FM - 1-506 US Army Fundamentals of Aircraft Power Plants
FM - 1-506 US Army Fundamentals of Aircraft Power Plants
FM - 1-506 US Army Fundamentals of Aircraft Power Plants
FM 1-506
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FM 1-506
FM 1-506
This manual provides information on the operation, components, and systems of aircraft power plants. The
turbine engine is relatively new to the aviation field and its technology is growing rapidly. This manual will bring
users up-to-date on new developments in the field.
Propellers have been deleted from this manual since the Army no longer works on them.
This manual is for use by Army aviation mechanics worldwide.
For specific instructions on the aircraft power plants in particular types and models of aircraft, refer to applicable
maintenance manuals. Should the information in this field manual and that in a specific aircraft maintenance
manual conflict, the latter takes precedence.
The proponent of this publication is HQ TRADOC. Submit changes for improving this publication on DA
Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) and forward it to Assistant Comman-
dant, US Army Aviation Logistics School, ATTN ATSQ-LTD-L, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5421.
Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women are included.
This manual contains copyrighted material as follows:
Pages 3-7 thru 3-8,3-11 thru 3-12,3-14 thru 3-15,3-17 thru 3-20; 4-17; 8-1,8-5 thru
8-8; 9-1,9-3, thru 9-4,9-6, 9-7, thru 9-12; Fig 3-19, Fig 3-20: Copyright ©, 1951,
1974, United Technologies Corporation.
FM 1-506
Aircraft power plants must meet exacting require- The overall form an engine takes is determined to a high
ments for dependability and endurance. Many difficult degree by the compactness required. The degree of
engineering problems have been overcome in an effort to compactness that may be achieved is limited by the
satisfy these requirements with further advances being physical requirements of the engine. For example, com-
made each day. Requirements imposed on aircraft pactness is limited on radial air-cooled engines duet to the
power plants in an effort to obtain engines suitable for frontal area required for sufficient cooling of engine
aircraft include – cylinders.
Reliabtity. Low Weight per Horsepower
Durability. Minimum weight per horsepower (HP) is a primary
Compactness. requirement in aeronautics. The weight of a power plant
Low weight per horsepower. must be kept as low as possible. This allows the aircraft
High specific power output. to carry a large useful load with a satisfactory margin of
Reasonable cost. safety in proportion to gross weight. The larger modern
High thermal efficiency. aircraft reciprocating engines have attained a horsepower-
Freedom from vibration. to-weight ratio of 1 horsepower to 1 pound weight. Gas
Ease of maintenance. turbine engines currently used by the Army have a greater
Operating flexibility. horsepower-to-weight ratio. A good example is the
T-55-L-712, which develops 4500 shaft horsepower
DEFINITION OF TERMS (SHP) and weighs 750 pounds(dry) (6.0 HP per pound).
Reliability High Specific Power Output
Reliability is the most important fundamental power Power output is based on engine size, RPM, and
plant requirement. In the air each working part, no weight for the fuel-air mixture. Size and RPM are limited
matter how small is important. Only by careful attention in the reciprocating engine. Therefore, an increase in the
to the smallest detail can aircraft power plant manufac- effective working pressure in the cylinders is one of the
turers and mechanics assure power plant reliability. most valuable ways to increase the specific power output.
Greater pressure increases are possible by supercharging
Durability the engine (comprising the mixture before it enters the
Durability is the measure of reliable engine life. The cylinders). The limiting factors in increasing cylinder
durability realized by an engine depends largely on the pressure are resistance of the fuel to detonation and the
type or condition of operation. Intelligent application of maximum allowable cylinder pressure.
operation and maintenance procedures results in greatly Reasonable Cost
improved power plant durability.
Despite perfection of design and quality of
Compactness workmanship, no power plant will be desirable if it is too
Compactness is essential to power plant design in costly in a competitive market. A primary factor deter-
order to lower parasitic drag and to attain higher speeds. mining the usefulness of an engine is its cost. Because of