Immuno Bull Ous Skin DZ
Immuno Bull Ous Skin DZ
Immuno Bull Ous Skin DZ
Screen for Immunobullous Diseases (pemphigus, pemphigoid, epidermolysis Pregnant female, typically 2nd trimester
Presence of neoplastic disease
bullosa acquisita, linear IgA disease, or dermatitis herpetiformis)
Perilesional skin biopsy Perilesional skin biopsy for Cutaneous Direct Perilesional skin biopsy for Cutaneous Direct
Cutaneous Direct Immunofluorescence, Biopsy 0092572 Immunofluorescence, Biopsy 0092572 Immunofluorescence, Biopsy 0092572
Serum tests AND AND
Pemphigus Panel 0090650, Pemphigoid Panel 0092001, and Endomysial Paraneoplastic Pemphigus Antibody Screen 0092107 Herpes Gestationis Factor 0092283
Antibodies 0050734 (all 3 tests recommended unless specific disease type
strongly suspected) positive negative negative positive
Epithelial Skin Antibodies 0090299 and Endomysial Antibodies 0050734
Screen for Screen for Herpes Gestationis
Immunobullous Immunobullous Will resolve post pregnancy
positive, titer >1:10 Pemphigus Likely to occur with subsequent pregnancies
diseases diseases
May occur with other hormonal changes, including
* For Endomysial Antibodies, a screening IgA tissue transglutaminase assay (ELISA) can be ordered OR request Endomysial Antibody test by indirect immunofluorescence (IgA and/or IgG) with or without accompanying
IgA and/or IgG tissue transglutaminase assay through the Immunodermatology Laboratory.