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Operating Manual B2

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Operating Manual

Injection Moulding Machine type PLUS

Read before using the injection moulding machine and
keep nearby for reference

Machine Type: PLUS 350 / 75

Control Type: UNILOG B2
Machine No.: 25336
Year of manufacture: 2003

Version: TB4GBV01 05/00

Injection Moulding Technology

Battenfeld GmbH
Scherl 10 • D-58527 Meinerzhagen
Tel. ++49 2354/72-0 • Fax ++49 2354/72-234

Battenfeld Kunststoffmaschinen Ges.m.b.H.

Wr.Neustädter Straße 81 • A - 2542 Kottingbrunn
Tel. ++43 2252/404-0 • Fax ++43 2252/404-1062



Operating Manual
Injection Moulding Machine type PLUSV
Read before using the control unit and
keep nearby for reference

Machine Type: PLUS 350V / 75

Control Type: UNILOG B2
Machine No.: 25556
Year of manufacture: 2003

Version: TB4GBV00 9/99

Injection Moulding Technology

Battenfeld GmbH
Scherl 10 • D-58527 Meinerzhagen
Tel. ++49 2354/72-0 • Fax ++49 2354/72-234

Battenfeld Kunststoffmaschinen Ges.m.b.H.

Wr.Neustädter Straße 81 • A - 2542 Kottingbrunn
Tel. ++43 2252/404-0 • Fax ++43 2252/404-1062




Chapter 1 General information

Chapter 2 Safety

Chapter 3 Technical Data

Chapter 4 Transport - Installation

Chapter 5 Structure and function


Chapter 6 Comissioning 0

Chapter 7 Maintenance

Chapter 8 Spares / Plans

Chapter 9 Customer service

Chapter 10 Extra chapter for special modules

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Section - IN1
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Section - IN1 B: PB2DEI1A.P65
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1.0 General information 3.12 Clamping force charts

1.1 Introduction 3.13 Clamping speed chart
1.2 Scope 3.14 Mould dimensions
1.3 Explanation of symbols 3.15 Conversion table for shot
1.4 Copyright
3.16 Weights of screws and barrels
1.5 Transfer Certificate
3.17 Torque settings for barrel end
1.6 Declaration of conformity
cap fixing bolts
3.18 Torque settings for bolts
2.0 Safety
3.18 Mould mounting dimensions
2.1 Safety regulations
3.19 Foundation and installation
2.2 Safety gate monitoring
2.3 Pneumatic Safety Gate and
Safety Bar
4.0 Transport - Installation
2.4 Safety gate and guard
4.1 General information
2.5 Protective equipment robot
4.2 Storage
4.3 Unloading
2.6 Checking safety devices
4.4 Space requirement plan
2.7 Table for risk assessment
4.5 Transporting the IMM
3.0 Technical Data 4.6 Installing the IMM
3.1 General information 4.7 Removing preservative agents
3.2 Hydraulic equipment 4.8 Levelling the IMM
3.3 Electrical equipment 4.9 Hydraulic system
3.4 Water system 4.10 Water system
3.5 UNIFEED material feeder 4.11 Pneumatic system
3.6 Injection unit 4.12 Electrical equipment
3.7 Clamping unit 4.13 Mould mounting
3.8 Injection pressure charts 4.14 Interface
3.9 Injection speed chart 4.15 Checking safety devices
3.10 Injection volume chart 4.16 Test run and interlock test
3.11 Screw speed chart

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? 5.0 Structure and function 7.0 Maintenance

5.1 View of assemblies 7.1 General information
5.2 Clamping unit 7.2 Transport, storage and
disposal of lubricants
5.3 Injection unit
7.3 Disposal of electrical and
5.4 Hydraulics
electronic components
5.5 Pneumatics
7.4 Hydraulic oil and lubricant table
5.6 Electrics
7.5 Maintenance chart
5.7 Control unit
7.6 Hydraulic system
7.7 Water system
6.0 Comissioning
7.8 Electrical equipment
6.1 General information
7.9 Pneumatic system
6.2 Initial commissioning
6.3 Starting the IMM after
8.0 Spares/ Plans
6.4 Test run without material
6.5 Filling the material hopper
6.6 Test run with material
6.7 Operation
6.8 Shutting the IMM down 9.0 Customer service
6.9 Shut down procedure 9.1 General information
6.10 Changing the place of
6.11 Disposal

Section - IN2 B: PB2DEI2A.P65
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General information

1.0 General information This Operating Manual is valid only for the IMM
specified on the front cover.

1.1 Introduction The presentation and content of this manual are

subject to technical alteration, as required by
This machine documentation is written with the continuous improvements of the IMM and / or its
intention that it should be read, understood and plant components.
followed by all those who will be responsible for
this Battenfeld injection moulding machine 1.2 Scope
(referered to as IMM hereafter).
IMM of the present series of this range have
The complete documentation should be held
been designed as standard for the processing of
close to the IMM and be available to operating
thermoplastics and optionally for processing
and maintenance staff at all times.
elastomers and LIM (Liquid Injection Moulding -
process for the injection moulding of liquid two
Only after reading through thoroughly, especially
part silicone rubbers).
Section "Safety",can problems with the IMM be
avoided and trouble free operation ensured. It is
Any other use is regarded as improper. The
therefore essential that this operating manual be
manufacturer accepts no responsibility for any
made available to the personnel concerned.
resulting damage; the risk is borne entirely by
This should take place before commissioning,
the operator.
because we can take no responsibility for
damage and operating faults arising from
ignorance of this operating manual! 1.3 Explanation of symbols

There are facilities for the training of your

operating staff in your works or at our factory.
For further information, contact the "Training
Department". The Warning symbol is to be found with all work
safety instructions in this operating manual
Should you still encounter difficulties, please where there is a hazard to the health and safety
contact our Customer Service Department or of persons. Follow these instructions and act in
our Local Technician or Agent (addresses are these cases with extreme care. Pass on all work
given in Section "Customer Service") who will safety instructions to other users. In addition to
be pleased to help. the instrutions given in this operating
manual,the general health and safety
regulations for the prevention of accidents must
be observed.

E: 180202 / Ruder
Chapter -1
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General information

These warning and prohibition symbols may be The symbol for environmental hazard draws
present on the IMM. They warn of particular attention to environmental hazards, for instance,
dangers of death or injury to operating and concerning the disposal of all sorts of materials.
maintanance personnel When carrying out repair and maintenance work
the corresponding rules and regulations must be
The "Hot surface" sign indicates areas where adhered to.
there is a burning hazard. The user must be
protected by appropriate personnel protective 1.4 Copyright
equipment (PPE) (see DIN EN 407).
The copyright of this operating manual remains
Areas indicated by the "Pinch hazard" sign warn with Battenfeld GmbH. This operating manual is
of possible pinching or crushing hazards. intended for assembly, operating and
supervisory staff. It contains instructions and
Surfaces with the "No step" sign must not be diagrams of a technical nature which may not
stepped on. be reproduced entirely or in part, distributed or
used without authorisation for the purposes of
Caution competition or conveyed to third parties.
Caution marks those sections in this operating
manual where there are instructions or
1.5 Transfer Certificate
regulations which must be observed and/or that
the correct sequence of work should be
The transfer certificate enclosed with this
followed, and/or that care must be taken to
operating manual is to confirm the transfer of
avoid damage to the IMM and associated
the IMM and the completeness of the operating
manual. After checking, the transfer certificate
should be completed, signed, and returned to
the "Documentation" department.

The high voltage symbol in the manual indicates 1.6 Declaration of conformity
those places where personnel can come into
contact with electrical equipment and materials. The Declaration of conformity is included at the
Care must be taken to ensure that the end of this chapter.
applicable local electrical safety regulations are

Chapter -1 B: PB2DE0AB.P65
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Telefax message
General information

To: Documentation Dept. BKU ++43/2252 404 - 3002

Documentation Dept. BMF ++49/2354 72 - 551

Transfer Certificate

for confirmation of acceptance of technical documentation by the customer

1) Machine type: ______________________________________ Com. no.: _________________

2) Customer’s address ____________________________________________________________



3) We have acquired the machine detailed in para. 1. On handover of the

were provided with ___________________________________ (number)

Operating manual(s) in the __________________________ language.

_________________________ ___________________________________________
Date Customer’s signature

4) Date of transfer: ___________________________________________

5) Address of authorised agent or


Company stamp / signature

6) The injection moulding machine has

been handed over to the customer in
accordance with the manufacturer’s

_______________________________ Signature if different from Para. 5

Date Service technician’s signature

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Chapter -1
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2.0 Safety Responsibilites and procedures for all work

involving installation, dismantling, modification
and maintenance of the IMM are to be recorded
2.1 Safety regulations in a procedure.

General information Modifications and alterations which affect the

safety of the IMM,as well as all work relating to
Numerous safety devices contribute to safety maintenance, are to be documented in an
and accident prevention on the machine inspection record which is to be stored for at
(hereinafter IMM) or robot. The proprietor of the least ten years.
machine is responsible for the proper function of
the safety devices. The IMM is designed and built to the currently
applicable Standard DIN EN 292-2 so that noise
The IMM is designed and built to the currently emission hazards when used properly with
applicable safety requirements of European optimised settings are reduced to the lowest
Standard EN 201 and is safe in operation. attainable level.
Hazards can arise from this IMM if it is
improperly used by untrained personnel or is Before operating the IMM with a robot, the
used for purposes for which it is not designed. safety regulations in the Robot Operating
Manual must be followed without fail.
For reasons of safety the control software must
not be changed. Any modification of the Before operating the IMM with integrated
software without our consent will invalidate peripheral equipment (e.g. material feeder) the
clauses of the warranty! safety regulations in the appropriate Peripheral
Equipment Operating Manual(s) must be
The environment, safety and accident followed without fail.
prevention regulations, as well as operating
procedures, are always applicable to the Connection and installation of peripheral
running of the IMM. equipment may only be carried out by
authorised personnel.
Unauthorised modifications or alterations which
affect the safety of the IMM are not permitted. The top guard over the clamping unit (PLUS
horizontal)must remain permanently closed,
Proper use of the IMM includes observation of unless robots have been fitted which conform to
the instructions laid down by the manufacturer the local safety regulations.
for assembly, dismantling, commissioning,
operation and maintenance.

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The proprietor of the IMM has to make sure and The IMM may only be lifted using the lifting
verify that the operator is aware of the safety points described in Chapter "Transport -
instructions and potential hazards and follows Installation".
the operating manual at regular intervals.
Before installation of the IMM the safety
Even if the IMM is only subject to slight measures detailed in DIN EN 292-2, Para. 6.1.2
modifications in terms of position it should be are to be observed.
disconnected from any power supply.
Reconnect all power supplies according to the After electrical work or repair, the safety devices
operating manual before restarting the machine. must be tested (e.g. earthing resistance).

When disposing of the IMM to a third party (or Operation and maintenance
company), the Operating Manual must also be
handed over. It is recommended to have a All work is principally to be carried out when the
written confirmation of this. IMM is shutdown. The appropriate shut down
procedures are to be followed.
Before starting work on the IMM its drive and
For installation, dismantling, modification, periphery equipment must be secured against
adaptation, and maintenance work parts, accidental reconnection, e.g. using a padlock on
components or the entire IMM has to be the main switch.
secured and carefully attached to the lifting gear
so as to prevent any dangers from arising. Only Before reconnecting the IMM the safety devices
use appropriate lifting gear in proper working must always be checked for their proper
order with sufficient carrying force. Personnel or function.
other persons must by no means stand or work
under suspended loads. Before putting into operation after repair it must
be verified that all the safety devices are in
Loads may only be fastened, secured and place according to regulations.
transported by experienced, authorised and
trained personnel. Safety devices may only be removed with the
IMM switched off and secured against
accidental reconnection.

If the ejector or core pullers are operated with

the safety gate open, it must be ensured that
there are no pinching or crushing points on the

Chapter -2 B: PB2DE0BB.P65
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Spare parts must meet or exceed the technical Safety instructions with respect to personnel
specification laid down by the manufacturer.
All persons involved with the IMM on the
The operator has a duty to ensure that electrical operator’s premises, whether for installation,
motors and components do not come in contact dismantling, commissioning, operation,
with any liquids. maintenance (inspection, service and repair)
must first read and understand the appropriate
Carefully clean the environment, especially Operating Manual, especially Chapter "Safety".
connections and fittings before servicing the The proprietor of the machine is advised to have
plant. this confirmed in writing.

Cleaning materials are hazardous to health and The IMM may only be operated, maintained and
flammable. The manufacturer’s instructions are repaired by authorised, trained personnel.
to be followed without fail. Do not use Personnel must have undergone special
aggressive cleaning agents. Use non-fibrous instruction about possible hazards.
cleaning cloths.
Personnel to be trained, instructed or who have
When using oils, greases or other chemical not yet finished the professional training may
substances, follow the safety regulations only work at the IMM if supervised by
applicable to this product. authorised, trained and instructed staff.

The proprietor is responsible for secure and The operators must wear their hair tied back,
proper waste disposal of process material. close-fitting clothes and must not wear any
jewellery including rings. There is a danger of
Always tighten screw connections which have injury, e.g. becoming trapped or caught.
become loose during operating and
maintenance work. Check pipework for leaks, Responsibilities for installation, dismantling,
loosened screw connections, chafe marks, and commissioning, operation, and maintenance
damage. Remedy detected defects immediately. must be clearly defined and adhered to so that
no "grey areas" arise on the subject of
responsibilities for safety.

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For all work involving installation, dismantling, It is forbidden to stand on the IMM or to reach
modification and maintenance, the IMM is to be into the injection unit during operation.
switched off at the main switch and secured
against accidental reconnection (e.g. by using a The shut down procedures given in the
padlock on the main switch). operating manual are always to be followed for
all work on the IMM.
When undertaking work involving installation,
dismantling, modification, operation and The operator is obliged to report at once any
maintenance, no flammable liquids may be alteration in the IMM which affects safety. If
allowed to come into contact with components necessary the IMM should be switched off at
whose high temperatures could cause a fire or once by operating the emergency stop button
explosion risk. and the main switch.

Before any work involving installation, The operator has a duty always to operate the
dismantling, modification and maintenance, the IMM in a fault free condition.
heating elements and their guards, mould
temperature control units and their flow and Cleanliness and tidiness of the IMM are to be
return lines and their fittings must have cooled ensured by appropriate instruction and
to a safe temperature. monitoring on the part of the proprietors of the
The operator must protect him / herself from
burning hazards from the heating elements, The operator is obliged to observe all safety
heating-cooling devices and their covers, flow regulations and danger signs at the IMM. These
and return lines and their fittings and the signs must be complete and fully legible.
housings of electrical motors by wearing
appropriate PPE (see DIN EN 407). If the material hopper, the material feeder or the
stuffing device are located higher than the
The operator has a duty always to use the IMM average body height, climbing aids and working
with closed safety gates and guards. platforms which meet the legal safety
requirements must be used for installation,
No working method which compromises the dismantling, modification, maintenance and
safety of the IMM should be employed. filling. Do not use the IMM components as
climbing aid. When working at greater heights
The operator has a duty to ensure that no proper equipment for proctection against falling
unauthorised person works on the IMM. down must be worn.

The operating and other staff must always stand The operator has a duty to ensure that no
at the front of the IMM on the operator’s side foreign bodies enter the material hopper or
while it is in operation. barrel throat.

Chapter -2 B: PB2DE0BB.P65
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It is essential that the operator ensures proper Safety regulations Hydraulics / pneumatics
fitting of the nozzle or there may be a risk of its
shooting out. The IMM is designed and built to the currently
applicable safety requirements of European
When using Mouldmaster nozzles (nozzles in Standard EN 982:1996 and is safe in operation.
the mould) the operator must ensure that there Hazards can, however, arise from the hydraulic
are no pinching or crushing points. system of this IMM if it is improperly used by
untrained personnel or if it is used for purposes
In any work involving installation, dismantling, for which it is not designed. Thus all work
modification and maintenance, the following involving installation, dismantling, modification
potential pinching and crushing hazards may and maintenance may only be carried out by a
arise: qualified hydraulic or pneumatic technician.

• Between the safety gate and machine Hydraulic technicians are persons who due to
frame on closing the clamping unit’s specialised training and experience have
safety gate(s) sufficient knowledge in the field of oil hydraulics
and who are familiar with the relevant safety
• Between the purge guard and the nozzle
regulations, regulations for the prevention of
platen on closing the purge guard
accidents, directives and generally approved
• With hydraulic shut-off nozzles from the rules in technology, e.g. DIN standards.
movement of their closing mechanism
• Between the nozzle and the fixed platen Before opening hydraulic or pneumatic
when moving the injection unit forward components and hoses, the hydraulic unit has
with the purge guard open to be relieved from pressure as described in this
operating manual.
• In the area of the screw shaft and thrust
bearing (axial bearing) when coupling
the screw
• Around the material outlet when
swinging the hopper in and out or sliding
it backward and forwards

There is a crushing and/or shearing and/or

impact hazard in the machine well (below the
mould space) from:

• Moving parts of the mould which can be

reached through the machine well
• Falling injection moulded parts

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Chapter - 2
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Compressed air pipework for the pneumatic Work (repair, connection of a pressure gauge)
system and water pipework for the cooling of on an IMM with pressure vessels
the hydraulic system have to be expertly (accumulators) must not be carried out until the
installed and laid. Fittings, length and cross hydraulic pressure has been released; i.e. the
section have to meet the requirements. pressure in the accumulator(s) must have
completely decreased.. Neither welding nor
Hydraulic fluids (oils) escaping at high pressure mechanical processing may be undertaken.
can penetrate the skin and cause severe injury.
A physician must be consulted at once as there The pressure vessels must be subject to
is also a risk of infection. acceptance tests at their place of use by the
technical standards organisation responsible in
All pipework, hoses and screw connections the proprietor’s region before being put into
should be checked for leaks and damage visible operation.
from outside at regular intervals. Remedy
damage immediately. Hydraulic oil escaping at Pressure vessels may only be filled with
high pressure can cause severe injuries and nitrogen "N2". The use of other gases causes
fires. explosion hazards.

Hydraulic hoses and hose assemblies have to Keep the test certificates for the pressure
be replaced at the intervals given in the vessels and the safety valves in a safe place.
"Maintenance" chapter, even if there are no
defects to be detected which affect safety. The proprietor is responsible for the proper
condition, operation and monitoring of the
Hydraulic hoses and hose assemblies must be pressure vessel (e.g. regular testing). The
protected from damaging external influences. relevant pressure vessel regualtions can be
found from Carl Heymans Verlag KG,
The safety regulations for hydraulic hoses and Gereonsstr.. 18-32, 50670 Cologne, under order
hose assemblies according to DIN 20066 Part 4 No.: ZH 1/400.
and 5, ZH 1/74 and EN 201 are to be
particularly carefully observed. The operator must keep appropriate absorbent
materials for use in the event of hydraulic oil
For this reason, all work involving installation, spillages.
dismantling, modifications and maintenance
may only be carried out by personnel trained in When disposing of used oil and lubricants the
this field. legal requirements and regulations must be
adhered to. The proprietor is responsible for
proper waste disposal.

Chapter -2 B: PB2DE0BB.P65
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Safety instructions for materials Safety instructions for electrics

The IMM is intended exclusively for the The electrical equipment on the IMM is
processing of polymeric materials as stated in designed and built to the currently valid
the "General information" chapter. Any other use standards EN 60204-1 and IEC 801-2 and is
is considered improper and any loss damage or safe to operate. Hazards can, however, arise
injury arising is the responsibility of the from the electrical system of this IMM if it is
company. The manufacturer can accept no improperly used by untrained personnel or is
liability. used for purposes for which it is not designed.
Thus all work involving installation, dismantling,
The operator is responsible for ensuring that no modification and maintenance may only be
easily drawn in material or explosive air carried out by a qualified electrician (as defined
mixtures may be near the inlet area of the screw in DIN VDE 0105 or DIN EN 60204-1).
barrel heating or barrel temperature control
(radial ventilators). The electrical equipment may only be
connected to a mains supply which corresponds
The operator has a duty to ensure that the in terms of current type, voltage and frequency
cooling fans are in good technical condition with to the specifications on the IMM specification
undamaged electrics. plate. The electrical supply lines must meet the
When processing plastics which give rise to
harmful gases, dusts or vapours, the proprietor The IMM must be switched off at the main
of the machine has a duty to provide suitable switch before all work involving installation,
extraction for the protection of operating dismantling, modification and maintenance.
personnel. Check the electrical equipment for lack of
voltage, then earth it and and short it out.
Some plastics, if they are not properly dried,
may spit material from the nozzle. Follow the The mains supply and power heating terminals
plastic manufacturers’ instructions. remain live even when the machine is switched
There is a burning hazard at operating
temperature from: The electrical equipment is to be checked at
regular intervals. Defects such as loose
• The nozzle connections or scorched cables must be
immediately remedied.
• Plasticised melt emerging from the

Provide appropriate protective clothing (DIN EN


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For reasons of safety, the operator must log off Before moving the injection or nozzle contact
from the control unit after finishing the setting cylinders with their guarding removed it must be
mode in order to prevent unauthorised persons ensured that no tools or other materials are left
from data entry. on the IMM.

For all work involving installation, dismantling, Whilst moving the injection piston or nozzle
modifications and maintenance, the legal contact cylinder with the injection unit guarding
requirements and regulations must be observed. removed, the operator must maintain a safe
Safety instructions for changing nozzle,
screw and barrel Immediately after moving the injection or nozzle
contact cylinders with their guarding removed,
When installing a complete injection unit, only the IMM must be switched off again and
parts supplied or specified by Battenfeld may be secured against accidental reconnection.
If proper procedures are not followed in the
When fitting or removing the nozzle, screw or fitting or removal or in handling the nozzle,
barrel it is essential to activate and use the IMM screw, barrel or the respective heating elements
without the guarding on the injection unit. there is a risk of injury or burning. Wear
appropriate protective clothing (see DIN EN
The proprietor therefore has a duty to ensure 407).
that the danger zone is adequately protected
and that no unauthorised persons enter this When fitting or removing the nozzle, screw and
zone. barrel, no tools may be used which could cause
damage to these components.

Chapter -2 B: PB2DE0BB.P65
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2.2 Safety grid monitoring To prevent accidents, the opening and closing
movements of the opened safety hood are both
This monitoring controls the appropiate task electronically and hydraulically disabled. In
according to the following components: addition the closing movements are prevented
by a mechanical closing interlock.
• The alternating position of the position
switch (230S3, 230S4) Monitoring unit safety bar

• The limit switch of the hydraulic interlock 1. Function

(position monitoring valves 240Y1, S240
which are operated directly by the
position switch 240S1)
• The restricted guidance contactor relay
(230K1, 230K2) in the valve circuit of the
clamping unit
If a defect is detected in the above components
it will be displayed on the error message "Safety

2.3 Pneumatic Safety Hood and

Safety Bar (PLUS-V)
The clamping unit is completely covered to
prevent accidents.

The working area between nozzles and mould-

mounting-plates is secured by a plexiglass
safety hood with a safety bar, which ensures a The electronics of the switching equipment
good view of the working area. monitor the electrical resistance of a connected
contact element with a defined static current. If
To avoid risk of injury when the safety hood is the required static current flows, both output
closed, an electric monitored safety bar can be relays are triggered (ON) and the yellow light
found on its underside. In the event of an diodes "Relays ON" are illuminated. If the
obstruction a counter movement will contact element is activated, the output relays
automatically be triggered and the safety hood are no longer triggered (OUT) and the yellow
opened. light diodes go out.

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2. Characteristics • If the LED remains constantly

Contact element - input illuminated, it indicates an error
R = 1200 W
The switching equipment is faulty and must be
Static current contact element
I < 5mA
shift point when pressed
500 W < R < 700 W 2.4 Safety hood and guard
shift point on disconnection
1,9 kW < R < 2,5 kW The clamping unit is completely covered to
prevent accidents. The frontside part of the
3. Test: cover is formed as a single-piece covering
hood. By loosening 4 screws this can be
• Both output relays must be activated removed to be adjusted.
when contact elements are ready for
opeation.and illuminate the yellow LEDs The working area between nozzles and mould-
"Relays ON" mounting-plates is secured by two sliding safety
hoods which allow a good view of the working
• Touch contact element Both output area.
relays must be released, both yellow
LEDs "relays ON" must go out The front side of the saftey hood is kept closed
by a magnet. The locking force is reduced after
4. Trouble shooting and Measures approximately 0,5 sec to allow a slight opening
in the safetyhood.
• Relay does not switch on
In automatic mode (exception: in the machines
• LED does not light up
starting position) or during a machine
movement, the safety gate cannot be opened.
Check whether the supply voltage to terminals
11, 12 is connected correctly and that it To prevent accidents, all movements , electric
corresponds to the device voltage of the side- as well as hydraulic, are disabled when the
name-plate. safety hood is open (closing, opening, ejecting,
nozzle, metering, decompression and injection
Check whether the contact element is movements).
connected correctly to terminals 8, 9 and that
the terminal voltage amounts to approximately
4 V DC. If a higher voltage is supplied, the
terminating resistor of the contact element must
be checked. The device only operates with a
terminating resistor of 1,2 KW.
Nevertheless if the device does not switch on,
the switching equipment is faulty and must be

Chapter -2 B: PB2DE0BB.P65
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2.5 Robot protective equipment 2. Checking hydraulic interlock

• Directional valve securely fixed
According to safety regulations, for the • Electrical limit switches securely fixed
protection of the operator, the robot must be (only with PLUS-V)
fused with appropiate safety devices tp prevent
contact with the system. 3. Checking mechanical scotch

Caution • Smooth operation of the stop on the

"We refuse to assume any responsibility in nozzle platen
case of a failure to observe this safety
device!" • Switching distance of the activated
initator 2 mm (only with PLUS-V)
Appropiate protective equipment has therefore
been designed, in case required, which is Caution
installed in your Robot. If the customer wishes If a fault appears on the machine which
the robot to be delivered without the safety causes the mechanical scotch to come into
device, the customer, as well as the user, must operation, Battenfeld Customer Service or
always take the necessary safety measures the responsible agent must be contacted!
4. Checking safety hood
2.6 Checking safety devices
• Limit switches securely fixed
The safety devices of the machine can only • Smooth operation of the closing
fulfill their purpose if their faultless operation can movement (only with PLUS-V)
be guaranteed. It is therefore necessary to
check their effective function at all times.
5. Checking safety hood and guard
1. Checking electrical closing interlock
• Security of all fixing bolts and
• Limit switches securely fixed undamaged condition

6. Checking robot protective equipment


• Security of all fixing bolts and

undamaged conditiosonably foreseeable
unfavourable installation / use

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2.7 Table for risk assessment

Reasonably foreseeable unfavourable inst

Case Hazard Consequence / other Measures


1 Use of unsuitable IMM overload; Only if the warnings in Warnings and

materials possible fire or the Operating Manual allowed material
explosion, emission are ignored range in the
of health hazardous Operating Manual

2 Use of unsuitable IMM overload, Damage to machine Instructions in the

moulds; uncertain operating components, Operating Manual
Mould not installed conditions, escape of
hot material

3 Missing covers and High surface Burning hazard if Warnings, labels,

limit switches not temperatures, accidentally touched or instructions in the
working moving parts during during maintenance Operating Manual
closing movement work, crushing hazard
from closing movement

4 Operating error - - - Loss of machine function Instructions in the

Operating Manual

Reasonably foreseeable faults in installation and electrical connection

Case Hazard Consequence / Measures

other hazards

1 Electrical supply no proper Permanent machine Instructions in the

(voltage, frequency, functioning damage Operating Manual
cable size)

2 Unsuitable coolant Blockage, Permanent machine Instructions in the

(Water flow rate, overheating damage Operating Manual

*) The given measures should only be carried out by trained operators / setters.

Chapter -2 B: PB2DE0BB.P65
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Technical Data

3.0 Technical Data

The chapter "Technical data“ contains all the technical data required for normal installation,
commissioning and operation of the injection moulding machine.

3.1 General information

Machine type / control see cover sheet
Machine No. / year of construction see cover sheet
Machine weight gross/nett see foundation and installation plan
Main dimensions of the IMM see foundation and installation plan
Noise level (DIN EN ISO 3744 46) 72 dB(A)

3.2 Hydraulic equipment

Hydraulic oil, tank volume HPL 46, 125 l (33 gal)
Oil temperature min / max min 35 °C (95 °C); max. 65 °C (149 °C)
Oil cooling trigger temperature 45 °C (104 °F)

3.3 Electrical equipment

Power, hydraulic pump 7,5 kW, 40 l/min (10,6 gal/min)
Motor voltage see electrical spec. plate
Frequency: see electrical spec. plate
Screw barrel temperature max. 350 °C ( 662 °F) (option 450 °C, 842 °F)

3.4 Water system

Oil cooler: Cooling water consumption max. 80 l/h (21 gal/h)
Cooling water supply max. 30 °C ( 86 °F)
Cooling water distrib.: Cooling water supply Ø 1/2“, Ø 13 mm, max.10 bar (145 psi)
Cooling water return Ø 1/2“, Ø 13 mm

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Chapter -3
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Technical Data

3.5 UNIFEED material feeder


Throughput Noise level

Throughput PA
lb / h kg / h Noise level
dB / A
250 Figure: PL-0033.WMF Figure: PL-0034.WMF




112 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
(33) (65) (98) (130) (163) (195)
Hose length m (ft)

At 6 bar (87 psi) pneumatic pressure, 100 % 3 4 5 6 7
(44) (58) (72) (87) (101)
demand and a nominal 19,05 mm (0.75 inch)
hose of which 4 m (13 ft) are vertical. Pneumatic pressure (abs.)
bar (psi)

Air consumption

1 - V at 100 % demand
2 - V at 50 kg (52,16 kg) material / h
3 - V at 35 kg (80 lb) material / h

Air consumed Q
n / min
250 Figure: PL-0035.WMF





3 4 5 6 7
(44) (58) (72) (87) (101)

Pneumatic pressure (abs.)

bar (psi)

Chapter -3 B: PB2DE0CA.P65
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Technical Data

3.6 Injection unit

Inje ction unit 50

S c re w d ia m e t e r mm inc h 18 0,71 22 0,87 25 0,98

S p e c if ic in je c t io n p r e s s u re bar ps i 2431 35258 1627 23597 1260 18274

T h e o re t ic a l s t ro k e v o lu m e c cm c u in 25,4 1,55 38 2,32 49 2,99

M a x. in je c t io n we ig h t ( p o lys t yre n g oz 23,1 0,81 34,5 1,22 44,6 1,57

M a x. in je c t io n we ig h t ( p o lye t h yle g oz 18 0,63 27 0,95 34,5 1,22

L / d ra t io n o f s c re w - 20 16 14

N o z z le p a t h mm inc h 150 5,91 150 5,91 150 5,91

N o z z le c o n t a c t f o rc e kN s h tn 22 2,42 22 2,42 22 2,42
S c re w s t ro k e mm inc h 100 3,94 100 3,94 100 3,94
B a r re l h e a t in g p o we r kW 2,76
N u m b e r o f c o n t r o lle d s ys t e m s - 1+ 2
S c re w d r iv e ( s t a n d .)
M ax. sc rew s peed m in-1 420
Screw to rque Nm lbf ft 160 118,01 160 118,01 160 118,01
P las ticising rate (P S) g/s lb/h 6,5 51,59 9,5 75,40 12 95,24
S re w d riv e ( h ig h t o rq u e )
M ax. sc rew s peed m in-1 336
Srew to rque Nm lbf ft 210 154,89 210 154,89 210 154,89
P las ticising rate (P S) g/s lb/h 5,2 41,27 7,6 60,32 9,6 76,19
In je c t io n ra t e in t o a ir cc m /s c u in/s 38,4 2,34 57,3 3,50 74 4,52
P B _GB 01.XLS

Injection unit 75

S c re w dia m e t e r mm inch 18 0,71 22 0,87 25 0,98 30 1,18

S pe c if ic inje c t io n pre s s ure bar psi 3038 44062 2034 29500 1575 22843 1094 15867

T he o re t ic a l s t ro k e v o lum e ccm cu in 25,4 1,55 38 2,32 49 2,99 70,6 4,31

M a x. inje c t io n we igh t ( po lys t yre n g oz 23,1 0,81 34,5 1,22 44,6 1,57 64,2 2,26

M a x. inje c t io n we igh t ( po lye t hyle g oz 18 0,63 27 0,95 34,8 1,23 50,1 1,77

L/ d ra t io n o f s c re w - 20 16 14 13,5

N o zzle pa t h mm inch 150 5,91 150 5,91 150 5,91 150 5,91
N o zzle c o nt a c t f o rc e kN sh tn 27,5 3,03 27,5 3,03 27,5 3,03 27,5 3,03
S c re w s t ro k e mm inch 100 3,94 100 3,94 100 3,94 100 3,94
B a rre l h e a t ing p o we r kW 2,76
N um b e r o f c o nt ro lle d s ys t e m s - 1+ 2
S c re w driv e ( s t a n d.)
M ax. screw speed m in-1 420
Screw to rque Nm lbf ft 200 147,51 200 147,51 200 147,51 240 177,01
P lasticising rate (P S) g/s lb/h 6,5 51,59 9,5 75,40 12 95,24 13 103,17
S re w driv e ( high t o rque )
M ax. screw speed m in-1 336
Srew to rque Nm lbf ft 273 201,35 273 201,35 273 201,35 326 240,45
P lasticising rate (P S) g/s lb/h 5,2 41,27 7,6 60,32 9,6 76,19 10,4 82,54
In je c t io n ra t e int o a ir ccm /s cu in/s 38,4 2,34 57,3 3,50 74 4,52 106,6 6,50
P B _GB 01.XLS

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Chapter -3
G: 190202 / G. Krajnik Page - 3
Technical Data

3.7 Clamping unit

Clamping unit PLUS 250 - PLUS 350

C la m ping f o rc e kN sh tn 250 27,55 350 38,57

O pe nin g f o rc e kN sh tn 29,5 3,25 29,5 3,25

M o unt ing p la t e n s ize mm inch 470 x 280 18,50 x 11,02 470 x 280 18,50 x 11,02

T ie b a r dia m e t e r mm inch 60 2,36 60 2,36

D is t a n c e be t we e n t ie rba rs mm inch 270 10,63 270 10,63

M o uld he ight a d jus t a ble f ro m ... t o mm inch 150 .. 250 5,9 .. 9,8 150 .. 250 5,9 .. 9,8

O pe nin g s t ro k e a t m a x. m o uld he ight mm inch 200 7,87 200 7,87

M a x da yligh t mm inch 450 17,72 450 17,72

M a x. e je c t o r f o rc e kN sh tn 26 2,87 26 2,87

E je c t o r s t ro k e mm inch 100 3,94 100 3,94

P B _GB 02.XLS

Clamping unit PLUS 250 V - PLUS 350 V

C la m ping f o rc e kN sh tn 250 27,55 350 38,57

O pe nin g f o rc e kN sh tn 29,5 3,25 29,5 3,25

M o unt ing p la t e n s ize mm inch 470 x 280 18,50 x 11,02 470 x 280 18,50 x 11,02

T ie b a r dia m e t e r mm inch 60 2,36 60 2,36

D is t a n c e be t we e n t ie rba rs mm inch 270 10,63 270 10,63

M o uld he ight a d jus t a ble f ro m ... t o mm inch 200 .. 250 7,9 .. 9,8 200 .. 250 7,9 .. 9,8

O pe nin g s t ro k e a t m a x. m o uld he ight mm inch 200 7,87 200 7,87

M a x da yligh t mm inch 450 17,72 450 17,72

M a x. e je c t o r f o rc e kN sh tn 26 2,87 26 2,87

E je c t o r s t ro k e mm inch 100 3,94 100 3,94

P B _GB 02.XLS

Chapter -3 B: PB2DE0CA.P65
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Technical Data

3.8 Injection pressure charts

Injection assembly 50
Screw D = 18 mm (0.709 inch)
2431 bar (35250 psi)

2 Screw D = 22 mm (0.866 inch)

1627 bar (23590 psi)

3 Screw D = 25 mm (0.984 inch)

1260 bar (18270 psi)

psi bar
3 2 1
Figure: PL-0015.WMF
2030 140

1827 126

1624 112

1421 98

1218 84

1015 70

812 56

609 42

406 28

203 14

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 bar
2900 5800 8700 11600 14500 17400 20300 23200 26100 29000 31900 34800 psi

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Technical Data

Injection assembly 75

1 Screw D = 18 mm (0.709 inch)

3038 bar (44050 psi)

2 Screw D = 22 mm (0.866 inch)

2034 bar (29500 psi)

3 Screw D = 25 mm (0.984 inch)

1575 bar (22840 psi)

4 Screw D = 30 mm (1.181 inch)

1094 bar (15860 psi)

psi bar
4 3 2 1
Figure: PL-0016.WMF
2538 175

2284 158

2030 140

1776 123

1523 105

1269 88

1015 70

761 53

508 35

254 18

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 bar
2900 5800 8700 11600 14500 17400 20300 23200 26100 29000 31900 34800 37700 40600 43500 psi

Chapter -3 B: PB2DE0CA.P65
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Technical Data

3.9 Injection speed chart

These technical data refer to the injection flow in the open.

cm3 / sec cm3 / sec

(inch3 / sec) (inch3 / sec)

Screw D = 30 Screw D = 25
Figure: PL-0017.WMF Figure: PL-0017.WMF
(6,10) 100 (4,27) 70
(5,49) 90 (3,84) 63
(4,88) 80 (3,42) 56
(4,27) 70 (2,99) 49
(3,66) 60 (2,56) 42
(3,05) 50 (2,14) 35
(2,44) 40 (1,71) 28
(1,83) 30 (1,28) 21
(1,22) 20 (0,85) 14
(0,61) 10 v (0,43) 7 v [%]

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mm
0,9 1,8 2,7 3,6 4,5 5,4 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 inch 0,9 1,8 2,7 3,6 4,5 5,4 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 inch

cm3 / sec cm3 / sec

(inch3 / sec) (inch3 / sec)

Screw D = 22 Screw D = 18
Figure: PL-0017.WMF Figure: PL-0017.WMF
(3,36) 55 (2,14) 35
(3,02) 49,5 (1,92) 31,5
(2,68) 44 (1,71) 28
(2,35) 38,5 (1,49) 24,5
(2,01) 33 (1,28) 21
(1,68) 27,5 (1,07) 17,5
(1,34) 22 (0,85) 14
(1,01) 16,5 (0,64) 10,5
(0,67) 11 (0,43) 7
(0,34) 5,5 v [%] (0,21) 3,5 v [%]

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mm
0,9 1,8 2,7 3,6 4,5 5,4 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 inch 0,9 1,8 2,7 3,6 4,5 5,4 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 inch

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Technical Data

3.10 Injection volume chart

cm3 cm3
(inch3) (inch3)

Screw D = 30 Screw D = 25
Figure: PL-0017.WMF Figure: PL-0017.WMF
(4,27) 70
(3,05) 50
(3,84) 63
(2,75) 45
(3,42) 56
(2,44) 40
(2,99) 49
(2,14) 35
(2,56) 42
(1,83) 30
(2,14) 35
(1,53) 25
(1,71) 28
(1,22) 20
(1,28) 21
(0,92) 15
(0,85) 14
(0,61) 10
(0,43) 7 s s
(0,31) 5

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mm 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mm
0,9 1,8 2,7 3,6 4,5 5,4 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 inch 1,8 2,7 3,6 4,5 5,4 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 inch

cm3 cm3
(inch3) (inch3)

Screw D = 22 Screw D = 18
Figure: PL-0017.WMF Figure: PL-0017.WMF
(2,44) 40 (1,53) 25
(2,20) 36 (1,37) 22,5
(1,95) 32 (1,22) 20
(1,71) 28 (1,07) 17,5
(1,46) 24 (0,92) 15
(1,22) 20 (0,76) 12,5
(0,98) 16 (0,61) 10
(0,73) 12 (0,46) 7,5
(0,49) 8 (0,31) 5
(0,24) 4 s [%] (0,15) 2,5 s [%]

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mm
0,9 1,8 2,7 3,6 4,5 5,4 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 inch 0,9 1,8 2,7 3,6 4,5 5,4 6,4 7,3 8,2 9,1 inch

Chapter -3 B: PB2DE0CA.P65
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Technical Data

3.11 Screw speed chart


1 Screw speed 420min-1 (standard torque)

420 Figure: PL-0018.WMF


336 2 Screw speed 336min-1 (stronger torque)








v [%]
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

3.12 Clamping force charts PLUS 250 / PLUS 250 V

shtn kN
Figure: PL-0018.WMF
27,5 250

24,8 225

22,2 200

19,3 175

16,5 150

13,8 125

11,0 100

8,2 75

5,5 50

2,8 25

21 42 63 84 105 126 147 168 189 210 bar

305 609 914 1218 1523 1827 2132 2426 2741 3045 psi

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Chapter -3
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Technical Data

3.13 Clamping force charts Plus 350 / Plus 350 V

shtn kN
Figure: PL-0018.WMF
38,5 350

34,7 315

30,9 280

27,0 245

23,2 210

19,3 175

15,4 140

11,6 105

7,7 730

3,9 35

21 42 63 84 105 126 147 168 189 210 bar

305 609 914 1218 1523 1827 2132 2426 2741 3045 psi

3.14 Clamping speed charts

mm / sec Plus 250

inch / sec Plus 350
Plus 250 V
Plus 350 V
Figure: PL-0018.WMF
(18,50) 470

(16,65) 423

(14,80) 376

(12,95) 329

(11,10) 282

(9,25) 235

(7,40) 188

(5,55) 141

(3,70) 94

(1,85) 47 v [%]

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Chapter -3 B: PB2DE0CA.P65
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Technical Data

3.15 Mould dimensions Special attention must be paid to off-centre

moulds and to parallelism of the mould and
Minimum effective mould diameter mould parting surfaces. Any deficiency here can
cause deformation of both the mould and the
With the 2 clamping cylinders the clamping clamping unit, with a very detrimental effect on
system ensures a gentle application and even the service life of sealing and guiding
distribution of the clamping force. components.

These functions can only be fulfilled if the Maximum mould weights

effective diameter of the mould does not fall
below a certain minimum, so that "wrap-round“ The required dimensional accuracy of the
of the mould mounting platens is kept within injection moulded part, the loading and the
acceptable limits. mould’s function especially with complex tooling
(multi-plate tools, side actions) are heavily
Since the dimensional accuracy of the injection dependent upon the parallelism of the mould
moulded parts, the loading on the mould and the mounting platens.
mould’s function especially with complex tooling
(multi-plate tools, side actions) are affected by The degree of parallelism required by
the wrap-round of the mould mounting platens, EUROMAP 9 will be achieved if the following
keeping to these guidelines will ensure that mould weights are not exceeded:
unacceptable overloading of the clamping unit
and the mould are avoided. PLUS 250 - PLUS 250 V
min. mould weight 140 kg (315 lb)
Thus the following minimum mould dimensions
should be observed, bearing in mind the PLUS 350 - PLUS 350 V
required clamping force in respect of mould min. mould weight 140 kg (315 lb)
loading and energy consumption.
The total weight of the mould half on the moving
PLUS 250 - PLUS 250 V platen must not be more than 2/3 of the total
min. mould diameter 160 mm (6.3 inch) mould weight given in the table.

PLUS 350 - PLUS 350 V

min. mould diameter 160 mm (6.3 inch)

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Chapter -3
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Technical Data

3.16 Conversion table for shot 3.18 Torque settings for bolts
T o rq u e s e t t in g f o r f it t in g t e n s ile
s t re n g t h c la s s 8 .8
The maximum shot weights (g/oz) are N o m in a l t h re a d s ize

calculated by multiplying the theoretical shot [N m ] [lbf ft]

volume (cm3/cu inch) by the factors given M 10 42 31

above. The grey fields contain the factors for M 12 72 53

M 14 114 84
thermoset plastics.
M 16 174 128
Material Factor Material Factor M 20 340 251
ABS 0.88 PP + 40% Talcum 0.98 M 24 580 428
CA 1.02 PP + 20% GF 0.85 M 27 855 631
CAB 0.97 PS 0.91
M 27 x 2 900 664
PA 0.91 PVC-rigid 1.12
PC 0.97 PVC-plasticised 1.02 M 30 1160 856

PE 0.71 SAN 0.88 M 33 x 2 1680 1239

PMMA 0.94 SB 0.88 M 36 2030 1497
POM 1.15 M 36 x 2 2200 1623
PP 0.73 PF 1.3
M 39 2620 1932
PP + 20% Talcum 0.85 UP 1.6
AHGB031 M 42 3240 2390
M 48 4890 3607
TM _ GB 0 5.X LS

3.17 Weights of screws and barrels

The torques are based on a frictional factor of
0.10 (µm total) for untreated, Molykote
Load requirements for lifting gear for barrels
lubricated and cadmium electroplated surfaces,
including screws when changing screws and
but not for slightly oiled ones.
3.19 Mould mounting dimensions
S c re w d ia m e t e r W e ight
[mm ] [inch] [kg] [lb] Please refer to the appendix of chapter.
18 0,71 20 45
22 0,87 20 45
3.20 Foundation and installation
25 0,98 20 45
30 1,18 20 45 plan
PB _ GB 3 .X LS

Please refer to the appendix of this chapter.

Chapter -3 B: PB2DE0CA.P65
E: 180202 / Ruder
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Transport - Installation

4.0 Transport - Installation 4.2 Storage

The IMM is packed as standard to withstand
4.1 General information
transportation without damage. However it
should be commissioned immediately after
After delivery of the injection moulding machine
handover from the transport company.
(hereinafter called IMM) it should be checked
immediately for any damage and for
If it is to be stored for a longer period, our
customer service department has to be
The IMM delivery kit includes:

• Operating manual 4.3 Unloading

• Levelling mounts (option) Trouble free operation and some clauses of
the guarantee are conditional upon proper
All keys etc. for the switch cabinet, guarding etc. unloading of the IMM!
are to be found attached to the main switch.
The IMM may only be lifted and moved
We would recommend to have the installation of horizontally and using the provided lifting
the IMM carried out by Battenfeld personnel. We and transport elements. It is essential that
can accept no responsibility for loss, damage or the slings are prevented from slipping!
injury resulting from improper installation.
The safe working load of the crane and the
The foundation plan and installation plan can be slings must equal or exceed the weight of
found in the chapter "Technical Data". This the IMM. See "Technical Data" chapter,
chapter includes, amongst other information, the Foundation and installation plan for details!
weights and dimensions which should be taken
into account when installing the IMM. T4 Follow without fail the transport plan fixed to
the IMM!
he installation drawings have been simplified.
No persons may stand or linger under the
suspended load!

The complete IMM may only be placed on a

level surface capable of supporting the
appropriate load!

E: 180202 / Ruder
Chapter - 4
G: 190202 / G. Krajnik Page - 1
Transport - Installation

The complete IMM may only be placed on a 4.5 Transporting the IMM
level surface capable of supporting the
appropriate load. If the transport plans do not agree with the
following descriptions and diagrams, the
Trouble free operation can not be guaranteed if transport plans in the "Technical Data"
the IMM is placed on an uneven floor. chapter are to be taken as definitive!

If there is no level surface, a foundation must be Forklifts / Crane transport

built according to the "Foundation and
Installation Plan", see "Technical Data" Section, When using fork lifts, the prescribed lifting points
to provide a level base. given in the "Foundation and Installation Plan"
in Section "Technical Data" must be used.
If transport to the final location is impossible
with cranes, the IMM must be supported under PLUS H
its entire base for moving across the floor.

4.4 Space requirement plan

The exact space requirement can be taken from
the "Foundation and Installation Plan" in the
"Technical Data" chapter.

For maintenance work 0,6 m (25 inch), 1,3 m

(56 2inch), must be allowed.


Chapter - 4 B: PB2DE0DA.P65
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Transport - Installation

4.6 Installing the IMM 4.7 Removing preservative

The IMM may only be installed in a dry, dust-
free environment above freezing point. General information

A special foundation is not required. However, it All unplated moving parts and guides (tie-bars,
must have a level surface and support shocks, piston rods, etc.), must have the rust protection
as well as the weight of the machine. removed, using cloths soaked in white spirit,
paraffin (kerosene) or similar solvents.
Levelling mounts
Small components delivered with the IMM such
as screw tips and check rings are protected by
wax dipping. The wax coating should be
removed before use.

Even a single stroke without removing the
corrosion protection can drive it into the
guides and lead to wear!

If not expertly preserved warranty is

The levelling mounts (option) allow installation
of the IMM without fixing it to the floor. They These cleaning fluids are considered
enable the IMM to be levelled, act as shock hazardous to health and are flammable.
absorbers and protect the environment by Follow the manufacturers’ instructions!
reducing the noise level. The mounts facilitate
installation and removal of the IMM since they The local regulations must be observed
are not fixed to the floor and are adjustable for when disposing of these liquids and cloths
height. soaked in them!

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Chapter - 4
G: 190202 / G. Krajnik Page - 3
Transport - Installation

Clamping unit 4.8 Levelling the IMM

1 Mould mounting surfaces General information
2 Ejector coupling and guides
A machine spirit level with an accuracy of
3 Tiebars
0.1 mm/m (0.004 in/3.281ft) and a true straight-
4 Clamping platen slideways edge are essential for levelling the IMM. In
addition the machine must be equipped with
5 Stroke transducer rod
levelling mounts (option).
6 Rack of the mechanical scotch bar
(option) Injection unit

Injection side The centricity of the nozzle has been set in the
factory, but must still be checked after moving
1 Nozzle movement cylinder piston rods the IMM, and readjusted if necessary ( see
structure and function chapter).
2 Carriage slideways injection unit
3 Barrel, screw shaft and coupling • Fill with hydraulic oil; see "Hydraulic
4 Piston rods Injection cylinder
• Connect power; see "Electrical
5 Material hopper (inside)
equipment" paragraph
• Select "Setting" mode
• Move the injection unit back until the
nozzle is flush with the nozzle side
mould mounting surface
• Switch off at the main switch and secure
against accidental reconnection

Chapter - 4 B: PB2DE0DA.P65
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4.9 Hydraulic unit Caution

The IMM’s hydraulic unit requires oil of the
cleanliness class 15/12 to ISO 4406.
Contamination above this cleanliness class
by improper filling or use of unsuitable
Work at the hydraulic system may only be hydraulic oil will invalidate the guarantee!
carried out by a skilled hydraulic technician!
If hydraulic oil becomes contaminated with
If the hydraulic system is not relieved of water it will be of inferior quality and must
pressure before work is started it may empty not be used any further!
explosively with the risk of damage and
injury! The hydraulic tank may only be filled with
hydraulic oil as detailed in the "Maintenance"
If the clamping platen, nozzle and screw are not chapter. The required oil volume is 125 l or
in one of their limit positions then the hydraulic 33 gal.
system is relieved from pressure. Any residual
pressure can be released by carefully loosening Caution
(but not completely undoing) a hydraulic fitting. Test the hydraulic oil for the possible
ingress of water!
Secure the main switch in the OFF position so
that it cannot be accidentally reconnected by Never switch the IMM on without hydraulic
pressing the red locking bar. oil. Even the shortest period of running will
damage hydraulic equipment!
Oil filling
Before switching on for the first time the
Unscrewing the coverplate on the underside of hydraulic pump housing(s) must be primed
the maschine allows access to the filling-venting with hydraulic oil via the leakage line!
filter. 125 l (33 gal) of hydraulic oil is used for
the first filling of the integrated oil-tank.

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Caution The IMM is effectively bled when no oil foam

Before switching on the hydraulic pump the appears in the hydraulic tank, movements are
hydraulic motor’s direction of rotation smooth and there are no strange noises.
should be checked!
The oil level should be checked after bleeding
Caution and topped up if necessary. Care must be taken
Before switching on the IMM the hydraulic to use the same oil type.
oil should be allowed to "stand" for approx.
1 hour to let the air trapped during filling Any oil leaks arising after a few hours’ running
escape! are usually cured simply by tightening the
Air bleeding
Core-puller (option) - see chapters "Structure
After filling the oil tank air must be bled from the and function" / "Hydraulic unit"
hydraulic system.
Hydraulic core pullers may only be fitted and
• Connect power; see "Electrical put into operation by a hydraulics expert.
equipment" paragraph The safety regulations in the "Safety"
chapter are to be followed without fail!
• Connect cooling water; see "Water
system" paragraph
• Press the "Hydraulic start" key to switch
on the hydraulics
• Press the "Setting" key
• Open and close all safety gates
• Drive the clamping platen, nozzle and
injection piston to and fro over their
whole stroke several times

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4.10 Water system Cooling water connection

Caution If the pressure in the cooling water system is

When installing water pipework note the not released before starting work, this may
corrosion stability of metallic materials cause an explosive pressurisation with the
against water in accordance with DIN 50930! risk of damage and injury!

Water quality The cooling system for the IMM can also be run
as a closed cooling system. The purest, most
If there are deviations from the following chalk-free water should be used. The required
guidelines please contact our technical nominal diameters of the hoses are quoted in
customer service or one of our subsidiaries. The the "Technical Data" chapter. The bore of the
addresses can be found in the "Customer flow and return lines must not be smaller than
service" chapter. those of the connections on the IMM.

pH value: 6,5 - 9 Cooling water flow controls

Water hardness: < 1,8 mmol / l (681 ppm / gal) The cooling water flow controls provide cooling
Solids: < 0,03 ‰ (30 ppm) water for various users, such as mould, screw
barrel, etc., from a common water supply. The
Filter mesh: < 100 µm (0.004 inch)
cooling water flow rate and thus the different
temperatures of the various consumers are
In the relation of solids content to water controlled by the appropriate hand-wheels.
hardness it should be noted that the harder the
cooling water is, the lower the solids content Burning hazard if touched! Wear suitable
has to be. If the solids content is above 0.003 % pretective clothing with water temperatures
(30 ppm), a water filter with a mesh size of above 50 °C (122 °F)!
< 100 µm (0.004 inch) must be installed in the
supply line.

It is also recommended to add a corrosion

inhibitor to the cooling water (e.g. Ferrophos
8579 from Henkel).

We recommend ethylene glycol type 420 as an

antifreeze (60 % water and 40 % ethylene
glycol). This is suitable for a temperature range
down to -30 °C (-22 °F) and is also a corrosion

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Injury hazard to operating and other • The hoses must be suitable for the
personnel and possible damage to cooling system pressure (max. 10 bar - 145 psi)
water flow control if used at improper and the temperatures used (max. 100 °C
temperatures and pressures! - 212 °F)

The cooling water pressure must be set for

Before the cooling water flow control is
different temperatures according to the following
connected it must be ensured that the hand-
wheels are closed clockwise.
Temperature max. pressure
Next, the various users are connected to the
40 °C (104 °F) 10 bar 145 psi cooling water flow controls.
60 °C (140 °F) 8 bar 116 psi
Now the cooling water flow control is connected
80 °C (176 °F) 6 bar 87 psi to the cooling water system. By turning the two
100 °C (212 °F) 4 bar 58 psi hand-wheels counterclockwise, the cooling
water flow is opened and the required flow rate
can be set.
• The cooling water hoses must be routed
so that unhindered water supply and Using a marker ring, the required flow rate can
return are ensured. Kinks and squeezing be marked so that the desired flow rate can be
will prevent the optimised flow of the set again easily after a user has been turned off.
cooling water

Water assemblies have to be expertly

installed and laid. Fittings, length and cross
chapter have to meet the requirements!

• Make sure the hoses are long enough to

allow for movement of the various units

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The flow rate set can be calculated from the Oil cooling
bobbin’s position in the water stream and the
scale using the following chart. The hydraulic oil is cooled in a heat exchanger.
In the oil cooler cooling water is passed through
cooling coils immersed in the hydraulic oil.
A pilot solenoid valve regulates the water flow. It
starts and stops the cooling water flow as
6 necessary to ensure constant oil temperature.
4 A temperature sensor in the hydraulic tank
3 measures and monitors the oil temperature and
2 sends the actual value to the IMM’s control unit.
1 This in turn orders the solenoid valve to be
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l/min opened or closed.

Water assemblies for cooling the hydraulic

Flow range of each circuit (default setting system have to be expertly laid and
4 /min, 0,88 imp.gal/min): installed. Fittings, length and cross chapter
have to meet the requirements!
Brass bobbin 0,5 - 8 l/min
(0,11 - 1,76 imp.gal/min) • The cooling water hoses must be routed
so that unhindered water supply and
Temperature max. 80 °C (176 °F)
return are ensured. Kinks and squeezing
Pressure: max. 10 bar (145 psi) will prevent the optimised flow of the
cooling water

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• The hoses must be suitable for the Temperature control unit

system pressure and the temperatures
reached in use Temperature control units (option) are used for
liquid temperature conditioning of moulds,
barrels and screws.
The IMM is most efficient at an oil temperature
between 45 °C and 50 °C (113 °F and 112 °F).
The maximum water supply temperature must
not exceed 30 °C (86 °F).

Cooling water consumption conditions: Before operating the IMM its Safety
regulations and those of the temperature
Oil side max. 16 bar 232 psi control unit must be observed without fail!
Water side max. 16 bar 232 psi
Water: 2 m/s 1,8 yd/s
Oil-water: 25 °C 77 °F
A temperature control unit may only be
installed by a qualified electrician (according
to DIN VDE 0105, or IEC 364)!

The installation, connection and commissioning

of the temperature control unit are detailed in
the separate Operating Manual and in the
corresponding wiring diagram in the "Spares /
Plans" chapter.

The standard location for the connection(s) is on

the side of the switch cabinet.

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4.11 Pneumatic system UNIFEED material feeder

Air supply unit The UNIFEED material feeder (option) replaces

the hopper so that production is not interrupted
Compressed air piping for the pneumatic by filling the hopper.
system must be expertly laid and installted.
Fittings, length and cross chapter have to It is especially suitable for feeding the following
meet the requirements! polymer granulates: PE-HD, PE-LD, PS, PA, PA
Work at the pneumatic system may only be
carried out by a skilled pneumatic The UNIFEED material feeder is well suited to
technician! conveying regrind and virgin materials together.
The granule size, however, must no be larger
If the pneumatic system is not relieved from than 3 - 4 mm (0.12 - 0.16 inch).
all pressure before work starts, there is a
risk of explosive emptying with possible
damage or injury!



1- Pressure regulating knob

2- Condensate separator
3- Pressure gauge
4- Condensate reservoir
5- Drain screw

If the material feeder is located higher than

Setting the average body height, climbing aids and
• Turn pressure valve control knob (1) working platforms which meet the legal
clockwise until the desired pressure safety requirements must be used for filling!
(min. 6 bar - max. 10 bar / min. 87 psi -
max. 145 psi) is shown on the pressure
gauge (3)

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• Move the climbing aid in front of the IMM 4.12 Electrical equipment
• Place the material feeder base plate on
the hopper support and fix with 5 bolts The IMM may only be connected to a power
(in delivery kit) supply which corresponds in terms of current
type, voltage and frequency to the data given on
• Mount the material feeder on the base
the electrical specification plate.
plate and attach it with knurled screws
• Line up the suction tube with the The maschine can be connected to a power
mounting holes on the day bin (material supply with a frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
The PLUS- series is supplied in three different
• Fit the air valve and proximity switch and
voltage variants.
connect according to wiring diagram
• Position the proximity switch directly on a) Voltage 3~230/400 Volt
the perspex and adjust it with the The mains voltage is determined according to
adjusting screw so that the LED lights up the norm IEC at 3~230/400Volt (+6 %, -10 %).
when the tube is full and goes out when In addition the machines can be operated with a
the tube is empty power supply of 3~220/380 Volts or 3~240/415
• Attach the compressed air hose (ND Volts within the above voltage variations. A
19 mm / 0.75 inch ) to the connecting neutral conductor connector is essential here.
branch and fasten with a hose clip
b) Voltage 3~230 Volts
• The air hose must be laid so that an A neutral conductor connector is not essential
unrestricted air supply is guaranteed. here.
Care must be taken not to kink or crush
hoses c) Voltage 3~200Volts - 220 Volts
• The hose must be long enough to allow The machine can be operated within the above
for the movement of the injection unit voltage limits. A neutral conductor connector is
not essential here.
• The hose must be suitable for the
system pressure (max. 7 bar - 101 psi)
and the temperatures reached in use

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Electrical installation may only be carried 1- Lead without neutral

out by a qualified electrician (qualified to DIN
VDE 0105 or IEC 364 or equivalent)! 1T2
1T1 1T3
The electrical supply lines must be designed b) , c)
according to the specifications on the
4 (L1, L2, L3, E)
The currently valid local regulations on
earthing and overload protection (overload,
2- Lead with neutral
wrong polarity protection) in TN-, IT- or TT
supplies must be observed without fail by
the proprietor of the machine! 1T2 N
1T1 1T3

The protection for the phase conductors and

the neutral conductor (IT-supply) must be
arranged to comply with the data on the
electrical specification plate!
5 (L1, L2, L3, N, E)

Connection as "Cassical zerorising" (EN-

conductor) must not be used. E-conductor Checking the direction of rotation of the
and N-conductor (if used) must always be hydraulic pump’s drive
connected separately!
Before switching on the IMM it must be ensured
Main connector that:
The connection directly to the main switch
The correct phase sequence (righthand field) is • The hydraulic system is sealed, the
to be noted here. electrical cabinet is closed, the hydraulic
tank is filled and the hydraulic pump(s)
The main switch is further equipped with an N- has/have been primed
switch contact leading to all-pole separation.
• The guarding and safety gates have
been properly fitted and are closed
The cable feed is alternatively possible on two
PG 29 inlets on the side of the electric cabinet
The pump will not work correctly if the
direction of rotation is wrong and the drive
and the hydraulic pump will fail!

• Connect the supplies, as described

under "Electrical equipment" paragraph

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The hydraulic motor’s direction of rotation

may only be tested by a qualified electrician
(qualified to DIN VDE 0105 or IEC 364 or

• Open the electrical cabinet

• Connect a phase sensor to lines 1L1,
1L2 and 1L3 on the main switch
• Switch on the power supply (low voltage
• The phase sensor must now indicate a
right-hand (clockwise) field

• Switch off the power supply (low voltage

distribution) if the direction of rotation is
not correct and exchange two phase of
the power connections 1L1, 1L2, and
1L3 of the mains cable in the electrical
• Close the electrical cabinet

Finally start the hydraulic pump(s) in "Setting

mode" and allow to run for a few seconds
without load in order to lubricate the pump(s).

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4.13 Mould mounting • The centring mechanism must be the

correct size for the boring in the nozzle
Preparation (or moving) platen
• The length of the ejector bar and the
If the IMM has a robot interface (according to ejector stroke must be compared with
Euromap 12; VDMA) and the IMM is to be run the IMM specification (see "Technical
without the robot, then the latter should be Data" chapter)
switched off and the supplied dummy plug
(430X1) must be inserted. Operation of the IMM • Check that the water fittings are the right
without this linking out is not possible. The size
installation of the links is detailed under • The mould should have been checked
"Interfaces". The interface is located on the side for binding, seizing, missing or loose
of the electrical cabinet or in the rear middle parts and badly adjusted side actions
• Water and air connections should be
made to check for leakage
It is a good idea to check the following before
mounting a mould, to avoid unnecessary work:

• Mould height and dimensions must suit

the IMM
• The sprue bush or hot runner radius
must correspond to the IMM nozzle
Danger! It must be ensured that no persons
stand or linger under the suspended load!

The lifting gear should not be removed until

the mould is bolted securely to both platens
and this has been verified by authorised

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When the above points have been checked the • Use proper washers
mould can be mounted. The following points
• The above points apply equally to the
should now be observed and followed without
mounting of a mould to platens with T-

Mould mounting

1 Switch on main switch

2 Press and release the emergency stop
buttons on the IMM and robot, if present;
the "Test EMERGENCY STOP" error
message will disappear

• The mould must hang vertically from the 3 Turn on water supply from cooling water
lifting gear system to oil cooler

• The mould halves must be prevented 4 Open and close all safety gates (to test
from sliding apart the safety gate monitoring)

• The mould clamps (mounting elements

for the mould; not supplied as standard
with the IMM) must be the same height
as the thickness of the mould bolsters,
as otherwise there is a risk of the mould 5 The hydraulic drive and at the same time
slipping the oil pre-heating are switched on with
the "Hydraulic Start" key

Caution 6 After the control boots up the "Pass

The number of mould clamps must be word - System" page will appear
adequate for the opening force!

• Make sure the bolts are of the right

length; at least 1.5 D. (D = diameters of

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13 Mount mould on nozzle platen

7 Press the "Error messages" key; the

"Error messages" page appears

13.1 Press the "Mould open" key and open

the mould
13.2 Bring the mould into the open clamping
The "Oil heating" fault symbol lights up 13.3 Locate the mould in the nozzle platen’s
centring mechanism
This error message disappears
automatically as soon as the hydraulic 13.4 Position the mould square to the IMM’s
oil comes up to operating temperature lateral axes
See also the "Error messages" Section 13.5 Attach the mould to the nozzle platen
with mould clamps; it is essential to use
bolts of the correct length; at least 1,5 D
(D = diameters of thread) must screw
G into the IMM platen
in the "UNILOG B2 Users’ Manual" The mould clamps (mounting elements
8 Return to the "Password - System" page for the mould; not supplied as standard
with the "Machine general" key with the IMM) must be the same height
as the thickness of the mould bolsters,
9 Log on to the control
as otherwise there is a risk of the mould
10 Enter the password "1998" slipping

1 /
9 !
9 !
8 ,

11 Press the "ENTER" key


12 If further error messages are displayed, 13.6 Press the "Mould Close" key and close
see the "UNILOG B2 Operators’ the mould
Manual", "Alarm list" section to find out
how to clear them
Once all the errors are cleared and the
hydraulic pump is started, mould
mounting can be continued

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14 Fix mould to the moving platen 14 Log off from the control

14.1 Press the "Mould Close" key and close To prevent unauthorised persons from
the mould entering set values, the user must log off
from the control unit after quitting the
14.2 Fix the mould to the moving platen with
setting mode!
mould clamps; make sure the bolts are
the correct length; see step 14.5
14.3 Remove lifting gear from mould
14.4 Remove the safety strap holding the two G

mould halves together

14.5 Connect the ejector coupling (mould to 14.1 Press the "Machine in general" key
hydraulic ejector cylinder)
14.2 Move the cursor with the arrow keys to
input field "N1". Enter a set value of "0"

14.3 Press the "ENTER" key

14.6 Press the "Mould open" key and crack
the mould open

14.7 Press the "Setting" key; this avoids

damaging the mould on initial opening

14.8 Press the "Mould open" key and open

the mould

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4.14 Interface Before switching on the emergency stop buttons

should be released by rotating a quarter turn
The interfaces and sockets for peripheral clockwise and program selection switches set to
equipment are located on the side of the the required position.
electrical cabinet (Option).
The start impulse for automatic operation of a
Details of installation, connection and peripheral device is given by starting an
commissioning are to be found in the automatic cycle of the IMM.
appropriate Operating manuals.
Automatic operation is stopped by operating an
emergency stop button or by switching the IMM
off or out of automatic mode.

Before operating the IMM with peripheral

equipment, its safety regulations and the
operating instructions of the peripheral
equipment in question must be observed
without fail!
Electrical installation may only be carried

out by a qualified electrician (qualified to DIN

VDE 0105 or IEC 364 )!

For some peripheral equipment a dummy plug

must be used in the interface when the IMM is
operated without the peripheral equipment.

See also the appropriate wiring diagrams in

"Spare parts / plans" chapter.

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4.15Checking safety devices 4.16 Test run and interlock test

The safety devices can only fulfil their purpose if Operating and other personnel may only
their faultless operation can be guaranteed. stand in front of the IMM on the operator’s
Therefore it is necessary to check the following side during operation!
for effective function before operation:
It is forbidden to stand on the IMM or reach
• Electrical closing interlock: Limit into the injection unit during operation!
switches securely fixed
Install required safety devices. The safety
• Hydraulic interlock: limit switch securely
regulations in the "Safety" chapter are to be
followed without fail!
• Mechanical scotch (Option): free
movement of swinging scotch (flag) on • After electrical installation safety devices
the moving platen and the correct are to be tested (e.g. earthing
position (teeth) of the stop rod resistance)
• Check hydraulic lines and components
Caution for leaks
If a fault arises on the IMM which causes the
• Check all visible fittings for security
mechanical scotch to come into operation,
Battenfeld Customer Service or the • Close safety gates and check for proper
responsible agent must be contacted! fitting
• Clear inside of IMM of all foreign bodies
• Purge guard: free movement and
(forgotten tools, etc.)
securely fixed limit switches
• Set peripheral equipment to the starting
• Purge guard, safety grid and guarding:
position, i.e. the position in which no
security of all fixing bolts and
damage to it or to IMM components is
undamaged condition
• Turn on water supplyfrom cooling water
system to oil cooler
• Check the function of the safety systems

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It is essential to select "Setting" mode, or
else the test run may damage the mould!

Ejector movements may only be tested with

the mould open or else the mould may be

Check the movements of the various units as


• Switch on main switch (to "1")

• Open and close the clamping unit’s
safety grid (to check the safety grid
• Switch on hydraulics ("Hydraulics start"
• Start the pump without load and run for a
few seconds to make sure of adequate
• Press "Setting mode" key
• If the mould has been left in the "Mould
closed" position after mould mounting,
open it with the "Mould open" key
The movements of the other units
(ejector, screw and nozzle) can now be
checked and their functions tested

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Chapter - 4 B: PB2DE0FA.P65
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Structure and function

5.0 Structure and function

5.1 View of assemblies - PLUS
5.2 Clamping unit
5.3 Injection unit
5.4 Hydraulics
5.5 Pneumatics (option)
5.6 Electrics
5.7 Control unit

5.2 5.3


5.7 5.6

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Structure and function

5.1 View of assemblies - PLUS-V

5.2 Clamping unit
5.3 Injection unit
5.4 Hydraulics
5.5 Pneumatics
5.6 Electrics
5.7 Control unit







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Structure and function

5.2 Clamping unit - PLUS

Technical specification

The clamping unit basically consists of a

clamping platen (pos. 1) in a casting design with
integrated hydraulic ejector (pos. 2), a nozzle
platen (pos. 3) in the casting design with a
clearance zone (pos. 4) which also serves as a
purge guard for the injection assembly. In
addition the guides for the piston rods on the
clamping cylinder (pos. 5) are integrated in the
nozzle platen.

The two clamping cylinders consist of cylinder

pipe (pos. 6), piston rods (pos. 7), quick lifting
cylinder piston (pos. 8), seal bush 8 (pos. 9)
fixing nuts (pos. 10) and the slide plates (pos.
11) for the clamping platens.

10 11 1 3 9 8
7 4

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Structure and function

Description of functions: The piston rod is inserted into the nozzle platen.
Special attention is paid to the distance to the
The connection with the machine body is seals, so as to ensure that the hydraulic seals
reached through the nozzle platen. The are not damaged or destroyed if the piston rods
clamping platen is equipped in accordance with are damaged during the mould mounting.
a standard support, which takes the weight in
the machine body. There is a void between the seals and the
guides where oil leakage is collected and can
drain away.

The ejector is designed as a double action

cylinder and has been integrated in the box-
The slide plates of the clamping platen are to frame-construction of the clamping plate.
be lubricated every 2500 operating hours.
Mould mounting
The clamping force is applied by two clamping
cylinders. Through the extremely stable The mould is fixed in the clamping unit from
structure of the box-shaped clamping and above with the appropiate lifting equipment. The
nozzle platen an optimum distribution of the mould is positioned in the nozzle platen by
clamping force is acheived. means of alignment (D= 110 f7, 4,33 inch).

The quick lifting cylinder piston allows a quick The fastening can be carried out in three
closing movement and also a sensitive mould different ways:
safety device.
1. Directly screwing down at least two
The clamping force build up is implemented via diagonal threads per half mould, in the
the suface force of the piston rod, which is mounting platen (M12, tightening torque
designed in such a way that the full clamping 70 Nm, 98ft lb)
force is acheived at a hydraulic pressure of 210
2. Directly screwing through the mounting
bar (3045 psi). This clamping pressure, which is
platen by means of 4 cap head screws
purposefully kept at a low level, enables a long
M12 x 95 (tightening torque 70 Nm, 95 ft
life-span of the seals and guides in the guide
1b) in the designated clearance holes
(D = 14; 0.55 inch)
3. A fastening with at least 2 mould clamps
per mould half, which must be diagonally
alligned on each mounting platen.

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Structure and function

Adjustment instructions for mould height 5. Unscrew the clamping platen (pos. 4)
adjustment. back to the stop on the fixing nuts. Verify
the alignment of the markings
6. Screw the rear fixings nuts (pos 3) to
4 2 mm (0.08 inches) to the front fixing
nuts and check the alignment of the
fixing holes
1 7. Screw in the fastening screws and
tighten (torque of 40 Nm; 54ft lb)
The long guiding movement of the piston rods
and the clamping platen on the piston rod
3 ensure that no platen parallelism errors occur
due to the mould height adjustment.

Ex works the minimal mould height is set at

150 mm (5,9 inch). The mould height can be
adjusted by the fixing nuts, so that the maximum
opening stroke can be used to it’s full potential.
To adjust the mould height proceed as follows:

1. Mark the intended area for the fixing

nuts (pos 1) on the clamping platen
2. Remove the fastening screws (pos 2)
3. Unscrew the rear fixing nuts (pos 3) to
the end of the piston rod
4. Calculate the required number of
rotations of the fixing nuts. The screw
thread has a gradient of 4 mm, which
determines the setting range:
If the result is not an even number, it
must be rounded up to the next even
Set the adjustment of the fixing nuts

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5. Mechanical scotch (Option):

The mechanical scotch prevents the accidential

closing of the clamping unit by opening the
safety gate.

The main components are the toothed scotch-

bar, which is fastened to the clamping platen
and the pivoted stop, which is fastened to the
nozzle platen.

By opening the safety gate the pivoted stop falls

onto the scotch bar because of it’s own weight.
This activates a locking function which closes
the clamping unit and which prevents the mould

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5.2 View of assemblies - PLUS-V

Technical specification

The main components of the clamping unit are a

nozzle platen (pos. 1) in the casting design, a
mould mounting platen (pos. 2) in the casting
design with an integrated hydraulic ejector (pos.
3) and the two guide tie-bars (pos. 4).

The two clamping cylinders consist of cylinder

pipe (pos. 5), piston rods (pos. 6), quick lifting
cylinder piston (pos. 7), seal bush (pos. 8) and
the fixing nuts (pos. 9).

4 4


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Description of functions PLUS V Mould mounting PLUS V

The connection with the machine body is The mould is introduced laterally or from the
reached via the mould mounting platen. front with the appropiate lifting equipment. The
mould is positioned in the mould mounting
The clamping force is applied by two clamping platen by means of alignment (D = 110 f7,
cylinders. Through the extremely stable 4,33 inch).
structure of the box-shaped mould mounting
and nozzle platen an optimum distribution of the The fastening can be carried out in three
clamping force is acheived. different ways:

The quick lifting cylinder piston allows a quick 1. Directly screwing down at least two
closing movement and also a sensitive mould diagonal threads per half mould, in the
safety device. mounting platen (M12, tightening torque
70 Nm, 98ft 1b)
The clamping force build up is implemented via
2. Directly screwing through the mounting
the suface force of the piston rod, which is
platen by means of 4 cap head screws
designed in such a way that the full clamping
M12 x 95 (tightening torque 70 Nm, 95 ft
force is acheived at a hydraulic pressure of
1b) in the designated clearance holes
210 bar (3045 psi). This clamping pressure,
(D = 14; 0.55 inch)
which is purposefully kept at a low level,
enables a long life-span of the seals and guides 3. A fastening with at least 2 mould clamps
in the guide bushing. per mould half, which must be diagonally
alligned on each mounting platen
The piston rod is inserted into the mould
mounting platen. Special attention is paid to the
distance to the seals, so as to ensure that the
hydraulic seals are not damaged or destroyed if
the piston rods are damaged during the mould
mounting. There is a void between the seals
and the guides where oil leakage is collected
and can drain away.

The ejector is designed as a double action

cylinder and has been integrated in the box-
frame-construction of the mould mounting

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Adjustment instructions 4. Calculate the required number of

Mould height adjustment PLUS V rotations of the fixing nuts. The screw
thread has a gradient of 4 mm, which
determines the setting range:
If the result is not an even number, it
must be rounded up to the next even
Set the adjustment of the fixing nuts
1 5. Unscrew the nozzle platen (pos. 4) back
4 to the stop on the fixing nuts. Verify the
alignment of the markings
6. Screw the rear fixings nuts (pos. 3) to
2 mm (0.08 inches) to the front fixing
nuts and ensure the alignment of the
fixing holes
7. Screw in the fastening screws and
tighten (torque of 40 Nm; 54ft lb)

The long guiding movement of the piston rods

and the nozzle platen on the piston rod and the
additional tie bars ensure that no platen
parallelism errors occur due to the mould height

The opening and closing movements can only

Ex works the minimal mould height is set at be triggered by a reversing injection unit. The
200 mm (5,9 inch). The mould height can be injection unit must be reversed in the operating
adjusted by the fixing nuts, so that the maximum mode "Manual" until the end of the t1 time
opening stroke can be used to it’s full potential. "nozzle-removal-time".
To adjust the mould height proceed as follows:
In general the injection unit must always be
1. Mark the intended area for the fixing reversed so far, so that a safe opening or
nuts (pos. 1) on the clamping platen closing movement can be carried out.
2. Remove the fastening screws (pos. 2)
3. Unscrew the rear fixing nuts (pos. 3) to
the end of the piston rod

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Mechanical scotch PLUS V

The mechanical scotch prevents the accidential

closing of the clamping unit by opening the
safety grid.

The main components are the toothed scotch-

bar, which is fastened onto the clamping platen
and the latch, which is fastened pivoted to the
mould mounting platen.

On opening the safety hood the latch locks the

toothed rack. This activates a locking function
which closes the clamping unit and which
prevents the mould closing.

The latch is monitored by the limit switch on

each opening-closing cycle of the safety grid.

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5.3 Injection unit

8 5

1 2 3 6 7

Technical specification

The injection unit consists of a plasticating unit

(pos. 1), mounting for the plasticating unit (pos.
2), fixing nuts for the screw barrel (pos. 3), the
drive unit for metering including hydraulic motor
(pos. 4), cylinder block (pos. 5) with integrated
nozzle movement cylinders (pos. 6), injection
cylinder (pos. 7) and the linear guides.

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Description of functions: Nozzle changing

The injection assembly is controlled on the Prerequisites:

linear guides and the nozzle movement
cylinders. 1. Barrel purged empty
2. Heat the barrel up to the processing
The nozzle movement cylinders are directly
temperature of the last used material
integrated on the clamping cylinder and are
double acting hydraulic cylinders. The nozzle
movement cylinder is used to connect the Working cycle
nozzles to the mould and allows access to the
nozzle in the rearmost position. 1. Drive the nozzle cylinder of the injection
unit back to the stop
The screw is driven over a slow operating 2. Unplug and remove the nozzle heater
hydraulic motor, which acts over a toothed belt band
directly on the injection cylinder piston. During
metering the injection piston is turned. With this 3. Unscrew the nozzle with a suitable ring
design the bearings, which must be made for spanner
the thrust bearing of the screws, can be omitted. 4. Screw in new nozzle, while ensuring that
This function will be hydraulically carried out. the screw thread is lubricated with a
The injection pistons are also used for the heat resistant Molykote
screw coupling.
5. Screw nozzle home but do not finally
6. Fit nozzle heater band and plug it in
To ensure a long service life for the barrel
7. After heating the nozzle to operating
heater bands, they should be checked when
temperature is should be finally tightened
hot at regular intervals, starting with
commissioning, for secure fitting.

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Adjustment instructions nozzle centre Changing the tooth belt and pretension

The nozzle centre is set on the factory premises

and after transportation must be controlled, and 4 5 2
if necessary adjusted,during commissioning.

According to the installation instructions the

maschine must be horizontally installed and
then the injection unit must be adjusted
according to the following instructions.

6 3 1

1. Disconnect screws and move the
injection cylinder to the rear limit position
1 2. Loosen fastening screws (pos. 1, 3x)
and tighten by hand, so that no gap can
1. Measure the centre nozzle deviation occur between the guide plates and the
against the central diameter both hydraulic motor
vertically and horizontally
3. Move the hydraulic motor to the upper
2. If a horizontal deviation is detected, it limit position by means of an eccentric
can be corrected by adjusting the guide disc (pos. 3)
rails (pos. 1)
4. Remove the distance screws (pos. 5 4x)
3. If a vertical deviation is detected, it must and drag the guide plates (pos. 4) from
be moved into the prescribed position by the pulley
the adjusting screws (pos. 2)
5. Remove pulley (pos. 6) from schaft
4. Fix nut (pos. 3) by lock nut

Finally carry out a control measurement.

If the measurement shows a larger deviation
than 0.2 mm the injection unit must be newly

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6. Lay toothed belt over pulley and fit on Working cycle:

shaft, so that the toothed belt also slides
over the upper pulley 1. Drive carriage cylinders back to rear limit
7. Install guide plate with spacer (pos. 5)
2. Drive injection cylinder forward to stop
8. Preload the toothed belt (note point 2) by
means of an excentric plate (pos. 3). 3. Dissconnect the maschine from the
Indentation pressure 140 N on the power supply by switching off main
central toothed belt, indentation depth switch
2 mm (0.08 inches)
4. Dismantle safety guard on the screw
9. Tighten the hydraulic motor with barrel
fastening screws (pos. 1, 3x) (max
5. Loosen screw coupling (pos. 1, 2 x M6)
tightening torque 80 Nm, 110 ft lb)
6. Dissconnect washer from thrust piece
(pos. 2) and remove feather key (pos. 3)
Changing the screws and screw barrel.
7. Loosen screw barrel nuts (pos. 4) and
unscrew from thread
4 1 2 3 8. Pull screw barrel away towards the
nozzle platen and move in and out in
upward direction
9. Disconnect hoses for traverse cooling
10. Fit a new screw barrel and tighten with
11. Screw coupling
12. Install safety guards
13. Install heater bands, sensors and hoses
14. Turn on the maschine with the main
switch and heat up to material

1. Barrel purged empty

2. Heat up the screw barrel to the
previously chosen temperature of the
last used material, disconnect heater
bands and sensors

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Installation instructions for vertical injection uni.

Prerequisites: 3. Install base plate on hydraulic block

4. Fasten lifiting device (2 x M24) and hang
1. Disconnect heater bands and sensors
crane under tension
2. Crane or appropiate lifting equipment
5*. Unscrew grub screw (4 x M20) to adjust
Working cycle:
6*. Loosen screws (4 x M20) on clamping
piece and remove horizontally
1. Dismantle guard from above
7. Lift the injection unit with crane, swivel
2. Dismantle material conveyor, reel or
by 90° and screw in the fixing screws (2
material hopper
x M12) in the connecting tube

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8. Lift the injection unit over the clamping

unit, lower and tighten
9. Dismantle lifting device

The safety gate may not be opened


10**. Install all guarding panels and covers

11. Install material conveyors, reels or
material hoppers on the base plate
12. Connect heater bands and sensors

* Only with the option of conversion kit

** Dependant on conversion kit

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Conversion instructions for horizontal injection unit

Prerequisites:: 2. Remove the base plate with material

conveyors, reels or material hoppers
1. Disconnect heater bands and sensors from the screw barrel
2. Crane or appropiate lifting equipment 3. Unscrew guard from above
4. Fasten lifiting device in the injection unit
Working cycle: with crane hooks (2 x M24) and screw in
fixing screws (2 x M12) in the connecting
1. Open up the nozzle platen completely tube
and move the injection unit into the top
5. Dismantle injection unit (4 x M20) and lift
with the crane
The safety gate however remains closed

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6. Open the safety gate and check if the

clamping piece is fastened onto the tie
7. Remove coverplate
8. Move the injection unit in position over
the machine body, unscrew the fixing
screw and swivel the injection unit by
90° (so that it is in a horizontal position)
9. Connect the injection unit onto the
clamping piece and tighten (4 x M20)
10. Adjust the height of the screws (4 x M20)
by screwing in nuts to the stop
Do not tighten
11. Dismantle lifting device
12. Loosen clamping piece on tie bars and
set to the required height according to
the table by adjusting the height of the
13. Tighten clamping piece

Fix the height of the screws using the nuts.

Only adjust the height of the screws if the
clamping piece is loose.

14. Install material conveyors, reels or

material hoppers on the screw barrel

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5.4 Hydraulics The backflow filter is situated on the reverse

side of the maschine below the central hydraulic
Pump unit block and is equipped with an electric
contamination indicator.
The electromotor, which is in permanent
operation, sits on the motor-pump-suspension. An error message , in the form of a symbol, is
This drives the hydraulic pressure pump over displayed on the control panel if the filter
the coupling. The hydraulic pressure pump is a becomes comtaminated. In case this error
variable volume pump which is connected to the occurs the filter element must be changed
central hydraulic block by means of a hose immediately.

The maximum system pressure amounts to

210 bar (3045 psi).
To ensure trouble free operation and long
Oil tank service life of the maschine, only original
filter elements may be used.
The oil tank is a fixed component of the (Hydac 0165R010BN/HC; article no. MB628)
maschine body and equipped with a filter along
with a venting filter and an oil level indicator. Oil cooler
The control system indicates if oil levels are too
low. In this case the oil must be refilled to the An oil-suction-cooler, which lies in the oil tank,
marked level on the oil indicator. ensures adequate cooling of the hydraulic oil.
It is essential to pay attention to the water
In order to thoroughly clean the oil tank the lid supply, to ensure it does not become
of the tank can be removed by looseing some contaminated. In this case a water filter must be
screws in the fitting. fitted in the supply to protect the operation of
the cooling water valve.
Oil filtering
This valve is inserted at the water supply and
To improve the reliability and the longevity of the only takes as much water as is necessary to
hydraulic components and seals, the hydraulic cool the oil.
system is equppied with a backflow filter, which
is integrated into the oil tank. Reducing water flow rate does not save any

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Hydraulic oil preheating Hydraulic core puller

As soon as the hydraulic pump is started the The hydraulic core puller (option) consists of a
cold hydraulic oil is automatically preheated to a base plate on which the required hydraulic
temperature of 40 °C (104 °F). valves are installed and which includes the user
connections (2 x R3/8" - AD/8S).
While the oil temperature is below this value,
the screen shows an error message and the The hose assemblies and fittings belonging to
IMM can not be moved. On reaching the 40 °C the mould’s core puller cylinder(s) are not
(104 °F) mark the oil preheating switches off included with the IMM.
and the IMM is ready for use.
It should also be noted that the available system
While the IMM is running the oil temperature is pressure is 210 bar (3045 psi). All connections
regulated to a constant 45 °C (113 °F). This is and fittings must be able to withstand this
achieved by opening and closing the cooling pressure!
water valve on the oil cooler.

If the oil temperature exceeds 60 °C (140 °F) an

error message is shown on the screen. If the
temperature climbs over 65 °C (149 °F), the Hydraulic core pullers may be connected
control switches the IMM hydraulics off. and put into operation only by a hydraulics
expert. The safety regulations in the "Safety"
The reason for the oil’s overheating must be section must be followed without fail!
established and the fault remedied (e.g. water
supply failure, cooling water shut-off valve on oil
cooler closed).

After operating the emergency stop button once

the hydraulics can be restarted. In this way the
hydraulic oil is cooled. No manner of
movements (from the clamping and injection
unit) are possible during this phase.

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Control and display Setting the variable displacement

System pressure (M)
With a preselected pressure of approximately
The hydraulic system pressure is shown on a 70 bar (1015) and a preselected volume of
pressure gauge on the rear side of the approximately 50 % the flow contoller of the
maschine. variable volume pump is set at ∆ p with the
movement "Nozzle backward". The connections
Back pressure (SPA) PP (pressure prior to the flow restrictor) and M
(pressure after the flow restrictor) are used as a
On the rear of the maschine is the connection measuring point on the control block.
for the hydraulic back pressure. By converting
the pressure gauge to the SPA connection the The measurment should be carried out with the
back pressure can be read during the metering same pressure transducer and with pending
phase. hydraulic pressure.

Oil level indicator 10 bar (145psi) ∆ p are set on the flow controller
of the pump.
The oil level gauge is on the right front side of
the tank. If the oil level is too low the hydraulic All pressure and speed settings are taken at an
oil is to be filled (see chapter 7 "Maintenance"). oil temperature of 45 °C (113 °F).
The oil level must be monitored daily to avoid
any errors in the production processes.

Oil temperature

The oil temperature is measured in the oil tank.

This temperature is indicated on the screen of
the maschine control unit to the operating

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Proportional valve amplifier The speed setting of the amplifier must be

programmed in the following order:

a) Do not adjust the potentiometer "Dither"

= Manfacturer’s setting)
b) To move the "metering" preselect the
speed to 20 %
c) Activate the movement "metering" and
set the potentiometer "P3 - Zero point",
so that the following rotational speed is
reached at a preselection of 20 %
Standard hydraulic motor OMS 80 ->
screw speed 84 rpm (hydraulic motor
screw speed 92 rpm)
P1 Ramp time
Special hydraulic motor OMS 100 ->
P2 Sensitivity screw speed 66 rpm (hydraulic motor
P3 Zero point screw speed 72 rpm)

P4 Dither frequency d) To move the "metering" preselect the

speed to 100 %
St 1 Main terminals
e) Activate the movement "Metering" and
LED Display UB set the maximum screw speed with the
potentiometer "P2 - senstivity"

Set the proportional valve amplifier for Standard hydraulic motor OMS 80 ->
speed (B. No:. 0.811.405.143; article No.: screw speed 420 rpm (hydraulic motor
SG696). screw speed 462 rpm)
Special hydraulic motor OMS 100 ->
The speed setting is controlled by a proportional
screw speed 330 rpm (hydraulic motor
speed valve. The command to the valve is
screw speed 363 rpm)
controlled by the proportional amplifier.

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f) Repeat setting steps b, c, d, until the Maximum pressure setting variable

settings are correct
setting volume pump
g) Setting potentiometer "P1 - ramp time"
to 0 %
(Rotate clockwise to the stop = 10 msec
= Manfactutrer’s setting)
Adjustment is only necessary if 210 bar is
not punched on the name plate of the pump
Setting propotional valve amplifier for at DR.
pressure (B. Nr.: 0.811.405.144; part nr.:
SG335) a) For the "Nozzle back" movement
preselect the pressure at 100 % and the
The pressure setting is controlled by a speed at 70 %
proportional pressure limiting valve. The
command to the valve is controlled by the b) Activate the movement "Nozzle back"
proportional amplifier. and set the pressure at 220 bar (3190
psi) with the potentiometer "P2 -
The pressure setting of the amplifier must be senstivity"
programmed in the following order: c) Activate the movement "Nozzle back"
and set the pressure to 210 bar
a) Do not adjust the potentiometer = (3045psi) on the maximum pressure
Manfacturer’s setting) controller of the pump
b) To move the "Nozzle back" preselect the d) Repeat the setting proportional valve
speed to 100 % amplifier for pressure
c) To move the "Nozzle back" preselect the
pressure to 10 %
d) Activate the movement "Nozzle back"
and set a pressure of 21 bar (304,5 psi)
with the potentiometer "P3 - Zero point"
at the measuring point MPS
e) To move the "Nozzle back" preselect the
pressure at 95 %
f) Activate the movement "Nozzle back"
and set the pressure from 200 bar (2893
psi) with the potentiometer "P2 -
sensitivity." Maximum system pressure
at 100 % is 210 bar (3045 psi)

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5.5 Pneumatics

1 8

2 9

3 10

4 11

5 12

Structure and function

UNIFEED Material Feeder
If the material level falls below the capacitive
Scope proximity switch (6) during metering, the
pneumatic valve (2) opens. Compressed air is
The UNIFEED material feeder (option) is blown into the venturi tube (11) through the air
designed for use on plastics processing jet (9) generating a partial vacuum which
machinery and is installed directly on the screw extends as far as the suction chamber (10) and
barrel instead of the hopper. the feed tube (4).

The material feeder is highly reliable as it has This vacuum sucks a granule - air mixture
no moving parts and it is easy both to use and through the suction tube (5) and connecting
to service. hose (1) into the feed tube (4). A primary filter
(8) separates the granules from the conveying
The following granular polymers can be air.
conveyed by UNIFFED: PE-HD, PE-LD, PS, PA,
PA + GF, PP, ABS, POM, PPO. Dust is then removed from the conveying air in
the secondary filter (12) before the is vented
from the material feeder.

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When the material level once again reaches the Pneumatic core puller
proximity switch, the air valve is closed, the air
flow stops and the conveying cycle is finished. The pneumatic core puller (option) consists of
an electrically actuated 4/2 pneumatic valve and
At the end of every conveying cycle a small all the consumer connections for a 6 mm bore
volume of compressed air is fed in pulses to the plastic pipe NW 6 (0.24 inches).
suction chamber (10), thereby cleaning the
material dust automatically from the primary The pneumatic core puller is located on the
filter. lefthand side of the machine well. The
connection to the mould’s core puller cylinder is
Processing regrind not supplied with the IMM.

The UNIFEED material feeder is well suited to It should be noted that the compressed air used
conveying regrind and virgin materials together. should be dried and lubricated and limited to a
The granule size must no be larger than 3 - 4 pneumatic pressure of 6 bar (87 psi). All
mm (0.12 - 0.06 inch). connections and fittings must be able to
withstand this pressure!
The higher proportion of dust will lead to heavier
loading of the filter, so that shorter cleaning
intervals must be allowed for.

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Structure and function

Pneumatic saftey hood (PLUS - V)


1 2

Figure: PV0008.TIF

The pneumatic saftey gate consists of a

plexiglass cover (pos. 1), an electronically
monitired saftey bar (pos. 2), two pneumatic
operating lifting cylinders (pos. 3), two check
valves (pos. 4), two electronically operated
pneumatic valves (pos. 5) and two manually
adjustable flow control valves (pos. 6, 7).

The limit position cushioning may be set by

means of the adjusting screws at the lifting

The opening and closing speed can be set

using throttle valves.

To prevent the saftey gate from lowering two

check valves have been installed.

According to its positon, the saftey gate can be

opened or closed by pressing the "Cycle start"
switch on the operator panel.

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5.6 Electrics Control cabinet front view

Electric drive 1
3 8
The pump unit is driven by a three phase
asynchronous motor.

The drive motor is coupled directly to the

hydraulic pump and connected to suit the
operating voltage.

When connected correctly (the phase sequence 4

must give a righthand field, see "Transport -
Installation" section) the drive motor will run left
(seen from the D-end).

D - End: Drive end 5

N - End: Non-drive end (fan end) 6

Service and connection work on the terminal
rail may only be carried out by an authorised 7

Switch cabinet

The electrical cabinet is easily accessed on the

front of the IMM and contains most of the
electrical components necessary for operation. 8
1 Error lamp
2 Main isolator
3 Control panel
5 Floppy
6 Printer socket
7 Socket support
8 Lock

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Control cabinet side view Control cabinet rear view

1 Error lamp 1 Reserve

2 Main isolator 2 Socket band heater zone 2
3 Shot counter 3 Socket band heater zone 1
4 Specifiction plate 4 Socket band heater nozzle
5 Socket support 5 Output cable sensor zone 2
6 Point of main incoming supply 6 Output cable sensor zone 1
7 Output cable sensor nozzle (option)
8 Cable output

1234 567

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5.7 Control unit UNILOG B2 Control panel

General information

UNILOG B2 meets the requirements of an easy

to see control. The clamp and injection units are
driven by an optimised control. Set value entry
using pictograms and quick function selections
enable simple operation and universal
application anywhere in the world.

Only a few pages are needed for the

diagrammatic representation of the injection
moulding process. They can be called up
directly via function keys. Assigning access
levels with a password system ensures reliable
operation appropriate to the expertise of the

For process evaluation a quality table and good

/ bad part discrimination are provided.
Reproducible setting is guaranteed by data
storage on ordinary floppy disks.

The control panel is divided into:

• A back-lit graphics-capable LCD screen

with 128 x 240 pixels
• Function keys for selecting the various
• Cursor keys for moving the cursor in all
four directions within the screen, and the
"Previous page" key which can be used
to go from page to page through a menu

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• Numerical keypad with the "Enter", "C" Holding pressure

(clear), "-" (minus) and "." decimal point
• Main machine function keys
• 16 function keys for moving the various
machine parts

Using symbols for input and display reduces the

number of menu pages and gives a rapid
process overview. Arrangement and
organisation of the symbols promote intuitive
operation. Only 3 graphic elements are used for
input and display. The holding pressure profile is entered with 3
profile points. The entry and display of holding
Rectangular fields indicate actual value pressure time and cooling time complete the
displays, rectangles with triangular points display.
symbolise set value entries. Program selections
are represented by rectangles with solid Quality table
triangular points.

Injection unit

An important aid in production monitoring and

documentation is the quality table. Any four of
36 parameters can be saved and monitored
The arrangement of the strokes and speeds for over the last 50 cycles. Any monitoring channel
the injection phase is self-explanatory. Four can be selected to control a discrimination flap.
stroke points can be entered. The profile
entered is interpolated to suit the characteristics
of the hydraulics. The actual values for screw
stroke, injection time and pressure are shown in
rectangular fields.

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Structure and function

Disk drive / LPT printer port The AM055 analog module

Customer data can be saved using a 3 1/2" This module converts the analog signals into
floppy disk drive. A parallel printer port is digital signals and vice versa. It has 5 analog
provided for a printout of these data. inputs and 3 analog outputs. The power supply
for the stroke transducers is also incorporated
Control unit here.

The various components of the control are: The AT660 temperature recording card

The backboard This card enables connection of 8 Fe-Co

temperature sensors.
The standard version of the backboard has 12
slots and a 3 V / 950 mAh buffer battery. It is The DI475 input module
mounted on a standard top-hat rail.
Connection of 16 digital 24 VDC signals in 4
The PS 465 power supply groups. The status of the digital inputs is
indicated by LEDs. Potential separation
The power supply provides power to the whole between groups and to control. Switching
control system. The output is 18-30 VDC. threshold in low range <5 V, in switchover range
Operational status is indicated by 4 light diodes. 5 to 15 V and in high range >15 V.

The IF260 processor with IF672 plug-in The DO480 output module
This module switches 16 digital 24 VDC loads in
The 32-bit processor undertakes the control’s 2 groups. The maximum loads are 2 A on a
communication with the terminal and the single output, 12 A on a group and 24 A on the
regulation and interpretation of the PLC whole module. The status of the digital outputs
program. On the plug-in module are an RS-232 is indicated by status LEDs.
interface and 2 CAN interfaces.

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Structure and function

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6.0 Operation • Open the air supply from the

compressed air system to the air supply
unit (option), UNIFEED material feeder
6.1 General information (option), mechanical scotch (option)

Due to various influences we recommend • Prepare the electrical unit as described

entrusting Battenfeld staff with the in the "Transport - Installation" chapter
commissioning of the plant. This should not only • Switch on the power supply (low voltage
be done for reasons of warranty but, at the distribution)
same time:
• Ensure that there are no highly
combustable and explosive air mixtures
• The IMM can be checked for any
near the screw barrel heating
transport damage or installation and
connection faults • Lubricate lubrication points, as
described in the "Transport - Installation"
• To instruct the operating personnel
• Additional advice on operation,
• Switch on hydraulics ("Hydraulics start"
maintenance and service can be passed
The standard IMM has an oil preheating
system, and can not be run until the
6.2 Commissioning hydraulic oil’s operating temperature has
been reached (after approx. 15 min.)
• Observe the operating manual and in
particular the safety regulations in the • Clear any error messages which appear
"Safety" chapter (see "UNILOG B2 User’s Manual, Alarm
list" chapter)
• Unload, transport, install and level the
IMM as described in the "Transport - • Mount the mould as described in the
Installation" chapter "Transport - Installation" chapter and set
the clamping force and the mould
• Prepare the hydraulic unit as described mounting height
in the "Transport - Installation" chapter
• Connect the peripheral equipment
• Prepare the water system as described (option) as described in the "Transport -
in the "Transport - Installation" chapter Installation" chapter
• Turn on water supply from cooling water
system to oil cooler
• Prepare the pneumatic unit as described
in the "Transport - Installation" chapter

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• Check the safety device as described in 6.3 Starting the IMM after
the "Transport - Installation" chapter
• Open and close the safety grid and
purge guard (to test the safety grid The emergency stop button is a safety switch
monitoring circuit) for shutting the machine down quickly. If it has
• Mount the mould as described in the been operated it must be released, after the
"Transport - Installation" Chapter and set fault or the reason for the external emergancy
the clamping force and the mould shutdown (peripheral equipment e.g robot) has
mounting height been cleared, by rotating in the direction of the
arrow. Then the IMM is switched on again as
• Connect the peripheral equipment described in the "Operating" paragraph and, if
(option) as described in the "Transport - necessary, the mould cleared of the moulding by
Installation" chapter means of the ejector.
• Check the safety device as described in
the "Transport - Installation" chapter The starting position of the IMM is: Mould fully
open, ejector, nozzle and screw back, core
• Open and close the safety grid and puller (if present) moved out.
purge guard (to test the safety grid
monitoring circuit)
6.4 Test run without material
After after commission or changing the mould,
the movements of the various units should be
It is forbidden to stand on the IMM or reach tested before running a few manual cycles with
into the injection unit during operation! a mould mounted.

• Carry out the test run and interlock test The safety regulations in the "Safety"
as described in the "Transport - chapter are to be followed without fail!
Installation" chapter
• Carry out the test run with / without 1 Check whether the electrical cabinet,
material as described in this chapter safety guards and safety gates have
been properly installed or closed
• Select the operating mode and start the
IMM 2 Clear inside of IMM of all foreign bodies
(forgotten tools, etc.)
3 Switch on the power supply (low voltage
distribution) - commissioning only

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4 Switch on main switch

5 Release the emergency stop buttons on
the IMM by rotating a quarter turn
Before operating the IMM the safety
regulations in the operating manual(s) of any
6 Open the water supply from the cooling peripheral equipment must be followed
system to the individual users (oil cooler, without fail!
cooling water flow control, etc.) -
commissioning only 11 Commission peripheral equipment
7 Open the air supply from the (option) according to the operating
compressed air system to the air supply manuals and set them to the starting
unit (option), UNIFEED material feeder position, i.e. the position in which no
(option), mechanical scotch (option) - damage to it or to IMM components is
commissioning only possible

8 Check the safety device as described in 12 Clear any error messages which appear
the "Transport - Installation" chapter (see "UNILOG B2 User’s Manual, Alarm
list" chapter)
9 Open and close all safety gates (to test
the safety gate monitoring)

13 Press the "Manual" key

14 Log on to control (Screen page
Press the "Open safety grid" and "Close "Password-System")
safety grid" keys in case of a power-
operated safety grid (option)

10 Switch on hydraulics ("Hydraulics start"

This starts the oil preheating at the same
time. You now have to wait until the Enter password in input field "N1"
hydraulic oil is heated up to a minimum
of 40 °C (104 °F). 15 Press the "ENTER" key

Start the pump without load and run for a

few seconds to make sure of adequate

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Set the set values for "Injection", "Locking Fire hazard! No smoking! Make sure that
force" and "Ejector" as low as possible for there are no flammable liquids, open flames,
an acceptable injection cycle. Otherwise etc. nearby the barrel heating!
forces may be present when opening the
mould which can possibly exceed the limit 17 Remove all materials, liquids and
range of the clamping elements! objects which should not be near the
injection unit
16 Enter the set values for the injection
cycle on the appropriate pages
The set values for "Injection" are to be
set as low as possible for an respectable
injection cycle. Otherwise the mould can 18 Press "Heating on" key. (Switches on
possibly be overloaded. When opening barrel heating)
the mould the chucking power can be
For moulds with a smaller base the
ejector force may exceed the retention
force of the clamping elements which
will cause the mould to disengage 19 Bring the IMM to the following start
- Mould open
- Ejector back

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23 Press "Mould close" key; an automatic

- Nozzle back cycle is started
- Screw back Up to size 2700 the "Semiautomatic 1"
- Core puller out (option) and "Semiautomatic 2" modes are
started by closing the the safety grid
In case of power-operated safety grids
on the clamping unit, these grids will be
20 Press "Automatic" key opened automatically at end of the cycle
in the "Semiautomatic 1 and
21 Press "Machine general" key (twice if
Semiautomatic 2" operating mode.
During the test run, listen for any
unusual noises and check the function of
Operating and other personnel may only
the safety grids
stand in front of the IMM on the operator’s
side during operation! The "Fully automatic", "Semiautomatic
1" and "Semiautomatic 2" modes are
interrupted by pressing the "Manual" key
or an emergency stop button
Any leaks which possibly occur during
the first few hours of operation can
usually be cured simply by tightening the

22 Enter a set value of "0" in entry field N1

(Select "Automatic" mode) and confirm
with the "ENTER" key

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6.5 Filling the material hopper Caution

The operator has a duty to ensure no foreign
• Make sure that the main switch is bodies enter the material hopper of barrel
switched OFF and secured against throat!
unauthorised reconnection
• Swing material hopper to mid position

If the material hopper, the material feeder or • Fill in material

the stuffing device are located higher than • Swing material hopper above the feed
the average body height, climbing aids and throat of the screw barrel
working platforms which meet the legal
• Remove climbing aid from the working
safety requirements must be used for filling!
area of the IMM
• Move the climbing aid in front of the IMM
• Clean the material hopper and check for
foreign particles. For this reason the use
of open material bags should be avoided

Follow the plastic manufacturers’


When processing plastics which give rise to

harmful gases dusts or vapours, the
operator has a duty to provide suitable
extraction for the protection of operating

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6.6 Test run with material

• Press "Automatic" key

The safety regulations in the "Safety" • Press "Machine general" key (twice if
chapter are to be followed without fail! necessary)

• Prepare IMM as described in chapter

"Test run without material", steps 1 to 3
• Fill material as described in chapter
"Filling the material hopper"
• Prepare IMM as described in chapter
"Test run without material", steps 4 to 18
• Check the safety device as described in
the "Transport - Installation" chapter • Enter a set value of "1" or "2" in entry
• Open mould; move ejector and nozzle field N1 (Selects "Semiautomatic 1" or
back; move core puller back, if "Semiautomatic 2" program) and confirm
necessary with "ENTER"
• Depending on the program selection
either press the "Close mould" key or
close the safety grid (see step 24 in the
"Test run without material" section) to
start the IMM
• Drive screw forward ("Injection" key)
In this way several cycles are run.

Thus the movements of the various units, the

settings and the quality of the mouldings are
checked. Depending on the application,
• Press "Metering" key and carry out a appropriate corrections are made to the various
manual metering process set values in order to achieve the quality
required for the moulding.

Once all the set values have been entered they

can be saved to avoid unnecessary data loss.

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For additional security the set values complete 6.7 Operation

with mould number and part number should be
printed out and placed in the Operating Manual. The operation of the IMM does not differ from
the procedure described in chapter "Test run
For procedure see the "UNILOG B2 User’s without material" and the procedures described
Manual" chapter 17 "File management". in this chapter.

To prevent unauthorised persons from set After each shutdown and before each start-
value input, the user must log off from the up of the IMM, the safety devices have to be
control unit after quitting the setting mode! checked after switching on the main isolator
as described in the "Transport - Installation"
The safety regulations in the "Safety"
• Press the "Machine in general" key chapter are to be followed without fail!

For the first few hours in which the IMM is used

under production conditions, the following
should be monitored in particular:

• The hydraulic oil temperature

The optimum working temperature of the
hydraulic oil is between 45 °C and 50 °C
(113 °F and 122 °F)
• Move the cursor with the arrow keys to
input field "N1"
• Enter an invalid password, e.g. "0" (this
prevents set values from being entered)


• Press the "ENTER" key

The current oil temperature is displayed

on page 2 of the screen page
"Temperature control zones" in the
actual value field "T12"

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6.8 Shutting the IMM down


This is called up by pressing the

"Temperature control zones" function
key twice
• The proper fit of the fastening nuts 1 Press the "Manual" key
The fastening screws of the fastening 2 Set peripheral equipment to the starting
nuts may loosen due to the constantly position (option) and switch off any
changing loads. After the first 100 peripheral equipment according to its
running hours they must be tightened operating manual
and checked for security
3 Switch off the UNIFEED material feeder
• The screw barrel heater bands (option)
The screw barrel heater bands must be 4 Pull the hopper away from the feed
checked for security at operating throat of the barrel
temperatures every 2500 running hours
5 Move the core pullers out of the mould if
Periodical checks should be performed during
6 Move the clamping platen to the starting
operation at regular intervals and according to
position (Mould open). If necessary
the procedure described in the "Maintenance"
remove the moulding(s) from the mould
using the ejector
Visible defects are to be remedied immediately.

Burning hazard! Do not touch escaping

Remedy damage immediately. Hydraulic oils material!
escaping at high pressure can cause severe
injuries and fires! 7 Swing the material hopper from the inlet
area of the screw barrel to the mid
This applies especially to hydraulic fittings and position
hose assemblies.
8 Press the "Injection unit back" key
9 Place an appropriate reservoir in front of
the nozzle and purge the remaining
material at short intervals
10 Switch off hydraulics ("Hydraulics Stop"
11 Switch off the heater ("Heater off" key)

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12 Close and relief the cooling water supply 6.9 Shut down procedure
(add rust preventing agent, if
appropriate) from pressure 1 Shut down the IMM as described in
13 Close and relieve the compressed air "Shutting the IMM down", steps 1 to 9
system (option) from pressure 2 Preserve the cavities of the mould
14 Turn off the main switch and use a according to the manufacturer’s
padlock to prevent accidental instructions
reconnection. The main switch should
be operated whenever possible without 3 Dismantling the mould
applied load
In this paragraph the dismantling of a
Extended shutdown mould fastened with mould clamps is
1 Shut down the IMM as described in
"Shutting the IMM down"
Swing the material hopper to the
emptying position and fill the remaining
material into an appropriate container
3.1 Press the "Mould close" key and close
2 First free the screw barrel and the screw
the mould
from the remaining melt and purge out
with polyethylene
3 Depending on the material to be
processed, the nozzle and the screw
must be removed and cleaned The mould may only be dismantled by an
4 Preserve the cavities of the mould authorised skilled technician!
according to the manufacturer’s
instructions 3.2 Disconnect the ejector coupling (mould /
hydraulic ejector cylinder)
5 Treat all bare parts with a corrosion
6 Empty the cooling water system, blow
out with compressed air and treat with a
corrosion inhibitor

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3.11 Undo the mounting elements of the

mould on the nozzle platen
3.12 Remove them from the centring
Burning hazard if touched. At mould mechanism in the nozzle platen
temperatures above 60 °C (140 °F) wear
appropriate protective clothing!

3.3 Let the mould cool down to a safe

temperature (material dependent)
Danger ! It must be ensured that no persons
3.4 Prepare the mould for dismantling stand or linger under the suspended load!
(Disconnect cooling hoses, heating
cables etc) 3.13 Lift the mould horizontally out of the
3.5 Attach the safety strap to prevent the opened clamping unit
two mould halves from sliding apart

The safe working load of the lifting gear

must equal or exceed the weight of the

3.6 Attach sling to the mould

3.14 Preserve the mould according to the
3.7 Slightly tension the lifting equipment
manufacturer’s instructions and prepare
for storage
4 Let the heating elements and their
guardings, mould temperature control
3.8 Press the "Setting" key
units and their flow and return lines and
3.9 Loosen the mounting elements of the their fittings and mounting elements cool
mould on the clamping platen down to a safe temperature
3.10 Open the mould 5 Move the piston rods of the hydraulic
cylinders in the setting mode as far as
possible into the hydraulic cylinder to
protect them from corrosion

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In case of a possible disassembly,

release any remaining pressure by
carefully loosening (but not completely
undoing) the appropriate hydraulic fitting Burning hazard if touched. At oil
If the place of installation is to be temperatures above 50 °C (122 °F) wear
changed, the clamping and the injection appropriate Protective clothing! Avoid any
unit has to be moved to the transport skin contact! If hydraulic oil gets into the
position as described in "Changing the eyes, rinse thoroughly with water and
place of installation" consult a physician!

6 Press "Hydraulics stop" key 9.1 Thoroughly clean area around venting
9.2 Throughly clean the area around the
filler screws and the screw plugs on the
transport and strorage containers for the
7 Turn off the main switch and use a hydraulic oil
padlock to prevent accidental
reconnection 9.3 Unscrew the venting filter lock and
remove complete venting filter from filler

Cleaning materials are hazardous to health

and flammable. The manufacturer’s
instructions are to be followed without fail! Fire hazard! No smoking! Make sure that
there are no flammable liquids, open flames,
8 Dismantle nozzle (and nozzle head), as etc. nearby!
well as screw and screw barrel, and
clean them Environmental hazard! In case of leaking
hydraulic oil follow the legal provisions and
regulations without fail!
9 Empty hydraulic system

Work at the hydraulic system may only be

carried out by a skilled hydraulic technician!

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When storing and disposing of hydraulic oils

or used oil the local laws and regulations are
to be followed without fail! The proprietor of
the machine is responsible for proper waste
9.4 Empty hydraulic tank with a pump unit
via the filler stub. The suction pipe must • Drain the remaining oil to a suitable
reach to the bottom of the tank container after removing the shut-off
The pump unit must be permissible for plug or opening the shut-off valves
hydraulic units (option)

When storing and disposing of hydraulic oils When disposing of the oil pan and cloths
or used oil, the local laws and regulations drenched with hydraulic oil the laws and
are to be followed without fail. The proprietor regulations applicable must be followed
of the machine is responsible for proper without fail. The proprietor of the machine is
waste disposal. responsible for proper waste disposal.

The tank must be approved in When storing and disposing of hydraulic oils
accordance with the applicable laws and or used oil the local laws and regulations are
regulations and must be dimensioned to to be followed without fail. The proprietor of
be able to hold the hydraulic oil volume the machine is responsible for proper waste
(see "Technical Data" chapter) disposal.

• Replace the venting filter on the fitting • Remove the housing of the pressure
stub filter. Dispose of the liquid in a suitable
container, see chapter "Maintenance",
under paragraph "Pressure filter"

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Emptying the cooling water supply • Turn both hand-wheels (2+3) of the
cooling water flow control cw (Open
If the pressure in the cooling water system is cooling water flow) and drain the cooling
not released before starting work, this may water to appropriate systems or
cause an explosive pressurisation with the containers
risk of damage and injury!
• Disconnect the cooling water flow and
return (5+6) of the users and drain the
Burning hazard if touched! Wear suitable
cooling water to appropriate systems or
protective clothing with water temperatures
above 50 °C (122 °F)!
• Connect the compressed air hose to the
• Cut off the water supply to the oil cooler feed lines of the oil cooler and the
cooling water flow control and blow out
• Cut off the water supply to the cooling
with compressed air
water flow control
• Drain the remaining cooling water from
• Turn the two hand-wheels of the cooling
the supply and return lines to
water flow control clockwise (Close
appropriate systems or containers
cooling water flow)
• Insert plug into the fittings of the supply
• Disconnect the cooling water supply and
and return lines to protect them against
return lines from the oil cooler
• Drain the cooling water from the supply
and return lines of the oil cooler to
appropriate systems or containers
• Disconnect the cooling water return (4)
from the cooling water flow control and
drain the cooling water to appropriate
systems or container
• Disconnect the cooling water flow (1)
from the cooling water flow control and
drain the cooling water to appropriate
systems or container

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Evacuating the compressed air system Other measures

• Follow the procedures in the respective

operating manuals without fail before
shutting down the peripheral equipment
If the compressed air system is not relieved
• All bare and unplated moving parts and
from all pressure before work starts, there is
guides (tiebars, piston rods, etc.), and all
a risk of explosive emptying with possible
unpainted, unplated screws must be
damage or injury!
preserved using an oily rust preventing
• Cut off the compressed air supply to the
air supply unit


• Turn the pressure adjusting valve (1)

counterclockwise until the pressure
shown on the gauge (2) sinks to 0 bar
• Turn condensate drain screw (3)
counterclockwise; drain condensate to a
suitable container; turn condensate drain
screw clockwise

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Disconnecting the electric system Measures after an extended shutdown

• Clean IMM from dust and rust

preventing agent, see chapter
"Transport - Installation"
The IMM may only be disconnected from the • Note the service life of the hydraulic
power supply by a skilled electrician hoses and hose assemblies, see
(according to DIN VDE 0105 or IEC 364). The chapter "Maintenance"
safety regulations in the "Safety" chapter are
to be followed without fail! • To prevent the hydraulic pumps from
being damaged check whether they are
• Switch off the supply voltage (low filled with hydraulic oil; see chapter
voltage distribution) to the IMM "Transport - Installation."
• Disconnect the supply lines in the • Replace the "Back flow filter" and
control cabinet from the mains and the "Venting filter" filter elements; see
heating power terminals chapter "Maintenance"
• Secure the cables against interference
according to locally applicable
• Place desiccant medium for protection of
The isolation value may only be checked and
connections, relays, etc. from corrosion
wet windings may only be dried by a
into the control cabinet
qualified electrician (according to DIN VDE
0105 or IEC 364). The safety regulations in
the "Safety" chapter are to be followed
without fail!

• Check the insulation values of the

hydraulic motor’s windings
• Observe the service life of the battery in
the control unit; see chapter

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• Prepare IMM according to chapter 6.10 Changing the place of

"Transport - Installation"
• Proceed in the same order as described
in "Test run without material" to "Test run • Prepare the IMM as described in "Shut
with material" down procedure"
• Maintain hydraulic system • Move the injection unit to its foremost
After extended shutdown, in particular, if position (into the nozzle platen) before
there are extreme climatic conditions, changing the place of installation
the movement of some hydraulic - Switch off main switch and secure
components (e.g. valves) may be against accidental reconnection
restricted due to gumming or
• If the IMM is to be moved to an external
precipitations within the hydraulic oil. For
installation site, lift the IMM using the
this reason the IMM should be carefully
appropriate lifting equipment, see
restarted at low set values for the
chapter "Transport - Installation" and
movement speeds and pressures.
dismantle the levelling elements
Carefully observe whether all hydraulic
functions have been carried out and the • Attach lifting equipment as described in
proper function of the IMM is ensured "Transporting the IMM" in chapter
"Transport - Installation"
If necessary fill and rinse the IMM with a
cleaning oil (HLPD according to DIN • Transport the IMM using the appropriate
51524 Part 2, Class ISO VG 32) These means of tranportation (fork lifting truck,
are hyraulic oils with cleaning additives crane) as described in chapter
(identifying letter "D" = "detergents") "Transport - Installation"
After cleaning the IMM is to be refilled • If the IMM is to be moved to an external
and operated with standard hydraulic oil installation site secure the IMM with
(HLP 46) ropes suitable for the weight of the IMM
on the means of transportation (e.g.
• Follow the procedures in the respective
operating manuals without fail before
restarting the peripheral equipment The complete IMM may only be placed
on a level surface capable of supporting
the appropriate load
• Unload, install,level and commission the
IMM at the new installation site as
described in chapter "Transport -
Installation" and start up

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6.11 Disposal In the Directive of the Council 75/442/EEC

measures on the avoidance, recycling and the
The proprietors of the machine is obliged to disposal of wastes are described in Article 3;
dispose of all components, lubricants, hydraulic Article 4 contains the compliance with the
and gear oil as well as other aids (cleaning principle of non-hazardous waste recycling and
cloths, cleaning agents, etc.) according national disposal. Article 5 stipulates the principles of the
and international laws and regulations. nearest possible and self-reliant waste disposal.

This applies especially to those components

which have been in contact with products
hazardous to the environment (lubricants,
hydraulic and gear oils).

Please contact the responsible authorities

before disposal. You will receive detailed
information on laws and regulations applicable,
the facilities for disposal, as well as on
authorised waste disposal companies.

Request safety specification sheets according to

DIN 52900 for your products from your lubricant
supplier. Among others, these contain
information on waste disposal.

If possible, the materials and substances should

be recycled.

The provisions on waste disposal within the

European Union (EU) can be found in the
"Europäischen Abfallkatlogverordnung" (EAKV)
("European Waste Disposal Catalogue
Regulation"). This regulation is to translate the
provisions of the decision 94/3/EC on a waste
disposal directory according to Article 1,
Chapter a of the Directive of the Council 75/442/
EEC on wastes into the German legislation.

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7.0 Maintenance 7.2 Transport, storage and

disposal of lubricants
7.1 General information
Lubricants and hydraulic oils are
Careful installation and care are necessary for environmentally damaging products. For this
the reliable functioning of the injection moulding reason the local environmental laws and
machine (hereinafter IMM). regulations concerning water, building, waste,
transport, trade and safety at work must be
Daily visual checks help to prevent down times. observed.
Checks, maintenance work and the exchange of
worn out parts should be undertaken at regular These areas of legislation include the fields of
intervals. Only parts of the same quality transportation, storage and waste disposal.
(strength, material) and design may be used.
Even the strict observance of all laws and
Breakdowns caused by inadequate or improper regulations can not totally exclude accidents
maintenance can result in very high repair costs involving lubricants. In such cases the
and long periods of down time. Regular appropriate authorities (Water Board, Police,
maintenance is therefore essential. Fire Brigade) must be notified immediately. The
amount of lubricant discharged before
If you have questions about maintenance or notification is required varies from place to
servicing, please contact our Technical Service place.
Department or one of our subsidiaries. The
addresses can be found in the "Customer There is therefore a need to make contingency
service" chapter. plans for preventive measures in the case of
any incident with oil. This includes the existence
of such a plan itself, that sufficient oil absorbing
medium is in stock, that drains can be closed off
and that tools and materials are available to
The safety regulations in the "Safety" prevent the spilled oil from escaping.
section must be followed without fail!

Before starting any maintenance or repair

work the IMM must be switched off using the
main switch and secured against accidental

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Request safety specification sheets according to

DIN 52900 for your products from your lubricant

These cover: (among others)

• Chemical and physical properties.

• Protective measures, storage and
• Measures to be taken in the event of
accidents and fires

7.3 Disposal of electrical and

electronic components
When disposing of electrical and electronic
components, the local laws and regulations are
to be observed.

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7.4 Hydraulic oil and lubricant table

Gearbox, axial Central lubri- Three phase Pneumatics

Hydraulic Central oil
Lubrication point bearing and oil cation grease motors or elec- and electromag-
equipment*) lubrication
lubrication and+E1 grease tric motors**) netic coupling
Designation to HLP 46 CLP 220 CG 220 K 2 K - 20 K 3 K - 20 HL 10 / CL 10
DIN 51502 DIN 51524 T2 DIN 51517 T3 DIN 51517 T3 DIN 51825 DIN 51825 DIN 51524 T 1

Agip Agip Agip ASP 220 Agip Agip

OSO 46 Blasia 220 Agip Exidia 220 GR MU 2 ACER 10

Aral Vitam Aral Degol Aral Deganit Aral Aralub Aral Vitam
GF 46 BG 220 B 220 HL 2 DE 10


RSL 46 RSX 220 RSU 220 AVIALITH 2 RL 10-C

BP Energol BP Energol BP Maccurat Energrease BP Energol

HLP-HM 46 GR-XP 220 220 D LS 2 HLP-HM 10

Castrol Hyspin Castrol Alpha Magnaglide Spheerol Castrol Hyspin

SLX Grease
AWS 46 SP 220 D 220 AP 2 AWS 10

EP 220 K 220


Pluton EM CIRKAN 10
TS 46 220 G 220 LA 2

Mobil Mobilgear Mobil Vactra Mobil Mobil Velocite

DTE 25 630 Oil No. 4 Mobilux 2 Oil No. 6

HYDO 46 on request FIRETEMP XT2 Hydo 10
220 ULTRA 220 2


VG 46 220/220 PLUS 220 160/GP 2 Haydn 10

Q8 Q8 Q8 Rembrandt
Q8 Wagner 220 Q8 Haydn 10
Haydn 46 Goya 220 2

Shell Omala Shell Tonna S Shell Alvania R AeroShell

Shell Tellus 46 Shell Morlina 10
220 330 2 Grease 16


Auf Anfrage on request
AW-46 1100/220 1060/220 3030/100

These products have been recommended to us by the mineral oil companies. Products from other
companies which can be shown to be of the same quality may also be used.

Only use prefiltered hydraulic oil of cleanliness class 15/12 to ISO 4406!

*) Hydraulic oil: Only use oil of the cleanliness class 15/12 to ISO 4406; always prefilter!
**) Only for air cooled three-phase motors

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7.5 Maintenance chart

Every 8 operating hours

• Install all safety devices or all safety guards

• Oil level in hydraulic tank
• Overall condition of IMM (visual check)
• Replace defective indicator lamps immediately
• Always keep the electrical cabinet closed
• Make sure the electrical cabinet is clean

Every 160 operating hours

• Check the filter mat(s) in the electrical cabinet fans (option) for clogging
• Check hydraulic fittings, hose asemblies, cylinders, valves, pump(s) etc. for leakages

Every 500 operating hours

• Spray all bare parts (tiebars, piston rods, guide rails, linear bearings injection units), where
there is no movement with a corrosion inhibitor
• Lubricate grease points on moving platen supports and injection side guide (linear bearings)
• Check for scotch bar for proper function.(option)
• Clean filter element of air supply unit (option)

Every 2500 operating hours

• Operating manual present and correct

• Check the rollers of the limit switches for the clamping units safety gate for cleanliness and
free movement; check whether the limit switches will be sufficiently activated
• Check heater bands for security and correct position
• Tighten all terminals in the switch cabinet
• Check cables (for damage, scorching)
• Change the filter mats of the electriacl cabinet
• Clean electrical cabinet
• Test emergency stop circuit
• Replace hydraulic tank venting filter

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Every 5000 operating hours

• Clean electric motor fan with dry compressed air; the cleaning intervals depend on the local
levels of airborne dirt
• Check pump motor terminal box for sealing, damaged insulation and secure connections
• Check the stroke transducers on the moving platen and ejector for cleanliness and ease of
• Check the stroke transducer of the nozzle and the injection cylinder for cleanliness and free
• Visual check of electrical components
• Check nozzle for wear and concentricity
• Test hydraulic oil (replace if necessary)
• Replace back flow filter element
• check all fittings for security and tighten as necessary

Every 20000 operating hours

• Change hydraulic hose assemblies

• Flush oil cooler and cooling water sight-glasses with a descaler
• Lubricate electric motor bearings

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7.6 Hydraulic unit Every 5000 operating hours an oil sample

should be taken and, depending on the
analysis, an oil change be carried out. This is,
however, based on an assumed maximum
operating temperature of 60 °C (140 °F) and
Work on hydraulic equipment may only be regular oil filter changes. To establish the oil
carried out by a hydraulics expert! change interval suitable for the local operating
conditions it is recommended to test the oil at
If the hydraulic system is not relieved of first after shorter intervals (e.g. monthly).
pressure before work is started it may empty
explosively with the risk of damage and The test sample can be taken from the pressure
injury! or return line at operating temperature (e.g. from
the mini test point (M) on the pump block).
Switch off main switch to secure against
accidental reconnection. If the clamping platen, Regardless of the usage the hydraulic oil should
injection unit and screw are not in one of their be changed after one year at the latest. If the oil
limit positions then the hydraulic system is is not changed or is changed too late the IMM
relieved from pressure. Any residual pressure will be unreliable and damaged, especially as a
can be released by carefully loosening (but not result of abrasive contaminants in the hydraulic
completely undoing) a hydraulic fitting. oil which can not be removed by the filter.

Oil change Caution

Leaked oil is always contaminated and must
never be put back into the hydraulic tank!

Ensure greatest cleanliness! The filler on the

Burning hazard if touched. At oil hydraulic tank and the spouts and bungs on
temperatures above 60 °C (140 °F) wear hydraulic oil drums and storage tanks must be
appropriate PPE! thoroughly cleaned before use. The new
hydraulic oil must be checked for ingress of
water. Oil containing water is spoiled and must
not be used.

When disposing of used oil, legal

requirements must be met. The proprietor of
the machine is responsible for proper

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The oil change should be carried out The new hydraulic oil may only be filled through
immediately after the end of a production run on the air venting filters. This must be done through
the IMM. This ensures that the oil is at operating a separate filtration unit (filter mesh size 3 µm /
temperature (45 °C to 50 °C / 113 °F to 122 °F) 118.11 µinch), which guarantees a cleanliness
and free flowing with the contaminants still in class of 15/12 to ISO 4406 (Class 6 to NAS
suspension so that they can be pumped out with 1638 or CETOP RP 70H) Experience has
the oil. shown that even new oil is not this clean.

Tank capacity 1251 (33 gal) Caution

Only use new hydraulic oil and never mix
• Clean the filler screws and the screw oils of different grades or from different
plugs on transport and storage manufacturers. The type of oil should not be
containers changed without compelling reasons. If this
is the case, the system must be flushed out
• Check the hydraulic oil grade; see "Oil
with the new oil first!
• Prefilter the hydraulic oil through a To avoid mixing oils it is recommended to mark
mobile filtration unit the oil tank and fillers with the oil type.

• Fill the hydraulic tank to the maximum

mark with a mobile filtration unit
The maximum level is shown by the
• Switch off hydraulics ("Hydraulics Stop" upper marking on the oil level indicator
key) • Install venting filter again
• Switch off main switch and secure • Reconnect the bypass filter unit, if fitted
against accidental reconnection
• Clean the area round the air venting Caution
filter Before switching on the IMM the hydraulic
• Undo cap of air venting filter oil should be allowed to "stand" for approx.
1 hour to let the air trapped during filling
• Empty hydraulic tank with a pump unit
via the filler stub. The suction pipe must
reach to the bottom of the tank

If the tank is filled above the max. level,
hydraulic oil will come out of the venting

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Air bleeding Back flow filter

After filling the oil tank air must be bled from the The back flow filter has a contamination
hydraulic system. indicator which sends an error message to the
screen if it is triggered.
• Press the "Hydraulic start" key to switch
on the hydraulics At the first possible pause in production (e.g.
shift change) the filter element (article number
• Press the "Setting" key
MB628) must be replaced. If there are no spare
• Drive the moving platen, injection unit filters available one must be ordered
and injection piston to and fro over their immediately.
whole strokeseveral times
The filter must always be changed with the oil. If
The IMM is effectively bled when no foam the above error message or the oil analysis
appears in the oil tank, movements are smooth indicates an early oil change, then the oil filter
and there are no strange noises. should be changed early too.

The oil level should be checked after bleeding The greatest cleanliness must be maintained.
and topped up if necessary. Care must be taken The contamination indicator is suppressed at
to use the same oil type. low temperatures; i.e. if the oil temperature is
below 27 °C (80.6 °F) the switch does not
Check oil level daily function.

Continuous monitoring of the oil level is required

as a drop in the oil level below the marked
minimum volume may lead to an increase in
operating temperature, undissolved air and
pump failure from cavitation.

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Changing the filter element • Remove element (2); inspect the mesh
surfaces for contamination and large
• Switch off IMM and wait for complete particles. These can be an indication of
pressure loss damaged hydraulic components
• Dispose of filter element (1)
• Before fitting the filter element check
that the type designation is the same as
that of the filter element removed
If the hydraulic system is not relieved of
pressure before work is started it may empty
explosively with the risk of damage and Caution
injury! Do not attempt to clean or reuse filter

• Renew filter element. The filter can not

be cleaned. Any attempt to clean the
Burning hazard if touched. At oil filter will damage the filter material which
temperatures above 60 °C (140 °F) wear will then allow contaminated oil to reach
appropriate PPE! the "clean" side of the filter element
• Clean filter cover (4) (inside) with a
suitable medium (e.g. white spirit or
3 paraffin), taking care not to introduce
any contamination into the clean side
• Inspect the filter unit for mechanical
damage, especially to sealing faces and
1 seals. Renew damaged parts. Check O-
rings and change if damaged

• Unscrew filter cap (3)

• Remove the filter element (1) with the
filter cover (4) on the bracket

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Caution Oil cooler

If damaged parts are not renewed and if the
filter is not maintained in first class Although the oil cooler may be considered
condition there will be a risk of damaging or maintenance free, it is recommended to give it
reducing the performance of other some preventive maintenance every 20,000
components in the system! running hours.

Venting filter Contaminated water must be filtered and if scale

is present the cooling lines must be descaled.
Venting filters allow the clean air to pass in and
out of the oil tank to compensate for changes in See also "Water quality".
oil level. Its effectiveness depends upon the
environment, but it should be checked and if
Hose assemblies
necessary the element renewed after 2500
hours at the latest, paying the greatest attention
The safety regulations are laid down in DIN
to cleanliness.
20066 Parts 4 and 5 as well as in EN 201. They
contain regulations on the testing, replacement
and storage of hydraulic hose assemblies.
Observe any leaks in the hydraulic equipment
The proprietor of the machine has a duty to
and remedy them by resealing or tightening
ensure that hose assemblies are replaced at the
appropriate intervals, even if no technical
shortcoming is apparent in the hose assembly.

Service life
Damaged hydraulic hoses and hose
Even when stored and used properly are hose
assemblies must be renewed at once, please
assemblies subject to a natural aging process.
refer to the "Hose assemblies" section!
For this reason, their use is limited.
Regular checks of the hydraulic fittings, hose
Improper storage, overloading and mechanical
asemblies, cylinders, valves, pump(s) etc. must
damage are the most common causes of failure.
be carried out every 160 operating hours.
The service life (including storage time) of hose
assemblies may not be exceeded. The
production date is permanently marked on each

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Inspection criteria

The proper function is to be checked every 1000

The hose assemblies must be replaced after operating hours by a skilled hydraulic
20000 operating hours at the most. technician.

Reuse Hose assemblies are to be replaced

immediately if on examination any of the
Hoses which have already been in service as following conditions are found:
part of a hose assembly may not be reused as
they no longer conform to the requirements of • Damage in the outer layer through to the
DIN 20066. braiding (e.g. abrasion, cuts or tears)
• Brittleness of the outer layer (cracking of
If a hose is reused, then the liability lies with the
the hose material)
person who fits the hose assembly.
• Deformation not consistent with the
Only hose assemblies with sealing heads can natural form of the hose assembly, in
be reused. The length of a hose assembly has either the pressurised or the relaxed
to be determined according to the following condition, or in flexure, e.g. delamination
figure. or blistering (see also DIN 20066 Part 4)
• Permeability or porosity
• Damage to or deformation of the end
fittings which compromises oil-tightness;
light superficial damage is not grounds
for replacement
Length including
standpipe ends • Hose creeping out of the end fitting
• Corrosion which reduces function or
security of the end fitting
• Installation guideline not observed (DIN
20066 Part 4)
• Storage times and service life exceeded

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7.7 Water system In the relation of solids content to water

hardness it should be noted that the harder the
Caution cooling water is, the lower the solids content
When using water piping note the corrosion has to be. If the solids content is above 0.003 %
stability of metallic materials against water (30 ppm), a water filter with a mesh size
in accordance with DIN 50930! of< 100 µm (0.004 inch) must be installed in the
supply line.
Water piping and the respective fittings are to be
checked for corrosion and leakages by a skilled It is also recommended to add a corrosion
technician at regular intervals. inhibitor to the cooling water (e.g. Ferrophos
8579 from Henkel).

We recommend ethylene glycol type 420 as an

antifreeze (60 % water and 40 % ethylene
If the pressure in the cooling water system is glycol). This is suitable for a temperature range
not released before starting work, this may down to -30 °C (-22 °F) and is also a corrosion
cause an explosive pressurisation with the inhibitor.
risk of damage and injury!
Hydraulic oil temperature

Check the hydraulic oil temperature in the oil

tank daily. The IMM is most efficient at an oil
Burning hazard if touched. At water temperature between 45 ° and 50 °C (113 ° and
temperatures above 50 °C (122 °F) wear 122 °F).
appropriate protective clothing!
The current hydraulic oil temperature will be
Water quality displayed on the screen (B2 = in the actual
value field "T12" on page 2 of the "Temperature
If there are deviations from the following control zones" screen page / B4 = "Barrel
guidelines please contact our technical temperatures 1" screen page).
customer service or one of our subsidiaries. The
addresses can be found in the "Customer
service" chapter.

pH value: 6,5 - 9
Water hardness: < 1,8 mmol / l (681 ppm / gal)
Solids: < 0,03 ‰ (30 ppm)
Filter mesh: < 100 µm (0.004 inch)

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Oil cooler 7.8 Electrical equipment

• Every 20000 running hours the cooling
tubes should be flushed out with a
descaling solution to remove any
limescale deposits (max. 16 bar / For all work involving fitting, removal,
232 psi) modification and repair, the legal rules and
regulations and the safety instructions in the
Cooling water flow controls ”Safety” chapter must be observed without
• Check cooling water flow controls daily
for flow and leaks Work on electrical components may only be
carried out by a qualified electrician!
• Likewise check the cooling water
connections and hoses for flow (no
Filter mats
kinked hoses) and leaks
The filter mats can be cleaned as follows:
• The sight glasses may need cleaning if
the coolant is dirty • Washing in water (up to approx. 40 °C /
104 °F, with mild detergent if desired).
• The consumers, moulds, throat cooling, Shaking, vacuuming or blowing out with
etc. should be flushed out every 20000 compressed air is also possible
running hours with a descaling solution
• If the dust is greasy the filter mat must
be washed out in water with a grease
dispersant additive

Buffer battery

The control unit is protected from data loss by a

buffer battery. If the error message ”buffer
battery empty” appears the battery must be
replaced. A first battery change must be carried
out after 5 years and consequently every 3
years after.

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Battery change • Insert the battery while observing the

(Type: Lithium battery 3V/950mA A Nr: BR141) correct polarity. The removal strip must
be located underneath the battery,
otherwise it cannot be removed

Data loss without buffering! A copy of the

service and devices data records are saved
on disc before the battery change for saftey.

• Switch off main switch

The main switch must be switched back
on within 30 seconds of the battery
change, to ensure no data is lost • Close the cover of the lithium battery
• Carry out electrical discharge at the top • Switch on main switch again
hat rail or at the earth connection (do not
reach into the power supply unit)
• Open the battery compartment with the
help of a screw driver. The screw driver When disposing of the batteries, legal
is placed in the groove and the requirements must be met. The proprietor of
compartment opened by levering the machine is responsible for proper
• Take the battery out of the mount by disposal!
removing the cover on the battery
• Take out lithium battery (do not touch
battery with tongs or non-insulated
tweezers -> shortcut.) The battery may
only be manually handled on the front
side. To remove the battery insulated
tweezers may also be used

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7.9 Pneumatic system The primary filter (2) is automatically cleaned by

compressed air after every conveying cycle. If it
becomes clogged it is cleaned as follows:

• Turn off air supply

If the pneumatic system is not relieved of all • Remove knurled nuts (4)
pressure before work starts, there is a risk of
• Lift off cover (1)
explosive emptying with possible damage or
injury! • Clean and replace primary filter (2)
• Replace cover
UNIFEED material feeder
• Do up knurled nuts (4)

When fitting the filter care must be taken to

position the filter O-ring properly in the groove

1 Filter element (air supply unit).

2 The interval for cleaning depends on the
3 amount of dirt in the air. An interval of 500
4 operating hours may be taken as a guide.

• Turn off air supply

• Unscrew oil reservoir (9)
• Unscrew filter cartridge

Mechanical scotch

The mechanical scotch (option) will will only

The secondary filter (3) of UNIFEED material work if all components are in faultless condition
feeder (option) should be cleaned as necessary and moving parts have free movement. Care
and in any case inspected at least once a week, must be taken that the face of the scotch (or
depending on the amount of dust. Its service life "flag"), against which a tooth of the scotch-bar
is limited and it should be renewed at the first presses when it is activated, shows no
sign of loose fibres (by simply removing it from significant wear.
its holder).

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Spares/ Plans

8.0 Spares/ Plans

The Spares / Plans contains parts lists, plans
and drawings which give the circumference for
the IMM, broken down into assemblies. For
every sub assembly an assembly drawing
exists. Each spare part can be found here listed
under a position number.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is

necessary to give the Machine Number with
every spare parts order. In addition please state
the Identification number (ID No.), the
description and the desired quantity.

When ordering, please contact the

BATTENFELD agency responsible for you or
contact BATTENFELD direct (addresses and
telephone numbers are given in "Customer
Sevice" chapter).

Spares are to be ordered according to the

procedure detailed on the next page.

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Spares/ Plans






DOK150000611 8.3.150

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Customer Service

9.0 Customer Service

9.1 General
The "Customer service" chapter contains all contact
addresses of all customer service partners and
agencies of Battenfeld Injection moulding technology.

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Customer Service

Egypt Brasilia (VBR) Agency for: Guangdong (VHK)

MEISCA Battenfeld do Brasil Ltda. Battenfeld Hong Kong Ltd.

Middle East Industrial Services & Commercial Rod. Castelo Branco, km 30 2/Fl., No. 18 Dai Fat Street
Agencies Av. Gupê, 10.767 Tai Po Industrial Estate
27 Ahmed Fakhry Str., 06422-120 Barueri-SP / Brazil Tai Po, N.T.
Apt. 2-Zone 6 Nasr City HONG KONG
Cairo / Egypt Tel.: 0055-11-4789-1877
Fax: 0055-11-4789-9045 Tel.: 00852-2666-9140
Tel.: 0020-2-2717032 e-Mail: battenfeld.brasil@vbr.battenfeld.com Fax: 00852-2665-2526
Fax: 0020-2-2717032 e-Mail: bathk@hk.super.net

Algeria Columbia
WTC GmbH & Co. KG
Wassel Plast Sarl Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 3 Represantationes maquineq
Cité des Annassers BT. 807 Nr. 8 D-65760 Eschborn Uwe Koch
(B.P. 136) Deutschland Calle 68, No. 12-21, Oficina 304
Kouba Alger / ALGERIEN Bogota / Columbia
Postal address:
Tel. / Fax: 00213-229-2780 Postfach 6142 Tel.: 0057-1-2494581
Tel. / Fax: 00213-229-2215 D-65735 Eschborn Fax: 0057-1-2494581

Tel.: 0049-6196-5010-0
Argentina (VAR) Fax: 0049-6196-5010-20 Danmark (VDK)

GMO Gabelsberger & Cia.S.A. Battenfeld Danmark AS

Av. Belgrano 423/427 Piso 5° Canada (VCA) Stengaardsvej 7
1092 Buenos Aires / Argentina 4340 Toelloese / Danmark
Battenfeld Canada Co. Ltd.
Tel.: 0054-11-4342-7812 940 Westport Crescent Tel.: 0045-59185949(TB, KD, Ersatzteile)
Fax: 0054-11-4331-7689 Mississauga Fax: 0045-59186922(TB, KD, Ersatzteile)
e-Mail: info@gabyc.com.ar Ontario L5T 1G1 / Canada e-Mail: hagemann.k@battenfeld.dk

Tel.: 001-905-6709384
Australia (VAU) Fax: 001-905-7958226 Germany
e-Mail: batt@netrover.com
Battenfeld Australia Pty. Ltd. Battenfeld GmbH
3, Phoenix Court Scherl 10
Braeside, 3195 Chile D-58540 Meinerzhagen / Deutschland
Melbourne / Australia
BBL PACK S.A. Postal address:
Postal address: Av. Pedro de Valdivin No. 3317 Postfach 1164
P.O.Box 614 Nuñoa - Santiage - Chile D-58527 Meinerzhagen / Deutschland
Mordialloc, 3195
Melbourne / Australia Tel.: 0056-2-209-2880 Siehe Anhang
Fax: 0056-2-209-2869
Tel.: 0061-3-9587-5211 e-Mail: bbl@entelchile.net
Fax: 0061-3-9587-5224 England (VUK)
e-Mail: bardsley@battenfeld.mel.net
China Battenfeld U.K. Ltd.
6, The Valley Centre
Belgium (VBE) Agency for: Heilongsiang,Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Gordon Road
Mongol, Hebei, Sichuan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, High Wycombe
Battenfeld Belgium N.V. Shandong, Gansu, Henang, Beijing, Tianjin Bucks HP13 6EQ / Great Britain
Nieuwlandlaan 1A
Industriepark H&Z Tel.: 0044-1494-450911
B-3200 Aarschot Belgium Import + Export Fax: 0044-1494-445470
Office Beijing Room A 402 e-Mail: 100733.3061@compuserve.com
Tel.: 0032-16-551180 Long bo Building
Fax: 0032-16-562659 Nr. 3, Nanlishi Road
e-Mail: loos.I@vbe.battenfeld.com Xicheng District Ecuador
P.C. 100037 Beijing
P.R. China Battenfeld do Brasil Ltda. (VBR)
Bolivia (siehe unter Brasilien)
Tel.: 0086-10-68025224
Battenfeld do Brasil Ltda. (VBR) Fax: 0086-10-68025227
(see Brasilia) Finland (VFI)

Agency for: Chekiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, OY Suomen Plastmaschinen AB

Bosnia and Herzegovina Hupeh, Anhui, Kiangsi, Hunan, Fukien Kaakelitehtaankatu 2
SF-24260 Salo / Finnland
Fokuma Planungs- u. Vertriebsges.m.b.H. Royaland International
Further Straße 27 Trading (Shanghai) Ltd. Tel.: 00358-2-7312-555
A-2564 Weißenbach No. 631, Ling Ling Road Fax: 00358-2-7312-660
AI-LE Building 10H e-Mail: horst.schallschmidt@plma.inet.fi
Tel.: 0043-2674-87427 Shanghai
Fax: 0043-2674-874135 Tel.: 0086-21-64866856
e-mail: fr0198@aol.com 0086-21-64866857
Fax: 0086-21-64866858
e-Mail: royaland@value-net.com.cn

Chapter - 9 B: TB2DE0OC.P65
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Customer Service

France (VFR) Israel Lebanon

Battenfeld France S.A. PLAST-TECH & Co. Industrial Engineering Technology S.a.r.l.
Central Parc Industrial & Prod. Engineering Sed El Bauchrieh
255, Blvd. Robert Ballanger Vingait 30 A Electricity Street
F-93421 Villepinte P.O. Box 492 P.O.Box 90120 (Jdeidet El Metn)
Zihron Ya’acov 30900 / ISRAEL Beirut/Libanon
Postal address:
8, Allée du Daim Tel.: 00972-6-6292333 Tel.: 00961-880597
Boite Postale 42 Fax: 00972-6-6292444 Fax: 00961-880599
F-93421 Villepinte Cedex

Tel.: 0033-1-49634070 Italia (VIT) Malaysia (VSI)

Fax: 0033-1-49634081
e-Mail: 100701.177@compuserve.com Battenfeld Italia S.r.l. Battenfeld Injection Moulding Technology (S)
Via Donizetti Pte. Ltd.
I-20020 Solaro(MI) Italien Blk. 196, Pandan Loop #01-16
Greece Pantech Industrial Complex
Tel.: 0039-2-96 981045 SGP 128384 / SINGAPORE
General Plastics Ltd. 0039-2-96 981040
Representatives - Importers Fax: 0039-2-96 981049 Tel.: 0065-773-0821
Laskaridou 143 e-Mail: service@vit.battenfeld.com Fax: 0065-773-2427
Kallithea e-Mail: batasean@singnet.com.sg
17675 Athens / Greece
Tel.: 0030-1-9567885
Fax: 0030-1-9560137 Battenfeld Mexico S.A. de C.V. (VMX) Mazedonia
(siehe unter Mexico)
Fokuma Planungs- u. Vertriebsges.m.b.H.
Hong Kong (VHK) Further Straße 27
Jordan A-2564 Weißenbach
Battenfeld Hong Kong Ltd.
Units 910-911 UCM Tel.: 0043-2674-87427
No. 1 Hung To Road United Chemicals Marketing Est. 0043-2674-87413
Kwun Tong P.O. Box 1505 Fax: 0043-2674-874135
Kowlon Amman / Jordan e-mail: fr0198@aol.com

Tel.: 00852-2666-9140 Tel.: 00962-6-611906

Fax: 00852-2665-2526 Fax: 00962-6-611907 Mexico (VMX)
e-Mail: bathk@hk.super.net
Battenfeld Mexico S.A. de C.V.
Antonio Noemi No. 83
India Yugoslavia Col. Lomas de Memetla
05330 Mexico, D.F. / Mexico
Kromes Marketing India Fokuma Planungs- u. Vertriebsges.m.b.H.
13-C Ground Floor, Further Straße 27 Tel.: 0052-5-812-6666
Parmanand Co-op.Hsg. Society, A-2564 Weißenbach Fax: 0052-5-812-6670
5th Road, Khar West, e-Mail: battenfeld.mexico@vmx.battenfeld.com
Mumbai-400052 Tel.: 0043-2674-87427
India 0043-2674-87413
Fax: 0043-2674-874135 New Zealand
Tel.: 0091-22-6008463 e-mail: fr0198@aol.com
Fax: 0091-75-6008462 via Melbourne / Australia
e-Mail: kromes@rediffmail.com
Iran Trico International Ltd.
Room 1007, Dae Ha Bldg. Wilmod B.V.
Sunnywell Co. Ltd. 14-11, Yoido-Dong Industrieweg 10
3rd Floor, Ark Building Yungdungpo-Gu NL-2712 LB Zoetermeer / HOLLAND
Nr. 316 Ostad Motahari Ave. CPO Box 892
P.O.Box 15875/5753 Seoul / Korea Postal address:
Tehran / I.R. IRAN Postfach 40
Tel.: 0082-2-7847202 NL-2700 AA Zoetermeer
Tel.: 0098-21-8821095 Fax: 0082-2-7849074 HOLLAND
0098-21-8821096 e-Mail: A852510@magiclink.dacom.co.kr
0098-21-8833127 Tel.: 0031-79-346-1919
0098-21-8833128 Fax: 0031-79-346-1911
Fax: 0098-21-8821096 Croatia e-Mail: info@wilmdo.nl

Fokuma Planungs- u. Vertriebsges.m.b.H.

Irland Further Straße 27 Norway
A-2564 Weißenbach
Battenfeld U.K. Battenfeld Sverige AB
(see England) Tel.: 0043-2674-87427 c/o Ökonomi Partner Oslo AS
0043-2674-87413 Postboks 8704 Yonngstarget
Fax: 0043-2674-874135 N-0028 Oslo
e-Mail: fr0198@aol.com NORWEGEN

E: 180202 / Ruder
Chapter - 9
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Customer Service

Austria (BKU) Romania Slovenia

Battenfeld Kunststoffmaschinen Ges.m.b.H. Jueng Engineering Fokuma spol. S.r.o.

Wiener-Neustädter-Straße 81 Niklas-Steuber-Gasse 24 Gololova 18
2542 Kottingbrunn / Austria A-2361 Laxenburg 85202 Bratislava
Tel.: 0043-2252-404-0 (Zentrale) Tel.: 0043-2236-72283
Fax: 0043-2252-404-1062 (Zentrale) Fax: 0043-2236-72509 Tel.: 00421-7 63811858
e-Mail: office@jungmayer.at Fax: 00421-905821858
Quality management - Customer service e-Mail: fr0198@aol.com
Tel.: 0043-2252-404-7500 Just Plast Technologies srl
Fax: 0043-2252-404-7502
e-Mail: schnabel.r@bku.battenfeld.com Str. Braziliei 14 Slovakia
RO-71221 Bucuresti
Customer service - Hotline Machinery Tel.: +40 1 2314611 Fokuma spol. s.r.o.
Tel.: 0043-2252-404-7511 Fax: +40 1 2304892 Gogolova 18
Fax: 0043-2252-404-7505 Servicehotline: + 40 93 313611 SK-85202 Bratislava / Slowakei
e-Mail: misera.w@bku.battenfeld.com e-Mail: battenfeld@pcnet.ro
Tel/Fax: 00421-7-638-11-858
Customer service - Hotline Automatisation Russia
Tel.: 0043-2252-404-7590
Fax: 0043-2252-404-3902 Vadim Zviagintsev Spain (VES)
e-Mail: kamel.m@bku.battenfeld.com 1 Novokuznetzkij Per. 5/7-KW 37
113184 Moskau Battenfeld Iberica S.A.
Spare Part Sale Russische Föderation Poligono Industrial
Tel.: 0043-2252-404-7550 La Ferreria
Fax: 0043-2252-404-7552 Tel.: 007-095-9538077 Avda. La Ferreria 29
e-Mail: navrkal.g@bku.battenfeld.com Tel.: 007-095-3051466 ES-08110 Montcada i Reixach / Espagna
Fax: 007-095-2306261
Training Tel.: 0034-93-5646053
Tel.: 0043-2252-404-7410 Fax: 0034-93-5646600
Fax: 0043-2252-404-7505 Sweden (VSV)
e-Mail: wagner.p@bku.battenfeld.com
Battenfeld Sverige AB South Africa
Ryttarevägen 18A
Peru 30260 Halmstad D.K. Machinery Pty. Ltd.
Schweden D.K. Machinery House
Battenfeld do Brasil Ltda. (VBR) No. 8, Engineering Close
(see Brasilia) Postal address: KYA SAND EXT. 15 / South-Africa
Box 9046
30009 Halmstad / Schweden Postal address:
Poland P.O.Box 2193
Tel.: 0046-351-55950 2162 Northriding / SOUTH AFRICA
Battenfeld Polska Fax: 0046-351-55959
Injection Moulding Technology Sp. z.o.o. e-Mail: battenfeld.@battenfeld.se Tel.: 0027-11-708-2090
Adamowizna 151 Fax: 0027-11-708-2085
05-825 Grodisk Maz / Polen
Switzerland (VSZ)
Tel: 0048 22 724 38 07 Taiwan
Fax: 0048 90 213 014 Battenfeld Schweiz AG
e-Mail: battenfeld@hot.pl Brunnenstraße 7 Royaland Co. Ltd.
8604 Volketswil 10-8 Floor, No. 104,
Schweiz Ming-Chuan West Road
Portugal (VES) Taipei, Taiwan 103 / ROC
Tel.: 0041-1-9086565
Battenfeld Iberica S.A. Fax: 0041-1-9086550 Tel.: 00886-2-2550-6788
Poligono Industrial e-Mail: sekretariat@battenfeld.ch Fax: 00886-2-2550-6766
La Ferreria e-Mail: royaland@ms4.hinet.net
Avda. La Ferreria 29
E-08110 Montcada i Reixach Singapore (VSI)
Espagna Thailand
Battenfeld Injection Moulding Technology (S)
Tel.: 0034-93-5646053 Pte. Ltd. C. Melchers & Co. (Thailand) Ltd.
Fax: 0034-93-5646600 Blk. 196, Pandan Loop #01-16 15th Floor Sorachai Building
Pantech Industrial Complex 23/39-39 Sukhumvit 63 Klongton-Nua
SGP 128384 Watthana Bangkok 10110

Tel.: 0065-773-0821 Tel.: 00662-714 30705

Fax: 0065-773-2427 Fax: 00662-714 3076
e-Mail: batasean@singnet.com.sg e-Mail: melchers@samart.co.th

Chapter - 9 B: TB2DE0OC.P65
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Customer Service

Czech Republic
Smid Spol. sro.
Ke Kastanku 236 Vadim Zviagintsev
CZ-252 18 Uhonice / Tschechische Republik 1 Novokuznetzkij Per. 5/7-KW 37
Tel.: 00420-311-670253 Russische Föderation
Fax: 00420-311-670795
e-Mail: zastoupeni.battenfeld@pvnet.cz Tel.: 007-095-9538077
Tel.: 007-095-3051466
Fax: 007-095-2306261

Makina Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
Dogu Sanayi Sitesi Block: 6 Nr. 11 M. Sideris & Son. Ltd.
Yenibosna 34520 Istanbul 18, Pindarus Street
Türkei P.O. Box 2353
Tel.: 0090-212-5522361 Zypern
Fax: 0090-212-5529670
e-Mail: meltemltd@turk.net Tel.: 00357-2-755141
Tunesia Fax: 00357-2-754198
e-Mail: consider@spidernet.com.cy
Battenfeld France S.A.
(siehe unter Frankreich)


Dugonics u. 11
H-1043 Budapest

Tel.: 0036-1-3700010
Fax: 0036-1-3700020
e-Mail: thege@netvision.hu


GMO Gabelsberger & Cia.S.A.

(siehe unter Argentinien)

U.S.A. (VUS)

Battenfeld of America, Inc.

James P. Murphy Ind. Highway
West Warwick Industrial Park
West Warwick, RI 02893

Tel.: 001-401-823-0700
Fax: 001-401-823-5641
e-Mail: batserve@aol.com


Kast, asesoria tecnica, c.a.

Av. Rio Paragua,
Res. Prado Humboldt
Edf. Cuji, S1, Ofic. CHR-S4
1081 Caracas

Tel.: 0058-2-9765397
Fax: 0058-2-9774379

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Chapter - 9
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Customer Service

Customer Service Germany

Postfach 1164 Head Customer Service: ++49 (0) 2354/72-120

58527 Meinerzhagen Sekretary: ++49 (0) 2354/72-121
Scherl 10 Telefax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-129
58540 Meinerzhagen e-Mail: Barutta.j@bmf.battenfeld.com

Tel.: ++49 (0) 2354/72-334
Fax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-503
Spare Parts
e-Mail: Gust.m@bmf.battenfeld.com Tel.: ++49 (0) 2354/72-161
Fax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-139
e-Mail: Hinz.m@bmf.battenfeld.com

Technical Customer Service

Tel.: ++49 (0) 2354/72-140
Fax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-159
e-Mail: Berger.a@bmf.battenfeld.com

Spare Parts
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2354/72-131 Hamburg
Fax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-139
e-Mail: Sander.i@bmf.battenfeld.com
Technical Customer Service
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2354/72-130
Fax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-169
e-Mail: Vormberg.w@bmf.battenfeld.com

Kassel Dresden



Spare Parts and

Technical Customer Service
Tel.: ++49 (0) 561/518081
Fax: ++49 (0) 561/5102487
Nürnberg e-Mail: Service@plastconsult.de

Spare Parts
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2354/72-161
Fax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-139
e-Mail: Hinz.m@bmf.battenfeld.com Stuttgart

Technical Customer Service

Tel.: ++49 (0) 2354/72-160
Fax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-169
e-Mail: Salmen.j@bmf.battenfeld.com München

Spare Parts
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2354/72-151
Fax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-159
e-Mail: Catrin.o@bmf.battenfeld.com

Technical Customer Service

Tel.: ++49 (0) 2354/72-150
Fax: ++49 (0) 2354/72-159
e-Mail: Kuech.o@bmf.battenfeld.com

Chapter - 9 B: TB2DE0OC.P65
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