Flywheel Propulsion Concept Design
Flywheel Propulsion Concept Design
Flywheel Propulsion Concept Design
DOC. CN # 097-2004
-IRCTD ) -
By M. G. Acosta
- 2004
International Research Center
on Technology and Development
of Propulsion Flywheels
aerodynamic drag of the flight to impulse the highlight their potential performance, cost
motor-generators. reduction enhancement for both acquisition
and operation, and reliability projections.
Internal combustion (space rated engines),
coupled to high power fuel cells, fueled by Retro-Rotor Flywheel Propulsion is
on board hydrogen-oxygen or similar proposed to be a highly reliable,
combustors, may be used on spaceborne environmentally sound and inherently safe
conditions. Other hybrid systems may also concept. It withholds the promise of
be provided to assure steady on space dramatically reduced costs for the overall
prime power sourcing. operation and access to space on adjusted
applications, proper to aeronautic standards.
A preferred embodiment of a lifting body This shall provide a rather revolutionary
and/or flying wing body fuselage is used to transport system enabling at last sustained
describe the apparatus of the invention for business private operations within it.
trans-atmospheric airspace applications,
without departing from the essential spirit of A kind of advancement which while requiring
the invention. significant R&T investments may assure a
sustained access and widespread use of
Such an embodiment may include a plurality outer space, providing unknown
of at least two pairs of main opportunities for leadership and innovation,
propulsors, each of them assembled as well as an entire new class of working
alongside on the wing sides of the vehicle, places for a myriad of multi-purpose in
each one powered by a proper eolic jet- space operations, in a way much more
engine of the e.g., GE A-1 class. familiar to us on the global civil aviation and
aeronautic flight standards of present days.
A maneuvering system of at least three
modular high precision micro- We conclude with the need for establishing
propulsors, are disposed on tripod position a new Flywheel Propulsion
at the three main vertex of vehicle. They Laboratory dedicated to develop and
shall be aligned to define three-dimensional advance Retro-Rotor Flywheel technology
attitude, guidance and steering of yaw, pitch and applications, within the world airspace
and roll control over the entire vehicle. community, at the highest possible level.
speed W’, called Relative rotation valued relationship between the absolute
(R), speed (Va), the relative speed (V’), and the
- And one second due to the rotation drag speed (V”), of any given mass point
of said central inertial axis around a P(M) of the rotating flywheel, following the
reaction axis (O”Z”), with angular form:
speed W”, called drag or counter
rotation (CR), thus also called Va = V’ + V” ; (i)
For so doing the rotor of the flywheel shall n = (n1 – n2) / 2 ; (xi)
be an elastic homogeneous cylindrical body
which dynamic axis shall coincide with the As all rotating components in the propulsor
central inertial axis of rotation, so correlating contribute to the flywheel effect, they should
its central momentum of inertia ( ) to its be considered in much more detail for a
inertial central ellipsoid, in a free movable complete analysis of any specific design,
rectangular Cartesian coordinated system summing up all the different rotating weights
(Ox, Oy, Oz) rigidly coupled to a massive and their respective radii of gyration
cylindrical flywheel with mass m, radius r, squared, making the equation (x) to become
and height h, which rotates around its fixed of the form
central inertial axis z , correlated to the
2 2
dynamic axis Oz of the reference system, E = ( Σ MR ) Cf n / 91.2 g ; (xii)
making the equation of central momentum to
be of the form In which the main flywheel effect will be thus
equivalent to
If we consider a Motor
The net thrust ( ) delivered by the
driven vehicle at any instant t, to be moving
propulsion system, neglecting any kind of
with respect to Earth with a linear flight
resistance, will be directly proportional to
the total momentum accumulated by the speed , keeping its propulsive Retro-
rotating rig, in the form of expendable kinetic Rotary thrust unchanged, and if it is not
energy, or flywheel effect E to be exchanged being submitted to any external force
by Retro-Rotary reaction, times the drag (without weight), at a further instant (t + ∆t)
speed V” developed: its flight speed will be ( ∆ ). As we will
keep the linear absolute speed Va
= E V” ; (xiii) developed by the propulsor constant during
the flight, its speed with respect to Earth
As the net thrust deliverable will depend on during the time ∆t will be then ( + Va), so
the torque coefficient T of the system, given that the equation of motion for the vehicle
by becomes
= + ∆ ) + Va ; (xviii)
T = / Ew ; (xiv)
So that,
Where is the driving power provided by the
drives, E the expendable ∆ = -(1 / ) Va ;
kinetic energy or flywheel effect provided by
the rotating rotors, depreciating any By integrating we get
resistance effect due to the interaction, both
dynamic and mechanic, of the associated
= - Va log (1/ ) + constant ; (xix)
rotor and stator bodies of the drives, and w
being its absolute angular acceleration at
This in decimal logarithms becomes:
the arising center.
(a) The distance on the factor (0.6738) (c) Any exploration time shall be added
of Va, rooted, multiplied by 2 to get to this time-table schedule.
(b) And by 4 to get t”.
In which, the main rotor plates (1a, 1r, and 1p), baked by the secondary reaction rails
(2a, 2b, and 2c), are rotated around their common inertial shaft axis (4), in response to
the axial impulsion provided by the Homopolar motor drive (6), it anchored to the main
cage structure of the engine (8) by means of axial and radial magnetic bearings (5m, and
5r,) assisted by the auxiliary bearings (5a) at the tips. The flywheel plates shall
accumulate a momentum equivalent to their size, mass, and relative rotational speed.
The Flywheel engine develops propulsive thrust by activating a given correlated
segmented primary SLIM drives (7), both axial or arched (7a), and radial (7r’ and 7r”),
in accordance with Retro-Rotary principles. The Black-Box cage structure (8) of the
engine shall be appropriately fixed to the main body of the vehicle so as to assure its
propulsive boostering in a selected bi-dimensional plane of action.
However, linear motion may be derived Said thrust machines comprise power
directly from Linear Electric Motors (LEM’s), machines for continuous duty operating at
a kind of an unrolled counterpart of almost medium to high angular speed regimes with
every electrical rotating application. very high efficiency, as main drive
LEM’s are used to thrust levitating trains
(MagLevs), as a main application for Force machines for short stroke duty on high
propulsion purposes, and may be used to demanding applications, as e.g., hard linear
lunch space vehicles from a rack, as a accelerating, breaking boostering, and lifting
starter for first stage LEM boostering. actuators against gravity.
Optical interphases must provide better The segmented SLIM disk drives are
protection to the driving commands with the operated to counter-rotate or brake the
ability to withstand a more hostile already rotating flywheel plates at a given
environment, with easier maintenance, radial polarity, thus inducing “retro-rotary”
repair and replacement, all of paramount reactions. They will compel it essentially to
importance to Retro-Rotor actuators. develop a drag force chosen at will with
respect to the vehicle main frame reference,
so as to derive a given propulsive thrust in a
c. RFP engines selected direction, or to cancel it (active
braking) following Retro-Rotary principles.
Retro-Rotor Flywheel Propulsors may be
thus considered to be an application of Electric phase controllers may be used to
LEMs to a flywheel system, comprising a govern the propulsion thrust derived from
very high rim speed rotor (on the order of at any given actuator, they being operated
least 17,000 m/sec at 48,000 RPM). To through digital pulse commands. Optical
achieve such a performance the rotor shaft interphases are recommended to avoid
of the flywheel shall be powered by a state interferences owe to high electric eddy
of the art Homopolar motor drive coupled to currents from the propulsor charges, so
it. providing an appropriate protection to said
Each flywheel rotor plate shall be made for a
very high rim speed capability, with solid- A switched reluctance starter generator
web composite alloys made of paramagnetic coupled to each of the main prime
materials proper to act as secondary generating engines of the vehicle, e.g., to
anchors for a series of primary SLIM’s, as the jet engines of an aircraft vehicle, shall
shown below, and covered by its active face act as the prime power generators for the
by an aluminum laid. homopolar motors of the main propulsors, in
accordance with every application seek,
The rotor plates are operated to store a e.g., for surface, airborne or space borne
rotating momentum, equivalent to the size, vehicles.
mass, and relative rotating speed of all the
rotating elements associated to the flywheel, Thus a completely autonomous propulsion
and shall act as the moving secondary for means may be developed, independent of
the series of collateral segmented Single any external supporting media, and of any
Sided Linear Induction Motors (SLIM), which expendable propulsive mass, by means of
operate as propulsion and guidance control which a propulsion thrust may be derived
drives over the machine, following Retro- from the momentum accumulated by the
Rotary principles. rotating rig on a continuous manner.
A preferred embodiment of the engine The specific impulse, power density, and
comprises a series of at least three rotor structural design configuration which it may
plates on each flywheel motor, geared on a provide, means a rather robust, flexible,
common cage structure. Such a system of efficient and affordable non mass-
geared-like or “layered” plates within the expendable propulsive drive, of very high
flywheel system are essential to achieve a performance capability. Such a propulsive
high rotating speed, power density, For so doing, any main RFP propulsor
structural strength, efficiency, and for space launching operations shall be
weight. designed with sizes between one and a
half and three meters of main
The control means for the RFP switched convergence radius span, to reach the
starter-generators, are very well known operating requirement at the rim speed
to the art (2). They consist of solid state stated, and shall be made of a solid web
power converters, which must include a composite metal providing the magnetic
closed-loop regulator, controlling the requirements of the SLIM drive
amount of fire angle advance to primaries, baked by an aluminum based
maintain an optimum torque production laid by its active face.
from the RFP’s at high rim speed, and a
digital commutation controller which This will allow establishing the main
generates phase firing pulses for the flywheel effect factor (or wk2, as
inverter, following the requirements of established above) by summing up the
the rotor SLIM drives angle, pulse width, different rotating weights and radii of
and pulse advance to generate gyration squared, including all rotating
propulsion. bodies, as such of the rotors of the
Homopolar motors coupled to the plates
The flywheel design for a stress-free of each flywheel system.
high rim speed rotor exceeding 10,000
m/sec, is very complex. As the flywheel Of course, on outer space regime, said
effect gained as exchangeable kinetic effect depends entirely on the span size
energy is plotted against the torque of the main rotating plates, besides the
required in each cycle, to obtain the antigravity effect of all rotating bodies at
appropriate coefficient of fluctuation for high rim speeds on Earth borne
the stated rim speed range, the thrust conditions, as discovered by Leithwaithe
application should be designed between in the 1980’s, to which conclusions we
a given value of 0.100 and 0.200, as adhere, and which we should overlook
stated by R.C. Johnson (3). on an actual experiment designed with
this purpose, as we also proposed them
But the very high rim speed requirement on a previous paper (4).
demands solid composite –para-
magnetic on its active face- steel Thus to achieve man-rated launch
techniques eliminating welding, rim requirements and outer space cruise
porosities, and blowholes. Such a speeds to escape the Sun gravity and
structural design for the plate disks, of attain the near-by stars, the launched
the solid web type, must be accurately vehicles must be boosted to speeds in
analyzed for stress at rim speeds excess of Mach 25 on its way out of
exceeding the stated 10,000 m/sec Earth, and at cruiser ones of Mach 30 to
requirement, in flywheels which limiting escape the Sun.
factors –weight and size- are
determined by the application seek, as a It will require then flywheel propulsors of
moving paramagnetic secondary for the a main radius span size of around three
SLIM disk drives, which provide meters. It means a real technological
propulsion for the entire vehicle, besides challenge to be accomplished.
the space availability and weight severe
restrictions proper to airspace systems.
They are designed as single sided linear Redundancy shall be implemented to assure
induction motors (SLIM) for disk drives, with safety requirements.
fixed short primaries made of compensated
polyphase (gramme-ring) windings of A second set of SLIM drives, designed and
longitudinal flux, which may be assembled assembled independently with respect to the
both as arch and/or disk actuators. main propulsive driving ones, over the same
flywheel system, are essential to gently
Of course, other configurations may be steer the flying vehicle over the path of
developed to accomplish travel followed on airspace conditions.
propulsion without departing from the
essential spirit of the invention, e.g., double- A third independent new system of attitude
sided LIMs with both, longitudinal or controllers, composed of three integrated
transverse flux configuration, linear flywheels of > 0.3 m of radius span,
synchronous motors with conventional or powered as continuous duty energy drives
superconducting field windings, linear of >10,000 m/sec rotational capability,
reluctance or linear Homopolar motor drives enclosed and geared on three independent
configured as acyclic drives, etc.. Black-Box caged structures, assembled to
the vehicle in tripod positions at the three
Short primary SLIMs generate some side main vertex of same, and controlled through
effects owe to their very nature, as edge digital steering.
effects, both static and dynamic, transverse
edge effects, skin effects, air-gap leakage They will provide attitude, stability and
fluxes, and normal forces. They shall all be guidance to the navigation control and
considered in considerable detail for command of the vehicle, e.g., for yaw, pitch,
appropriate design analysis, when the roll and steering control, and are an active-
governing equations corresponding to a dynamic complement to the aerodynamic
controller surfaces of the fuselage, common main thrust convergence value induction, in
to this kind of vehicles. At best they may an appropriate manner within the habitacle.
provide also lifting against gravity, especially
at microgravity ambience. All said functions, main propulsion, attitude
control, steering guidance and navigation,
Another totally new system, which outer space amortization, and artificial
complement the main propulsion drives and gravity generation, are all to be achieved by
attitude controllers, are a set of redundant purpose made actuator drives, which by
three–dimensional, vertex placed, outer their very structure and configuration, are
space amortization, or vibration dampers, only feasible from Retro-Rotor flywheel
powered as short stroke SLIM drives. propulsion principles.
On a long range outer space travel flight the Analytical models for SLIM/REM’s shall
main propulsors may also be adjusted, e.g., resemble the physical boundaries of the real
by pivoting their position into the vehicle machine to the best possible degree. As the
against the path of travel followed, so as to solutions to the boundary value of inherently
generate the gravity standard by their very discontinuous REM/SLIM short primaries,
are not presently known, the solutions This result may be thus compared with
describing the magnetic vector potential may idealized REM/SLIM solutions of the closed
be derived by finite-difference methods. form, to get a convergence solution for the
machine, its mesh size, and any error owe
This allows establishing the difference forms to the discretization process.
for the corresponding boundaries and
interface conditions. The model of a given REM/SLIM machine
with back iron shall be divided into six basic
These equations may be solved by the so regions (as shown in the scheme of FIG. 1),
called Successive Over Relaxation method
(SOR) or extrapolated Liebmann method The potential differential equation for the
(2). magnetic vector potential in region 1 will
thus be :
Thus, the magnetic vector potential may
allow deriving the magnetic flux density,
Retro-Rotary thrust drag forces, current [δ2A / δx2] + [δ2A / δy2] =
densities, and ohmnic loses in the reaction
plate of the machine.
= [µ0 σ δA / δt] + [ µ0 σ U δA / δx ] (i)
The value of the stated quantities at each
node may be established from the vector
potential, and the total value of said
quantities throughout a region may be
derived by numerical integration.
y, i !<----------- L ----------->!
Î (4) !_____________________________________!
FIG 1:
In which :
1. Layers (1), (2) extend to infinity in the + x direction.
2. Layer (3) is inherently discontinuous in the + x direction, and all of them being discontinuous
in the + y direction, the most critical spanning of the real machine.
3. The excitation windings are located at the slotted primary structure, smoothed for
convenience to permit representation of the machine excitation as a current sheet of
negligible thickness and finite width.
4. The motion of the secondary is in the x – direction only.
5. The physical constants of the layers are homogeneous, isotropic, and linear.
6. The ferromagnetic material does not saturate.
7. Variations on the z – direction are ignored.
8. All currents flow in z – direction only.
9. The primary is constructed of laminated iron only, to ensure that conductivity in the z –
direction is negligible.
10. Time and space variations are sinusoidal.
= µ2 Jz ; (x)
I + 1, j
! By1 = By6 and Bx1 =
! qh
! = (µ1 / µ6 ) Bx6 ; (xi)
h ! h
--------------------- !----------------------- where
i, j - 1 ! i, j i, j + 1
α is a complex constant, as described by
idealized theory (5),
qh !
β is the phase constant, in radians / m, and
i – 1, j γ the forward traveling wave, as defined in
(5) ,
j being the complex operator (-1)½
FIG 3: REM/SLIM COMPUTATIONAL w the primary angular frequency or electrical
MOLECULE SIMPLIFIED angular velocity, in radians / s, and
jz the primary current sheet linear density.
- Right side : B x5 = B x3
By5 = [µ5 / µ3] By3 ; A (ij) = [ [ 2 A (i + 1j) + 2S1A (i – 1j) + (q S1
+ e) A (ij + 1) ] / 2 S1 (q + 1 ) + γ ] +
As the magnetic flux density (in teslas) B, is 2
+ [ (q S1 + β) A (ij – 1) ]
equal to the primary induced voltage V times
the magnetic vector potential A, we get, / 2 S1 (q2 + 1) + γ ; (xvi)
Bx = δ A / δy ; (xiii)
And - For the primary-air lateral boundary at
By = δ A / δx ; (xiv) the right side :
By = [ A (ij + 1) – A (ij – 1) ] / 2h + O (h ) ;
2 2
Where k = qh, and O(k ) and O(h ) indicate
the order of the truncation error, of orders k - And for the primary – air lateral
and h , respectively. boundary at the left side :
Where Kj is the phasor value of the current length (L) of the reaction plate, beyond the
sheet at the node (ij). entry and exit edges, and by increasing the
primary and back iron layer thickness.
The sensitivity of the finite difference
approximation to the discontinuity at the left However, in practical applications it may be
and right corner points (or interception of the difficult to meet these conditions, especially
excitation layers on the primary left and right for Retro-Rotors with thin reaction plates,
sides), can be reduced by getting the because of the very large number of nodes
average of (xix) and (xviii), and of (xix) and that should be introduced to the model.
This may be avoided by redefining the value
Which gives for the left corner of A(ij) as
A(i j) = [ ( [2 S2 q2 + 3 S2 + 1 ] / 2 ) A (i + 1j)
+ [( 2 q2 + S2 + 3 ) / 2 ] A (i – 1j) ]
k k k k
A (i j) = (1 / R ) A ( i + 1j) L θ : (xxi)
/ 2 (q + γ ) ( S2 + 1)
2 2
+ [ [ q A (ij – 1) + q S2 A (ij + 1) ] Where k is the first iteration for which
/ 2 (q + 1) (S2 + 1) ] A (i + 1j) is non-zero,
- 0.5 q h µo kj : (xx) k k k
R = ! A (i + 2j) ! / ! A (i + 1j) !,
and θ is the phase difference between A (i
+ 2j) and A (i + 1j) at the k iteration. In
And finally, as the values of the magnetic essence, by readjusting the contour nodes
vector potential at the contour boundaries under the influence of the neighboring ones.
shall be set equal to zero, this may be
achieved by prolonging sufficiently the
By (i j) = - [ A ( ij + 1) - A ( ij – 1) ] / 2h ;
The factor By ( i j ) is the complex conjugate
of By (i j), and Re indicates that the real part
is to be taken,
After substitution the foregoing equation The repulsion force over the node (i j),
becomes expressed as a time average force density,
is given by
Fx = // Re { (j 0.5 w σ A (i j) – 0.5 σ U By (i j) }
{ By (i j) } dx dy ; (xxiii) Fy (i j) = Re {j 0.5 σ w A (i j) + 0.5 σ U
By (i j) }{Bxx (i j)} ;
This gives the force per unit width. To find
the total force at the reaction plate, the force Where
density is integrated over the rim length of
the plate in the x-direction, and over its Bx (i j) = { A (i + 1j) – A (i – 1j) } / 2 qh ;
conducting sheet width in the y-direction.
And Bx is the complex conjugate of Bx (i j).
As the Ohm law for a moving media in
discrete form is This equation may be equally integrated
over the same integration limits as above,
J (i j) = - j w σ A (i j) + σ U By (i j) ; giving the repulsion force per unit width.
Therefore, the time average power loss The attraction force is approximately given
density in the reaction plate rim at node (i j) by
a 2
x Fy = {- By (i j) } / 2 µo ; (xxvii)
P (i j) = 0.5 Re { J (i j) J (i j) } / σ ; (xxiv)
w0 = 2 / { 1 + (1 – µ 1 2 )½ } ; (xxx)
wk = w 0 - F ( 2 – w0) ; (xxxiii)
Thus a standardized arch or disk rotor plate, assuming Ks = Kso , which is reasonable at
as such used for the Numerical Application 7
low speeds, and choosing σo = 5.5 x 10 Ω
model of point (4), may be employed to
/ m for cooper, (xxxviii) yields fo = 180 Hz.
simulate an arch or disk airspace rated REM
In fact, as Kso > Ks , to allow for this, a
correction shall be made by a standard
If the number of poles is not changed, and
relation, which when introduced, yields a
the equivalence conditions are met by
slightly different frequency, above 180 Hz.
decreasing the air gap and the pole pitch,
and slightly increasing the frequency for the
The force in the simulated SLIM drive is
simulated SLIM, thus the air gap flux density
obviously less than that in the real machine.
distribution remains the same, and the ratio
The ratio between the thrusts for the SLIMS
of the end-effect force to the conventional
force remains unchanged.