Mil C 83489

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● MIL-C-83489
26 October 1976


This speciffcstioala apprnved for use by sll Departmentssnd Agencies of the

Departmentof DefenBe.


1.1 This specificationcovers the requirementsfor two types of

~l~eth~e coated cloth, rsdio frequencyor ~trasOnic~lY ee~able
with air holding characteristics(see 6.I.).

1.2 Classification. The finishedcoated cloths sh811 be of the following

types (see 6.2).

Ty_peI- Oxford vewe, 6.6 ozs.lsq.yd.

I Type II - Plain weave, k.3 OZS./aq. yd.


2.1 The followingdocuments.of the issue in effect on date of invitation

o for bids or request for propnssl, form a psrt of this Specificationto the
extent specifiedherein.


I PPP-P-1136- Packsgingand Peckimz of Coated (Plastic,Rubber)
snd LsmInatedFabrics


MIL-C-19002- Cloth, coated, snd Tape, Coated Cloth -

Polychloropreneon Nylon


- Glosssryof Fabric Imperfections

Fsc 8305

Beneficialcomments (recommendations,additions,deletions) ~d any pertxnent

data which may be of use in improvingthis document should be addressedto:
AF!dMXE Wright-PattersonHE, OH 45433 by using the self-addressedStandsrd-
<:ai;io”D3c~ent tiprove.ment propwsal (DD Form 1&26) appearingat the end of
this document or by letter.

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I FED-STD-191 - Textile Test Methods

FEGSTD-601 - Rubber: Sonpling and Testing


MIL-STD-105- Swnpling Procedures end Tables for Inspection

by Attributes

MIL-STD-61O - Environmental Test Methods

M-IL-STD487- Glossary of Cloth Coating Imperfections

(Copies of specifications, stand=ds. ~awinss, ad publications
required by contractorin connection with specific procurement functions
should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the
contracting officer).

I 2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this

speciflcation to the extent specified herein. Unless othervise
indicated the issue in effect On date Of inv$tfi*iOnfOr bids Or request
for proposal shall apply:

Rules and Regulations Under the Textile Fiber

1 Products Identification Act
(Copies may be obtained from the Federal Trade Commission, Washington,
O. C. 20580).


3.1 Stundard sample. When a standard sample is available, the

finished cloth shall be equal to or better than the sample with respect
to ail characteristics for which the standard semple is referenced
(see 6.3).

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3.2 First article aPPrOvd. The requirement for the First Article
ViII be as specified by the procurir.EactivitY (see 6.2).

3.3 Materials
II 3.3.1 Base cloth. The base cloth shall be continuous filament nylon
conforming to the requirements of Table I

,1 Table 1. Physical requirements of base cloth

I Requirements
Characteristic Type I Type II

Weight, OZS./sq. yd. (minimum) 2.9 1.7

Yarns per inch (minimum)

Warp 60 108
Fil+ing 50 88

Breaking strength (lbs.) (minimu)

* warp 200 lLO
Filling 170 l?fJ
I Tearing strength (lbs.) (minimm)
warp 18 6
Filling 16 5
Weave Oxford Plain

3.3.2 Coating compound. The coating compound shall be an ether type

urethane capable of being radio frequency or ultrasonically bonded to
itself. The compound shall contain not less than 60% by volume of
elastomer with the remainder of the ingredients to ensure that the
elastomeric coating shall comply with the performance criteria of the
specification. The coating comp=aund.?hallbe compatible with the
base cloth and shall contain no vaxes or other ingredients that may
cause blooming and adversely affect the coating adhesion or radio
frequency or ultrasonic sealability of the finished product.

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-. Cured coating compound.

T~ble II. Physical properties of cured coating compound


Condition Tensile Strength Elongation

Original (minimum) 1800 psi 500$

After 96 hours Acceleiated
Aging-Percent 10Ss (maximum) 10 10
After 100 hours Accelerated
Weathering-Percentloss (maximum) 20 20

3.3.3 Dusting powder. When used the dusting powder shall not interfere
with the radio frequency or ultrasonic sealability of the fabric and
d~es not sup~rt milclew.novth. ●
3.4 Coated cloth. The cloth shall be coated on one side only with the -.
coating specified in 3.2.2 and shall conform to all the requirements
of Table III, when tested as specified in 4.~. A suitable water
repellent finish shall be applied to meet the requirements of Table III.
At the supplier’s option the coated side may be dusted with the dwsting
pnwder specified in 3.3.3.

Table III. Physical requirements of coated cloth

ic Type I Type II

Weight, ozs./sq. yd. 6.fio.2 4.3:0.3

Breaking strength, pounds (minimum)
warp 190 85
Fillins 160 75
Tearing strength, pnund (minimum)
warp 6 3
Filling 5 2

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b MIL-C-83h89

Characteristic Type I Type II

Adhesion, lbs./inch width (minimum)

Coating to base cloth 15 15
Adhesion, lbs./inch width (minimum)
Coated surface to coated surface
RF bonding - No adhesive 65 30
I{locking(scale rating) No. 2 No. 2
Permeability to Hydrogen
liters/sq. meter/2~ hrs. at 25°C (Maximum) 5.0 5.0
I Fungus No growth No growth
I Water resistance:
Condition of coating No cracking No cracking
I Air Retention after exposure No leakage No leaksge
Air Retention No leaksge No leakaue
Breaking strength
pounds (minimum)
Warp 190 90

b !-
After accelerated weathering
Al%er accelerated aging




I Filling 150 65
Cold temperature air No leaks No leaks
retention at 25 psig. or deformation or deformation

3.L.1 Color
I The color of tilecoated fabric shall be specSfied by the
procurin):w:ency (S.:e6.2).

I ‘1.
1.2 The pigment or dyr:>Iiallbe free or Carhu!,or mr_.taLli
,, p.+rtivles.


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MIL-c-83L89 “,

3.h.1.3 Matching. The color of the coated side shall match the
standard under srtificial daylight having a color temperature of
7500° Kelvin and shall be a good approximation to the shade sample
under incsndesccnt light as 2800° Kt?lvir!.

3.b.l.4 Colorfastness. The coated fabric Shall show good colorfastness

to light nnd water.

3.5 Length and put-up. Unless otherwise specified, the coated cloth
shall be put up on rolls as specified in PPP-P-1136 and shall be in
one continuous peice of not less than 40 yards.

3.6 Width. The minimum width of the coated cloth shsll be as specified
I , (see ~

3.7 Fiber identification. Each roll shsll be labeled, ticketed

or invoiced for fiber content in accordance with the Textile Fiber
Products Identification Act as amended.

3.8 Workmeosbi~. The finished cloth shall conform to the quslity

established hy this specification. The demerit points per 130 ●
;quare yards, when calculated as specified in Sectian Ii, :hzll :.:t
exceed the established maximum point value. ✎


L.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless othervise specified in tbe

contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible Tor the performance
of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as othervise
specified in the contract or order, the supplier msy use his own or any
other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirement:;
apecified herein, unlese disapproved by the Government. The Government
reserves the right to perform sny of the inspections set forth in the
specificationwhere such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies
snd services conform to prescribed requirements.

4.1.1 Certificate of compliance. Where certificates of compliance are .:

submitted, the Government reserves the right to check test such items
to determine the validity of the certification.


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b..2 First ar~iclc iI!spectiorj.The first srticle submitted in
accordance with 3.2 shall be inspected as specified in L.3.2 for color,
finish and appearance and shall be tested for the chemicsl and physicsl
properties in accordance with the applicable methods specified in b.b.

h.3 Inspection. Inspection shall be in accordance vith the provisions

set forth in MTL-STD-105, except where otherwise indicated herein.

k.3.1 Component and material inspm?tion. In accordance with 4.1,

components and materials shall be inspected and tented in accordance
with all the requirements of referenced specifications, drawings, end
standards unless otherwise excluded, amended, modified, or quslified
in this specification or applicable purchase document. The base cloth
listed in Table V shall be tested for the characteristics specified
and in accordance with referenced test methods of FSD-STO-191. The
coating compound shall be tested for the characteristics specified once
dUring a procurement and at anytime a coating formulation chsnge is made.
The sample unit shsll be one yard full width of the uncoated base cloth
and the lot size shall be expressed in units of one linear yard. The
lot shall be unacceptable if one or more units fail to meet any requirement
specified. All test reports shall contain the individual values utilized
in expressing the final result. The sample size shall be as indicated
in Table IV.
/ Table IV. Ssmple Size

Lot Size (yards) Smple Size

800 or less 2
801 up to and including 22,000 3
22,001 and over 5


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Table V. Testing of components

Requirement Test
Cumponcnt Characteristic referenre method

Mno (!1oth Materiel Identification 3.3.1 ~1

Weave 3.3..1 $lisua~~f
Weight 3.3.1 5041
Yarns per inch 3.3.1 5050
Breaking strength 3.3.1 5100
Tearing strength 3.3.1 5134

Cwt ing compuunil Idc!ltifica

Lion 3.3.2
‘fensilestrength 3,3.2.1 ;!4 .~
Elongation 4.4.7
Volume 3.3.2 4.4.6

A certificate of compliance shall be accepted for this characteristic
One determination shall be made from each ssmple unit aridthe result
c. ● )
reported as “pass” or ‘Yail”. ?

~ .3.2 Examination Of the end item. Examination of the end item shml.1
be in accordance with and b.3.2.2. The lot size for purposes of
determining the sample size illaccordance with MIL-YI’D-1!J5
shail be
expressed in units of oue yard each for the examinations izjk.3.2.l ~md

~.3.2.1 Yard-by-yard examination. The required yardage of each roll

shall be inspected on one side only. However, the side shall be alternated,
so that alternate rolls are exmmined on the face and back respectively.
The defects found shall be classified as listed below. In addition,
I the cloth shall be given a through-light inspection for pinholes. The
through-lighting inspection shall be performed in accordance with
MTL-STO-148T. The defects found shall be counted, regardless of their
proximity to each other, except where two or more defects represent.a
single local condition of the cloth, in which case, only the more serious
defect shall be counted. The lot size shall be expressed in units OC one
llnear yard. The sample unit Cor this examination shall be me i!ncm
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yard. The Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL’s) for the examination shall
be ?.5 ror major defects snd b.O for totel defects (m.Jor fmd MinOr)
per 1[10units (yards). The inspection level shsll be Level II. The
number of rolls from which the scunpleis to be selected shall be in
accordance with ‘TableVI. An approximately equsl number of yards shsll
be exsmined in each roll sampled.”

Defect &Z@ Minor

Uncoated Side
Any Hole. Cut or Teer x
Afi Slub: Smash or Multiple Float x
Baggy, Ridgy or Wavey Cloth x
Any Strike through of Coating x
Any Spot or Stain x

Coated Side
a. Any cut. hole, tear; any coated surface X
scratch or abrasion that results in
baring the base cloth
b. Any surface scratch or abrasion that x
does not result in baring the base cloth
f!. Any nrea where coating is noticeably x
d. Any blister, tunnel or delamination of x
e. Any lump or heavier coated srea x
f. Foreign matter imbedded in coating x
~. Crease or wrinkle-resulting in doubling x
or adhesion of surfaces that cannot be
corrected by msrnd pressure
h. Cuating cracked or checked x
i. Coating not applied over full width x
of base cloth
J. Any pinhole x
k. Any light area or vindow-result%ng x
from improper distribution of pigment
1. Coating streak x
m. Any ripple, waviness or dimensional x
I distortion


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Defect w Minor

Coated Side (Cent’d)

n. AmY spot. stain or streak 1 inch x
ur-mo~e in combined len@h and width
cl. Any cpot, stain or ?,trerik.
s than 1 x
inch in combined length and width
P. Width less than minimum specified x
~. Color riotas specified, off shade, x
uneven, mottled
I r. Any evidence of uncleanliness
s. Any tackiness x

t. Any odor other than that which is x

characteristic of the coating compmnd

Table VI - Sample Size

Lot Size (Yards)- Sample Size ●❉

Up to 1200 inclusive ~/
1201 to 3200 inclusive
3201 to 10,000 inclusive 8
lU,001 to 35,000 13
35,001 to 150,000 inclusive 20
150,001 and over 32

&/ If the lot contains fewer than 3 rolls, each piece in the lot shall
be examined.

h.3.2.2 Examination for length and put-up.

.2.1 Individual pieces. Owing the yard-by-yard exsmination of
the cloth, each piece in the sample shsll be examined for length and
put-up. Any length found to be less than the minimum specified, or
more than twu yards less then the length marked on the ticket shall be
considered a defect with respect to length. Any roll not in one
continuous piece shall be considered a defect with respect to put-up.
The lot shall be unacceptable if two or inurepieces in the sa.upJ
c s.~e
in respect to length or put-up.

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L. Total yardage in sample. The lot shall be unacceptable if
the total of the sctue.1lengths of rolls in the sample is less thnn
the total of the lengths msrked on the tickets.

4.3.3 Examination of preparation for delivery requirements. An

examination shsll be msde in accordance with the provisions of PPP-P-U36
to determine that packfiging,packing snd marking comply with Section 5
requirements of this specification.

4.4 Testing of the end.item. The methods of testing specified in

TED-S?D-191 wherever applicable, and as other methods as listed in
I Table VII shall be followed. The physical and chemical values specified
in Section 3, except where otherwise specified, apply to the average of
the determinations made on the sample unit for test purposes as
specified in the applicable test methods. All test reports shall
contain the invididusl values utilized in expressing the final results.
The sample unit for test purposes shall be 3 continuous yards full
width of the finished cloth. The lot size shall be expressed in units
of one yard. The lot shell be unacceptable if one or more sample
units fail to meet any of the test requirements specified. The sample
size shall be as indicated in Table IV.

,, ‘TableVII. Test Methods

I Requirement Test
Characteristic reference method

Coating compound
Polyurethrme identification 3.3.’2
Tensile strength +!4.7
Elongation 4.4.7
! Volume 3.3.2 4.4.6

Weight 3.L 5041

Breaking strength 3.4 5100

After accelerated agiag 3.4 5850
I After accelerated weathering 3.4 58o4


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✍✎ ‘

Table VII. Test Methods (Cent’d)

Requirement Test
Characteristic reference Method

Tearisg Strength 3.4 5134

Adhesion of coating 3.11

Coating to beee cloth 5970
Coating to coating 4.4.1

Fungus Resistance 3.4 508 (hiil

. Std. 81o)

Blocking 3.h 5872

Permeability to hydro6en 3.4 5b60

Air Retention 3.4 4.b.2

Water Resistance:
Condition of coating 3.4 4.4.8
Air retention 3.4 4.4.8
. .. ,,
Cold temperature air retention at
25 psig 3.4 b.4.3

~/ A certificate of compliance shall be accepted for this characteristic.

4.4.1Adhesinn - Coating to COati~. Ten specimens of the coated cloth

shall be tested for’adhesion. Each specln.enshell be cut 1 inch (PIUS Or
minus 1./16inch) tide =d 6 inches (plus or minus U16 inch) 10IW, with
the length dimension is the varp direction of the coated nylon taffeta
cloth. One of the specime,nsshall be suwrimwmd ad ~%ned OZImother
of the spechens, vlth the coated sides in contact. The tvn specimena
sh+l be heat sealed together, across the entire vidth, 1/4 inch from
‘eachend. The width of the seal (adhesive bond) shell be 1/8 inch (plus
or pinus 1/32 inch). A suitable inspection apparatus equipped with es
autographic recording device (aee Test Method 5100 of FED-STD-191) shall
be used to conduct the adhesion test. The front clamp of each Se.vof the
inspection apparatus shall be 1 inch by 3 inches. The rate of separation
of the Jaws of the inspection apparatus, under no load, shall bc 12 inches
(plus or minus 1/2 inch) per minute. One of the free ends of a specimen

.-. .
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L. (an end that is not bonded) shall be placed in the lower jaw of the
spection apparatus. The other free end of the bonded specimen
shall be placed in the upper ,lavof the inspection apparatus. The
bonded portion of the specimen”shall be in the center between the
two Jaws. The Jaws shall be separated until either breakage of the
cloth or separation of the bond occurs. The highest value required
to separate the bonded specimen or to break the cloth shell be
recorded as the test result of the individual bonded specimens.
This test shall be repeated until the other eight specl.menshave been
tested for adhesion. The lowest value obtained from the tests of the
ten specimens shall be reported as the test result for the adhesion
,:stmd shell be not less than 65 pounds per inch tidth.

h.b.2 Air retention. ‘Three13-inch diameter specimens of the coated

nylon taffeta cloth specified in Table II shall be individually
inspected for air leakage. An apparatus conforming to Figure 1 of
MIL-C-19002. The specimen with the coated side down shall be placed
on the specimen holder. The rubber gasket shall be placed on the
cloth side of the specimen. The plate coil= shall be placed on the
gasket. The specimen holder, the specimen, the gasket, end the collar
shall then be securely bolted together eo that a leak-tight fit shall
result. A sufficient emount of water to keep the cloth side surface

of the specimen completely covered during the inspection shall be
placed on the cloth side of the specimen. The specimen shell then be
inflated with oil and water free air to a pressure of 10 psig. This
pressure shall be maintained for 5 minutes (plus or minus 1/2 minute).
While this pressure is maintained, the specimen ehal.1be observed
for leakage through the top of the plate col.1=. Any air bubbles on
the cloth side surface, which are produced by air preesure closing the
spaces between the cloth and the coating, shall be removed. A
continuous production (flow) of air bubbles ie an Indication of
leakage and shall be cause for rejection. This test shall be repeated
until the other tvo epeclmens have been tested fOr air leSkSge.
4.4.3. Cold temperature air retention. Three specimens (2b” X 2J”)
shall be folded so that a one inch accordion fold runs from the center
of one edge to the corresponding center of its parallel edge. Repeat
this procedure UBi~ tbe two edges perpendicuhr to the Origb..l
reference edge. This will form two, one inch, accordion folds inter-
secting in a perpendicular manner at the center of the sample. Place
the folded ssmple in the test fixture shown in Figure 1 of MIL-C-19002.
Using en air reservoir of 3 litere minimum capacity, capable of with-
standing 25 psig without leaking or deforming. The air regulator shO~d
have good sensitivity in the O-25 psig range. The gauge should have 1/2

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. .

I MIL-C-83489

psig reading capability. With the cold chcmber maintained at the

test temperature of -65°F, cold soak the air retention fixture with
the spectien installed, reservoir and inside tubing for a minimum
of .30minutes before testing. Detemnine the breaking air pressure
for the materiti.

4.k.L Accelerated auinu. Three specimens shell be exposed to

accelera%d aging of Method 5850 of ~-STD-191 for a period of 96
hours at 158°F.

4,~.5 Accelerated veatherin&. Three spectiens shall be exposed

to accelerated veathtiiw of Method 5804 of FED-STD-191 for a perioi
of 24 hours with filters–end the uncoated side of the cloth to the
light source.

4.b.6 Volwme. The volume of polyurethane present in the coating

compnund shall be determined in aecordmce with Method 15111 of

1’ Test nethod Std. Ho. 601, and the following conversion formula for
percent of polyurethane by volume.

percent = percent by weight of polyurethane x specific

I uravity of ssmple
I specific grwlty of polyurethane ~ \
~1 specific gravity of polyurethane is ~

7 Tens ile stren~h and elongation of coating cnuIpJuud. The
tensile strer@h of cured coating compound samples shall be deter-
mined before and after expnsure to the specified accelerated aging
and accelerated weathering teste. Tensile strength snd ultimate
elongation shall be determined in accordance with Methods 4111 and
4121 of Fed. Test Method Std. NO. 601. The type III die shall be
4.4.8 Resietaace to water. The coated fabric shall be soaked In
~ter for a period of 2 hours and then allowed to dry at room temper-
ature for k8 hours.

2: .J%?H.-Packaging shall be level A or C, as specified (see



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5.1.1 Levels A and C - The cloth, put up as specified (see 3.5),
shall be packaged in accordance vith the applicable requirements of

I 5.2 Packin& - Packing shall be level A, B, or C, as specified (see


5.2.1 Levels A, B, aad C - The cloth shall be packed in accordance

with the applicable requirements of P?P-P-1136.

5.3 Marking. In addition to any special zmxrkingrequired by the

contract or ortier,shipments shall be msrked in accordance with the
applicable requir~ents of PPP-P-1136.


6.~ Intended use. The coated cloth is intended for use in the
manufacture of life rafts.

6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the


a. Title, number snd dste of this specification.

b. First article requirements (see 3.2).
I c. Width required (see 3.6).
i d. Selection of applicable levels of packaging and
packing (see 5_.
i and 5.2).
~ e. Type required (see 1.2)
f. Color required (see 3.b.1.1).

6.2.1 In the preparation of contracts or orders, it must be noted

that vsrious options, choices and alternatives as indicated in
PPP-P-1136 may be exertised in the preparation for delivery of the
I cloth.

6.3 Standard ssmple. For access to standard samples, addre!:sthu

I Procuriag Office issuing the Invitation for Bids (see 3.1).

Custodian Preparing Activity:

I Air Force - 11 Air Force - 11
Navy - AS
Army - CL Pro$ect Number: 8305-0553

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Wright-Patterson AF9, OH 45433

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