be Structures. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 161 p.
shallower and less mature than previously
thought. Moss, S.J. and Wilson, M.E.J. (1998)
Biogeographic implications of the Tertiary
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT palaeogeographic evolution of Sulawesi and
Borneo, in Hall, R. and Holloway, J.D., eds.,
Authors' deepest appreciation forwards to Prof. Biogeography and Geological Evolution of SE
(Ris) Surono from PSG (Center for Geological Asia, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 133-163.
Survey) Bandung, for involving UGM in this
research mapping, as well as permitting to use part Mubroto, B., J.C. Briden, E.McClelland, and R.
of the data for this publication. This mapping Hall (1994) Paleomagnetism of the Balantak
activity is part of nationwide Systematic Geologic ophiolite, Sulawesi. Earth and Planetary Science
Mapping of scale 1:50,000 initiated by PSG. Letters, 125, 193-209.

Sincere thankfulness also goes to Mr. T. Sihombing Parkinson, C. (1998) Emplacement of the East
of PSG as a field manager during survey activity. Sulawesi Ophiolite: evidence from subophiolite
Authors' thank the field mapping team of UGM. metamorphic rocks. Journal of Asian Earth
Sciences, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 13-28.
Davies, I.C.(1990) Geological and exploration Rusmana, E., A. Koswara, and T.O. Simandjuntak
review of the Tomori PSC, Eastern Indonesia, (1993a) Geological Map of Luwuk Sheet, Sulawesi,
Proceedings of 19th Indonesian Petroleum Geological Research and Development Centre,
Association Annual Convention. p. 41-67. Bandung.

Garrard, R.A., J.B. Supandjono, and Surono (1988) Rusmana, E., Sukido, D. Sukarna, E. Haryono, and
The Geology of the Banggai-Sula Microcontinent, T.O. Simandjuntak (1993b) Geological Map of
Eastern Indonesia. Proceedings of the 17th Lasusua-Kendari Quadrangle, Sulawesi, Geological
Indonesian Petroleum Association Annual Research and Development Centre, Bandung.
Convention. 88-11.01, pp. 23-52
Hall, R. (2012) Late Jurassic–Cenozoic
Satyana, A.H. (2006) Docking and post-docking
reconstructions of the Indonesian region and the
tectonic escapes of eastern Sulawesi: collisional
Indian Ocean. Tectonophysics, vol. 570–571, pp. 1–
convergence and their implications to petroleum
habitat. Proceedings of Jakarta 2006 Geoscience
Hamilton, W. (1979) Tectonics of the Indonesian Conference and Exhibition.
region. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper,
1078. 345 pp. Silver, E. A., R. McCaffrey, Y. Joyodiwiryo, and S.
Stevens (1983) Ophiolite emplacement by collision
Husein, S., D.H. Barianto, and M.I. Novian (in between the Sula Platform and the Sulawesi Island
preparation) The Mesozoic to Cenozoic Tectonic Arc, Indonesia. Journal of Geophysical Research,
Evolution of Luwuk Basin. 88, 9419–9435.
Simandjuntak, T.O. (1986) Sedimentology and Sumosusastro, P.A., H.D. Tjia, A.R. Fortuin, and J.
Tectonics of the Collision Complex in the East Arm Van Der Plicht (1989) Quaternary reef Record of
of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, differential uplift at Luwuk, Sulawesi East Arm,
University of London, UK. Indonesia. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 24
(2/3), 277-285.
Simandjuntak, T.O., E. Rusmana, J.B. Supandjono,
and A. Koswara (1993a) Geological Map of
Bungku Quadrangle, Sulawesi, Geological Research Surono, T.O. Simandjuntak, R.L. Situmorang, and
and Development Centre, Bandung. Sukido (1993) Geological Map of Batui
Quadrangle, Geological Research and Development
Simandjuntak, T.O., E. Rusmana, Surono, and J.B. Centre, Bandung.
Supandjono (1993b) Geological Map of Malili
Quadrangle, Sulawesi, Geological Research and van Bemmelen, R.W. (1949) The Geology of
Development Centre, Bandung. Indonesia. Government Printing Office, Nijhoff,
The Hague. 732 pp.
Simandjuntak, T.O., Surono, and Sukido (1993c)
Kolaka Sheet, Sulawesi Geological Map of Kolaka
Sheet, Sulawesi, Geological Research and Watkinson, I.M., R. Hall, and F. Ferdian (2011)
Development Centre, Bandung. Tectonic re-interpretation of the Banggai-Sula–
Molucca Sea margin, Indonesia. in: Hall, R.,
Simandjuntak, T.O., Surono, and J.B. Supandjono Cottam, M.A. & Wilson, M.E.J. (eds) The SE Asian
(1997) Geological Map of Poso Quadrangle, Gateway: History and Tectonics of the Australia–
Sulawesi, Geological Research and Development Asia Collision. Geological Society, London, Special
Centre, Bandung. Publications, 355, pp. 203–224.
120o N 125o N 130o N


5o N


North Sulawesi Trench

North Arm
East Sorong Fault

5o S
Flores Thrust

10o S


Figure 1 - Regional tectonic setting of East Indonesia (modified after Hamilton, 1979; Letouzey, 1983;
Moss & Wilson, 1998; Hall, 2012). Red-line square is the study area, whilst the blue-dotted
one is inset for Figure 2.
v v v v v NORTH ARM
v v
Legend :
v v
+ + : Banggai-Sula

x x : East Sulawesi
Ophiolite complex
z z : Pompangeo
v v : North Sulawesi
volcanic arc
x x : Hydrocarbon
x + Fig.4 : Tomori f ields
x + + +
x x +
x x 5 +
+ + +
z x 4 + +
x + + + +
+ +
+ +
3 BAY +
x +
x x

122oE 124oE 126oE

Figure 2 - Regional configuration of fundamental tectonic elements for the East Arm of Sulawesi and
its hydrocarbon indication (modified after Garrard et al., 1988; Davies, 1990; Rusmana et al.,
1993; Simandjuntak et al., 1993; Simandjuntak et al., 1997; Surono et al., 1993; Moss &
Wilson, 1998; Watkinson et al., 2011). Exisiting hydrocarbon fields are marked by numbers: 1 -
Mantawa, 2 - Tiaka Kalamba, 3 - Dongkala Tolo, 4 - Minahaki, and 5 - Matindok. Red-line
square is the study area. Blue lines are location of seismic line in Figure 4.

Figure 3 - Field traverse map on SRTM image. Red-line rectangle is the study area. Red-dotted lines are
field traverse. Yellow circles are hydrocarbon seepages (after Rusmana et al., 1993; Surono et
al., 1993). Red circle is gas-producing well of Matindok Field.
Figure 4 - Another seismic line of BS07-20 that crossing the extension of Batui Thrust offshore to the east
(Watkinson et al., 2011). A series of north-vergent thrusts can be clearly observed.
Location map is depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 5 - Geologic map of Luwuk, resulted from this mapping program. Thin black lines are anticlinal
axis of Salodik Anticlinorium. Stratigraphic legend is presented in Figure 6.
Figure 6 - Tectonostratigraphic chart of Luwuk. Comprehensive discussion on tectonic evolution is given in
Husein et al. (in prep.)

Figure 7 - S-shaped parasitic minor folds in the Tertiary Salodik grainstones, suggesting a major recumbent
fold crest located to the south of the location (ref: McClay, 1987). A northwest-vergeance thrust
is most likely located to the north of the location. Camera facing west, location is indicated by (a)
on geologic map and cross-section.
Figure 8 - Ophiolites outcrop at Pagimana, composed of highly sheared gabbro (white-green) and basalt
(dark-green), with numerous magnesite veins mainly following existing fault planes. Kinematic
analysis on an inverse fault (see inserted graph and photo) suggests a SE-NW compression and
NE-SW extension once had working on the area. This fault zone might represents a NE
extension of Siuna rifting along the western part of Balantak Fault. Camera facing south,
location is indicated by (a) on SRTM image.

Figure 9 - Siuna Valley, with distinct triangular facets on the northern escarpment, suggesting a
transtensional rift (large strike-slip fault with normal components created the triangular
facets escarpment) had occurred along the Balantak Fault zone. Represents opening of the
Gulf of Poh since Late Miocene (initial uplift of Luwuk). Camera facing north, location is
indicated by (b) on SRTM image at Figure 8.
Figure 10 - Altered gabbro dissected by an E-W dextral fault, outcropped at Siuna Village.
Kinematic analysis suggesting a NW-SE compression. Camera facing north, location
is indicated by (c) on SRTM image at Figure 8.

Figure 11 - Structural contact (high-angle reverse fault) between Balantak Ophiolites and the Tertiary Poh
marls, both are eroded and covered by Pliocene molasse of Kintom Formation. This outcrop
suggests aninitial inversion of the Balantak Ophiolites at Late Miocene. Camera facing west,
location is indicated by (b) on geologic map and cross-section at Figure 7.

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