Your Drivetrain Connection Since 1961: December 2017

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your Drivetrain Connection Since 1961 DECEMBER 2017

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PHONE (805) 604-2000

Publisher Dennis Madden

Managing Editor Rodger Bland
Technical Director Lance Wiggins
A Closer Look At The Toyota/Lexus Exhausting Problems! The crew of Transolution in
Senior Designer Jeanette Troub U880 Valve Body Page 26 Missoula, Montana
Graphic Artist Aurelio Peña Page 4 Page 50

Contributing Authors:
Steve Bodofsky Jim Cathcart
Steve Garret Thom Tschetter
ATRA Technical Staff: 4 STREET SMART:
Rolando (Rolly) Alvarez Bill Brayton A Closer Look At The Toyota/Lexus U880 Valve Body
Mike Brown Keith Clark
— by Mike Brown
David Chalker Rob Faucett
Pete Huscher Darwin Upton 12 HEAVY METAL: 6R140 with No Cooler Flow
Shaun Velasquez Jarad Warren — by Rolly Alvarez
Director of Event Services Vanessa Velasquez 18 GFX: Your Drivetrain Connection Since 1961
— by GFX
The views expressed in this publication should not necessarily be interpreted PAID ADVERTORIAL
as the official policy of the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA).
Publication of product information or any advertising does not imply recommenda- 22 A Look at Wiring Diagram Changes
tion by ATRA. — by Steve Garret
GEARS , a publication of ATRA, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030,
is published for the betterment of the transmission industry and is distributed 26 DELIVERING THE GOODS: Exhausting Problems!
ten times per year. No part of this issue may be reproduced without prior written — by Keith Clark
permission of the publisher. GEARS is distributed to members of the transmis-
sion industry in the United States, Canada, ATRA Members in Mexico & Europe, 34 Harsh Shifts Traced to Engine Troubles… Again!
and related automotive industry firms and individually. Send changes of address — by Steve Bodofsky
to GEARS in care of ATRA. Subscriptions are available by contacting GEARS in
care of ATRA. 38 UP YOUR BUSINESS: A Cure For Imperfect Memory
Advertisers and advertising agencies assume full liability for all content of adver- — by Thom Tschetter
tisements printed and also assume full responsibility for any claims arising there-
from against the publisher. The publisher reserves the unqualified right to reject any 42 SUCCESS STRATEGIES:
advertising copy as it deems appropriate, with or without cause.
From Expo to Exponential Improvement
GEARS is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard
to the subject matter covered. It is distributed with the understanding the publisher — by Jim Cathcart
is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal
advice or other expert assistance, is required, the services of a competent profes- 44 2017 Expo Golf Tourney Supports Ronald McDonald House Charities
sional person should be sought from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted
by a Committee of the American Bar Association and Committee of Publishers. 46 Another Amazing Expo In Paris
GEARS also welcomes articles submitted by members of the industry. GEARS
50 SHOP PROFILE: Transolution: A General Repair Shop That Also
considers all articles for publication that contribute positively to the welfare of the
transmission industry, and reserves the right to edit all articles it publishes. If you Offers Transmission Repair
would like to submit an article to GEARS, include background information about — by Steve Bodofsky
the author and a telephone number where he/she may be reached. If you want
submissions returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. 54 You're In Full Control
— by Rodney Hudson-Davies
Editorial and Business Offices
2400 Latigo Avenue,

Oxnard CA 93030
Phone (805) 604-2000
Fax (805) 604-2006 2 FROM THE CEO:
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GEARS, P.O. Box 16118, My Greatest Pride
North Hollywood, CA 91615-6118 — by Dennis Madden
Publications Mail Agreement No. 40031403
Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Be sure to read our Feature Story,
Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5 56 POWERTRAIN INDUSTRY NEWS GFX: Your Drivetrain
59 SHOPPERS AND CLASSIFIED Connection Since 1961
Issue #220 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright ATRA 2017 on page 18.
64 LIST OF ADVERTISERS (Paid Advertorial)

1TOC-1217.indd 2 11/27/17 8:02 AM


very year, as we approach familiar faces, as attendees lined up
Expo, the enthusiasm at the to collect their name tags and support
ATRA home office rises material. Hundreds of people — many
to a fever pitch. Folks are busy longtimers, some first-time attendees
putting the finishing touches on — making their way to Expo from
their presentations, or making the all around the world. They were here
final arrangements so that the coffee to learn… to share… and to connect
breaks are scheduled on time and the with professionals from every corner
seminar rooms are organized so the of the globe.
program goes off without a hitch. Oh, sure, our numbers were down by Dennis Madden
You’d be surprised at just how much a little from the previous year. That
planning goes into making things wasn’t too surprising under the cir-
look effortless! cumstances. If your house washed
But this year we were all more away or burned to the ground, or
than a little apprehensive about what you were still pumping the water out all the valuable ideas you’ve shared
would be waiting for us when we of your shop, you’d probably have with us over the years. Our signature
arrived in Las Vegas. Over the last thought, “eh, maybe next year.” program is called What’s Working.
few months, the southern states were But for those who could make We know these programs are working
hammered with unprecedented storms, it, the 2017 Expo was an event to because you’ve been on the front
blowing down homes and flooding remember, where we could all press lines… the trying ground where we get
major cities to never-before recorded the flesh, share stories, hoist a cold to prove what works and what doesn’t.
levels. As I write this, a large part of one, and learn from some of the most And don’t get any silly thoughts:
Puerto Rico is still without electricity. informative experts in their fields. We’re not done… not by a long shot.
In California, fire raged up and And no one was prouder than I We have dozens of new programs
down the state, decimating hundreds was. Proud of our staff, who went the in the pipeline, with more on the
of thousands of acres, destroying extra mile to make sure this year’s way. Each of us is in this for the long
homes and businesses in its path. Expo would be one for the books. haul. Our job — our greatest joy —
Many people were left with only the But even more, proud of you, is to help keep this industry strong
clothes on their backs, having to begin the folks who make up the automatic and profitable. It’s something we’re
their lives again from scratch. transmission repair industry. Over planning to continue for many years
And then, just two weeks before the last 40 years, I’ve had the unique to come.
Expo, the unthinkable: A crazed privilege of working closely with so This is our last issue of GEARS
gunman fires into a crowd of concert many of you. And you’ve made me for 2017. It’s been a trying year for
goers from the windows of the proud of the work we’ve done and the some; a terrific and profitable year for
Mandalay Bay, just a couple blocks advances we’ve made for our industry. others. But through it all, you’ve stood
from the Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Too many people spend their tall and continued to enhance your
Casino, the host for this year’s Expo. days just earning a paycheck; for me, reputations throughout the automotive
Which led us all to wonder: Just ATRA has always been a labor of love. world. That’s probably what gives me
how many people would actually Sure, there have been tough times over the greatest pride of all in our industry.
make their way to Vegas and join us the years, but every day I’m reminded As we come to the end of the year,
at Expo? Or would we find ourselves of just how lucky I am to be a part of I’d like to wish each of you a joyous
speaking to empty chairs in nearly this business… of this world. holiday season and a healthy, happy,
vacant rooms? It’s easy to think that we here and prosperous New Year.
But all our fears were quickly at ATRA are the ones making the
laid to rest as we began to pick out difference. But that would overlook
2 GEARS December 2017

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Synthetic Fluids.

REAL RESULTS. Bulk sizes



Ads_1217.indd 3 11/27/17 8:15 AM


by Mike Brown

he Toyota/Lexus U880E was first
introduced in the 2013 Lexus
RX350 Sport. Since then, it’s
become quite popular: It’s currently
being used by BMW since 2015 under
the designation GA8F22AW; GM
started using it in 2016, calling it the
8F45; and Volvo began using it in 2014,
renaming it the TG-81SC.
These transaxles have been on the
road for about five years now and they’re
getting a lot of miles on them. With all
the different manufacturers using them,
there’s no doubt you’ll soon be seeing
them in your shop.
No matter how careful you are, all
it takes is one distracting phone call or
even a sudden sneeze: a check valve
goes back in the wrong place or a shift
valve gets turned around, and suddenly
you’re in the middle of a nightmare.
What’s the big deal? You open
your shop manual and find the correct
configuration, right?
Only there aren’t any repair manuals
with an exploded view for this valve
body. Or even check valve locations.
So that’s where ATRA’s Technical
Department comes in…
The valve body that we’re going
to look at is from a 2015 Lexus RX350
sport with a 3.5L engine. We’ll identify
bolt locations, check valves, solenoids,
4 GEARS December 2017

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Figure 1

Retainer Bolts

Retainer Bolts

Figure 2

valves, and springs, and discuss a few • With the valve body off, remove • Use a magnet to remove the seven
assembly tips. So let’s get started: the two bolts holding the pin pins that hold the pressure control
• The valve body has eight bolts of retainer plate to the upper valve solenoids in place (figure 2) and
different lengths holding it to the body, which holds the S1 and S2 remove the solenoids.
case (figure 1). solenoids in place.

GEARS December 2017 5

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A Closer Look at the Toyota/Lexus U880 Valve Body

Figure 3 Figure 4

In the lower valve

body, look for two
pressure relief valves
and a cooler bypass
• With all the solenoids
removed, turn the valve body
over and remove the 21 bolts
of varying lengths (figure 3).
• Turn the valve body back
over (figure 4); the bolts
labeled A will be a big help
later for putting the valve
body back together.
• Hold the separator plate
against the upper valve body
and remove the five bolts.
Then flip the upper valve
body and separator plate
over together; this will keep
the check valve and relief
valves in place.
• In the lower valve body
(figure 5), look for two
pressure relief valves and a
cooler bypass valve. Figure 5

6 GEARS December 2017

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A Closer Look at the Toyota/Lexus U880 Valve Body

Figure 6

Figure 7

• Flip the upper valve body and • Clean the valve bodies thoroughly, the middle valve body and set it
remove the separator plate and examine them for wear or damage, aside.
upper solenoid body. In the middle and then you’re ready to reassemble • Place the lower valve body and
valve body (figure 6) look for four them. separator plate in front of you.
check valves, five pressure relief • Assemble the lower valve body and Place the middle and upper valve
valves and springs, and one line install the relief valves and springs body assembly onto the lower
pressure relief valve and spring. (figures 5 and 8). Then set it aside valve body, and hand tighten the
• Figure 7 is the valve ID and lineup with the separator plate. two bolts; that’ll keep the valve
with spring sizes for the middle • Assemble the middle valve body bodies together and make it easy to
valve body. (figures 6 and 7) and set it aside finish assembling them.
• Figure 8 provides the lower valve with the separator plate. • Tighten all valve body bolts to 65
body valve ID and lineup with • Install the bolts in the upper valve lb-in.
spring sizes. body (figures 2 and 4). Place it onto
8 GEARS December 2017

1brown1217jt.indd 8 11/27/17 11:05 AM


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Ads_1217.indd 9 11/27/17 8:15 AM

A Closer Look at the Toyota/Lexus U880 Valve Body

Figure 8

Transaxle Fluid Fill

One of the biggest problems with
this unit occurs when you use the wrong
One of the biggest
problems with this
type of transmission fluid. Improper
fluids can cause all sorts of shift
problems and may affect transmission
life. unit occurs when you
This transaxle requires Genuine
ATF WS transmission fluid (figure 9). use the wrong type
Transaxle fill procedure (figure 10):
A. Remove the refill and overflow
of transmission fluid.
B. Fill the transaxle through the refill
hole until fluid begins to trickle e. Allow the engine to idle until
out the overflow tube. the fluid temperature reaches
C. Temporarily install the overflow 39ºC (102ºF).
plug. F2. Without Techstream (using D shift
D. Allow the engine to idle with the indicator; figure 11):
air conditioning off. a. Connect DLC3 terminals CG
E. Move the shift lever through entire (4) and TC (13) using SST
gear range to circulate the fluid. 0984318040 (or equivalent).
F1. If you have a Techstream: b. Move the shift lever back
a. Connect your Techstream to and forth between N and D at
the DLC3. 1.5 seconds intervals for six
b. Turn the Techstream on. seconds (four times). Figure 9
c. Enter Powertrain / ECT / Data c. The D shift indicator on the
List. combination meter should the fluid temperature is within
d. Check A/T Oil Temperature 1. come on for two seconds when the appropriate range.
10 GEARS December 2017

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Figure 10

d. Add fluid until it comes out Relearn Procedure 4. Rescan after the road test and
the overflow plug; wait make sure no codes have come
until the overflow slows to a You must reset the ECM after back.
trickle. installation, before driving the vehicle. You’ll need the proper equipment
e. Install the To do so, you’ll need an OE or approved to reset the adaptive learn. If you don’t
overflow and refill scan tool to reset the adapts (reset ECM/ have the equipment available, you’ll
plugs, using PCM). need to tow the vehicle to a Toyota/
new gaskets. Failure to do so can result in Lexus dealership or other facility with
slipping or binding shifts and failure of OEM-type equipment.
the transmission after only a short road So there you have it: a complete
test. breakdown of the valve body for a
Some remanufacturers will require U880E transmission, along with the
that you follow these steps or procedures necessary to reset the
they’ll void your warranty: computer system and get the unit
running right.
1. Verify that computer And that’s not just smart: That’s
has latest software street smart!
2. Clear codes.
3. Reset Adaptive Learn.

Figure 11

GEARS December 2017 11

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by Rolly Alvarez

t seems every other transmis-
sion problem that comes into
the shop today has its roots
in another part of the vehicle. 3-5-Rev 1-2-3-4
Sometimes it’s the engine; other Clutch Clutch
times it’s the computer system.
In this case, it was the cooling Regulated 4-5-6
system. TCC Apply Clutch
A 2011 Ford F450 with a
6R140 and a 6.7-liter diesel engine
truck showed up at the door. It had
310,000 miles on the clock and the
fluid was burnt. The unit appeared
to be overheating, so out it came.
The technician assumed the
unit had been incinerated due to
the smell and color of the fluid.
But once he got it apart, he didn’t TCC
find the damage he was expecting: Release
Some of the clutches were worn
out and some discolored, but there
was no destruction of any hard
parts at all.
He refreshed the unit with
new clutches and steels, gaskets
and seals, and a new torque
converter. He installed the trans-
mission and took the truck for a
road test.
Everything seemed to work
fine, so they delivered the truck.
The customer left happy.
But the next morning, there Pump Out Pump In
was the truck, parked right in
front of the shop. The trans-
mission was overheating after
driving about 10–15 miles, losing Figure 1

12 GEARS December 2017

1rolly 1217.indd 12 11/27/17 8:05 AM

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6R140 with No Cooler Flow

high gear and lockup. According to the

customer, the truck ran fine until it got
hot; then started acting up.
First, they put the truck on the
lift and connected the cooler flow
machine. Cooler flow was low — less
than a quarter of what it should have
been. So there’s no question about why
the transmission was overheating. But
that left the question of why cooler
flow was low.
So they pulled the valve body
to check for any sticking valves.
Everything looked perfect. The gaskets
weren’t covering any holes and there
were no internal leaks visible.
Since there were no issues with
the valve body, they pulled the unit
and tore it down again. Nothing
obvious showed up.
After going through the unit with
a fine-tooth comb, the technician
called the ATRA HotLine. We
examined the hydraulic diagrams to
see if we could shine any light on the
We had the technician backtrack
the hydraulic system to the pump,
air-checking the gullies and
port holes; nothing was amiss
(figure 1). Then we had the
technician take the pump apart
once more. After a thorough
Figure 2
examination, there it was: The
steel sleeve in the pump had
spun and was blocking the
converter-out passage (figures
2 & 3).
The technician replaced
the pump body, reassembled
the unit, and down the road the
truck went. Everything seemed
Fast forward 7500 miles
and the truck was back with
the same problem: After
driving for 10–15 miles, the
transmission started to overheat
They removed the unit and
inspected it: Sure enough, the
sleeve in the aluminum housing
spun again, and was partially
blocking the converter-out
cooler passage. Figure 3
The sleeve in the pump is
where the sealing rings for the
PTO gear rides. The PTO gear spins
with engine RPM because it’s splined
14 GEARS December 2017

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6R140 with No Cooler Flow

Figure 4

to the torque converter. Non-PTO units sleeve spinning in the aluminum

don’t have this sleeve. housing, which occurs only on PTO-
Upon further inspection, they equipped units. The secondary cooling
discovered the secondary cooling system ran low because one of the
system was low on coolant. Secondary hoses was leaking, and that caused the
cooling system? Yes, these Ford trucks secondary cooling system to overheat.
have primary and secondary cooling Because of the different expansion
systems. The primary system is just rates between the steel sleeve and the
for the engine. aluminum pump body, the sleeve spins
The secondary cooling system has and blocks the converter-out passage.
a separate coolant circuit (figure 4). It That shuts down cooler flow and Special thanks to Roger Rodriguez of
cools the exhaust gasses for the EGR causes the transmission to overheat. Payless Transmissions for providing
system, the transmission fluid, the fuel, The repair was simple: the additional information and photos for
and the air charge entering the engine. technician corrected the leak in the this article.
A secondary, engine-driven cool- secondary cooling system. Then he
ant pump provides coolant flow, and replaced the pump body again. That
a secondary, two-stage radiator is took care of the problem: The truck is
mounted in front of the primary engine still on the road.
cooling system radiator. Two ther- One more instance of the inte-
mostats, one mounted on each side of gration between the transmission and
the secondary radiator, operate inde- the rest of the car… or in this case,
pendently to regulate the temperature truck. These days it isn’t enough to fix
of the coolant flowing to the various the transmission: You have to be able
components. to repair the entire vehicle to make
Our original issue was repeated sure your transmission work remains
transmission overheating due to the working right and on the road.

16 GEARS December 2017

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STP_STL008_Ad_PRINT.indd 1 11/13/2017 4:36:53 PM
GFX—Your development, manufacturing, quickly streamlined operations to

quality control, warehousing and focus on a more robust and vertically
distribution at multiple facilities integrated automatic transmission
Connection in three countries. parts business. At the time, there
since 1961. GFX President Fanny Hanono,
was skepticism whether the use of

joined her father in 1988

GFX has been a trusted manufacturer to help run his automotive
and supplier of automatic business, Carfel Inc., after
transmission kits and components for attending George Washington
over 55 years. The name might have University. At the time, Carfel
changed, but not the commitment carried everything from engine
to quality and immediate access to and timing, standard clutch,
thousands of hard-to-find parts. automatic transmission, and
power steering kits and
Based in Miami Florida, the company components for motorcycle,
employs over 100 people worldwide passenger vehicles, heavy duty
and occupies over 100,000 square applications and more. Fanny
feet for engineering, product Fanny Hanono

GFX Feature.indd 18 11/27/17 8:05 AM

automatic transmissions would gain
in popularity worldwide.

Fanny was named President of Carfel

and the company’s business exploded
into an industry-leading multi-million
dollar operation.

Carfel’s success attracted the

interest and attention of numerous
corporations and in 2001, SPX Left to right: Maritza Graibe, Francis Molina, Elizabeth
Corporation acquired Carfel and Roldan, Michelle Vazquez, Betty Perez
rolled it into the SPX Filtran
Aftermarket division. “Fanny is one
of the industry’s shrewdest business
The name might have
negotiators,” says Wendy Ritz, changed, but not the
longtime friend and current GFX
sales and marketing consultant.
commitment to quality
and immediate access
“Our commitment to current and
future customers is geared toward
to thousands of hard-
providing immediate access to global to-find parts.
inventories and even quicker new Wendy Ritz
product development,” says Hanono.
preparing to open a new warehouse companies,” Hanono says.
Today, GFX manufactures and and distribution center in Amsterdam, “One of the biggest personal
distributes kits and components for Netherlands in early 2018. challenges for me is continuing
automatic transmissions worldwide, to provide growth opportunities,
emphasizing on hard parts. With “I’m very fortunate to have attracted interesting initiatives and the
offices and manufacturing facilities key people that have been with me freedom to make decisions so
in Miami, China and Taiwan, GFX is over 20 years and have contributed they feel valued and don’t get
greatly to the success of my bored,” she added.

Nelson Olayon Jose Montalvo Jorge Carta Olga Alabina Sean Ganado

GFX Feature.indd 19 11/27/17 8:05 AM

lot of technicians just aren’t part of the schematic. They then use
comfortable with the newer that code as part of the component
format that many manufactur- identification and diagnostic process
ers use to display wiring information in the rest of the manual.
on their a schematics. It isn’t surpris- Understanding the component
ing: Schematics and their formats have codes makes it much easier to use
changed significantly over the past the diagnostic information and your
few years. scan tool.
For example, let’s look at the GM
schematics and some common after- MODULES/
market applications, such as Mitchell COMPUTERS by Steve Garret
and Alldata. Alldata and Mitchell The module/computer component
receive their information from the code is a 3-digit descriptor. This
manufacturer, which means the format 3-digit component code is used for
and the schematic will be the same as everything from the schematic to re-
the OEM’s, for the most part. programming a module. Most of the
The schematic format has slowly module/computer codes start with the
transitioned over the past eight letter K.
years to what you see today. Like Here’s a list of some of the common
most manufacturers, GM currently module/computer component codes:
develops their schematics for use on K17 — Electronic brake
a global scale. They write the service control module
information once and then translate K19 — Suspension control module
it into the language needed for each K20 — Engine control module
individual market. K33 — HVAC control module
Since a lot of information is lost in K34 — Glow plug control module
translation, the OEMs have moved to K38 — Chassis control module
simplify and standardize their formats K44 — Power takeoff control module
for worldwide use. K67 — Trailer brake control module
During development of the K69 — Transfer case control module
service information, modules and K71 — Transmission control module
components receive a unique name K111 — Fuel pump control module
and identification code. For example, …and there are many, many
GM now provides component codes as others. These designations appear

22 GEARS December 2017

1SteveG-1217.indd 22 11/27/17 8:07 AM

Company Profile Products
Whatever It Takes (WIT) was founded in 1999 by Kenny Whatever It Takes carries a full line of top quality products
Hester, a 40 plus year veteran in the transmission parts supply from industry leading manufacturers. From Torque Converters,
business. WIT is an employee Rebuild Kits, Hardparts, Filters, Gaskets, Seals, Coolers, Fluids,
owned, customer driven Tools and Accessories, WIT is your one stop for all your
company. There are no Transmission needs. WIT carries New, OE, Used and
stockholders or investors to Remanufactured Automatic and Standard Transmission Parts.
report to. As owners, the WIT WIT also carries Remanufactured
employees’ only job is to Automatic and Standard Transmission
provide the customer with the Units as well as Transfer Cases.
things they need to be the most All units are completely Dyno-Tested
successful. Our goal has always and are backed by a 12 Month/12,000
been to service the transmission mile warranty against parts and
industry. We know what it takes for a transmission shop to be workmanship. Additional warranties
successful in today’s market and we know that our success can also be purchased.
depends on yours. WIT is the complete source for all your transmis-
sion parts needs. We carry New, OE, Used and Remanufactured
parts for Automatic and Standard Transmissions, including
Remanufactured Automatic, Standard and Transfer Case com- Research & Development
plete units. Parts are distributed by 30 branch locations throughout The Research & Development team is always hard at work
the United States, with the main remanufacturing and distribution bringing you the most complete and up to date exploded views of
facility located within 10 minutes of a major UPS air hub. Whatever Foreign and Domestic Transmissions in order to provide our
It Takes is able to quickly ship parts worldwide. customers with award winning catalogs and reference materials. Not
only have they developed Automatic and Standard Catalogs,
Customer Service including a CD Catalog with
point and click technology,
Whatever It Takes is not just our name, it’s our Mission. the vehicle to transmission
Customer Service has helped WIT become a major competitor index guides for the
in the transmission parts business and prides itself on its excellent Automatic and Standard
Service, Experience, Quality Parts, Product Availability, Delivery Transmission as well as
Options, Timely Credits, Research and Development, and a Dedicated Transfer Cases, they have
Customer Service Line. been hard at work to bring you
WIT is able to ship parts overnight, using UPS and FedEx, to a Nissan CVT Catalog. This
most of the United States. With its strategicaly placed stores, it is catalog is complete with
possible for WIT to service most customers in the United States within exploded views of the most
one to two business days. In addition, WIT offers free Night Box common CVT units and listings of the transmission codes. It also
delivery. Builders no longer includes exploded views of the pumps, valve bodies, primary and
have to wait for UPS or FedEx secondary pulleys as well as step by
to arrive, their parts are step instructions and illustrations for
delivered overnight and are tearing down and assembling the rear
waiting for them the next cover and pulley assemblies plus much
morning. more. These catalogs are available for
free when attending one of our FREE
Nissan CVT Workshops that are held
Management across the country. We believe that if
Kenny Hester, President .................................800-940-0197 ext. 1150 we want to be successful, it is crucial
Rodney Peters, VP Sales & Marketing ...........800-633-3431 ext 2134 for our customers to be fully educated
Kelly Hammock, VP Branch Operations .........800-940-0197 ext 3911 and WIT is dedicated to supporting transmission technicians, to help
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Ads_1217.indd 23 11/27/17 8:15 AM


1SteveG-1217.indd 24
A Look at Wiring Diagram Changes

GM's wiring diagrams now include component

codes to make component identification and
diagnostic process easier.

GEARS December 2017

11/27/17 8:07 AM
throughout the service information B14D — Intermediate speed sensor P — Passenger compartment; not in
and, in many cases, the service infor- B15 — Internal mode switch IMS the IP. Could be in the glovebox
mation lists the 3-digit code rather B34 — Engine coolant or center counsel, as an example.
than the name of the module. temperature sensor R — Rear body, such as the rear
B74 — MAP sensor quarter panels or truck deck lid.
COMPONENTS/ B107 — Accelerator pedal A — Number of fuse blocks in
WIRING position sensor the area: A=1, B=2, etc.
The components also have codes Outputs typically use a base ID So, in example F12UA: F —
to help identify their functions and of Q (Transmission and engine), Fuse, 12 — within the fuse block, U
locations. Each type of component T (Ignition coils), E (Lights), F (Air — Fuse block located in the engine
has its own general and specific com- bag systems), G (Fuel/coolant pumps compartment, A — only one fuse
ponent designator to identify the type and fans) followed by the component block in this area.
of component. and sometimes a position code. Some Relays are very similar in designa-
In the schematics, each component examples include: tion. A relay will typically start with
has a base code followed by an Q17A — Injector 1 a module ID followed by an R and a
extension to identify the position and Q17B — Injector 2 relay number. For example, this may
quantity. For example, the schematic Q23 — Line pressure appear as KR75:
may display a B5LF to identify a left control solenoid K — Module control
front wheel speed sensor, where: Q27 — Most 6-speed applications R — Relay
B5 — wheel speed sensor Q27A — Pressure control solenoid 1 75 — Relay number
LF — its location Q27B — Pressure control solenoid 2 Fuse boxes or electrical centers
When running a diagnostic, the Q27C — Pressure control solenoid 3 are typically labeled using a base ID of
service information may not list the Q77 — Most 8-, 9-, and X, such as X50A:
complete name B5LF; it may just list 10-speed applications X — Fuse box
its name, such as B5. This is because Q77A — Pressure control solenoid 1 50A — Underhood fuse block
the diagnostic process is common Q77B — Pressure control solenoid 2 electrical center
among all wheel speed sensors. The Q38 — Throttle body motor Looking at a schematic can be
diagnostic procedure will typically E1L — Accent lights confusing. Hopefully, the next time
specify something such as “appropri- F107 — Steering wheel airbag you look at a GM schematic, you’ll
ate part,” which means it’s up to you G10L — Cooling fan left have a clearer understanding of what
to figure out which wheel speed sensor Example Q17A: Q — Output, 17 the information is trying to present.
to diagnose. — injectors, A — injector 1 In the future, we’ll tackle some other
Remember, each component will schematic formats, including your
have a different designation, so a wheel POWER biggest challenge: VW/Audi.
speed sensor may be B5 while a vehi- DISTRIBUTION Until next time, and remember,
cle speed sensor may be designated as Many fuse blocks no longer label Quality isn’t an act; it’s a habit.
B14A or B115. the fuse functions within the block.
Inputs, such as sensors and When looking at a fuse, you may see a
switches, typically use a base ID of schematic designation such as F12UA:
B followed by the component num- F — Fuse or circuit breaker
ber and sometimes a position code. 1 — Position/location within
For example: the fuse block
B12A — Pressure switch manifold 2 — Fuse block where
B13 — Transmission the fuse is located.
temperature sensor U — Area
B14A — Output speed sensor U — Engine compartment
B14B — Turbine speed sensor (underhood)
B14C — Input speed sensor D — IP (Instrument cluster)

GEARS December 2017 25

1SteveG-1217.indd 25 11/27/17 8:07 AM


hen a transmission job comes
into your shop, you probably
begin work immediately to Sound travels better through
get everything prepared to diagnose, a solid than air. That’s why a
repair, and deliver the vehicle in a screwdriver works so well for
timely manner. Everyone in the shop pinpointing noises under the hood.
knows their job, but sometimes the Unfortunately, the exhaust system
simplest items can fall through the may have many contact points that
cracks or go unnoticed. can distribute noises and vibrations
Such as the exhaust system: through the vehicle.
If you don’t handle the exhaust Pay attention to any odd noises by Keith Clark
system correctly and return it to during the diagnostic procedure. If
proper operation, it can cause major you don’t note them, they may end up
driveability issues and set codes that as customer complaints. And make
weren’t there before. sure you didn’t create any new noises
Let’s look at some obvious — during your repairs. Here are a few
as well as some not-so-obvious — areas you should check:
situations that can occur. Brackets and heat shields: Never
leave brackets or heat shields off. Physical damage to the exhaust
INITIAL CONDITIONS They’re there for a reason. Missing system: If the vehicle was in an
A thorough test drive is important brackets and improperly secured heat accident, shock can cause internal
for verifying the customer’s complaint shields are prime causes for noise damage to the catalytic converter,
and checking vehicle operation… complaints after a transmission job. muffler, resonator, or pipes, restricting
including the condition of the exhaust Exhaust leaks: Vehicles in exhaust flow and creating driveability
system. rustbelt areas often develop leaks issues and codes.
Exhaust problems can cause after you remove and reinstall the Make sure all grommets in
hard, late shifts or early, soft shifts, in exhaust system. Handling rotting the firewall and floorboards are
addition to poor engine performance exhaust components will often create in place: Rustbelt vehicles may see
and turning the check engine light on. leaks. Again, assess the exhaust and missing grommets or rusted-through
Note any noises, exhaust odors, and replace any questionable components, areas that can cause undercar noises
check the system visually for condition including brackets, gaskets, hangers, and leak exhaust into the passenger
and recent work performed. and clamps. compartment.
26 GEARS December 2017

1keith 1217.indd 26 11/27/17 8:08 AM

Ads_1217.indd 27 11/27/17 8:15 AM
Exhausting Problems!

Don’t forget to check the

steering column: There’s usually
a boot that acts as an isolator.
It’s possible to dislodge that boot
during transaxle R&R on many
front wheel drive vehicles.

Few things are more annoying
than when a vehicle passes the
final test drive and lift checks,
only to have a code appear that
wasn’t there before. Improper
exhaust installation may be the
cause. Look for exhaust leaks,
rattling noises, and damaged
exhaust components.
Let’s look at some real issues
that are easy to misdiagnose:
Figure 1: A properly operating pre-catalytic sensor will show frequent switching at idle. Note the
1. Lean running and oxygen amplitude and switching frequency to verify proper sensor operation (figure 1a).
sensor codes:
• P0171 — Fuel trim lean bank 1
• P0174 — Fuel trim lean bank 2
If you didn’t have a lean code
prior to working on the vehicle,
more than likely you caused it
on the exhaust side of the job.
First, look at the oxygen sensor
switching in graphing mode
(figures 1a and 1b) or on a scope.
Once the vehicle is warm and
the computer in closed loop, the
pre-catalytic converter sensors
(sensor 1, bank 1; sensor 1, bank
2) should switch frequently at
idle. The post-catalytic converter
sensors (sensor 2, bank 1; sensor
2, bank 2) should just barely Figure 1b: A post-catalytic oxygen sensor will show much less activity.
switch, or may not switch at all.
pre-cat sensors affect engine
performance. Post-cat sensors mo-
nitor catalytic converter efficiency.
With the oxygen sensors in
good working order, check short-
term fuel trim data. If the fuel
trim numbers are +5 or greater, it
could indicate an exhaust leak on
that bank, either before or just af-
ter the sensor 1 location.
To check for exhaust leaks:
• Plug the exhaust pipe with a
• Apply 5 PSI of air to the
exhaust system.
• Spray soapy water onto joints,
sensors, and other exhaust Figure 2: Several OEM procedures recommend using air pressure and soapy water solution.
components. This is a cold test. It is important to use low pressure; no more than 5 psi, regulated. Excessive
pressure can force debris into the engine, and cause engine damage.
Bubbles indicate a leak (figure 2).
28 GEARS December 2017

1keith 1217.indd 28 11/27/17 8:08 AM

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Planets.indd 1 29
Ads_1217.indd 11/27/17
7/18/2017 8:15
6:56:58 PMAM
Exhausting Problems!

2. Catalytic converter efficiency — the notification center. This is one Initializing exhaust components
P0420 instance where erasing codes during is becoming more popular with late
Code P0420 indicates that the the verification procedure could cause model vehicles, such as the Ford
catalytic converter failed or may be a problem later. variable geometry turbochargers.
empty. When monitoring oxygen With the 2014-and-later Dodge Also, when replacing some late-
sensor activity, the sensor 2 signal will diesel applications, code P1451 sets model GM-application oxygen sensors,
be similar to the signal from sensor when the particulate filter nears 100% you’ll need to perform a relearn
1 (figure 1). Fuel trim values will be capacity. The code alerts the driver process. Skipping this step will cause
frozen. and service technician to initialize a a new sensor to fail. Always check the
regen process as soon as possible. engine side of your scan data to search
DIESEL EXHAUST SYSTEMS The WiTech (OEM) scan tool for component reset and initialization.
WITH CATALYST needs to see this code active to Refer to information available
Late model diesel vehicles must initialize a manual desoot regen through resources such as Allda-
now comply with more strict emission process. Erasing this code could keep ta, Shopkey, Identifix, Mitchell
requirements. New diesel fuel refining the system in low power mode and OnDemand, or similar databases to
standards greatly reduced sulfur and require a more expensive visit to the indicate items that require a factory
particulates, but the government said dealer to restore the particulate filter’s scan tool for reset or initialization.
that wasn’t enough. So manufacturers operation. Attention to detail, from diagnosis
added emission control devices similar to delivery, is key to making sure the
to those on gas combustion vehicles. DRIVEABILITY ISSUES exhaust system won’t create an unex-
In short, there are two major, WITHOUT CODES pected issue, and exhaust problems in
active components: a catalytic con- There are a few issues related your future!
verter and a particulate filter. Pre- and to the exhaust system that can cause
post-catalytic temperature sensors problems after installation, but may
monitor the element temperatures. not set a code or check engine light.
Urea — also known as diesel exhaust In most cases, this will initialize low
fluid — is added to the filter element to power mode until you correct the
help trap particulates and convert them condition.
to ash (figure 3). Exhaust backpressure, turbo
The system includes a soot- wastegate, and turbo pressure sensors
purging process called regeneration or are a few components to check first.
regen. The system initializes the regen Make sure you didn’t damage these
process during an extended drive cycle sensors or leave them unplugged. On
where the computer allows the filter some models, faulty oxygen sensors
bed to reach a specified temperature; may also cause low power problems.
then it initializes a process to burn off
and expel soot from the filter.
Particulate filters on vehicles that
aren’t driven on the highway for at
least a half hour or more regularly may EXHAUST SYSTEM LEGAL ISSUES
become restricted, and may need to
return to the dealership for service to One important thing to remem- customer tells you the cat he re-
restore the filter’s integrity. In extreme ber is that the exhaust system has moved is in the trunk, that’s fine…
cases, low diesel exhaust fluid levels some serious legal requirements. as long as you can find someone to
or a restricted particulate filter will And they can affect you, even if test it before reinstalling it. If not,
reduce power output until the system is you didn’t change anything. you’ll need to replace it with a new
serviced. First, the exhaust must be or remanufactured and tested cat.
Other faults with system compo- comparable to the original. Any While the EPA probably doesn’t
nents may cause driveability issues. changes, such as a damaged air have the resources to go checking
Being aware of the system functions injection pipe or a missing catalytic every exhaust system you touch,
will aid in initial diagnosis as well converter, must be repaired if you you need to be aware that you are
the as pre-delivery test drive. Be very touch the exhaust. And there’s no risking stiff fines for failure to
careful removing and installing these point asking the customer to sign abide by the regulations. So be
components. a waiver: If you touch it, it’s your careful, and make sure that, if you
Code P1451 — Diesel particulate responsibility. touch it, it goes back in factory
filter system performance Second, if you install the cat, condition.
Never erase this code! This code it must have been tested. So, if the
won’t turn the check engine light
on, but will light a warning light in
30 GEARS December 2017

1keith 1217.indd 30 11/27/17 8:08 AM

1 Nitrogen Oxides, Bank 1, Sensor 1 (NOx11) 7 Nitrogen Oxides Bank 1, Sensor 2 (NOx12)
2 Reductant Injector 8 Diesel Particulate Filter
3 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Bank 1, Sensor 3 (EGT13) 9 Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Catalyst
4 Diesel Particulate Filter Pressure Sensor 1, Bank 1 10 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Bank 1, Sensor 2 (EGT12)
5 Diesel Particulate Filter Pressure Sensor 2, Bank 1 11 Oxidation Catalytic Converter (OC)
6 Exhaust Gas Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 4 (EGT14) 12 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Bank 1, Sensor 1 (EGT11)

SCR System

1 Reductant Injector
2 Reductant Pressure Line
3 Reductant Pump Assembly
4 Reductant Tank
5 Reductant Tank Filler Hose
6 SCR Catalyst

Figure 3: Every diesel exhaust converter system will have these components or something similar. It is important to handle these items
carefully when removing or working around this area of the exhaust system. This diagram outlines components specific to Ford applications.

GEARS December 2017 31

1keith 1217.indd 31 11/27/17 8:08 AM




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Ads_1217.indd 33 11/27/17 8:15 AM

by Steve Bodofsky

I t isn’t unusual to have a car come

in with harsh shifts, particularly
a harsh 1-2. Any number of
transmission conditions can set the
transmission computer into a partial
code P0011 — valve timing advanced
too far; bank 1.
They checked the code definition
and its details: nothing about affecting
transmission operation. But, as
based on the signal it provides to the
actuator, it sets a code and disables
the traction and stability controls. It
also locks transmission mainline
pressure at maximum: something that
failsafe, locking mainline pressure at it turns out, code P0011 will cause doesn’t appear in any of the technical
maximum levels. the transmission computer to lock information available.
The result? Harsh shifts, transmission pressures at maximum, “I thought it was odd that the
particularly the 1-2. causing the harsh shifts that the software would raise line pressure for
But what about a problem that has customer was complaining about. this condition, so we decided to go after
nothing to do with the transmission? This isn’t a unique situation: A it,” explains Paul.
A problem with the engine… one Google search revealed a number of The first thing that the technical
that doesn’t even register as affecting vehicle owners experiencing similar data recommended was to check the
the transmission? That’s becoming problems with their GM trucks. In each valve timing components: the timing
a common situation as today’s case, one of the first conditions they chain, actuator, and camshaft position
powertrains become more integrated noticed was harsh shifts. sensor. After opening the front of the
than ever before. Since the code was putting the engine, the technicians discovered the
Here’s one from Paul Townsend, transmission into a partial failsafe, chain guides and actuator were worn
owner of Paul’s Transmission and the technicians at Paul’s Transmission (figure 1).
Repair, Inc., in Baker City, Oregon. decided to examine the situation The actuator is also the camshaft
A 2007 Chevy 4x4 with a 4L60E further. timing chain gear, so they had to replace
came into their shop with harsh shifts. Many of these late model GMs the timing chain and crankshaft gear at
The truck had a lot of miles on it, but use variable valve timing to improve the same time. They also replaced the
there were no transmission codes in performance and economy. The system oil pump and pulled the engine pan
memory. redirects engine oil pressure through a to check and clean the crankcase oil
The only indicator of a problem variable valve actuator, and monitors pickup screen.
was the traction control light was on. the valve timing through the camshaft “The pickup was clogged with
The information center showed that the sensor. debris from the oil filters,” explains
traction control and stability control If the valve timing doesn’t match Paul. “There were even fine pieces of
were disabled. A code check revealed what the computer expects to see, wire stuck in the pickup screen.”
34 GEARS December 2017

1paultownsend1217.indd 34 11/27/17 12:49 PM

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RAP Kit AD Smokey 7/21/17 4:39
Harsh Shifts Traced to Engine Troubles… Again!

Turns out the vehicle owner had

been using low-cost, no-name oil
filters, and the quality wasn’t up to the
standards necessary for maintaining the
engine’s integrity. Apparently there’s
really something to the old adage, “You
can pay me now or pay me later.”
After replacing the timing chain
and associated parts — along with
changing the engine oil using the
factory-recommended 5W-30 synthetic
engine oil — the problem seemed to be
gone. They returned the truck to the
customer and they didn’t hear any more
about it… for about 500 miles. Then it
came back with the same problem.
One of the difficulties in pinpointing
this problem is that it only sets if the
valve timing is more than 8º off the
timing command, with the throttle held
steady for a full 20 seconds. Twenty
seconds is a long time to hold a car
under a constant load. If you move the
throttle, even a little, the timer for the
code restarts.
In addition, it’s basically a blind
condition: Setting the code doesn’t turn
the MIL on. So you have to be aware Figure 1

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36 GEARS December 2017

1paultownsend1217.indd 36 11/27/17 12:49 PM

of the conditions necessary to set the “The actuator receives oil pressure easy. “We ran the cooler in line after
code and have a scan tool connected to directly from the #2 cam bearing,” says the radiator cooler, so the engine oil
determine when it sets. Paul. now goes through the radiator cooler,
Fortunately for Paul, he has a long The normal recommendation at then through our cooler, and back to
hill with about a 7% grade right near his this point would be to replace the the engine.”
shop. So, once he narrowed down the engine bearings. For most shops, that Since installing the cooler, the
conditions necessary to set the code, “I means replacing the engine. No doubt engine oil pressure hasn’t dropped off,
could make the problem come and go that’d correct the pressure drop, but and the code hasn’t set. Paul changed
at will.” Paul decided to give something else the oil back to the factory-recommended
One thing Paul noticed is that the a try: He changed the engine oil to a 5w-30, and the system’s still working
code would only set after the engine got heavier, 20W-50 synthetic. Then he perfectly. The engine starts and runs
hot: over about 250ºF (about 120ºC). drove the truck again. This time the fine, and the customer is happy to have
He also noticed that, when the engine code wouldn’t set. his truck back and running the way he
got hot, the oil pressure dropped. That After several road tests with a large wants it to.
was an important point, because the trailer connected, he decided to drop More and more often, we’re seeing
actuator uses engine oil pressure to to a more reasonable grade of engine the results of the integration between
adjust valve timing. oil. “With the heavier oil in the engine, the engine and the transmission. Which
“You have to check the oil pressure the lifters would rattle on startup,” means your job requires you to be more
using the scan data,” explains Paul. he says. than just a transmission technician:
“The dash gauge didn’t indicate oil So he changed the oil again, this You need to know how to fix cars…
pressure was low, but it showed up on time to a 10W-40. After the engine whatever that takes.
the scan tool.” reached 240ºF (115ºC), the actual valve Paul and his crew have shown
They’d already replaced the oil timing no longer matched the valve that they’re willing to go the extra
pump and cleaned the oil pickup, timing command. So next, he added an mile. In fact, they enjoy it. As he says,
so the low oil pressure indicated engine oil cooler, to keep the engine oil “Sometimes it’s fun just trying to get
the engine bearings were probably temperature lower. over that hump!”
shot. He even tried shimming the This engine already has a cooler
oil pressure regulator, to no avail. in the radiator, so adding a cooler was

GEARS December 2017 37

1paultownsend1217.indd 37 11/27/17 12:49 PM


t’s been a while since I’ve written About now you might be asking,
an article about a customer com- “What else is there?” The truth is,
plaint, a small claims court or not much. If you’ve read my column
arbitration matter, or an example of over the years, you know that I’ve
bad customer service. The fact is that always said, “The best defense against
I rely on you folks contacting me with lawsuits is to not have them.” Make
your own real-life adventures and sure your customers are happy with
misadventures in customer service. their experience with your company
Lately, the well of stories has because happy customers don’t sue
gone dry. Maybe it’s because you’re all you. And yes, even the most customer-
getting so good at keeping customers centric companies do occasionally
happy that you aren’t having any have irresolvable disputes.
more customer disputes. Wouldn’t Good communication is the key
that be great? to having happy customers because
by Thom Tschetter
This article is my personal story they aren’t confused or caught off
about a positive customer experience, guard about what to expect. On the
but first I need to set the stage. other hand, when communication is In addition, the customer often
Many of you know that I recently lacking, expectations are whatever the represents only half of the family unit,
experienced a severe back injury that customer believes them to be. This and he or she will have to explain
required surgery. My article in the is a recipe for a dispute. You need to the situation to the other half later in
September issue tells the whole “back be diligent and impeccable in your the day. The better they understand,
story” (excuse the pun), but what communication with customers. the better job they’ll do with their
I’m going to share with you hadn’t Routine repair or maintenance explanation.
occurred when I wrote that article. services are more transactional and Notice that nearly all of the
aren’t typically problematic. But dispute causes I’m describing relate to
The Anatomy of a explaining expensive, complicated re- things that occur prior to performing
Customer Dispute pair estimates requires care. Explain the repairs. That means either the
Can we all agree that even the these kinds of jobs as though you’re business failed to explain all the
most customer-centric companies explaining them to a judge or arbitra- important details or the customer
have an occasional customer dispute? tor, because someday you might have authorized the repairs while in a state
In over 25 years as an arbitrator and to. Remember, without understanding, of confusion; not a good situation
mediator, I’ve observed that most communication hasn’t occurred. in either case. This is why so many
customer disputes are due to unmet Don’t assume customers under- disputes come down to the customer’s
expectations. I can trace nearly all stand or will accurately remember story against the shop’s story.
of the disputes to misunderstandings everything you’ve told them. Many Happy customers feel informed
about one or more of the following: customers are upset, worried, and and confident, not confused and fear-
• What work was needed confused over their broken vehicles. ful. Happy customers can’t wait to tell
• Why it needed to be done While it’s just another day at the their friends and family about your
• What the outcome would be office for you, an expensive transmis- company.
• Guarantee matters sion rebuild is anything but routine I recently went through one of the
• Confusion over the estimate for the customer. most confusing and fearful events of
38 GEARS December 2017

1tschetter 1217.indd 38 11/27/17 8:09 AM




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A Cure for Imperfect Memory

my life, but as you’ll see, I’m confident Doctor Fusco is associated with though nobody ever objected, and I’m
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the outcome. In fact, I can’t wait to Class Destination for Neurosurgery” She was right: The doctor went
tell you about it as well as what our here in Phoenix. Patients travel from over an avalanche of detailed infor-
industry can learn from it. all over the world to access Barrow mation. Combined with the stress of
Brain and Spine for their unparalleled the upcoming surgery, there’s no way
My Doctor’s Cure expertise in brain, spine, and neurolog- I could have remembered everything.
There’s perhaps no industry that ical diseases and injuries. The presurgery instructions alone were
deals with fear and confusion more They’re using existing technology daunting enough to justify the video.
than the medical field. Of course, just in a new way to communicate with By the time my wife and I got
like our industry, there are the routine patients regarding their surgical plan. home from the appointment, I’d
things like checkups, or prescriptions They make a video recording of the already received the email with a link
for colds, flu and other minor ailments. entire consultation and save it for to view the Medical Memory video.
But serious diseases and injuries that future reference by both the patient It required registering with a secure
require complex treatment plans or and the medical practice. Medical login and password. Its value became
surgeries need to be fully explained Memory is the company that provides apparent to Sue and me within a
and understood just like our customers the secure audio-video service that couple hours, and several more times
with their broken cars. While similar leads to a truly memorable experience. leading up to and since the surgery.
to car repairs, the medical field’s list I have to confess that, at first, For example, when a friend called
of potential communication-related I thought it was more for their benefit to ask us about my operation, we both
disputes includes such things as: than mine, but, as you’ll see, it truly had different recollections of what
• What treatment or surgery is needed is mutually beneficial. As I explain the doctor said he was going to do.
• Why it needs to be done how it works, I think you’ll see how I remembered laminectomy and fu-
• What the possible outcomes are, the idea could also work in your sion of L4-L5, But Sue remembered
both good and bad world-class auto repair business laminectomy with no fusion to L2-L3.
• Disclosure of possible risks to provide your customers with a We queued up the video and within
• Confusion over the price or memorable experience, too. minutes we found the answer: It
insurance coverage was laminectomy with no fusion to
Note that, like our industry, it all My Experience L2-L3. Yes, one more time I had to
comes down to managing expectations Before we began my presurgical say, “You’re right, sweetheart.” The
through good communication. consultation, my doctor’s assistant point is, we easily and quickly found
Doctors share the same goal explained, “When Doctor Fusco comes the answer.
with respect to building lasting in, he’s going to discuss a lot of impor- It gets even better: The Medical
relationships with their patients as tant, detailed information about your Memory system is a relationship
you do with your customers. I was surgery. Because there’s a lot of infor- builder. It’s a unique, memorable ex-
fascinated with a new tool that my mation, we always make a video for perience that showed me how much
surgeon, Doctor David Fusco, used our patients. We’ll send the video to Doctor Fusco cares about his patients’
during my presurgery consultation your email so you can review anything wellbeing and peace of mind. It also
to make sure I’d fully understand and that might get fuzzy and for answers provided an efficient communication
remember every aspect of the surgery, to questions that may come up later. link between the office and me.
including the associated risks and the Is that okay with you?” About a week later, I received
likely outcome. It helped calm my As she was saying all this, she the following email from Medical
anxiety and manage my expectations. was setting up the recording device as Memory. The subject line read: “A

40 GEARS December 2017

1tschetter 1217.indd 40 11/27/17 8:09 AM

few questions to help your doctor and heard about my back injury. Now that’s and type The Medical
Medical Memory.” a strong referral! Memory in the search field. One of the
Hi Thomas, videos is by Doctor Randall Porter, a
We hope you were able to easily What Could This Mean Barrow Brain and Spine surgeon and
set up your Medical Memory account for Your Business? the founder of Medical Memory. He
and found the video of your recent As I said at the beginning, tells his personal story about how and
medical visit at Barrow Brain and your goal should be to have happy why he developed the idea.
Spine helpful. If you have any ques- customers who can’t wait to tell I’m excited to hear back from
tions about your video and login pro- their friends and family about your any of you who are open to exploring
cess, please don’t hesitate to contact us. company. We also know that even the the possibility of integrating this
Our patients’ opinions are incred- most careful, customer-centric shops technology into your shop.
ibly valuable to us, and we’d love to occasionally have customer disputes.
hear from you. Since most customer disputes are due
Thank you for being a valuable to a breakdown in communication,
member of our Medical Memory what if you could employ a system like
community. Medical Memory in your shop?
Please don’t hesitate to respond Just think of the possibilities: Share Your Stories
to this email or give us a call with any The word-of-mouth buzz about the If you’ve personally experienced a
questions. customer’s unique experience, the weird or unusual customer dispute and
This email contained a link to a ease of the customer explaining the wouldn’t mind sharing it to help your
survey. My responses were favorable, repair estimate to a spouse, the ease industry, please contact me. You just tell
me the story and I’ll do all the heavy
and, a few days later, I received an of clearing up questions, and the
lifting to write it.
invitation to share my experience improved customer relations and We can make it an article about
online. This email contains some retention through automated periodic you, or you may remain anonymous. The
brief videos and comments from other contacts. The arbitrator in me asks, main thing is we want to share stories
happy patients as prompts of things “How about recalling what was that will help others avoid similar prob-
I might say in my post. Additional actually said in the event of a dispute?” lems. Call me at 480-773-3131 or email
periodic emails have followed, provid- If this sounds like something that me at
ing an easy way to communicate any could be useful in your shop, send me
About the Author
comments, concerns, or questions, as an email or call me. If enough of you Thom Tschetter has served our
well as to share my experience with are interested, since they’re based in industry for nearly four decades as a
friends and family. Phoenix, about 20 minutes from my management and sales educator. He
It became clear to me that the house, I’ll contact Medical Memory owned a chain of award-winning trans-
Medical Memory system becomes an and explore the possibility of creating mission centers in Washington State for
automated communication channel an affordable auto repair version. over 30 years.
that keeps Doctor Fusco’s name top of When you reply, feel free to offer any He calls on over 30 years of
mind and encourages me to share my suggestions that you feel would make experience as a speaker, writer, business
experience with others. This steady it better or more applicable to our consultant, and certified arbitrator for
stream of communication builds a industry. topics for this feature column.
Thom is always eager to help
strong relationship. To get your creative juices flow-
members of our industry and continues
In fact, a friend that had surgery ing, check out the short video clips on to be proactive in pursuing ways to
with Doctor Fusco last year practically YouTube about how Medical Memory improve your business and your life.
dragged me to the office when he works for the medical field. Just go to


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GEARS December 2017 41

1tschetter 1217.indd 41 11/27/17 8:09 AM


or a lot of people who attend I attend fills me with new ideas of
Expo, it appears that much of easier, more profitable, or better ways
what happens in Vegas stays in to do what I’m already trying to do.
Las Vegas. That may be reassuring for Some of those changes are simple
some folks, but for most of us, there and even save me money. Others
are still ideas and communications require careful implementation and
from our Expo experience that we some investment. But all of the ideas
need to follow through to completion. that I’ve embraced over the years have
Every year our industry packs added to my ability to advance the
its gear and heads to Expo. At this business, renew the commitment of my
exciting event, they meet the best of team, and stay vitally engaged in my by Jim Cathcart
the best in our profession and learn company and profession.
great ideas from experts in other fields All it takes to transform your
like management, business building, shop into a thriving enterprise is the Next, speak to the people in
leadership, and sales. implementation of one really good person. Don’t send them a note; hand
The feeling at the end of Expo idea. Notice, I didn’t say all it takes is it to them and discuss it soon. Ask,
is one of happy numbness from the idea. Without the implementation, “What do you think about this? Is
information overload and a lot of fun. you’d be filled with potential and there something new or different we
At that point, we’re like a field of nothing would change. So let’s look at could do?”
acorns: No trees, just the potential to what you could do next. By having these in-person discus-
grow trees. What’s your best next step? sions, you’ll accomplish two important
There’s an important, in fact vital, Make a plan. things:
extra step needed: reflection. We need U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, 1. You’ll process the ideas and
to make time to review our notes, regarding when he served as the generate action.
reflect on our experiences, and discuss Supreme Allied Commander in World 2. You’ll show that person that you
our new learning with others. War II, said, “Plans are useless, but value his or her input.
You and I sit in meetings, listen planning is indispensable.” Once you’ve given everyone a
to speakers, watch demos, examine The very nature of planning is chance to learn and consider the
new tools and products, and talk with the anticipation of circumstances and ideas, start an implementation plan.
vendors and colleagues. As we do that events that haven’t yet occurred. Even Determine which actions to take and
we get great ideas, many of which we though situations are seldom exactly in what order. Don’t try too much at
fully intend to use. as we projected, the process of plan- once; you’ll overwhelm your team.
But if we don’t take time to ning forces us to consider alternatives, Just pick the best ideas and make
process that learning and initiate isolate priorities, identify resources, the changes immediately.
action on those ideas, then our ring and consider possibilities. That process The effect of this short process of
binders with all that great information makes you more ready and capable reflection, discussion, and implemen-
just go into the office and become than any other known to man. tation will be the ongoing growth of
“Shelf Help” programs. That’s right: Examine your notes and handouts your company and your team. We’ll
They aren’t helping anyone. They’re from a conference and pull out all your all be able to sit in the shade of your
just holding up the shelves above them. actionable or noteworthy items onto a forest of oaks that grew from that field
In my own company, my staff separate and much shorter record: one of acorns.
will often say, “Oh no! Jim’s gone piece of paper if you can do it. Then Expo-sure to learning isn’t enough…
to another meeting. Now he’ll come make notes as to whom you should what you want is:
back and want to change things!” And discuss each item with and which Expo-nential improvement!
they’re right: Every major event that items everyone needs to hear.
42 GEARS December 2017

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OCT. 31ST - NOV. 3RD
hosted by
SeeYouAtExpo_2018 v3.indd 1 11/27/17 8:17 AM
nce again, ATRA kicked off of the program to make a statement I found the Ronald McDonald House
Expo with its annual golf on behalf of the industry… to help and there was no question where I
tournament, always a big hit someone less fortunate. His choice? wanted to put our support.”
with die-hard enthusiasts who look The Ronald McDonald House: a The event’s $125 signup fee covered
forward to traversing the links in the charitable arm of McDonalds that all the expenses, including transpor-
dry Vegas climate. helps families of children being treated tation to and from the course, greens
This year’s program was spon- for serious illnesses. fees, prizes, and a tasty lunch at the
sored by JDS Worldwide, under the “As a two-time cancer survivor golf course club house. That left about
leadership of Joe De Santino. It began myself, I like to lend my support to $500 to donate to the Ronald McDon-
bright and early at 8AM on Thursday anything having to do with helping ald House.
at the Angel Park’s Mountain people face this terrible disease,” In addition, the 2nd place team
Course, a beautiful backdrop for this says Joe. donated their winnings of $300, and
early-morning event. “I did a Google search for chari- the “Honest Golfer” team — a politically
But Joe wanted the tourney table organizations in Las Vegas. correct way of acknowledging the
to be more than just a “good walk, Most of the ones that came up were for high scorers for the day! — donated
spoilt.” He wanted to take advantage gambling or drug addiction. But then their $100 prize, for a total of about

44 GEARS December 2017

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Event Organizer Joe De Santino presents Stephanie Franks of Ronald McDonald House with a check for $500.

$900 to the cause. A nice cap to an hit the shot that landed closest to the did a terrific job of putting the golf
enjoyable event. pin. Both received prizes for their tournament together under difficult
According to Joe, the local group outstanding play. circumstances. And his idea of
was very appreciative, and even But maybe the best part of the coupling it with a charitable donation
provided some volunteers to help event was the opportunity to make was inspired,” says Rodger.
the tournament go smoothly. new acquaintances and meet up with Afterwards, everyone got together
The event was held shotgun style: longtime friends that players hadn’t in the club house for lunch, then they
Each team began play from a different seen or spoken with since the previous loaded back into the bus to be carted
hole at 8AM, which helps speed things year. back to the Paris Hotel and Casino
along. And they played scramble That camaraderie, more than to join the rest of the Expo crowd. A
format: Everyone drives off the tee, anything, is what Expo, and the golf marvelous start to a successful Expo
but they play the rest of the hole from tournament in particular, is all about. event.
the best drive, once again speeding It’s an exercise in friendship and a true
play along. meeting of the minds for the best of
The winning team, with a score the best in the transmission world.
of 59 — 12 strokes under par! — was According to GEARS Managing
a two-person team that included Billy Editor Rodger Bland, it was a
Lawrence and Manish Batra. They wonderful start to the nonstop
received a $400 prize. Mike Avila had event that was the 2017 Expo. “Joe
the longest drive, and Tracey Hicks
A Special Thank You
to Our Sponsors

GEARS December 2017 45

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T his year Expo came a week
early, on October 19th
through the 22nd. This was
our second year in a row at the
Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino,
at one of the most prime locations
on the world-famous Las Vegas
You’ve seen it on TV, with the
Eiffel Tower protruding from its
front lobby. Just across the street
are the Fountains of Bellagio;
Cesars is on the corner, and the
Planet Hollywood Miracle Mile
Shops is right next door.
This was the backdrop
for this year’s Expo, and what
an Expo it was! Transmission
industry professionals from
every corner of the globe
converged at the Paris to work
together to learn… to share…
and to create a more profitable
future for each of us.
How did it go? Well, if the
people who were there were to
be believed, it was a success
of epic proportions.

As always, the technical
sessions kicked off early,

46 GEARS December 2017

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at 7:30 Thursday morning. The management seminars were earlier than in

previous years, but still allowed for management to grab a little extra shuteye
and a nice breakfast. Apparently it is good to be the king!
And the technical seminars were packed. According to ATRA Technical
Director Lance Wiggins, even the Thursday seminars were greeted by a full
house, and they remained full for the entire 32 hours of technical training
sessions. This year, the Thursday seminars went until nearly 7PM, with an
hour-and-a-half break for lunch.
The seminars covered subjects that included introductions to some of the
latest transmissions to hit the streets, tips for restoring functional reliability,
and scope diagnosis.
But one of the big hits of the day was the CVT workshop, and no wonder:
CVTs are becoming commonplace in shops all across the country, and anyone
who isn’t versed in them won’t be working in this business long.
This year, the Thursday management seminar was a little different, with a
daylong program from Alex Goldfayn, called Selling Boldly. His message? If
you want to sell, don’t be shy: be bold and create the sale you’re looking for.
It’s a smart message to improve your shop’s bottom line.
As the seminars came to an end, people met up with friends and co-
workers and headed out to explore the nightlife on the Las Vegas Strip. For
most, it was their first chance to reconnect with old friends and catch up with
people they hadn’t seen since the previous year.

Friday was another early morning for the tech side of the program,
beginning once again at 7:30. First up? Another, more advanced look at
oscilloscope diagnostic procedures. That was followed by an introduction to
the ZF 8-speed hybrid. We closed out the morning with a look at the latest all
wheel drive systems.
Management seminars began an hour later, with ATRA CEO Dennis
Madden and GEARS Managing Editor Rodger Bland discussing the path
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Another Amazing Expo in Paris!

to go from mindset to mission. They with representatives from 7 ATRA

were followed by the always-enjoyable Chapters, and ATRA Events Director
and informative Maylon Newton, who Vanessa Velasquez. Ideas for Chapter
shared his views on building decision involvement, engaging their local
makers in your shop. communities and other ways to enhance
These seminars led into the annual the transmission rebuilding industry
ATRA luncheon, hosted as always were discussed at great length.
by Raybestos Powertrain. It was a Then everyone got together for an
sumptuous lunch amid friendly banter evening of hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and
and camaraderie as everyone prepared music at the annual Transtar Cocktail
for the opening of the trade show. Reception, where they were treated to
This year, we switched things up a magnificent band and festivities that
a bit. Instead of a keynote speaker, we went on until 9pm.
stepped back a few years, back to the Throughout the reception, Monte
days when we enjoyed an entertainer at Ahuja made his way around from table
lunch. And what an entertainer it was! to table, shaking hands and welcoming
Murray “the Magician” Sawchuck people to the event.
performed his magic act to a full house.
You’ve probably seen Murray on the TV Saturday
show Pawn Stars, where he provides Saturday’s tech seminars split
technical advice regarding old magic into two: the regular seminars and the
props, and performing his illusions on return of Transmissions 101, a program
the show Masters of Illusion. designed to help young people and
About halfway through his recent additions move their way up the
performance, Murray asked whether chain. This year’s program included
Walt Swanson was on hand (he was). seminars on R&R 101, Scan Tool 101,
Turns out Walt had fixed Murray’s the basics of ATF, and a class on what
transmission a few years before, you need to know about series electrical
and Walt was the one who connected circuits.
Murray with ATRA for the show. While Transmissions 101 was
Thanks, Walt! going on, the regular technical and
After lunch was over, those in management seminars began. Tech
attendance moved on to the opening covered rebuilding tips, points about
of the trade show. The trade show floor converter control, an introduction
bustled with activity, and everyone to the 845RFE, and how to isolate
seemed pleased with the turnout. transmission problems in diesels that
The ATRA The ATRA Chapter have a tuner installed.
Planning meeting, which also took The management seminar brought
place on Friday, was well attended in shop owner MaryAnn Croce, who

48 GEARS December 2017

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See more EXPO Photos at: (case sensitive)

spoke about the things she’s learned over the years about
letting go to gain control of your business. She was followed
by the return engagement of Nancy Friedman, who’s always
a management favorite, as she presented the seven traits of a
successful leader.
At noon, the trade show floor opened again. Then, at 3pm,
ATRA Longtimers got together for their annual meeting.

Sunday morning tech started
at 9 with a Hydraulics 101 seminar,
followed by a closing seminar on the
Toyota and Lexus U881E and GM
AF50 8-speed transmission.
For the management folks, John
Anderson offered his experience in
selling businesses to help attendees
learn the best way to make a smart exit.
For those of you who’ve been
fighting through the tough weather
patterns, fire, or something even more
tragic, we understand why you couldn’t
be here. Our thoughts are with you,
and we hope you get back on your feet
before next year. And we look forward
to seeing you at next year’s Expo.
For 2018, we’re back to opening
for Industry Week — October 31st
through November 3rd. Which means
you can come for Expo, and directly
following is SEMA and AAPEX. And
the program will be hosted right next
door, at Bally’s Las Vegas. It’s sure to
be a magnificent event; we’ll be looking
for you there!

GEARS December 2017 49

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Brought to you by:

by Steve Bodofsky

f you’re a diehard GEARS read- other locations before I built this shop
er, the name Transolution might in 2004,” says Chris. In fact, his first
be a familiar one: We visited shop wasn’t even called Transolution.
Transolution Auto Care Center in “I was in Hamilton, Montana, for
Missoula, Montana, when we were about 13 years, and I had a shop called
doing the shop visits on our trips around Chris’s Auto Service. Then I moved
the country for ATRA’s regional tech to Missoula and started Transolution
seminars. in 1989.
Back then, shop owner Chris “In addition to owning a shop,
Gerber had just built his new shop, and, I was also a research tech with
according to GEARS Managing Editor Gil Younger. We had a number of
Rodger Bland, it was a prime example conversations, and I realized that, if
of just how attractive a repair shop I hoped to continue in the industry,
could be. I’d have to learn electronics and start Chris Gerber, Owner,
But those shop visits were more moving in that direction.” In retrospect, Transolution Auto Care Center
of a social call… not much to be it was obviously a smart decision.
learned from them. So we decided to sit Missoula was also a larger area I ran into a guy from Chile named
down with Chris and discover just how with a much denser population than Luigi who owned a foreign car repair
he built his business, and what other Hamilton, so it provided Chris with a shop. He needed someone to handle his
shop owners could take away from his better market to support his business tranny work and we became friends.
successes. model. “I made the decision to close “A few years later, Luigi decided
the shop in Hamilton and move to to move back to Chile and he offered
Transolution’s History Missoula.” to sell me his three-bay shop. I worked
Transolution operates from a Chris opened Transolution in a out of that shop for about 13 years, but
beautiful shop in a thriving town, but small shop he rented. “I was there for I’d always dreamt of having a state-of-
that isn’t where it began. “I had two about 13 years,” explains Chris. “Then the-art automotive facility. I found a
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Transolution Auto Care Center Crew L to R: Katherine LePiane, Kody Pickens, Brian Pickens, Chris Gerber, Shaun Wanner, Norman Naef

property nearby and, after a few years, I

was able to put enough money together
to build the shop we’re in now.”
He started construction in 2000 and
they moved into the new shop in 2004.
Today, Transolution operates in a 5600
square-foot, five-bay, state-of-the-art
auto repair shop.

General Repair
In addition to transmission
repair, Transolution is also a general
repair shop. Big deal, right? Lots of
transmission shops now offer general
repair. It’s become a common business
model over the last few years.
But what sets Transolution apart Shaun Wanner, ASE Certified Technician Champ
from so many other shops is that
Chris started his business as a general
repair shop… a general repair shop
that also offers transmission repairs.
As it turns out, that provides Chris and
the technicians at Transolution with an
interesting advantage over many other
shops today.
A big part of that advantage has to
do with Chris’s background: “I started
out doing general repair — I was doing
trannies too — and I was into the
performance side of the cars,” explains
“I was building a lot of transmissions
and I ran into a few problems, so I
started studying the hydraulics and how
they work; that’s when I got involved
with Gil Younger.
“When I moved to Missoula, I
realized they didn’t have any really
good transmission shops there. I loved
building trannies, and I built a lot of Brian Pickens, General Manager

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Transolution: A General Repair Shop That Also Offers Transmission Repair

Bay 1 thru 5, we have a total of 7 but

Kody Pickens, Technician Apprentice Norman Naef, Technician Apprentice two are outside.

them. So I started thinking about how I “I count my blessings for having enjoy what I do. And, being an ATRA
could go from just general repair into a been involved with hotrodding when I Member, I can offer a good warranty
transmission shop. That’s when I came was young,” says Chris. “That’s where and stand behind my work.
up with the name ‘Transolution’: We I learned how engines worked. I had “But the remans are here and
were the solution for their transmission a perfect background for it, so it’s they’re going to play an even bigger
problems. easier for me to deal with both sides of role because a lot of shops don’t have
“But I had the background driveability issues.” the programming capabilities or they
knowledge of how engines worked and Of course, as most shop owners don’t have the techs. And a lot of the
how to deal with driveability issues. have discovered, providing general tooling has changed. So I think there’s
People would come in and say, ‘My service also allows them to build a going to be a lot of movement toward
transmission’s acting up,’ but the much stronger relationship with their remans.
problems was an engine misfire; not customers, long before they have to “I still love rebuilding; it’s what
the trans. deal with a transmission problem. gives me a reason to get out of bed
“I ended up fixing a lot of cars Which means, when that transmission every morning. I just love that part of
because other shops claimed they had problem does show up, they no longer my life. But the remans are coming.
a transmission problem when it was have to build trust with their customer: A lot of shops are going to start using
something else entirely. When I realized that’s already firmly entrenched. them for units where they don’t have
that, I decided to remain a full-service the experience or the tools to do the
general repair and transmission shop.” Open to Remans job properly. Remans will let them stay
They started really expanding their Currently, Transolution doesn’t use focused on what they can do.”
general repair service after the turn many remans. But they are open to
of the century. “Transmissions were them. “I don’t do a lot with remans,” Community Matters
lasting longer and working better, so we says Chris. “But I’m at a point in my Like most successful shop owners,
needed to expand further into general life where I can see the benefits of Chris makes it a point to take a role
repairs to continue to pay the bills,” having them available. in his community. One program he’s
explains Chris. “I know there’s a lot of talk been involved with is Toys for Tots.
That background in general about remans: People don’t like them: “Customers would bring in a toy for
repairs has become a real advantage ‘They’re making all the profit and the program, and I’d give them a free
for Transolution as transmissions have you’re just becoming an R&R shop.’ oil change,” he explains.
become more integrated with the rest “I’m still rebuilding most of my He was also part of a highway-
of the vehicle. transmissions in house, because I cleaning program with his local
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Corvette club. “We’d get people to takes to make money in this business.
come out with us to help us clean up So many business owners struggle day
the highway, and for helping out we’d in and day out because they don’t
give them some discounts in the shop.” understand what it costs to do business.
Chris has also helped support some “Once I started to learn and
of the programs that the local police understand that, and charge based
have put on for the school to help on what it costs to operate my shop,
educate kids about drug use and the things started to change. I became more
like. profitable.
All ways to help in their community “You have to understand your true
while keeping their name in front of cost of doing business if you want to be
their customer base. profitable. Otherwise, you’re working
seven days a week, ten hours a day…
Management Solutions “I’ve been caught up in this for
“Ten, fifteen years ago, one years, while a guy down the street
of the biggest struggles I had was will do a job at half my price. But he
profitability,” says Chris. “The reason doesn’t have the overhead… he doesn’t
was that I didn’t understand how offer the warranty… he doesn’t need
to budget or the true cost of doing to consider all the things I offer my
business.” customers. I charge for it, because I
That’s when Chris got involved have to be profitable. Without that,
with the 20 Group of automotive there’s no way to stay in business.
professionals. “It was a three-day event, “That’s something a lot of guys
four times a year. We’d all sit down in struggle with today. They just don’t
a classroom and we’d talk about it. understand what it takes to run a
We’d look at the figures, we’d look at business, pay the bills, and keep people
each other, and we’d have webinars employed. It’s something I wish I’d
together. We looked at what it cost to learned 20 years ago.
do business. “Knowing your bottom line —
“We’d discuss what you can knowing what you’ve got to make to
change versus what you can’t change. stay alive — and then working toward
You can’t change the rent, the lights, that goal is the only way you can do it.”
the heat. But you can change what
you’re charging and the cost of parts. A Marvelous Journey
We had to look at things like that in a It’s been a long ride for Chris
broader view. and Transolution, but something he’s
“As we started looking at our quick to acknowledge is his love for
business costs, we realized that we the industry. “The automotive world
were losing money like crazy. And we is an amazing place to be,” he says.
worked out how to change that. We’d “It’s been good to me… it’s been a
brainstorm together and come up with marvelous journey, through all the ups
ways to change how we were doing and downs.
business. “It’s still a terrific field, even
“It was a way for me to tap into with how quickly the technology is
the knowledge from a lot of other shop advancing, it’s still a great career and
owners who were struggling just like I there’s still tons to learn.
was, and we worked together to learn “I’ve had tough times, but I’ve had
what it really takes to run an automotive a lot of fun, too.”
repair business successfully. What advice would Chris have for
“That’s when I started learning other shop owners? “It’s about making
about profitability: How to make sure the customer knows that you’re
money in this business and what my there for them; not just for the bucks.
true cost of doing business was. If you go out of your way to do the
“Up till this point, I’d been a wrench best you can, it’ll come back to you.”
turner and I built trannies. I built a Somehow that sounds familiar… and
business, but I didn’t understand its true great advice for everyone.
cost. I started looking at that, examining
my numbers, and determining what it
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by Rodney Hudson-Davies
Co Director, Development
and Marketing Manager
Wholesale Automatic Transmissions

he term “You’re in full control” isn’t first lay eyes on the unit, you’ll love its one Full Control”, you will no longer be restricted
something you hear getting thrown piece billet CNC machined housing, gorgeous to engine management systems or outdated
around a lot when talking automatic round edges and mounting system that is both transmission controllers.
transmissions. But wait! What is now available water and dust resistant with a genuine I.P If the new controller wasn’t exciting
is a new smart phone enabled standalone rating. The system has a very strong lever style enough, then we move onto the app that is
transmission controller from HGM Automotive connecting plug that fully locks into place available for both the iPhone/iPad and Android.
Electronics or “Compushift” as many of when inserted. Things get very interesting It is clear to see that a lot of effort has gone into
you may know them. There is no doubt that when you notice this system has a beautifully the package that is both very easy to use and
transmission controllers have come a long way, crafted and sealed plastic window, and no it's full of useful information. The app will allow
but few would have thought that it would now not for looking through. What it does is allow you to pair with both the Compushift Pro and
be possible to control both current and future for wireless Bluetooth connection to HGM’s Sport so you can pick your transmission of
transmissions with this new Bluetooth plug and own app, already available via the Apple App choice, then set up and configure the controller
play transmission controller. To list all of the Store or Google Play. This allows you to pair to suit your needs. Unlike all the 4 speed
technical changes that have gone into the latest the unit to your very own Apple or Android transmissions that are mostly plug and play
stand-alone system to come out of HGM’s device for set up, then configure and calibrate straight out of the box with simple set up, the
stable would be impossible, as you could write to your heart’s content. This has never been app allows all available models, including the
a novel on the subject. But what we can do done before and is a world’s first, designed and 5, 6 and 8 speed transmissions to be set up
is concentrate on just a few of the stand out built right here in the United States. You, for and calibrated to suit your own shift feel. No
features that make up the new system. the first time, will be able to run and configure two people have the same vehicle, as there
Most noticeable is the new case design a larger range of transmissions that has never are always a variation in diff ratios, tire size,
that is nothing short of elegant. When you been available before, and because “You’re In vehicle weight and engine power outputs. So

54 Paid Advertorial GEARS December 2017

1HGM 1217.indd 54 11/27/17 8:12 AM

The Ultimate
in Automatic
Complete-purpose-built, no-fuss, plug-and-play wiring harness provided specifically
for your transmission of choice.

the app has been designed to take all of the respected names in the industry. Mike Hoy a
information provided during your set up and former transmission builder and shop owner
configure the transmission straight out of the is now president of HGM and Guy Cardwell
box, leaving just the calibration to complete is one very switched on electronic engineer
at your own leisure. But the best part is that and vice president. Behind them are a team SHOP DISCOUNT
the app allows for remote technical help with that specialize in everything from technical
configuration and calibration if ever required. assistant all the way through to marketing, AVAILABLE
Yes, they have thought of everything! business development and engineering. The
Now, when you remove the controller shop consists of transmission dyno facilities,
from its custom packaging, you will notice industrial engineering machinery and more
that tucked away underneath is a complete electronic assembly / testing equipment than I
purpose built wiring harness provided have ever seen before. The driving force behind
specifically for your transmission of choice. the company is passion: when you love what
This harness is completely plug and play with you do the results truly do show.
all the plugs provided and pre fitted to a fully The new system is set to roll out next
covered loom, so it is a no-fuss easy install. month around the middle of January but the
The harness has I.P. rated plugs for both the full list of transmissions that the new system is
transmission and the controller, so you now capable of controlling including those currently
have a much broader ability to choose where in development is all available on HGM’s
you mount the controller, whether it be inside
the vehicle, or under the hood. Each and every
Compushift and wiring harness has been pre-
web site. For any information about HGM’s
new Compushift Pro and Compushift Sport
transmission controllers or any of the products
877-744 3887
tested by HGM to give you peace of mind that available from HGM Automotive Electronics,
the quality of both the controller and harness is visit their new web page dedicated to the new
perfect before the install. system at WWW.COMPUSHIFT-PRO.COM
HGM Automotive Electronics is a U.S
company founded in 1999, is based in Torrance
California, and is run by a pair of the most

GEARS December 2017 Paid Advertorial 55

1HGM 1217.indd 55 11/27/17 8:12 AM

GEARS does not endorse new products but makes this new information available
POWERTRAIN INDUSTRY NEWS to readers. If you have a new product, please email the press release information
with applicable digital photo or drawing to or send by mail to
GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030.

Rostra Introduces Sonnax GM Oversized cover most vehicles. A 6-liter reservoir

a New LST Linear Solenoid Pressure Regulator Valve Kit bottle, permanently sealed for safety,
for Aisin Warner/Toyota extracts or dispenses transmission fluid
A750E/F with a simple control valve and easy
press-on connection for one-handed
setup. The kit is powered by shop air
and has a PSI safety relief valve.
The new transmission adapter
accessories are now available through
OTC’s distribution partners. For more
information on OTC transmission
Rostra now has the Aisin Warner/ Wear of the main pressure regulator adapters, visit
Toyota A750E/F aftermarket SLT linear bore in GM 6T30 & Gen. 2 6T40/45/50
solenoid (Rostra P/N 52-0590). This transmissions allows critical fluid loss, Dana Builder Axle Program
SLT solenoid is a direct replacement leading to multiple line pressure and Fits New Dana® 60 Axles
for the OE solenoid, P/N 35290- converter-related problems. Sonnax to Many Applications
34010/35290-50010 in the later model oversized pressure regulator valve
applications, between 2003-2015. kit 144510-12K restores hydraulic
All Rostra products are 100% tested integrity for proper line pressure
for proper operation, and ready for control in all ranges, and combats
installation. Rostra offers a 12,000 mile premature wear for results you can
or 12-month warranty. count on.
For more information, visit Learn more at
OTC Introduces New
NEW 6R140 Adapter Accessories for
Stator Teflon Trans Fluid Changes Dana Incorporated will be offering
Ring Installer from a Builder Axle program to allow the
Adapt-A-Case inclusion of a new Dana® 60 axle, with
numerous upgrades, into a wide range
of applications. The customizable Dana
60 front and rear axles allow different
width and center drop dimensions
for Jeep TJs and XJs, rock crawlers,
bouncers, and other off-road vehicles.
Sourcing older used axles has
numerous drawbacks: They’re usually
rusty, worn, and inferior in several
areas, especially the unit-bearing hubs.
The new Dana Builder Axle program
makes it possible to purchase all new
components with a dead-spindle style
hub assembly incorporated.
OTC now offers new transmission “In the past, enthusiasts had to
adapter accessories, now available in go to junkyards to source old axles,
The new 6R140 Stator Teflon North America. The new accessories especially the Ford kingpin Dana 60
Ring Installer And Resizer (Part # help technicians increase efficiency ‘snow-fighter,’” said Randall Speir,
T-307657SAC) from Adapt-A-Case is when working on transmission fluid senior account manager, motorsports,
made from stainless steel, this tool is changes and are compatible with most for Dana. “Now, Dana is making new
used to install the teflon rings on the vehicles. The new transmission adapter components available, including many
6R140 stator shaft. accessories include: upgrades, like the option of disc brakes
It's about 3.5 inches wide, weighs 6792 Transmission Fluid Fill/ and ball-joint wheel-end kits. And,
4.3 pounds and all stainless. Extract Kit with Adapters: The kit we’ll be continuing to add additional
Visit for more comes equipped with a universal options in the future — like a kingpin
information. adapter and 14 OE-style adapters to knuckle kit — so off-roaders can build
56 GEARS December 2017

1PINS 1217 v2.indd 56 11/27/17 8:13 AM

the ‘ultimate snow fighter’ axle.” increasingly developed transmissions These are the only OE-spec loaded
The Dana Builder Axle is only that shift by electronic signal or struts available for Ford and Lincoln
available through authorized Dana wire, but there has been no industry vehicles. As with all Motorcraft parts,
distributors. The Builder Axle consists standard, leading to consumer these new loaded struts are covered by
of a center housing and tubes, and a confusion and safety concerns. The the two-year Service Parts Warranty
wheel end option. Internal components return-to-park function has become the (SPW), which provides unlimited
are also available. new benchmark for Consumer Reports, mileage coverage for Ford and
The Builder Axle comes on a pallet which now rates vehicles on whether Motorcraft parts, including labor and
and the tubes must be cut to individual its shifter has this feature. with no commercial exceptions.
specifications. The quandary of The Automotive News PACE For more, visit
“driver-side drop” versus “passenger- Awards recognize auto supplier motorcraftloadedstruts.aspx.
side drop” is no longer a limiting factor innovation and technological
with the Dana program: Simply cut a d v a n c e m e n t .   Wi n n e r s will Alto Introduces G3
the tubes and position the differential be announced at the 24th Hi-Performance Kit
housing to “drop” where desired. annual Automotive News PACE Award with Powerpacks®
Visit for ceremony on April 9, 2018 in Detroit.
more information. To learn more about the technology,
GHSP Shift-by-Wire
Technology Named 2018 New Motorcraft Loaded
PACE Award Finalist Struts Offer Fast Install
and Competitive Prices

Alto Products Corp now offers a

high-performance G3 friction/steel kit
with Powerpacks for the Ford 6R80
and ZF6HP26 transmissions.
2017 Ford Fusion Rotary Gear Shift Dial
Alto part number 183750PWR
GHSP has been selected as a finalist Motorcraft is launching a second is manufactured with its new G3
for a 2018 Automotive News PACE wave of loaded struts, providing performance friction material and
Award for its innovative rotary shift- additional coverage for Ford and features Powerpacks® for the A, B, C,
by-wire with return-to-park technology. Lincoln vehicles. The new line of struts and E clutch packs. This new kit is
Developed with Ford for the debut will allow even more opportunities in stock and available for immediate
of the 2017 Fusion, the technology for shops and technicians that service delivery.
presents an intuitive option to assist these vehicles. A big benefit of these For more information, visit Alto on
users in safely achieving park. OE loaded struts is that they are offered line at
Designed to prevent rollaways, the at the same or lower price than major
technology doesn’t rely on the driver competitors. Icahn Enterprises L.P.
to put the vehicle in park, but senses The new wave of loaded struts, Acquires AAMCO and
the driver’s presence, automatically made with 98% OE components, Cottman Service Centers
returning the vehicle to park and have the spring already in place. This Icahn Enterprises L.P. announced
applying the parking brake if the seat simplifies installation, while providing recently that it has acquired American
belt is unfastened, the engine is shut OE-level quality, fit, and performance. Driveline Systems (ADS) from
off, or the door opened. “This summer, we were excited to Transom Capital Group through a
“GHSP is honored to be named offer the first wave of loaded struts,” wholly-owned subsidiary. ADS is the
a PACE Award finalist, recognizing said Jana Czopek, Ford North America franchisor of AAMCO and Cottman
our brand-promise of delivering underbody product manager. “The Transmission & Total Auto Care
worry-free, innovative mechatronic second rollout more than doubles the service centers, with approximately
system solutions to the industry,” said number of applications. We’ve heard 680 locations in the U.S. and Canada.
President and CEO Jeff Smith. “With from shops and technicians who have The businesses of IEP and Icahn
our strong partnership with Ford, we’ve said how much they appreciate the Automotive Group today consist of Pep
provided a market-leading product competitively priced loaded struts. Boys, Auto Plus, Just Brakes, Precision
that delivers an intuitive and safe shift More applications mean they’re getting Tune Auto Care, and now American
system performance in an attractive more of what they’ve been asking for.” Driveline Systems, the franchisor of
and convenient design.”  The first rollout was available in AAMCO and Cottman Transmission &
Automotive manufacturers have August. The second is available now. Total Auto Care service centers.
GEARS December 2017 57

1PINS 1217 v2.indd 57 11/27/17 8:13 AM

Michael Bennett joins G-Cor the trucking industry provides him With today’s smartphones, Siegel
Automotive’s Rebuilders with instant credibility and a deep explains, “the sensitivity is so high,
Sales Team knowledge of customer needs.” you can do a good job [of detecting
Conibear has owned and operated the relevant signals] without needing
his own trucking firm, Conibear any special connection.” For some
Trucking LLC, since 2004. He also diagnostics, though, mounting the
has experience as an outside sales phone to a dashboard holder would
representative for Boyles Motors, an improve the level of accuracy.
International parts and service truck Already, the accuracy of the results
dealer. from the diagnostic systems they have
For more information on E-ZOIL, developed, he says, are “all well in
phone (716) 213-0106 or visit www. excess of 90 percent.” And tests for misfire detection have produced no
Stanley Greenblott, President false positives where a problem was
of G-Cor Automotive, is proud to New Software incorrectly identified.
announce Michel Bennett’s promotion Lets Your Car Tell You A prototype smartphone app that
to the Rebuilders Sales Team. What It Needs incorporates all these diagnostic tools
“Michael started with G-Cor 7 MIT team develops software that is being developed and should be ready
years ago at an entry level and quickly can tell if tires need air, spark plugs are for field testing in about six months,
moved to a Shop Sales position. As bad, or air filter needs replacing. Siegel says, and a commercial version
soon as an opening became available CAMBRIDGE, Mass -- Imagine should be available within about a
on the Rebuilders Supply side we hopping into a ride-share car, glancing year after that. The system will be
knew Michael would be a perfect fit”, at your smartphone, and telling the commercialized by a startup company
Greenblott said. “This is a special driver that the car’s left front tire needs Siegel founded called Data Driven.
young man with a great attitude. Our air, its air filter should be replaced next
customers will be really pleased to week, and its engine needs two new
have him serve them”. spark plugs.
G-Cor Automotive is a Full Within the next year or two, Happy Holidays
Line Core Supplier specializing in people may be able to get that kind of
supplying Transmission Hard Parts to
Rebuilders, Wholesale, Export, Shops
diagnostic information in just a few
minutes, in their own cars or any car
from ATRA's
and Ecommerce. they happen to be in. They wouldn’t
need to know anything about the car’s Mid-West Chapter
Paul Conibear Joins E-ZOIL history or to connect to it in any way;
as Company’s Newest the information would be derived and
Regional Sales Manager from analyzing the car’s sounds and

a Heartfelt Thank You

E-ZOIL, vibrations, as measured by the phone’s
manufacturer of microphone and accelerometers.
performance- The MIT research behind this idea
enhancing has been reported in a series of papers, to the Suppliers
fuel additives most recently in the November issue of
and cleaning
solutions, has
the journal Engineering Applications of
Artificial Intelligence. The new paper’s
that Help Make
announced the co-authors include research scientist
hiring of Paul Joshua Siegel PhD ’16; Sanjay Sarma, Our Events
Conibear as the Fred Fort Flowers and Daniel
the company’s
newest regional sales manager.
Fort Flowers Professor of Mechanical
Engineering and vice president of open
Such a Success!
Conibear will report to Bill Morgan, learning at MIT; and two others.
national sales manager for E-ZOIL A smartphone app combining the
and will cover the six states of New various diagnostic systems the team
England along with Ohio, Kentucky, developed could save the average
Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. driver $125 a year and improve
“Paul has a reputation as a their overall gas mileage by a few
professional, honest and hard-working percentage points, Siegel says. For
individual with valuable experience in trucks, the savings could run to $600
our industry,” explained Christopher a year, not counting the benefits of
Miller, vice president of E-ZOIL. avoiding breakdowns that could result
“His on-the-ground experience in in lost income.
58 GEARS December 2017

1PINS 1217 v2.indd 58 11/27/17 8:13 AM

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60 GEARS December 2017

1shoppers 1217.indd 60 11/28/17 10:39 AM

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our full line of high-precision
805.604.2025 HELP WANTED: Well established
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HELP WANTED: Globe Transmissions
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and swingman. Candidates must have
minimum 5 years experience with foreign
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Own a piece Give chuck a call to set up an interview . and domestic transmissions. Valid license,
of paradise. After 20 years in business I 612-866-0009. ATRA Mbr transportation and tools a must. Send
want to retire. Paradise transmission has resumes to Bob at: globetransmissions@
been an ATRA member and an NAPA HELP WANTED: Looking for an Call us at (508) 764-9400.
autocare shop for 20 years with a great experienced transmission builder, in ATRA Mbr
reputation. Large 27,000 truck lift 3 twin sunny Jacksonville, Florida, Monday
post lifts and 2 portable lifts, plus lots of – Friday, 7:00am – 3:30pm. Contact HELP WANTED: Ready to work in
shop equipment. The Florida Keys is the Pat at: (904) 509-6003 or payers@ paradise? Kailua Kona shop on the
fishing and diving capital of the world. ATRA Mbr Big Island of Hawaii is looking for an
Call Bob (305) 495-0461. ATRA Mbr experienced professional transmission
HELP WANTED: Expanding company in rebuilder. See our business and more info
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Deland, Florida Winston Salem, North Carolina, looking on our website: www.transtechhawaii.
– Reputable and established transmission for Center Managers, Rebuilders, R&R com, or call Vic at (808) 331-8310.
shop, approximately 3800 sq. ft., air Technicians and General Techs. Must be ATRA Mbr
condition office and building room. 3 qualified and experienced. Great positive
Lifts, 2 Tranny Jacks, 3 Tranny Benches, work environment with competitive HELP WANTED: Experienced rebuilder,
Snap-on diagnostic equipment, to much pay. Monday thur Friday hours only, for shop in central Florida, open Monday-
to list. Owner looking to retire early, NO WEEKENDS! Call Susie (336) 777- Friday. Excellent salary, 401k, benefits.
Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. 3777 or send resume to: mrtransmatic@ Call Jose for details: (863) 967-0694.
Contact Cornell at (386) 873-4848. ATRA Mbr
HELP WANTED: Top rated AAMCO HELP WANTED: Ralph’s Transmission
HELP WANTED: Richfield Transmission Transmission shop in sunny West Coast is a growing shop in Modesto seeking
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62 GEARS December 2017

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NamePage NamePage

Adapt A Case.............................................................. 40 Precision European Inc............................................... 63
ATRA........................................................................... 39 Precision International................................................. 13
ATRA Powertrain Expo................................................ 43 Raybestos Powertrain................................................. 27
ETE Reman................................................................... 7 Rostra Transmission.................................................... 37
EVT Parts.................................................................... 15 Seal Aftermarket Products...................................... OBC
Ford Customer Service Division.................................... 9 Sonnax Industries.......................................... IFC, 32, 33
GearSpeed.................................................................. 36 StillClean..................................................................... 41
GFX, Inc...................................................................... 29 Superior Transmission Parts....................................... 17
H G M Electronics....................................................... 55 Transtar Industries, Inc................................................ 35
Jasper Engines & Transmissions.............................. IBC Whatever It Takes Transmission Parts, Inc..................................................................... 23
LUBEGARD®, A Stellar Automotive Group
Company............................................................ Insert, 3

ATRA Supplier Members

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