Joa - Apocalypse - Book - Eng
Joa - Apocalypse - Book - Eng
Joa - Apocalypse - Book - Eng
Minis Overview
The Leviathan
John’s Apocalypse
The Apocalypse, also called the Book of Revelations, is the last book of the New Testament. It was written
after the Passion of Christ by a man named John, and it describes his prophetic visions (which aren’t too
clear). Being a mix of numbers, symbolic creatures, prophecies, slaughters, end of the world and of the
Savior’s final coming. The images and symbols created in this book are known to all, having heavily
influenced our culture.
Mythical creatures
The number 7 can also describe a creature’s features, or an army’s forces. The Apocalypse’s bestiary is quite
heavy, with its most famous creatures being the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Beast, the Antechrist
and the Lamb of God. These numerous creatures are depicted in great scenes of corruption, war and end of
the world. While John only wrote a few lines about them, they inspired writers, painters and sculptors,
from Domitian to the present. Each era reinterpreted them through significant works of art, and used them
for religious or political propaganda. If this book sustained the passing of time so well, it is thanks to its
complex nature: It is really hard to decipher, and holds a mystical, somewhat dreamlike aura, with its
horror imbued with hope (Good vanquishing Evil in the end). Generations of predicators and theologians
tried to unveil all the mysteries of the Apocalypse, mostly trying to determine when it would begin.
Evil is everywhere
The chaos is so widespread that wolves start attacking people, famished by their poor harvest, going as far
as inside Paris’ streets. Legends about werewolves start to spread, leading to people with too much hair
being executed. Even the nobles aren’t safe, as the ones that don’t strictly follow the catholic etiquette are
seen as the Antechrist. Witches are also reached by this chaos, fueling bonfires all over France. Of course,
judgemental mistakes are made, the most famous being Joan of Arc’s. Her judgement was revoked by her
King years later, and she ended up being deemed a Saint.
The four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
« Then I saw the Lamb open one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures call out, as with a voice of thunder, ‘Come!’
I looked, and there was a white horse! Its rider had a bow; a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering and to conquer. When he
opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature call out, ‘Come!’* And out came another horse, bright red; its rider was permitted to
take peace from the earth, so that people would slaughter one another; and he was given a great sword. When he opened the third seal, I heard
the third living creature call out, ‘Come!’ I looked, and there was a black horse! Its rider held a pair of scales in his hand, and I heard what
seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, ‘A quart of wheat for a day’s pay, and three quarts of barley for a day’s
pay, but do not damage the olive oil and the wine!’When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature call out, ‘Come!’
I looked and there was a pale green horse! Its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed with him; they were given authority over a fourth
of the earth, to kill with sword, Famine, and pestilence, and by the wild animals of the earth. — New Testament, Revelation chap. 6, 1-8,
The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the opening act of the beginning of the end of the world. They appear when the Lamb, symbol of Jesus
Christ’s resurrection, opens the first 4 seals. Their deadly cavalcade only leaves corpses and desolation in its trail. Conquest, Death, War and
Famine reap souls with swords, sickness, starvation and arrows.On the continent, nothing stops them: cities, villages… Everything is devastated.
Hands covered in blood, they want more. So they ride North, looking for more souls and desolation.While celebrating Saint Patrick’s day, the
Irish people see cavaliers, covered with crimson foam, rising from the seas and making their way towards them…
7 Rounds Legend
1 4 2
Famine Death War Conquest
5 5 6 6
When defending:
Cancel 1 .
4 Skeletons
See Special rule
Foot Knights Provincial Militia Peasants Bowmen Sergeants-at-arms Penitents Flagellants Angel Priest
Retaliation Cohesion When attacking : Retaliation Tough Support - Tough Prayer - Jump 2 - Carrier Prayer -Heal
Holy 1 Foot Knights 4 Provincial 4 Peasants 4 Archers 4 Sergeants in 2 Penitents 2 Flagellants 1 Angel St Patrick
Militia arms See Special rule
Merchant Girl Citizen Blacksmith Farmer Executioner Jacques le Troubadour Léo the Innkeeper Soothsayer Apothecary
Merchant Girl
5B 17B
16B 15A
If 2 Civilians use «Prayer» at the same time while
inside the church, Saint Patrick is summoned. Place
The Unholy army can earn victory point Tokens Saint Patrick in any allied or neutral area.
through these methods: Attacks cannot be launched from an area containing
• Civilian destroyed: 1 victory point Token Saint Patrick. If an area containing Saint Patrick is
• Human unit from the Holy army disrupted or attacked, all «Killed» and «Disrupted» results suffered
destroyed at the end of the 6th round: 1 victory by the defending units become «Push» results.
point Token Saint Patrick can be activated by the Holy army.
When activated, he can force a unit from the Unholy
If the Unholy army gathers 20 victory point Tokens, army in an adjacent area to suffer a «Push» result
they win the game. without being able to defend.
If the Unholy army doesn’t win by the end of the 7th
round, the Holy army wins the game. ANGEL
If 1 Civilian uses «Prayer» while inside the church, an
Reward Angel is summoned. Place the Angel in any allied
or neutral area. If the Angel disrupts or destroys a
unit from the Unholy army, it has to throw the Doom
• 1 for each destroyed (or should be destroyed) Dice and follow its results in order to be redeployed
Infantery unit. in its starting pentacle’s area. The Angel can only be
summoned once.
• 2 for each destroyed (or should be
destroyed) Cavalery unit. CEMETERY
If 1 of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse is in an area
3 for each destroyed (or should be containing a cemetery, it can summon 1 Skeletons
destroyed)Character. unit in said area at the cost of an action.
There can only be 4 units summoned this way at
Special Rules once on the board.
Holy Player set up his army first. The Holy army controls Civilians like any of their other
units. If a unit from the Unholy army moves into an
HOLY UNITS’ DEPLOYMENT AND RALLY POINT area containing a Civilian, the Civilian is destroyed.
The Holy army places their units in any area that All Civilians can use «Prayer» while in the church.
doesn’t contain the cemetery, except the pentacles
and the inside of buildings. There can’t be more than
2 units in the same area. All buildings, aside from Intrigue Cards
the church, serve as the Holy army’s rally points.
Intrigue Cards can be activated using either XP or
UNHOLY UNITS’ DEPLOYMENT AND RALLY POINT Intrigue Tokens in this scenario.
At the beginning of each round, choose a Horseman
and its troops. Deploy them in a pentacle area that
wasn’t already used for this purpose.
A unit from the Unholy army does not go to the
infirmary after being disrupted or destroyed. At the
beginning of the camp phase, deploy it in its starting
pentacle’s area. The Holy army still gains XP for the
destroyed / disrupted unit. Units from the Holy army
and Civilians can’t move into a pentacle’s area.
Only Civilians can move into the church.
Units cannot attack from inside the church, and
Civilians cannot be attacked while inside the church.
Unholy army units cannot enter an area containing
a calvary. They can still attack these areas.
The Mark of the Beast
Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon.
Because of the signs it was given power to perform, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It also forced all people, great
and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could
not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. That number is
-Revelation 13
After the slaughter perpetrated by the horsemen of the apocalypse, the survivors bury their dead, gathering and praying for
their salvation. Their respite is short-lived, however, since at this moment, the antichrist comes into play followed by his
animal companion: the Beast! Between the two of them, they raise an army recognizable by the number tattooed on their
skin. These men and women are convinced to follow them, either by force or wickedness. Few stand up before them, and
they end up inside the Beast’s belly and its 666 meters long guts.
Only a few Saints come down to Earth to attempt to discourage mankind from getting branded by Evil.
7 Rounds Legend
1 4 2
The Beast Terror 2 The Antichrist
your control in the Antechrist’s
2 4
4 Peasants 4 2 Sergeants 3 Gentry 1 Mounted
Crossbowmen at arms Mounted Archers
Citizen Blacksmith Farmer Soothsayer Apothecary Jacques le Troubadour Léo the Innkeeper
range gains one extra hex until the end of
+1 When defending, gain 1 .
or draw one Legend card. cancel all this Round.
11B A1A
5B A1A
4A 3B A1A
Victory Conditions
The Unholy army can earn victory points through When a holy unit is attacked while
these methods: in a scorched earth area, all “blank”
• Civilian branded with the mark of the Beast: 1 results it suffers become “disrupted”
victory point results.
• Human holy unit transformed into an unholy
creature: 1 victory point
If the Unholy army gathers 14 victory points at any Plague Bearers Mounted Specters Gargoyles Devourers
round, the Holy army wins the game. Support - Terror 2 Immortal - Charge - Dodge Haste 2 Carrier
When defending: When the Mounted Specters move When attacking: When performing a direct shooting
into a new hex, they can move attack, if you spend 1 :
Cancel 1 . into any area of this hex.
When attacking:
At the beginning of the game, the Unholy side chooses If a holy unit attacks with Saint
in which cave to place their 2 miniatures. Sebastian in its area, all its “blank”
All caves serve as rally points for the Unholy side. When attacking, if the Inquisitor is in
results become “push” results.
the same area or in an adjacent area:
the cost of an action. A lava hex cannot replace a hex When Saint Pascal is activated, he
4 - Pentagramme -
tail holding a terrain element. can transform 1 Activation order into 1
Prayer - Heal
Reactivation order.
PENTACLE The Priest can perform a Heal
action on allied Holy Characters only
located in an adjacent area
or in the same area as him.
A holy unit cannot move into a lava Hexes containing Saint Blandina and
hex. If a holy unit is located in a hex units in its area cannot be corrupted.
when it is corrupted, said unit must
move one hex. Once per turn:
gain 1
5 - Cratere / Lave
At the beginning of each of their turn, the holy side deploy the angel associated to a Saint in the same area as the Saint.
• 1 Angel for Saint Blandina
• 1 Angelic Herald for Saint Paschal
• 1 Destructive angel for Saint Sebastian
Each Saint is only allowed to have one of their angels deployed at the same time. If there is no space in the area to deploy the
angel, it will be deployed the next round.
The holy side can activate Civilians as if they were their units. If an unholy unit moves into the same area as a Civilian, this Civilian
is immediately destroyed.
2 The Leviathan
People worshipped the dragon because he-had13 given
1428, Sainte
to the beast,
and they
de Fierbois
also worshipped
- the beast and asked, “Who is
like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling
place and those who live in heaven.It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was
given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose
names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. “If anyone is to
go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.” This
calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people. - Revelation 13
The Beast sends the Leviathan to destroy all the Saints it was not able to corrupt. Seeking refuge on the Mountains of Zion near
the Lamb, the Saints are waiting for the angels who will save them by taking them to Heaven.
7 Rounds Legend
1 4 2
Devourers Mounted Specters Mounted Knights Damned
The Leviathan Terror 2
Each time The Leviathan attacks an
area containing a terrain element or a
bulding, said element takes 1 damage.
Each time The Leviathan performs
a Trample, you can spend 1
to reroll up to 3 .
Per area
in targeted Carrier Immortal - Charge - Dodge Charge Retaliation - Charge - Jump 2
Units Disrupted by The Leviathan are
put on its board instead of in the When performing a direct shooting When the Mounted Specters move During a Charge, you may When defending:
attack, if you spend 1 : re-roll 1 if the Mounted
Infirmary. During the Camp phase, these into a new hex, they can move
Unholy units are Destroyed on a result. into any area of this hex. Knights moved through
plain or field area.
Cancel 1 .
Haste 2 Jump 2 - Immortal Engineer - Prayer - Ruthless Charge - Haste 2 - Tough Support - Terror 2 Immortal
When defending against Once per turn, if you spend 1 :
When defending: one unit in the same area a melee attack:
When attacking: When attacking: as Heretic expiators may reroll one dice. Upon Follow-up after combat, the When defending: Ghosts gain Haste 2 and can move
Heretic repenters may perform an through enemy area (but not stop into it).
When defending: extra attack. Cancel 1 . Inflicts
Ghosts are not affected by terrain
to the attacker
Mounted Joan of Arc Archangel Raphael The Griffn Triumph Halberdiers Pavisiers Devotees Flagellants
When defending:
Big - Haste 2 - Jump 2 - Charge
When attacking, Triumph cancel
gain 1 and play this Order in any allied When attacking: Retaliation.
When Joan of Arc is activated : When attacking or defending:
roll the Doom dice and Rally one allied
unit if you roll a .
Units in Raphael’s area
gain Charge. The Griffin may perform a Charge
Transform all blank results into any
result of your choice. 4 Halberdiers 2 Pavisiers 2 Devotees 1 Flagellant
from a sky hex.
3 2 4 22 6 Triumph can only command
the Unicorn.
3 1
Civilians +1
When defending :
Prayer - Rally
When defending:
Gain 1 result in the Lamb of God’s
area and all adjacent areas.
Once per turn, if you spend 1 : 6 Foot Knight 1 Penitents 1 Heretics 1 Culverine Citizen Blacksmith
2 with Axe
Rally a Troop.
4 3
Farmer Soothsayer Apothecary
Reroll Heal
Once per turn,
if you spend 3 , search for the Once per turn,
Prayer - Jump 2 - Carrier card of your choice in the Legend if you discard one Legend card:
Deck. Shuffle the deck afterwards. Gain 1 or 1
or draw one Legend card.
When defending, gain 1 .
+1 against
Deployment area
the Unholy army
Lamb of God
Merchant Girl
Blacksmith Citizen
6A 4A
Victory Conditions Fight to the death
There are no rally points for either army during this
scenario. A disrupted unit is immediately destroyed.
The Unholy army can earn victory point Tokens through these
methods: ANGELS
• Saint still in game / destroyed at the end of the 7th At the beginning of each of the Holy army’s turns, one
round: 111 victory point Tokens Destructive angel (if miniature available) is deployed
• The Lamb of God destroyed: 111 victory point Tokens in every area containing a Saint (if there is enough
• Archangel destroyed: 111 victory point Tokens room). If there is not enough room in the area, or no
• The Mountain of Zion (hex 10B) occupied at least once available miniature, the angel doesn’t get deployed.
by an unholy unit at the end of a round: 111 victory point
The Civilians are all defunct Saints during this
If the Unholy army gathers 666 victory point Tokens, they win scenario. Lie them down on their back. An angel,
the game. archangel or griffon can pick up a Saint while in its
If the Unholy army doesn’t win by the end of the 7th round, area. Only one Saint can be carried at a time. The
the Holy army wins the game. carrier loses one defence dice while carrying a Saint.
Once the carrier moves into a sky hex, the Saint is
Reward saved. Remove its miniature from play.
If a unit from the unholy army moves into the same
area as a Saint, the Saint is immediately destroyed.
• 1 for each destroyed Infantery unit.
If a unit from the Unholy army suffers a
«Push» result while adjacent to a lava hex, it’s
automatically destroyed.
A unit from the Holy army (except angels)
cannot move into a lava area.
A05 - Cratere / Lave
When a holy unit is attacked while in a
A06 - Cimetiere
scorched earth area, all “blank” results it
suffers become “disrupted” results.
Any unit from the unholy army can use the
«Smell death» action while in a mass grave
area. This action lets them remove 1 Wound.
The Armageddon
Then they gathered together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. His eyes are like blazing fire, and
on his head are many crowns. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following
him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword. On his robe and on his thigh
he has this name written: King of kings and lord of lords.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in mid-air: « “Come, gather together for the great supper
of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave,
great and small.” Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war. The beast was captured, and
with it the antichrist. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulphur; the rest were killed with the sword coming out
of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
-Revelation 16 and 19
This is the final battle between Good and Evil, the end of the Apocalypse. Standing against the hillside of Armageddon, the holy army is waiting
for the assault of the unholy forces wanting to overwhelm them. Harangued by the antichrist, the legions of demons and humans bearing the mark
rush the angels. They are assisted by the Leviathan and the Beast, attempting to extinguish the last spark of light and justice from this world.
The Holy forces call upon their relics and their faith to hold and win. The balance will tip several times during this epic massacre.
8 Rounds Legend
2 4 2
The Beast Terror 2 The Leviathan Terror 2
At any time, you may spend Each time The Leviathan attacks an
2 to gain 1 . area containing a terrain element or a
bulding, said element takes 1 damage.
When The Beast performs a
Each time The Leviathan performs
melee attack, he can attack a Trample, you can spend 1
up to 3 adjacent areas. to reroll up to 3 .
Per Unit Per area Per area
in targeted in targeted Each time The Beast destroys in targeted
Hexagon a building, gain 1 . Hexagon
Units Disrupted by The Leviathan are
put on its board instead of in the
Infirmary. During the Camp phase, these
At the beginning of the game, receive units are Destroyed on a result.
2 Fire tokens. When The Beast
14 performs a direct shooting Attack, you
may put a Fire token in the target area.
Any other result is applied normally.
Joueur du Mal
Retaliation - Immortal
Charge - Jump 2 - Haste 2 Survival Retaliation - Parry - Slayer Terror 1 - Haste 2 Grand - Prière - Terreur 2 - Immortel Prayer - Jump 2 - Ruthless - Targeting
Each time a unit in the Great Reaper ‘s
At the beginning of its activation, When attacking, for each enemy unit Les unités dans la même zone que
area destroys an enemy unit, When attacking: Cancel 1 from
if Famine is adjacent to an enemy destroyed: gain 1 . L’Antéchrist gagnent +1 Gain 1 if at least 1 enemy unit
gain 1 or 1 . defence roll. When attacking:
unit, steal 1 from its owner. Gain 1 extra if the unit is Holy. is destroyed during your turn.
Once during Camp phase, if you or Dépensez et lancez : Sur un ,
spend 1 : Destroy a Troop. When attacking, if you spend 1 : When activating Death, if you spend 1 : une unité ennemie dans une zone Units in the Sabbat Witch’s area
remove 1 from an allied adjacente devient alliée et se gain Ruthless.
Famine may perform an déplace dans la zone de
3 2 5 3 2 3 extra attack.
2 1 6 2 3 4 Unholy Character.
22 3 L’ Antéchrist.
2 4 3
The Great Reaper Conquest Famine War Death The Antichrist Sabbat Witch
The Cocatrix
Grand - Targeting - Terror 1 Haste 2 Carrier Charge - Tough - Mass Immortal - Charge - Dodge Charge
When defending: When attacking: When performing a direct shooting When the Mounted Specters move Durant une Charge, vous pouvez
attack, if you spend 1 : When defending: into a new hex, they can move
or relancer 1 si ces Chevaliers se
cancel 1 into any area of this hex. sont déplacés sur une zone de
plaine ou de champs.
Jump 2 - Immortal Engineer - Prayer - Ruthless Charge - Haste 2 - Tough Support - Terror 2 Immortal When defending: Retaliation - Charge - Jump 2
Cancel 1 . When defending against
When defending: one unit in the same area Once per turn, if you spend 1 :
Upon Follow-up after combat, the When defending: Ghosts gain Haste 2 and can move a melee attack: When defending:
When attacking: as Heretic expiators may reroll one dice.
Heretic repenters may perform an through enemy area (but not stop into it). If at least one other Skeletons unit is in
When defending: extra attack. Cancel 1 . the same area: Inflicts Cancel 1 .
Ghosts are not affected by terrain
to the attacker
Mounted Joan of Arc The Holy Relic Judgement
Foot Knights Halberdiers Sergeants-at-arms Sergeants-at-arms
roll the Doom dice and Rally one allied or Cancel 1 .
unit if you roll a . The Holy Relic counts as one valid
3 3 2 3
unit for Cohesion.
12 Judgement can only command
5 2 Angels and Archangels.
3 3
Mounted Joan The Holy Relic Judgement 8 Foot 6 Foot Knights 4 Halberdiers 4 Sergeants 4 Heavy
of Arch (Level 2) Knights - 2 Handed at arms Sergeants
Weapons at arms
Triumph The Lamb of God The Griffn
Big - Haste 2 - Jump 2 - Charge Prayer - Rally Big - Jump 2 - Feint - Slayer - Charge
6 1 1 4 22
Prière - Terreur 3
Engineer Tough - Feint
At the start of your turn:
Once per turn, when the Angelic
spend 1 otherwise remove the Ark When attacking a terrain element: Herald is activated: move all
of the Covenant from the game.
other Angels one area.
3 2
3 1 2
Deployment area
the Unholy side
Deployment area
Human Holy side
Mont Sion
Deployment area
not Human Holy side
3B 14B
Victory Conditions GRAVEYARD
Squelettes When the Beast or the Antichrist
The Unholy army can earn victory point Tokens through these is in an area adjacent to an area
methods: containing a graveyard, they can
summon 1 Skeletons troop in said
• Ark of the Covenant destroyed: 111 victory point Tokens area at the cost of one action. They
En défense :
Les Squelettes annulent 1 .
• Triumph destroyed: 111 victory point Tokens cannot summon more than 4 units
la même zone :
• Sacred relic destroyed: 111 victory point Tokens this way throughout the game.
• Judgement disrupted: 111 victory point Tokens
• Lamb of God destroyed: 111 victory point Tokens FIGHT TO THE DEATH
• Archangel Raphael destroyed: 111 victory point Tokens There are no rally points for either army during
• Archangel Gabriel destroyed: 111 victory point Tokens this scenario. A disrupted unit is immediately
• The Mountain of Zion (hex 10B) occupied at least once destroyed.
by an unholy unit at the end of a round: 111 victory point
The archangels and their herald angels come
If the Unholy army gathers 666 victory point Tokens, they win into play as soon as the unholy army reaches 111
the game. If the Unholy army doesn’t win by the end of the victory point Tokens. These units are deployed in
8th round, the Holy army wins the game. a pentacle area of the Holy army’s choosing.
Special Rules If a unit loses battle against another unit
while being in an area protected by stakes, the
attacking unit cannot follow up after its attack.
The first 4 rounds of the game occur during the night.
During night-time, units from the Holy army cannot Intrigue Cards
shoot more than one area away from them.
Intrigue cards can be activated using XP and/or with
DAY Intrigue Tokens (at the players’ choice).
The last 4 rounds of the game occur during the night.
During day-time, units from the Unholy army cannot
shoot more than one area away from them.
If a unit from the Unholy army suffers a
«Push» result while adjacent to a lava hex,
it’s automatically destroyed.
A unit from the Holy army (except angels)
/ Lave
cannot move into a lava area.
re When a holy unit is attacked while in a
scorched earth area, all “blank” results it
suffers become “disrupted” results.
Any unit from the unholy army can use
the «Smell death» action while in a mass
grave area. This action lets them remove
1 Wound.
2 vs 2
The Sabbat
June 7th, 1415, near Toulouse.
While the moon is covering the sun, a sorority of witches tries to realize their greatest plan: Giving birth to the demon
itself. The clergy, having heard of their scheme, forms a group of followers to try and thwart their plan, by burning the
unholy witches on the stake. Isn’t this seemingly random skirmish the perfect allegory for an eternal battle that goes way
beyond mere mortals?
8 Rounds Legend
2 4 2
John of Lancaster
The Witch Sabbat Witch 4
Dodge Prayer - Jump 2 - Ruthless - Targeting When you draw at least 1 : Carrier
When defending:
Draw 1 . to the attacker
Units in the Sabbat Witch’s area
gain Ruthless. 2 A 1
1 A
1 1 3
John Lancaster 4 Devourers 2 Voracious
The Witch Sabbat Witch Demons
Mounted Specters Skeletons Mounted skeletons Flying Demons Gargoyles
Immortal - Charge - Dodge When defending: Charge - Tough - Mass Jump 2 - Immortal Haste 2
Cancel 1 .
When the Mounted Specters move When attacking: When attacking:
into a new hex, they can move If at least one other Skeletons unit is in When defending:
into any area of this hex. the same area: cancel 1
When defending: Cancel 1 .
Instead of performing an action with
the Peasants, you can remove a Fire Once per turn, if you spend 2 :
token located in the Peasants’ area or Move all units located in the Guide’s area in
in an area adjacent to the Peasants. an adjacent area.
4 Peasants Wagon
Devotees Flagellants Penitents
gain 1
Undeployed Miniatures :
1 Angel
Sabbat Witch
Mounted Specters
4 x flying demons
Voracious demons
John of Lancaster
Devourers 2 x Skeleton
2 x Gargoyles Knights
2 x Skeletons
Archangel Raphaël
Angel (Horn)
2 x Angels
2x Devouts
Penitents Peasants
Guide with wagon
19A A5
10A A
Victory Conditions HOLY SIDE
The Unholy side is comprised of the Witch’s army and of John All units from the bishop’s army can harvest wood if
de Lancaster’s army. they are in an area containing at least 1 tree, at the
cost of an action. A tree is removed from the area and
Objective : the unit harvesting puts 1 Wood token on its base. A
The Unholy side wins the game if the Antechrist is given birth unit cannot hold more than 1 Wood token, or 3 for the
to (see «Birthing the Antechrist» special rule) (this immediately wagon. A unit entering an area can freely put its Wood
ends the game), or if a Voracious Demons, Flying Demons or token(s) in the area or on an allied unit’s base.
Witch is inside the church at the end of the 6th round.
Holy side A bonfire can be erected in any plains, field or village
The Holy side is comprised of the Bishop’s army and of area. It occupies 1 space. To erect a bonfire, a player
Archangel Raphael’s army. must activate an area containing at least 3 Wood
tokens (either in the area or on unit bases). All units
Objective : present in the area upon its activation participate in
The Holy side wins the game if 1 of the witches is burned at the the construction of the bonfire, and thus can’t act
stake (see special rule «Capturing and burning witches») (this with this activation. The bonfire is then placed in the
immediately ends the game), or if Archangel Raphael is the activated area. It cannot be destroyed by any means.
only unit in the church at the end of the 6th round.
All units from the Holy side can use «Capture» during
Reward this scenario (see «Capture» special rule).
A captured witch can be burned at the stake if its
captor is activated while in a bonfire’s area.
• 1 for any destroyed unit. A burnt witch is immediately destroyed, disregarding
its remaining HP. Doing so immediately ends the
Special Rules UNHOLY SIDE :
Randomly determine whether the game starts during the day or Any «Killed» or «Disrupted» result suffered by a witch
at night. Shuffle all 4 «Cleared forest» tokens (Scenario tokens is cancelled out. Witches can only be destroyed by
numbered 1 to 4) and place them near the board. being burnt at the stake in this scenario.
A03 - Terre Brulée
The Antechrist can be given birth to if the following
conditions are met:
The witch’s army can flip the Eclipse Token during the
war council phase by spending 3 Legend Tokens.
When the last tree in an area is removed from the
board, draw a «Cleared forest» token at random:
3/ Hell on Earth
Place the Lava tile on the tree’s area.
All units which are covered by the tile are destroyed (no
XP is awarded), except the witch, which is placed in an
area adjacent to the lava (of its owner’s choosing).
If a unit holding the witch captive is destroyed by the
lava, the witch is freed.
Only Demon units can enter this tile, which works as a
rally point for John of Lancaster’s army.
A unit being pushed into a lava area suffers 1 Red dice
of damage without the possibility of blocking, and
is then placed into an adjacent area (of its owner’s
choosing) ; Demons units aren’t affected by this effect.
Game Designer : Pascal Bernard