11 Open Channel

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Jordon Schultz, Rochester Institute of Technology

Senior in the Mechanical Engineering Technology Program

Larry Villasmil, Rochester Institute of Technology

Page 14.1013.1

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2009

Reconciliation of Bernoulli’s Equation in Channel Flow: An In-
Depth Empirical and Numerical Approach. Part I
This paper revolves around the investigation process of a peculiar flow phenomenon occurring
during Bernoulli’s principle experiments. Moreover, the experiment is aimed at demonstrating
both the conservation of energy principle and the continuity equation. In the past, students have
struggled to obtain meaningful results when evaluating the variation of total energy in the
system. Some have concluded that the experiment is an exercise in futility and stated that head
losses cannot be calculated to any degree of accuracy. Over a ten-week period, experiments were
run in both laminar and turbulent flow regimes, and the experimental environment was
thoroughly cleaned. Flow visualizations were performed using black ink to observe the fluid
flow behavior, and predictions were adjusted for the observed differing rate of energy
conversion. Lower wall friction was introduced into head loss equations, and the diverging flow
area was adjusted for an observed re-circulation zone. After determining the throat of the channel
as the source of the strange phenomenon, 2D numerical simulations were attempted, but not
completed, using commercial CFD software, so the numerical approach will be the subject of a
second paper. Overall, this paper will reveal the complexity of fluid flow through a converging-
diverging channel, and highlight the experimental process involved that was used to elucidate
peculiar phenomenon. Lastly, this paper will be used as the seminal work for an advanced course
in applied fluid mechanics for engineering technology students.


Variable Units Description Variable Units Description

PH m Pressure head VH m Velocity head
H m Fluid manometer height R m Hydraulic radius
A mm2 Cross sectional area m Surface roughness factor
h mm Channel height NR - Reynolds number
t mm Channel width N*s/ m2 Dynamic viscosity
V m/s Velocity Kg/m3 Density
Q L/min Flow rate L m Length between taps
Cumulative theoretical
TH m Total head head loss
g m/sec2 Acceleration due to gravity HLT m Theoretical head loss
IH m Ideal head Deg. Angle of channel incline
HL m Experimental head loss
Cumulative experimental
head loss
Page 14.1013.2

HLN m experimental head loss


The Bernoulli flow experiment has been used at Rochester Institute of Technology for many
years. It is a staple experiment performed by senior students in the Thermofluids Laboratory
course. In the past, students have expressed frustration in obtaining meaningful results from the
experiment. Some past students have called it “an exercise in futility,” and others have failed to
use the raw data in meaningful ways. Other students have even suggested changing the design of
the channel to a circular cross section. This investigation was performed to elucidate an
interesting phenomenon observed when analyzing the raw data. Moreover, this investigation will
help future students better understand the experiment, and it will be used in an advanced fluid
mechanics course for engineering technology students.

The experimental procedure is typically performed by first obtaining a steady fluid level in the
inlet tank, and then various flow rates can be obtained by adjusting an outlet pipe. After
obtaining a steady flow rate, students typically record the water height in 11 manometer taps
equally spaced along the length of the channel. Next, the fluid is allowed to collect in a basin
whereby the volumetric flow rate is recorded using a clear sight glass with a scale and a
stopwatch. This is typically done several times, and the average volumetric flow rate is then
calculated. When analyzing the raw data, students typically plot the change in pressure head vs.
distance for the various turbulent flow rates. Students also plot the change in kinetic energy vs.

This investigation beganafter evaluating the total energy, ideal head and calculated head losses.
Calculated head losses decrease after the channel throat and in turbulent flow become negative.
This is not expected, because the fluid cannot convert kinetic energy into pressure energy
without appreciable positive head losses. Several experiments were then performed along with
attempting numerical simulations to investigate and elucidate this phenomenon. Next, the
experiments and their results will be discussed. The process of determining the root of the
strange results and the current status of the project will also be outlined.

Initial Experiment

The first step in this investigation was to run the Bernoulli flow experiment “as-is” and attempt
to replicate the results of past students. Figure 1 shows the P6231 Bernoulli apparatus along with
the test bench. The P6100 hydraulics bench consists of: P6103 constant head inlet tank, P6104
variable head outlet tank, variable speed centrifugal pump, and volumetric measurement tank.
Initially, a total of eight different flow rates were run, and each consisted of five volumetric flow
rate trials. This was done in an effort to eliminate any measurement errors that could occur while
reading the volume sight glass. The manometer heights were recorded for each flow rate using
the 1/16th inch scale on the Bernoulli apparatus. Figure 2 shows a section view of the apparatus
with the numbered manometer taps. The fluid enters on the left side of the channel from the
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P6103 inlet tank, then travels from taps 1 to 11 and finally exits into the P6104 outlet tank.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Fig. 1 P6231 Bernoulli apparatus and P6100 Fig. 2 Section view of P6231 Bernoulli
hydraulics bench apparatus (1)

After collecting the raw data, a series of initial calculations were performed, and several data
products were produced. Initially, the results in the turbulent flow regime are as expected. Figure
3 shows the varying head along the length of the channel. As the fluid enters and moves through
the converging section, its kinetic energy increases as a function of channel height. This increase
in kinetic energy must be compensated for by a decrease in pressure energy as defined by the
simplified Bernoulli’s equation, equation 1. Figure 3 shows the change in pressure head along
the channel for various flow rates.

P V2 Pi
Equation 1: + =Κ where = PH i = H i i = 1,2,...11
γ 2⋅ g γ  

Page 14.1013.4

Fig. 3 Change in pressure head along channel

As expected, the fluid experiences the lowest pressure at manometer 6 (the throat) and gradually
recovers the pressure energy as the fluid then diverges. Close examination of the graph reveals
that the fluid does not recover all of its original pressure energy, thus appreciable head losses
must be accounted for. Another interesting observation of figure 3 is that the fluid does not
convert pressure energy into kinetic at the same rate it converts kinetic to pressure energy. This
can be seen in the different slopes in the converging and diverging sections of the channel. At the
given flow rates, Reynolds numbers vary from a minimum of 5186 at the inlet of the channel to a
maximum of 12,603 at the channel throat.

After graphing the change in pressure energy, the total head and ideal head were found at each
manometer and plotted. The cross-sectional areas at each manometer tap were calculated using
the channel heights shown in figure 4, a channel thickness of 6.35mm, and equation 2. Figure 5
shows the total head and its overall decreasing trend over the channel. Total head is the sum of
the pressure head and velocity head at each tap (see equations 3 and 4), thus it would be expected
that an overall decrease in total head would occur. Ideal pressure head is shown in figure 6 and is
equal to the algebraic difference of the total starting head and the velocity head at each
manometer as shown in equation 5. The ideal head represents a total recovery of pressure energy;
thus it is symmetric about the throat of the channel.

Equation 2: Ai = hi ⋅ t  

Fig. 4 Channel Heights at manometer taps

Q Vi 2 Vi 2
Equation 3: Vi =          Equation 4: TH = PH + Equation 5: I H i = TH1 −   
Ai i i 2 ⋅ g             2⋅ g


Page 14.1013.5

Fig. 5 Total Head Fig. 6 Ideal Head

Equation 6:   HLCi = TH1 − PH i     Equation 7: HLN i +1 = HLi +1 − HLi  

The experimental head losses were found using equations 6 and 7, cumulative and non-
cumulative, as shown above. Figure 7 shows the cumulative head losses in the channel, and the
trend appears to be normal from taps 1 through 6. The head losses increase as the fluid increases
in velocity and decrease as the fluids speed is reduced in the diverging half of the channel.
However, because figure 7 is cumulative, a decrease in head losses should be represented by a
smaller positive slope. This is not what figure 7 shows after manometer 6, and it can be
postulated that negative head losses have been calculated. A better understanding of the negative
head losses can be seen in figure 8. The head losses in each flow rate sharply decrease and
become negative after the throat.

Fig. 7 Cumulative head losses

Fig. 8 Non-cumulative head losses

Oddly, the losses then return to zero and do not change from taps 8 and 9. Furthermore, these
graphs indicate normal behavior in the converging half of the channel and abnormal fluid
behavior in the throat and diverging half. Negative head losses suggest that energy is being
introduced into the system or that there is another phenomenon happening that is not yet
Page 14.1013.6

Controlling the Experimental Environment

After obtaining strange results, it was hypothesized that an uncontrolled experimental

environment may be introducing error. Some possible sources of experimental error were
observed, possibly leaks in the constant head inlet tank, the Bernoulli apparatus not being level,
and debris in the Bernoulli channel and manometer tap inlets. To further explore these areas, the
Bernoulli apparatus was removed from the test bench and disassembled. An observable amount
of debris was found inside the apparatus, and it was completely cleaned. While cleaning the
device, special care was given to ensure that the manometer inlet holes were completely clean
and clear of debris. In some cases, a considerable amount of black debris was removed from the
manometer tap inlet holes. Figure 9 shows the debris in the converging half of the channel.

After cleaning both the apparatus and test bench, the Bernoulli apparatus was checked to ensure
the inlet and outlet were leveled. Figure 10 shows an image of the apparatus before it was
adjusted. This small incline could have added potential energy to the fluid, and it was not
detectable to the naked eye. Two-millimeter-thick shims were added to the diverging end of the
channel to achieve a level reading.

Debris blocking
tap inlet hole

Fig. 9 Debris in Bernoulli apparatus

Page 14.1013.7

Fig. 10 Bernoulli apparatus with liquid level

After taking steps to better control the experimental environment, the original experiment was
run again in its entirety. Additionally, the initial experimental flow rates were matched when the
experiment was repeated. Again, the raw manometer and flow rate data were analyzed, and the
aforementioned calculations were performed. When comparing the two experiments, it was
concluded that the changes in the experimental environment had little-to-no effect on the results.
Negative head losses in the diverging half of the nozzle were still calculated, and the magnitude
of the losses was almost identical in both cases. Now that several experimental factors could be
ruled out, it could be hypothesized that the negative head losses were indeed the result of some
strange fluid behavior that is not yet understood. The next step in this investigation was to focus
on the fluid flow regime and attempt to achieve a completely laminar flow rate.

Laminar Flow Regime Experiments

In an attempt to achieve laminar flow rates with the Cussons test bench, the inlet tank
was modified by removing the upper 25 mm portion of the overflow pipe. Additionally, a ball
valve was added to the adjustable discharge pipe. This allowed for a much lower range of flow
rates to be achieved, and the manometer readings could be easily read at the 25 mm inlet tank
level. After running a number of initial trials, three runs were performed with the same procedure
as the previous experiments, the subsequent raw data was collected, calculations were
performed, and the results were analyzed. Again, pressure head was plotted against manometer
tap and can be seen in figure 11. The overall loss in energy seems to be much less than in the
turbulent cases, and this is expected for lower flow rates. It is important to note that the
manometer scale is not accurate for flow rates lower than 0.9 LPM and is the limiting factor for
the range of flow rates. The 0.92 LPM flow rate almost appears to be a horizontal line when
plotted on the same scale as the turbulent runs. It should be noted that this run, 0.92 LPM, was
the only one having Reynolds numbers at or below 2300 in the entire channel, including the
throat (2375).

Page 14.1013.8

Fig. 11 Change in pressure head along channel length


Fig. 12 Cumulative head losses (Laminar) Fig. 13 Non-cumulative head losses (Laminar)

As shown in figure 12, the flow rates of 1.74 and 1.35 LPM follow the same trend as the
turbulent flow rates; however, the 0.92 LPM flow rate shows a different trend after the throat.
Head losses in the 0.92 LMP run seem to not become negative after the throat, but this could be
caused by the inaccuracy of the measurement scale. Nonetheless, the negative head losses at tap
7 do seem to become closer to positive as the flow rate decreases, as shown in figure 13,
particularly at the lowest flow rate. Overall the laminar trials do not yield results that can be used
to explain the negative head loss phenomenon, but the trend indicates that the flow regime might
have an impact.

Flow Visualizations

To better understand the behavior of the flow in the channel, several flow visualizations were
performed in various flow rates. Black food coloring was diluted with an equal proportion of
water and then injected into the inlet of the converging portion of the channel. A reservoir of ink
was connected to the injector pipe with a clear tube, and initial calculations were performed to
determine the optimal height for the reservoir. To clearly observe the nature of the flow, it was
critical to match the ink to the fluid’s flow rate.

Fig. 14 Laminar flow visualization
Fig. 15 Recirculation zone  in diverging channel
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Small variations in the ink height resulted in large changes in the ink flow rate, so the optimal
flow rate was found through trial and error. In the assumed laminar flow rates, an undisturbed
layer of ink can be seen over the entire channel length (figure 14). This observation was used to
confirm that the calculated Reynolds numbers were correct along with the assumed flow
regimes. One major discovery was made in the diverging half of the channel: during all flow
rates, a clear recirculation zone can be observed (figure 15). This suggests that the fluid velocity
is not slowing at the expected rate. The area above the recirculation zone is occupied by a
distinct stream of fluid that seems to have the same flow area as in the throat of the nozzle. This
discovery has some major implications in the way that the data is analyzed. To calculate the fluid
velocity head, its kinetic energy is found as a function of its velocity. From the continuity
equation, the fluid velocity is a function of the flow rate and the channel flow area. Thus, if the
fluid is not expanding in the diverging half of the channel, its flow area remains close to that of
the throat. This correction will serve to alter the predicted head losses and provide a more
accurate result.

Theoretical Head Losses

To better understand the head losses in the system, the rates of energy conversion were plotted.
Figures 16 and 17 show the differing rates of energy conversion in the converging and diverging
sections of the channel. In the figures, pressure head was found using equation 1, and velocity
head was found using equation 8. As defined by Bernoulli’s equation, the rate of energy transfer
from kinetic to pressure energy should be equal in both the diverging and converging sections of
the channel. In the converging section, the magnitude of the slope is greater than in the diverging
section. This suggests that the converging section is converting kinetic energy to pressure energy
with more losses. The diverging section has a slope that suggests fewer losses occur.

Equation 8: VH i =
2⋅ g

Page 14.1013.10

Fig. 16 Energy transfer taps 1-5 Fig. 17 Energy transfer taps 7-11
0.25 4 ⋅ V i ⋅ Ri ⋅ ρ
Equation 9:   fi =   Equation 10: N Ri =
⎡ ⎛
1 5.47 ⎞ ⎤
⎢log ⎜ + 0 .9 ⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎜⎝ 3.7 ⋅ ( Ri / ε ) N Ri ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦

Equation 11: Ri =
[Δhi + h6 ] ⋅ t Equation 12: Δhi = tan(θ ) ⋅ ΔLi −6  
2 ⋅ (hi + t )

⎡⎛ ΔL ⎞ ⎛ Vi +1 2 ⎞⎤
= HLTi + f i +1 ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟  
⎜ 2 ⋅ g ⎟⎥
Equation 13: HLTCi +1
R ⋅
⎣⎢⎝ i +1 ⎠ ⎝
4 ⎠⎦⎥

Figure 18 is a comparison of the experimental and theoretical head losses for the maximum flow
rate. The head losses were found using equations 9 through 13 and are shown above. The change
in length between manometer taps ( L) was measured to be 25 mm for all manometers, and a
wall roughness ( ) of 3.0 x 10-7 m was used for plastic. Likewise, 4.29 degrees was used for both
the converging and diverging angle of channel incline ( ). From taps 1 through 4, the losses
appear to match almost flawlessly. In contrast, the head losses from taps 5 through 11 do not
match as closely.

Fig. 18 Comparison of head losses

Next, using observations made during the flow visualization, two adjustments were made to the
theoretical losses calculation. First, as previously mentioned, the fluid in the diverging section of
the channel only experiences one-half of the wall friction. This is because a recirculation zone
exists and the fluid is moving in a confined stream. Secondly, the flow area in the diverging
section of the channel can be adjusted to not include the recirculation zone. The corrected
formula for cumulative head losses (equation 14) can be seen below and was only used for taps 7
through11. By estimation, an adjusted theta of 2.0 degrees is used to calculate the actual flow
area in the diverging portion of the channel (see equation 12). After making these adjustments,
Page 14.1013.11

the theoretical head losses after the throat correlate well with experimental values as shown in
figure 19. It can now be definitively concluded that the recirculation zone serves to reduce wall
friction and flow area in the diverging section of the channel. Furthermore, the throat of the
channel can now be the focus for the rest of the investigation.

1 ⎡⎛ ΔL ⎞ ⎛ Vi +1 2 ⎞⎤
= HLTi + ⋅ f i +1 ⋅ ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ 2 ⋅ g ⎟⎥
Equation 14: HLTCi +1
2 R ⋅
⎢⎣⎝ i +1 ⎠ ⎝
4 ⎠⎥⎦   

Fig. 19 Adjusted cumulative head losses

Numerical Simulations

Many 2D numerical simulations were attempted using FLUENT software in the laminar flow
regime. Different boundary conditions, mesh refinements, and discretization methods were used.
Currently more numerical simulations need to be done to accurately model what is happening in
the channel. In some cases, the recirculation zone was observed, but the numerical solution may
have contained errors indicated by the residuals plots. Moreover, a better understanding of the
fluids behavior at the throat of the channel will come with more complex numerical simulations.
Furthermore, simple 2D models may not explain the fluid behavior at the throat of the channel.


Several important discoveries were made during this investigation: Negative head losses in
turbulent flow, a recirculation zone in the diverging channel section, and the throat of the
channel were determined to be the cause of the strange results. Some difficulties were also
encountered during the investigation process. Achieving laminar flow was difficult due to the
accuracy of the manometer measuring scale. Nevertheless, a flow rate of 0.92 LPM was
concluded to be laminar from calculated Reynolds numbers and showed positive head losses in
the diverging half of the channel. However, this data may have been affected by the inaccuracy
Page 14.1013.12

of the measurement scale; thus it cannot be used to make any definite explanations about the
source of strange head loss results. On the contrary, after using various correction factors for
reduced wall friction and a decreased flow area, theoretical head losses correlated well with
experimental losses with the exception of the throat. Overall, the fluid’s behavior is highly
complex in the throat and diverging section of the channel, and further experimental
investigation, along with numerical simulations, are required to fully understand it. To
summarize, numerical simulations can be an equal partner with theory and experimental data, but
replicating the fluid flow correctly was found to be challenging. Lastly, with more numerical
simulations and better-developed boundary conditions, the numerical results could help to
explain the nature of the fluid flow at the throat.


1. Cussons, G. Instruction Manual-Investigation of Bernoulli's Theorem. Manchester, England : G. Cussons Ltd.,


2. Mott, R. Applied Fluid Mechanics, 5TH Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005.

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