Fabrication of Automatic Water Tap Control System

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Submitted by

PARTHIBAN.E 17239635


RAM KUMAR.M 17239637


In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree DIPLOMA





CHENNAI - 600 025

MARCH: 2018


Certified that this project report titled “FABRICATION OF


of “PARTHIBAN.E (17239635), PURUSOTHAMAN.G (17239636), RAM

KUMAR.M (17239637), and RUTHRAMOORTHY.M (17239638)” who

carried out the project work under my supervision.


Mr. R.SIVA, M.E., Mr. R.SIVA, M.E.,


Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering

P.S.V Polytechnic College P.S.V Polytechnic College

Krishnagiri – 635108 Krishnagiri – 635108

Submitted for the project Viva -Voce examination held on ………………..



We happy to wish my acknowledgement with deep since pleasure and

gratitude to the following great personalities of my college who offers to make

me a great knowledge out of two passion.

We express our heart full thanks to our Chairman

Dr.P.SELVAM M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D., D.Litt... P.S.V. Polytechnic College,

Krishnagiri, and For Showering we thunder below support.

We are extremely thankful to D.PRABAKARAN M.E., MISTE.

Principal P.S.V. Polytechnic College, Krishnagiri, for having provided the

facilities to do this project.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude Mr. R.SIVA,

M.E., Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.S.V. Polytechnic

College, and Krishnagiri. For his guidance and encouragement provided

throughout the course of this project.

We thank this opportunity to our guide xxxxxxxxxxx., Assistant Professor

in Mechanical Engineering, P.S.V. Polytechnic College, Krishnagiri.

Finally we would like to express our respect and regards to our teaching

and non-teaching staffs and our classmates for their encouragement provided

towards the completion of the project report.


In countries including Indonesia, Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador, a

city water authority supplies the clean water and pumps it into large ground-
level storage tanks. A resident’s water pump then pumps the water to a water
tank on top of his/her house. When the water level in the ground-level storage
tank becomes too low, the pump siphons air and shuts down, requiring a
resident to manually prime the water pump to get it running again. Residents
struggle to monitor the water level of the tanks effectively and keep the pump
running properly. To remedy the issue, the Automatic Water Pump Controller
(AWPC) system monitors the water levels and controls the pump as necessary
to prevent breakdown and maximize water storage without overfilling the
rooftop tank and wasting water.














3.4 IC555 TIMER 10





3.9 IR SENSOR TSOP 1738 18


3.10 RELAY 19










Automatic wash basin tap controller is an Infrared based system that

detects any interruption of the IR rays by our hands or utensils and water
automatically starts flowing out of the tap. The circuit mainly comprises
Transmitter & Receiver which are built with the 555 Timer. Both require 5
volts D.C. Supply. The IR rays continuously emitted by the transmitter fall on
the receiver. We have used an IR sensor – TSOP1738 and an infra-red LED. A
relay is used in the circuit along with the free-wheeling diode to drive the
solenoid. Solenoid is used to lift up the valve fitted in the pipe to let the water
flow out of the tap. The circuit is simple, economical and finds wide application
in daily life.

The aim of this project is to design an Automatic Wash Basin Tap

Controller using 555 timer, IR LED and infrared sensor. The overall module
should be miniature to allow portability and should be economical. Over the
past decade, online water quality and level monitoring has been widely used in
many countries known to have serious issues related to environmental pollution.
The water is limited and essential resource for industry, agriculture, and all the
creatures existing on the earth including human being. Any imbalance in water
quality and level would severely affect the health of the humans, animals and
also affect the ecological balance among species. In the 21st century there were
lots of inventions, but at that time were pollutions, global warming and so on
are also being formed, because of this there is no safe drinking water for the
world’s population. The drinking water is more precious and valuable for all the

human beings so the quality of water should be monitored in real time.
Nowadays water quality and level monitoring in real time faces challenges
because of global warming, limited water resources, growing population, etc.
Hence, there is a need of developing better methodologies to monitor the water
quality parameters in real time.

Therefore, various water quality and level parameters such as monitored

in real time. The water quality and level parameter is indicated the oxygen that
dissolved in water. It makes the drinking water taste better. The conductivity
indicates the ability of water to pass an electrical current. In water it is affected
by various dissolved solids such as chloride, nitrate, sulfate, sodium, calcium,
etc. It is considered as a good measure of the quality of water. The deterioration
of water resources becomes a common human problem.
The traditional methods of water quality and level monitor involve the
manual collection of water sample from different locations. These water
samples tested in the laboratory using the analytical technologies. Such
approaches are time consuming and no longer to be considered efficient.
Moreover, the current methodologies include analysis of various kinds of
parameters of water quality and level such as physical and chemical. Traditional
methods of the water quality detection have the disadvantages like complicated
methodology, long waiting time for results, low measurement precision and
high cost. Therefore, there is a need for continuous monitoring of water quality
and level parameters in real time.
By focusing the above issues, we have to develop and design a low-cost
water quality monitoring system that can monitor water quality and level in real
time environment.

The aim of this project is to design an Automatic Wash Basin Tap
Controller using 555 timer, IR LED and infrared sensor (TSOP1738). The
overall module should be miniature to allow portability. It has the following

 Easy to use
 Economical
 Compact and portable
The main advantage of this device is its miniature size and satisfactory
performance, considering its low cost and small size.



This section provides a literature review of existing water quality monitoring

system as follows:
NazleeniSamihaHaron, MohdKhuzaimi B Muhammad, Izzatdin Abdul
Aziz, MazlinaMehat“A System Architecture for Water Quality Monitoring
SystemUsing Wired Sensors,”
[1] Developed a water quality monitoring system for eliminating cost
consuming jobs of manual monitoring. In this system the measured data of
water quality monitoring sensors are collected by the data kit which gives data
to the data processing unit through GSM modem. In data processing unit the
data from different sensors are differentiated and it is continuously compared
with the ideal parameters of the sensor value. If the water isn't meeting its
quality parameter value the alert signal is there which is connected to the
buzzer. This system is not reliable for long distance also it will apply to only
single unit of water source.
Fiona Regan, Antóin Lawlor and Audrey McCarthy, "Smart Coast
Project– Smart Water Quality Monitoring System”,
[2] Designed smart water quality monitoring system. In that system they made
water quality smart sensors so the sensors send data wirelessly to the device
which collects data from all the nodes. This data is given to the remote server
through GPRS network and user can see data remotely. This system is highly
scalable, faster and user friendly, but it is costly because of smart sensors.
Furthermore, the size of sensors is not reliable for water tap.
ZulhaniRasin and Mohd Rizal Abdullah, “Water Quality Monitoring

Using Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network,”
[3] developed a water quality monitoring system using ZigBee based wireless
sensor network. In proposing system, the sensors are connected to a single
circuit which is connected to the Zigbee ZMN2405HP module. The receiver
side ZigBee is connected to the PC that shows the GUI of the network circuit.
In this system the high-power ZigBee is used and it can be applied to small area
network, also the base station is necessary for data storage.
AN Ning, AN Yu, “A Monitoring System For Water Quality,”
[4].designed monitoring system for water quality. In this system the water
quality sensors collect data, from industrial water and municipal water storage,
are gathered at the sub-station at which the data are processed. This processed
data are sent to the main station through Ethernet networks running on TCP/IP
and from the main station that data is again differentiated and given to the
environment department and public department using the internet. This system
has increased data accuracy, reliability and efficiency, also it gives effective
data management and fully integrated information systems. But the drawback is
that it cannot provide real time monitoring of water parameters.
Qiao Tie-zhu, Song Le, “The Design of Multi-Parameter Online
Monitoring System of Water Quality Based on GPRS,”
[5] designed Online Monitoring System of Water Quality Based on GPRS. The
system is used to process the sample and send the relevant data to the
monitoring center via the GPRS data transmission. The aim of developing this
system is the remote monitoring of water quality parameter and makes it real
time and faster than previous system used for water quality monitoring, also to
control water quality.

Dong He, Li-Xin Zhang, “The Water Quality Monitoring System Based on
[6] Developed The Water Quality Monitoring System Based on WSN. This
system based on wireless sensor network that consists of Wireless Water
Quality Monitoring Network and Remote Data Center. The wireless sensor
network is built on Zigbee network protocol. WSN sample the water quality,
and sends the data to the Internet with the help of the GPRS DTU, having built-
in TCP/IPprotocol used for data transmission. With the help of internet data is
collected at a remote data center and analyzed and used for further processing.
This system can be a long-term, stable and real-time regional water quality
monitor. This system is low cost for small area, but for large area it will become
NazleeniSamihaHaron, MohdKhuzaimi B Mahamad,Izzatdin Abdul
Aziz, MazlinaMehat, “Remote Water Quality Monitoring System using
Wireless Sensors,”
[7] Designed Remote Water Quality Monitoring System using Wireless
Sensors. In proposing system the wireless water quality sensors send data
digitally to the data acquisition kit which collects the data transmitted from all
sensors. The received digital data is processed by the data acquisition kit and
processed data send to the database at which the processed data is compared
with the tolerance value of that data. If the water quality parameters cross their
threshold value, then the alert message will send using the GSM module,
otherwise data keep continuously comparing with its tolerance value. This
process is mainly developed for monitoring the water of ponds or lake.
KulkarniAmruta M., TurkaneSatish M., “Solar Powered Water Quality
monitoring system using wireless Sensor Network,”
[8] developed Solar Powered Water Quality Monitoring system using wireless
Sensor Network. In this system the WSN technology powered using solar panel.
The system consists node and base station in which the node collects that
receive from the different wireless sensor. The node is connected to the base
station through the Zigbee technology that powered by the solar panel. This
system is low cost but if the solar panel cannot be charged because of the some
environment effect then the system will stop working. From, all above mention
methodology we come to know that every different system consist some
limitation though it cannot meet the aim of real-time, low-cost continuous
monitoring of water quality parameters. So, to overcome all this limitation, that
leads us to be developed and design the new methodology that wills low-cost,
real-time and user friendly.
Prof. Sachin S. patil, Prof. S. J. Patil, Prof. M. M. Raste “AIR POLUTANT
[9]: In this paper author describes the rapid development of the economy, more
and more serious problems of environment arise. Water pollution is one of these
problems. Routinely monitored parameters of water quality are temperature,
pH, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand
(COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite,
phosphate, various metal ions and so on. The most common method to detect
these parameters is to collect samples manually and then send them to
laboratory for detecting and analyzing. This method wastes too much man
power and material resource, and has the limitations of the samples collecting,
long-time analyzing, the aging of experiment equipment and other issues.
Sensor is an ideal detecting device to solve these problems. It can convert no
power information into electrical signals. It can easily transfer process,
transform and control signals, and has many special advantages such as good
selectivity, high sensitivity, fast response speed and so on. According to these
characteristics and advantages of sensors, Monitoring of Turbidity, PH &
Temperature of Water is designed and developed. The measured values from
the sensors can be processed by the core controller. Finally, the sensor data can
be viewed on internet using cloud computing
Nikhil Kedia entitled “Water Quality Monitoring for Rural Areas-A
Sensor Cloud Based Economical Project.”
[10]This paper highlights then tire water quality monitoring methods, sensors,
embedded design, and information dissipation procedure, role of government,
network operator and villagers in ensuring proper information dissipation. It
also explores the Sensor Cloud domain. While automatically improving the
water quality is not feasible at this point, efficient use of technology and
economic practices can help improve water quality and awareness among
Jayti Bhatia, jigneshpatoliya, “Real time water quality monitoring
[11]This paper describes to ensure the safe supply of drinking water the quality
should be monitored in real time for that purpose new approach IOT (Internet of
Things) based water quality monitoring has been proposed. In this paper, we
present the design of IOT based water quality monitoring system that monitor
the quality of water in real time. This system consists some sensors which
measure the water quality parameter such as pH, turbidity, conductivity,
dissolved oxygen, temperature. The measured values from the sensors are
processed by microcontroller and these processed values are transmitted
remotely to the core controller that is raspberry pi using Zigbee protocol.
Finally, sensors data can view on internet browser application using cloud



The Block diagram of Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System
Using IOT is as follows:

Fig. 3.1 Block diagram of Water Flowing System

This section explains the complete block diagram of the proposed
system. Also, it presents the detail explanation of each and every block. The
overall block diagram of the proposed system is as shown in fig. 3.1. This
proposed block diagram consist number of devices having respective sensors
and the collected data from all devices are gathered at the PIC controller via
Wi-Fi module. The device consists several sensors for measuring water quality
parameter such as turbidity, conductivity and dissolved oxygen.
The different water quality parameters will be measured by the sensors.
The sensor will be interfaced to PIC controller similarly controller will be
connected to the Wi-Fi module. In this way the water quality measured and
monitored in real time. Also, if any of the measured water quality parameters
exceeds the reference value stated for maintaining the quality of water, it will
be displayed.
The hardware required as follow:
 IC 555 Timer
 IR Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
 IR Sensor TSOP 1738
 Relay
 Solenoid
 Resistors
 Free Wheeling Diode
 Capacitors
 Transistors
3.4 IC555 TIMER

The 555 timer IC was first introduced around 1971 by the Signetics
Corporation as the SE555/NE555 and was called "The IC Time Machine" and
was also the very first and only commercial timer IC available. The 555 is a
monolithic timing circuit that can produce accurate and highly stable time
delays or oscillations. It has an adjustable duty cycle ,timing is from
microseconds to hours. It has a high current output ,it can source or sink 200
miliamperes . It can operate in one of the two modes either as a monostable
(one-shot) multivibrator or as an astable (free running) multivibrator .It can be

used in dc-dc converters, digital logic probes, waveform generators, analog
frequency meters and tachometers, temperature measurement and control
,infrared transmitters ,burglar and toxic gas alarms ,voltage regulators ,electric
eyes and many others.


The 555 comes in 2 packages, either the round metal-can called the 'T' package
or the more familiar 8-pin DIP 'V' package. The 556 timer is a dual 555 version
and comes in a 14-pin DIP package, the 558 is a quad version with four 555's
also in a 14 pin DIP package.


Pin1: Ground. All voltages are measured with respect to this terminal.

Pin2: Trigger. The output of the timer depends on the amplitude of the external
trigger pulse applied to this pin. The output is low if the voltage at this pin is
greater than 2/3 VCC. When a negative going pulse of amplitude greater than 1/3
VCC is applied to this pin, comparator 2 output goes low, which in turn switches
the output of the timer high. The output remains high as long as the trigger
terminal is held at a low voltage.

Pin3: Output. There are two ways by which a load can be connected to the
output terminal: either between pin 3 and ground or between pin 3 and supply
voltage +VCC. When the output is low the load current flows through the load
connected between pin 3 and +VCC into the output terminal and is called sink
current. The current through the grounded load is zero when the output is low.
For this reason the load connected between pin 3 and +VCC is called the
normally on load and that connected between pin 3 and ground is called
normally off-load. On the other hand, when the output is high the current
through the load connected between pin 3 and +VCC is zero. The output terminal
supplies current to the normally off load. This current is called source current.
The maximum value of sink or source current is 200mA.

Pin4: Reset. The 555 timer can be reset (disabled) by applying a negative pulse
to this pin. When the reset function is not in use, the reset terminal should be
connected to +VCC to avoid any possibility of false triggering.

Pin5: Control Voltage. An external voltage applied to this terminal changes

the threshold as well as trigger voltage. Thus by imposing a voltage on this pin
or by connecting a pot between this pin and ground, the pulse width of the
output waveform can be varied. When not used, the control pin should be
bypassed to ground with a 0.01µF Capacitor to prevent any noise problems.

Pin6: Threshold. This is the non-inverting input of comparator 1, which

monitors the voltage across the external capacitor. When the voltage at this pin
is greater than or equal to the threshold voltage 2/3 VCC, the output of
comparator 1 goes high, which in turn switches the output of the timer low.

Pin7: Discharge. This pin is connected internally to the collector of transistor

Q1. When the output is high Q1 is OFF and acts as an open circuit to external
capacitor C connected across it. On the other hand, when the output is low, Q1
is saturated and acts as a short circuit, shorting out the external capacitor C to
Pin8: +VCC. The supply voltage of +5V to + 18V is applied to this pin with
respect to ground.


Initially when the circuit is in the stable state i.e , when the output is low,
transistor Q1 is ON and the capacitor C is shorted to ground. Upon the
application of a negative trigger pulse to pin 2, transistor Q1 is turned OFF,
which releases the short circuit across the external capacitor C and drives the
output high. The capacitor C now starts charging up towards VCC through R.
When the voltage across the capacitor equals 2/3 VCC, comparator 1’s output
switches from low to high, which in turn drives the output to its low state via
the output of the flip-flop. At the same time the output of the flip-flop turns
transistor Q1 ON and hence the capacitor C rapidly discharges through the
transistor. The output of the monostable remains low until a trigger pulse is
again applied. Then the cycle repeats.
The pulse width of the trigger input must be smaller than the expected pulse
width of the output waveform. Also the trigger pulse must be a negative going
input signal with amplitude larger than 1/3 VCC.

Once triggered, the circuit’s output will remain in the high state until the
set time, T elapses. The output will not change its state even if an input trigger
is applied again during this time interval T. The circuit can be reset during the
timing cycle by applying negative pulse to the reset terminal. The output will
remain in the low state until a trigger is again applied.

The 555 timer has two basic operational modes: one shot and astable. In
the one-shot mode, the 555 acts like a monostable multivibrator. A monostable
is said to have a single stable state--that is the off state. Whenever it is triggered
by an input pulse, the monostable switches to its temporary state. It remains in
that state for a period of time determined by an RC network. It then returns to
its stable state. In other words, the monostable circuit generates a single pulse of
fixed time duration each time it receives and input trigger pulse. Thus the name
one-shot. One-shot multivibrators are used for turning some circuit or external
component on or off for a specific length of time. It is also used to generate
delays. When multiple one-shots are cascaded, a variety of sequential timing
pulses can be generated.


In the basic circuit of the 555 connected as a monostable multivibrator an

external RC network is connected between the supply voltage and ground. The
junction of the resistor and capacitor is connected to the threshold input which
is the input to the upper comparator. The internal discharge transistor is also
connected to the junction of the resistor and the capacitor. An input trigger
pulse is applied to the trigger input, which is the input to the lower comparator.
With that circuit configuration, the control flip-flop is initially reset. Therefore,
the output voltage is near zero volts. The signal from the control flip-flop
causes T1 to conduct and act as a short circuit across the external capacitor. For
that reason, the capacitor cannot charge. During that time, the input to the upper
comparator is near zero volts causing the comparator output to keep the control
flip-flop reset.

Fig shows the 555 connected as an astable multi vibrator. Both the trigger and
threshold inputs to the two comparators are connected together and to the
external capacitor. The capacitor charges toward the supply voltage through the
two resistors, R1 and R2. The discharge pin (7) connected to the internal
transistor is connected to the junction of those two resistors. When power is
first applied to the circuit, the capacitor will be uncharged; therefore, both the
trigger and threshold inputs will be near zero volts. The lower comparator sets
the control flip-flop causing the output to switch high. That also turns off
transistor T1.

That allows the capacitor to begin charging through R1 and R2. As soon
as the charge on the capacitor reaches 2/3 of the supply voltage, the upper
comparator will trigger causing the flip-flop to reset. That causes the output to
switch low. Transistor T1 also conducts. The effect of T1 conducting causes
resistor R2 to be connected across the external capacitor. Resistor R2 is
effectively connected to ground through internal transistor T1. The result of that
is that the capacitor now begins to discharge through R2.The voltage across the
capacitor reaches 1/3 of the supply voltage, the lower comparator is triggered.
The control flip-flop to set and the output to go high.T1 cuts off and again the
capacitor begins to charge. The cycle continues to repeat with the capacitor
alternately charging and discharging, as the comparators cause the flip-flop to
be repeatedly set and reset. The resulting output is a continuous stream of
rectangular pulses.

The frequency of operation of the astable circuit is dependent upon the

values of R1, R2, and C. The frequency can be calculated with the formula:

f = 1/ (.693 x C x (R1 + 2 x R2))

The Frequency f is in Hz, R1 and R2 are in ohms, and C is in farads. The

time duration between pulses is known as the 'period', and usually designated
with a’t’. The pulse is on for t1 seconds, then off for t2 seconds. The total
period (t) is t1 + t2 .

The time intervals for the on and off portions of the output depend upon
the values of R1 and R2. The ratio of the time duration when the output pulse is
high to the total period is known as the duty-cycle. The duty-cycle can be
calculated with the formula:

D = t1/t = (R1 + R2) / (R1 + 2R2)

You can calculate t1 and t2 times with the formulas below:

t1 = .693(R1+R2)C

t2 = .693 x R2 x C

The 555 can produce duty-cycles in the range of approximately 55 to 95%. A

duty-cycle of 80% means that the output pulse is on or high for 80% of the total


Function: IR LEDs emit infrared light when forward biased.

Circuit symbol:

There are a couple key differences in the electrical characteristics of infrared

LEDs versus visible light LEDs. Infrared LEDs have a lower forward voltage,
and a higher rated current compared to visible LEDs. This is due to differences
in the material properties of the junction. A typical drive current for an infrared
LED can be as high as 50 milliamps, so dropping in a visible LED as a
replacement for an infrared LED could be a problem with some circuit designs.


When a junction gets warmer, the current through it at a given voltage

will increase. The increased current in turn heats the junction further, and the
problem gets worse. Eventually, if nothing limits the current, the junction will

fail due to the heat. Because of thermal runaway, it’s important to use some
current limiting circuit even with a regulated voltage source.


A sensor is a type of transducer, or mechanism that responds to a type of

energy by producing another type of energy signal, usually electrical. They are
either direct indicating (an electrical meter) or are paired with an indicator
(perhaps indirectly through an analog to digital converter, a computer and a
display) so that the value sensed is translated for human understanding. Types
of sensors include electromagnetic, chemical, biological and acoustic.

In order to act as an effectual sensor, the following guidelines must be met:

 The sensor should be sensitive to the measured property.

 The sensor should be insensitive to any other property.

 The sensor should not influence the measured property.

Features of IR SENSOR used:

 Photo detector and preamplifier circuit in the same casing.

 Receives and amplifies the infrared signal without any external


 38 kHz integrated oscillator.

 High sensitivity.

 High level of immunity to ambient light.

 Improved shielding against electrical field interference.

 TTL and CMOS compatibility.

3.10 RELAY

A relay is an electrical switch that opens and closes under control of

another electrical circuit. In the original form, the switch is operated by an
electromagnet to open or close one or many sets of contacts. These contacts can
be either Normally Open (NO), Normally Closed (NC), or change-over

Normally-open contacts connect the circuit when the relay is activated;

the circuit is disconnected when the relay is inactive. It is also called Form A
contact or "make" contact. Form A contact is ideal for applications that require
to switch a high-current power source from a remote device.

Normally-closed contacts disconnect the circuit when the relay is

activated; the circuit is connected when the relay is inactive. It is also called
Form B contact or "break" contact. Form B contact is ideal for applications that
require the circuit to remain closed until the relay is activated.

Change-over contacts control two circuits: one normally-open contact

and one normally-closed contact with a common terminal. It is also called Form
C contact


When a current flows through the coil, the resulting magnetic field
attracts an armature that is mechanically linked to a moving contact. The
movement either makes or breaks a connection with a fixed contact. When the

current to the coil is switched off, the armature is returned by a force that is half
as strong as the magnetic force to its relaxed position. The magnetic flux in the
armature induces a current in opposition to the current provided to the coil
called 'back emf'. There is a rush of current to operate the coil and move the
contacts, but once the armature is closed, the current required to hold the
armature closed is a small fraction of that, typically a tenth. Relays are
manufactured to operate quickly. In a low voltage application, this is to reduce
noise. In a high voltage or high current application, this is to reduce arcing.


A solenoid is a loop of wire, often wrapped around a metallic core, which

produces a magnetic field when an electrical current is passed through it.
Solenoids are important because they can create controlled magnetic fields and
can be used as electromagnets. The term is also often used to refer to a solenoid
valve, which is an integrated device containing an electromechanical solenoid
which actuates either a pneumatic or hydraulic valve.

Solenoid used in the circuit lifts up the valve fitted in the pipe to let water
flow out of the tap .Solenoids valves are used specifically for this purpose.

Solenoid valves are devices that use a solenoid to control valve activation.
Actuation methods include electric, electro-hydraulic, electro pneumatic, and
pneumatic. Unpowered states include normally open and normally closed. In a
tandem center solenoid valve, the pressure and tank ports are connected while
the service ports are blanked. This allows system unloading while still
providing isolation of the service lines. In a float center solenoid valve, the
supply pressure port is closed. All others ports are interconnected.

Function: Resistors restrict the flow of electric current, for example a resistor
is placed in series with a light-emitting diode (LED) to limit the current passing
through the LED.

Circuit symbol:


Electrical energy is converted to heat when current flows through a
resistor. Usually the effect is negligible, but if the resistance is low (or the
voltage across the resistor high) a large current may pass making the resistor
become noticeably warm. The resistor must be able to withstand the heating
effect and resistors have power ratings to show this.
A two-terminal semiconductor (rectifying) device that exhibits a
nonlinear current-voltage characteristic. The function of a diode is to allow
current in one direction and to block current in the opposite direction. The
terminals of a diode are called the anode and cathode.

Function: In the circuit diode protects the relay from damage by high voltages
generated by back emf when the relay is de-energized.
A capacitor is a device that stores an electrical charge or energy on it's
plates. These plates, a positive and a negative plate, are placed very close
together with an insulator in between to prevent the plates from touching each
other. A capacitor can carry a voltage equal to the battery or input voltage.

Transistors fall into the category of bipolar transistor, either the more
common NPN bipolar transistors or the less common PNP transistor types.
There is a further type known as a FET transistor which is an inherently high
input impedance transistor with behavior somewhat comparable to valves.

Function: Transistors work on the principle that certain materials e.g. silicon,
can after processing be made to perform as "solid state" devices. Any material
is only conductive in proportion to the number of "free" electrons that are
available. Silicon crystals for example have very few free electrons. However if
"impurities" (different atomic structure - e.g. arsenic) are introduced in a
controlled manner then the free electrons or conductivity is increased. By
adding other impurities such as gallium, an electron deficiency or hole is
created. As with free electrons, the holes also encourage conductivity and the
material is called a semi-conductor.

The relative probability of the three principal failure modes for relays.
Relays most commonly fail in the "stuck open" position where the mechanical
switching element fails to close and the relay fails to carry a current. Relays are

less likely to unintentionally close or remain closed after the switching current
is released. For this reason, the reliability of relay circuits can be improved by
using parallel redundancy.
Unlike most of the other electrical parts, relays (with the exception of
solid state relays) contain a switching element that physically moves to make
electrical contact. This makes them less likely to follow a constant failure rate
or traditional "bathtub curve” profile. Instead, they are more prone to follow the
failure rate curve for a mechanical part, with an increasing failure rate with age.
Except for special high voltage and high temperature applications, solid-state
relays are inherently more reliable and predictable for long life applications.
Failure Mechanisms
The two most common failure mechanisms of relays are contamination
and mechanical wear of the internal switching elements discussed as follows:
a. Contamination is a major cause of early life failures. Sources of
contamination are numerous, but they are often from the various chemicals used
in the manufacturing operation (e.g., soldering fluxes and cleaning agents).
Types of contamination can be divided into two categories: metallic and non-
metallic. Metallic contamination causes shorted conditions or blocks the
physical movement of mechanical elements. Non-metallic or gaseous
contamination creates open circuits when it periodically deposits itself on
b. A second major cause of early life failures in relays is mechanical wear of
internal switching elements. In fact, the life of a relay is essentially determined
by the life of its contacts.
Degradation of contacts is caused from high in-rush currents, high
sustained currents, and from high voltage spikes. The source of high currents
and voltages, in turn, are determined by the type of load. Inductive loads create
the highest voltage and current spikes because they have lowest starting
resistance compared to operating resistance. This is especially true for lamp
filaments and motors, which is why derating is more severe for these types of
loads. The life of a contact can be further degraded if contamination or pitting is
present on the contact. Physical wear can also occur to other elements within
the relay. Some relays contain springs to provide a mechanical resistance
against electrical contact when a switching current is not applied. Springs will
lose resiliency with time. Relays can also fail due to poor contact alignment and
open coils.
Selection of the proper relay type for a given application is the most
significant factor affecting relay reliability. Many poor design practices are used
when designing them into circuits. This is because relays are a relatively
uncommon circuit element and often receive little attention during the design
process. Whereas most designs will use hundreds each of microcircuits,
resistors, etc.; relays typically number in the single digits. Therefore, designers
are often less familiar with the intricacies of selecting the proper relay type and
rating for a particular application. Some of the more common poor design
practices are listed as follows:
a. Paralleling contacting is where two relays are placed in parallel to handle the
current that one of them cannot handle alone. The problem with this type of
design is that mechanical switching occurs at relatively slow switching speeds.
Therefore, for a brief instant, only one relay needs to carry the full current load.
Further, switching speeds tend to slow with age, amplifying the affect over
time. The preferred method is to use a single relay of sufficient current handling
capability. If dual relays are used in parallel in increase reliability, each relay
should be capable of handling the full current load.
b. Transient surge currents are often difficult to measure and predict, especially
when switching inductive loads. It is not uncommon for surge current to reach
ten times steady state current. Protective devices should be used to limit surge
current. The simplest solution is to use a relay with a substantially higher rated
surge current than anticipated.
c. A cold filament lamp draws between 3 and 10 times the steadystate current
until warmed up. Relay contacts used for switching lamps should be able to
withstand such current surges without the possibility of welded contacts.
d. Relays are sometimes used in applications where they switch a redundant
circuit element or an additional power supply current into a circuit. High surges
occur in ac applications when the redundant current is not in synchronization
with the original current.
e. A typical misapplication is the use of small multipole relays in 112/200 volt
3-phase ac applications. Phase-to-phase shorting at rated loads is a strong
possibility, with potentially catastrophic results.
f. Caution must be applied when using relays to reverse motors, particularly
where the motor can be reversed while running (commonly called "plugging").
This results in a condition where both voltage and current can greatly exceed
nominal. Only power relays rated for "plugging" and reversing service should
be utilized in these applications.
g. A relay race condition occurs when one relay must operate prior to another
from a separate drive circuit, but fails to do so. The problem usually occurs
after the equipment ages or temperatures rise. Potential race circuits should be
avoided. Where they must be used, extra consideration must be given to wear
considerations, coil suppression circuitry, ambient temperature, drive power,
and operate and release times.

h. A slowly rising triggering current has an increased likelihood of causing
chattering conditions. A problem occurs because back electromotive forces
(EMFs) are produced when the armature closes to the pole face. This voltage is
opposite in polarity to the driving voltage and can cause the relay to release
immediately after initial contact. This process repeats and causes a chatter
condition until a sufficient amount of drive current is available to overcome the
back EMF.

Water Level Alarm Circuit Working and Its Applications

Water Level Indicator

The water level alarm circuit is a simple mechanism to detect and tank and also
in the other containers. Nowadays, all the householders/owners are storing the
water in overhead tanks by using the pumps. When the water is stored in the
tank, no one can identify the level of water and also, no one can know when the
water tank will fill. Hence there is an overflow of water in the tank, thus there is
wastage of energy and water. To resolve this type of problems by using the
water level alarm circuit of a 555 timer it helps and indicated the level of water
in the overhead tanks. The cost of the water level alarm circuit low and its use
full for the overhead water tanks, swimming pool boilers, etc.. The water level

alarm circuits are used in the factories, chemical plants, and electrical
substations and also in other liquid storage systems.
The water level indicator is defined as a system which gets the
information about the water level in reservoirs or in tanks which is used in
homes. By using the water level indicator we can overcome the overflow of
water from the tankers.
The following circuit is the water level alarm circuit by using the 555
timer IC. It produces a clear sound when the water level reaches its level point.
The power supply of the circuit is about 3V thus the circuit is quite handy to
use. This circuit is based on the astable muiltivibrator which is wired around
IC1 and the IC is NE555. The operating frequency of the astable multivibrator
depends on the values of components like capacitor C1, resistors R1 and R2 and
the resistance across the probes at A and B. If the water is not up to the level of
probes than the open circuit.

Water Level Alarm Circuit Using 555timer

If the water is not up to the level of probes than the open circuit astable
muilti vibrator will not produce any oscillation. Thus, there is no sound
produced by the circuit. If the water level reaches the probes then the current
flows in the water, hence the sound is produced by the circuit. Therefore,

astable multivibrator produces an oscillation which is proportional to the values
of C1, R1 & R2 and resistors across the probes. Now the buzzer will produce
beep sound to indicate the water level is reached to the level.

If the water is not up to the level of probes than the open circuit astable
muiltivibrator will not produce any oscillation. Thus, there is no sound
produced by the circuit. If the water level reaches the probes then the current
flows in the water, hence the sound is produced by the circuit. Therefore,
astable multivibrator produces an oscillation which is proportional to the values
of C1, R1 & R2 and resistors across the probes. Now the buzzer will produce
beep sound to indicate the water level is reached to the level.
The principle of this circuit is very easy to understand and it is very
practical. The elements which are used in this circuit are CMOS input
compatible, 7- channel IC which is a Darlington array. If the water level rises in
the tank, then the water comes into contact with probes which are from P1 to P7
and thus the pin 7 through 1 high sequentially. Hence the equivalent output pins
10 to 16 will go low one after another and the LED’s from 1 to 7 will go in the
order. If the water level is at the final probe P7 then the sound is produced by
the piezo-buzzer and it is connected to the output pin 16 along with the LED7.

Water Level Indicator & Alarm Circuit Diagram

The water level indicator circuit diagram monitors the level of water in the tank
and simultaneously switches on the water pump whenever the water level goes
low in the water tank. The water level of the tank is indicated by using the 5
LED’s and if the water level in the tanker is full then the water pump is turned
off completely.

Water level Indicator Circuit Diagram

The probes are placed at the distance of 1/4th, 1/2th, and 3/4th and at full
level and they are located with equal spacing one above the other, one with the
bottom positive probe. The positive voltage is placed at the bottom of the
overhead water tank and full level probes are in the overhead tank and the other
end is connected to the base terminal of the Q4 transistor with the help of the
R16 resistor.

When the water level in the tank is increased to maximum thus the
current flows through the base terminal and the collector voltage becomes low
and it is interfaced with the microcontroller port 2.4. The programming of the
Microcontroller is ended and data can be transferred for the Microcontroller and

LED. Automatically the motor switches off if the level of water indicates the

When the water level goes below the full-level probe, then the base of the
second transistor Q2 opens by switching it off. For the second transistor Q2, the
collector voltage is high at P2.4. Hence the overhead tank is not full and the
same process is applied to the remaining probes like 1/4th, 1/2th, 3/4th these are
connected to the base terminal of the Q1, Q2, and Q3 transistor. These are
interfaced with the Microcontroller ports like P2.5, P2.6, and P2.7 when the
programming is done by the Microcontroller. With the indication of water level
in the tank the D3, D4, and D5 LED’s will glow. Hence the transistor will be on
and the motor will be on.

The Microcontroller ports P0.0, P0.1, P0.3 and P0.4 are interfaced with
the LED’s to indicate the level of water and these are connected to the resistors.
The P0.5 port is used for regulating the pump and the Q6 transistor remains on
and the relay is also activated. To know the indication of the low level of water
in the sump the P0.7 port is connected to the LED D7.

The electronic water level alarm circuit is connected to the alarm and it is
placed at the above electronic water level circuit which is having the capability
of alerting the person of a home. When the water level is at high or low or at
exceed the higher limit. The following circuit diagram shows the water level
alarm circuit.

Water Level Alarm Circuit

The water level alarm circuit is similar to the electronic water level
circuit, but in the water level alarm circuit there is an alarm connected to the
circuit. For an external level of water in the overhead tank, the sensing probes
can show the suitable pins of the microcontroller. When these pins are high the
control signal is passed from the Microcontroller to a speaker as well as LED
indicator which depends on the Microcontroller program. The electronic water
level alarm gives the information about the level of the water level of the water
tank if the water tank is full or the water tank is empty. Hence, any person can
identify the level of water. By using the liquid level sensor we can measure the
level of water in the water tank. The following circuit shows the water level
circuit diagram. In this circuit, this circuit uses a liquid level sensor to measure
the level of water in the water tank. The circuit produces the sound when the
sensor senses a drop of a water leak.



• This project is more suitable to monitor water quality parameters in real
• No need to visit the location to monitor the water quality parameters.
• Use of PIC microcontroller reduces the price of system by great extent.
• Due to real time monitoring the water quality parameters are available
whenever required which can indicate any water contamination
• Accuracy of the measured value depends on the sensor used.
• Required internet connection for real time water quality parameters



 The design objective has been fulfilled and the system is showing proper
output. For future work, the circuit can be used as a subsystem in circuits
where automatic control of various mechanical instruments is required by
using electronic circuit.
 The circuit was designed keeping in mind the automatic control of various
mechanical devices by using electronic circuit’s .Thus trying to signify the
applications of electronics and instrumentation. By adding timer to the
circuit enhance the idea and operate the device in a more broader sense.
 This circuit finds wide applications in our daily life. This circuit is not only
used for automatically controlling the tap of wash-basin but it can be used
for controlling the dryers ,blowers and door opening and closing by
replacing the solenoid.
 The key learning of the project is to understand the basic working of the IC
555 timer, in monostable and astable mode and IR TSOP1738 sensor.



This project was really interesting and enabled us to work outside our
line of work. Practical implementation of textbook concepts is very different
dimension which is yet to be mastered by us. It is this project that helps us in
doing so. This project removed the stereotyped idea that, we the students of
Mechanical engineering shouldn’t be studying electronics. The world cannot be
divided into different fields and to achieve success all the laws of physics and
the fields of engineering must work in a harmony so that us and our fellow
humans can live a better life and an elevated living standard.



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2013 SciRes Pub.


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