Faculty of Sport Science, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
Faculty of Sport Science, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
Faculty of Sport Science, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
James Tangkudung*,Hendro Wardoyo**
Faculty of Sport Science, Jakarta State University, Indonesia.
The purpose of this study was to determine the physical conditions owned student
Achievement Sports Club Students of Pencak Silat (Koppensi) Faculty of Sport Science that in
terms of the condition of endurance, strength, velocity, and flexibility. This study was conducted
in faculty of Sport Science, State University of Jakarta, using descriptive methods, and
techniques used in this research is the analysis of the documentary, which took secondary data
test results biomotor conditions. The results of the study for male athletes (members) to test the
physical condition endurance aspect, the velocity of male athlete shows the time 3.15 seconds;
For the average male athlete flexibility 28 cm; For endurance athletes arm and shoulder muscles
son is 34 times. The average male athlete arm muscle strength was 42.5 kg. For female athletes
(members) have results of physical condition tests for endurance aspects, 42.5 cc / kg / minute;
female athletes showed a speed of 4.11 seconds; flexibility female athlete of 24 cm; muscular
endurance athlete's arms and shoulders of women is 12 times. The average female athletes arm
muscle strength is 33.3 kg.
Keywords: Profile, Club Members, Pencak Silat.
Djoemali (PB.IPSI, 1995: 2) Pencak Silat is attacking defense motion in the form of
dance and rhythmic with the rules and usually for public performances, while the essence of
martial arts is to physically defend themselves and cannot be used for performances. The success
of a fighter in achieving high performance cannot be achieved without systematic training, both
from the biological, psychological stale, environmental aspects, training programs, education and
of course a factor in providing training coach. Koppensi is an organization has the appropriate
rules and regulations issued by the IPSI. Koppensi (Club Sports Achievement of Pencak Silat)
Faculty of Sport Science State
University of Jakarta (FIK-UNJ) obliged to follow and obey the rules and regulations.
As an example the size of the court martial or a mat, the division of class categories based on
age, class division based on weight categories, styles are contested, a fixture in the game until the
rules to non-technical regulations martial arts accomplishment Capital To remain consistent in
competition championship at the national level, it is necessary to put up their efforts to evaluate
and identify the ability of athletes who have achieved. Pencak Silat student athlete profiles
Koppensi members of Faculty of Sport Science State University of Jakarta that can be used as an
evaluation to achieve optimal performance.
Based on the above description, the researchers are interested in examining student
Achievement Sports Club members Pencak Silat (Koppensi) Faculty of Sport Science State
University of Jakarta. In this study, the authors look at, examine and describe the martial arts
athlete profiles in terms of physical condition that one of the main contributory factor to be high
achievers. To avoid the problem does not occur expansion, so in this study should be limited so
that the problem is not widespread and there is no misinterpretation. Profile physical condition
(endurance, speed, flexibility and strength) Student Achievement Sports Club members Pencak
Silat (Koppensi) in 2014.
1. Profile
The word can be used to explain the profile of the state of things or circumstances shape,
face, pieces of people or objects. Profile also shows the state, identity, or characteristic of a
subject or a photo of the actual type of the overall aspect is owned by the subject. Profiles can
also be inferred as data about everything what is described so of these explanations provide
information to what is described. The following classification characteristics in sport groups.
2. Pencak Silat
Mohamad Djoemali, he stated that Pencak Silat is attacking defense motion in the form
of dance and rhythmic with regulations and usual for public performances, while the essence of
martial arts is to physically defend themselves and cannot be used for performances. Pencak Silat
is one sport that has formally contested the championship that is "single event" that is local
regional, national and world. Besides martial arts also competed in the championship that is
"multi event" at the Regional Sports Week (PORDA), National Sports Week (PON) as well as
international level SEA GAMES. Martial arts there are four (4) elements are interlinked with
each other and cannot be separated as the mental element of the spiritual, martial arts and sports.
These four elements are often called Mental Spiritual of Pencak Silat, Pencak Silat as Art,
Pencak Silat as Martial Art and Pencak Silat as Sports.
3. Biomotor
The physical condition is a unified whole of the components cannot be separated without
either increase or maintenance. This means that any efforts to improve the physical condition, it
must develop all components. Biomotor ability is the body's ability to perform activities such as
endurance, strength and speed.
4. Endurance
In endurance sports is one of the most important part and become a complex problem,
durability is also an important part in the sport of martial arts. VO2 Max is generally required for
athletes in various sports are no exception to the sport of martial arts. Due to the ability of an
underlying ability in any activity or activities as well as the return of the physical condition ready
to perform its activities
5. Strength
Strength is a component of a person's physical condition of the ability to use the muscles
to receive the load while on the move. Strength plays an important role, because the power is the
driving force of every activity in a variety of techniques such as roll and locks, or even resist roll
techniques opponent.
6. Velocity
Velocity is the body's ability to migrate quickly. In many sports velocity is a very
important physical component. Velocity becomes a determining factor as well in those sports
like athletics (sprints), as well as in Pencak Silat.
7. Flexibility
M. Sajoto believes flexibility is the ability to conduct joint movement and flexibility
broadest muscles joints. Flexibility allows maximum movement of a muscle joints. So include
the relationship between the body joints are generally each joint has a certain motion possibilities
as a result of anatomic structures.
8. Power
Power is a combination of strength and speed or maximum muscle force deployment
with maximum speed. In this case, it can be stated that power = force x velocity. As in the high
jump, shot put and another motion that is explosive.
The purpose of this study was to determine the physical condition Profile Pencak Silat
Member Students of Koppensi Faculty of Sport Science State University of Jakarta in 2014, a
study at the Faculty of Sport Science State University of Jakarta located in Rawamangun. The
method used in this research is descriptive method of population is a complete set of units or
individuals whose characteristics we want to know. The population in this study was a secondary
data physical test results Students of Koppensi Faculty of Sport Science State University of
Jakarta (FIK UNJ) 2014.The sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling
technique based on certain criteria, namely: active members of 15 men and 3 women.
Based on the results of the data collection, the results obtained is calculated by manual
data processing techniques to determine the highest value, lowest, average, median, mode,
standard deviation, and frequency distribution table. In the following tables can be seen best
value for the physical condition of a fighter male and female members of Koppensi Faculty of
Sport Science State University of Jakarta (FIK-UNJ).Results of the physical condition category
fighter recapitulation male and female members of Koppensi Faculty of Sport Science State
University of Jakarta (FIK-UNJ)
NO Endurance of Arm & VO2
Flexibility Muscles Velocity
Shoulder Muscles Max
1 9 24 51,7 42.5 3.78
2 23 30 48,26 40 3.57
3 24 12 42,53 33.3 4.15
4 28 33 50,56 41 3.45
5 13 30 48,26 40.3 3.83
6 23 7 42,53 33 4.46
7 21,5 34 51,7 38 3.42
8 24 8 41,96 30.5 4.11
9 19 20 56.29 38.6 4.12
10 24 29 48,84 35.7 3.8
11 22 30 51,7 39 3.46
12 23 30 51,7 42 3.64
13 8.5 30 29 34 3.18
14 18 32 36.4 36.5 3.8
15 19 27 31 37 4.45
16 25 29 31 38.5 4.23
17 7.2 25 29 39 3.15
18 13 24 45.5 36 3.95
19 19.1 25 43.77 37.49 3.8
The highest value for aspects of the physical condition members of Koppensi Faculty of Sport
Science State University of Jakarta (FIK-UNJ).
No. Physical Condition
Aspect Male Female
Seen from the tables above, it is very good to be the initial basis in building a better
physical condition considering the age of adolescence is a time when the development of
physical condition is rapidly increasing. Physical conditions greatly affect the appearance of the
game sports. Physical conditions close to the average or it above, tend to be ideal if compared to
the physical condition of the state over or under the average.
The average profile of the physical condition of the fighters biomotor owned Koppensi
FIK-UNJ members have an average value of flexibility (sit and reach) 19,1 cm, well categorized,
according to the results of standard laboratory tests of Somatokinetika, 37.49 Kg hand muscle
strength is average, average -rata VO2 Max 43.77 cc / kg Weight / minute, for the fighters Speed
Koppensi FIK UNJ members have an average value of 3.8 seconds. While endurance arm and
shoulder muscles have an average of 25 times.
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