Chapter 1 & 2 - Updated (01-02-19)

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Tagudin Campus

Chapter 1


Nowadays, technology comes up in the life of people in terms of having an easier

life. With the help of technology, our lives become more convenient and doing things can

be done so fast. Computers seem to have played an important role in today’s generation.

Technology creates computerized or electric devices that have a big help to the people

when storing important data. Mostly people today, they are using technology in their

daily lives and even schools. Because of great number of enrolees, the traditional way of

transaction (manual method) can result in data loss. Those lost data can still be retrieved

but it’ll need some luck in finding those files.

Computerized system is a software program that is installed in computer.

Compared to manual method, computerized system is more efficient, more organized and

less time consuming. Computerized system has greater capacity when it comes to file

storage with and it allows easier access to information stored. It also minimizes human

error and allows quicker correction on those errors. Computerized system also makes

transaction and file storage faster with greater efficiency and more accuracy and precision

which results in higher productivity, and reduced human errors and processing time. In

Information System, computerization is concerned about interrelating different but

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

interdependent transactions. This can result in a system with well-integrated processes

that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system.

Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a

particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called

Enrollment System (ES). ES are used primarily in recording and retrieving student’s

information. Tracking student’s information is also one feature of ES, in which the school

can trace the standing of a student. Verifying payments was also added to update or

browse student billings.

An Enrollment System is a system designed to perform the process involved in

registration, advising, and payments of students as well as scheduling of classes. It is a

good step for the school and useful especially when the school retrieves the important

information about the student. In the enrollment system, the school can trace what are the

standings of the students. It automatically computes for student transaction in enrollment,

calculates other charges, miscellaneous expenses and even penalties. A student’s account

is entered into the system with corresponding due dates. Lack of enrollment system in a

school can lead to chaos and troubles, the students will be confuse on what they should so

and how they will do to be able to enroll. It is extremely useful in the school in the way

of making the processes of enrolling much easy.

According to Herzberg (2008), Computer in business industry is hard to image

how business industry in the limited states could operate today without computers. Much

business depends their business strategies to design their products and help to make

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

products at affordable prices. Whether a business procedure manufactured important and

time consuming activities letters, memos and other contracts and inventories of goods,

personnel files production. Schedule, design specifications and government regulation.

From large business generally have different department, each its own information, must

large business has electronic data processing information, must large business has

electronic data processing (EDP) department that create and maintain a certain database.

(Herzberg, 2008)

Meanwhile in the Philippines there are big universities and high school are

located in every part of the country, because of bigger population there are multiple

problems being facing with the schools in terms of enrolling. The several schools in the

Philippines that having a traditional way of enrolling the students one of the examples is

using manual transaction, its consuming time for them when the enrolment are coming

and also there are times that loosing files of the students. Because of this problems it’s a

big trouble for the school so that there are school comes up for a better and good services

and that is the enrolment system and according to Pascual, Robert, John G. Rico, and

Vincent Joel T., A Web Based Enrolment System is developed to help both old and new

students to enrol in a more efficient way w/o the hassles of waiting too long hours just to

fill up forms, which sometimes becomes redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the

cashier. An enrolment system is a big help to the schools that works faster and convenient

way of enrolling and also to the students that want to know the subject they are taken and

also about their fees that will be paid upon in their enrolment.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

The Our Lady of Guadalupe Academy is located at Sevilla, Sta. Cruz, Ilocos Sur.

Mrs. Paulita G. Almazan is the school principal, a ten (10) teachers and having two

hundred fifty (250) students who are presently enrolled.. The Our Lady of Guadalupe

Academy is private sectarian and a Catholic School which they offer only the General

Academic Strand for the senior high school. Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sevilla) accepting

student in Grade 7 which they are campaigning to invite the student to enrol in their

school, also they do the house-to-house campaign so that they will invite more students.

In terms of enrolling the OLGA they have form w/c the ESC form and school that they

need to fill up. The ESC form is for the scholarships and the one that the students proves

that they officially enrolled in school, while school form it contains only about

information of the student which also they will add information in their enrolment.

The OLGA currently using at their manual transaction which the faculty, registrar

or the cashier got a problem in terms in enrolling students, it was too time consuming and

they can’t handle a large files which contains of information of the students so that they

put in a folder or in a cabinet to store the files. In student side there are problems that they

can encounter when they are enrolling they don’t know what subject they will take and

also about their tuitions fees. The current situation is when the students wants to know

what will be their subjects upon enrolling in their current year and when it comes to their

tuition fees they just want to know and to be get updated if how many balances to be

paid before examination.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

The researcher’s objective is to develop a system that helped the cashier and the

registrar regarding their enrolments transactions, maintaining the files, balances and

especially the enrolment itself and to students when looking up their balances or fees in a

reliable and systematic way. To develop also a system that help the administrator by

providing organized and easy to access file records.


A. Interview with the

cashier of the school
A. Student Ledger Our Lady of
B. Documentary
B. Student Information
Analysis Guadalupe
C. ESC Forms
C. System Academy
D. Students Forms Development using (Sevilla)
RAD Model
E. Student’s Schedules Billing
D. To access the
usability of the system System
by using WAMMI

Figure1. Research Paradigm of the Study

The figure above is the research paradigm that will serve as the guidelines of how

the researchers will conduct the study. The research paradigm consists of a conceptual,

framework that shows the interaction of the input, process and output variables. The

cashier’s office at OLGA is having a manual work for accepting student when it comes in

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

enrolment. There are forms that the students will fill up to enrol in the school, after which

the forms that students filled will be stored in a cabinet and also there are times that they

store the records in computer. The following forms will be gathered by the researchers

which are useful for the system: (a) Student Ledger: (b) Student Information: (c) ESC

Forms: (d) Student Forms: (e) Student’s Schedules. The researchers will conduct an

interview with the cashier to find out what are the main problems in their manual

transactions, after which, the researcher will conceptually analyse the forms gathered and

identify the important information that will be used for the system. Base and information

gathered the researchers develop a system that shall consider the inputs for the research

by using RAD (Rapid Application Development) Model. The researchers will distribute

questionnaires to the cashier/registrar and their students to assess the usability of the


Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

Chapter 2


The researchers will use methods and techniques in conducting of this study.

These include Research Design, Population and Locale Scenario of the Study, Data

Gathering Tools and Rapid Application Development, treatment of data, procedures and

these are discussed below.

Research Design

The descriptive – development method of research will be used in an interview to

use as the main tool in data gathering. The study is descriptive because it describes the

current situation of the existing system that is intent of enhancing it. Research, survey,

and observation will exist in manual procedures that supplementing the data gather.

It is developmental because the system will the system will be develop in the

process through developing the system with RAD model, consists of

Requirements/Planning, User Design, Construction, and Cutover.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

Requirements /

User Design Construction


Figure1. Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model

RAD model is Rapid Application Model. It is a type of incremental model. In

RAD model, the components of function are developed in parallel as if they were mini

projects. The developments are time boxed, delivered and then assembled in to a working

prototype. This can quickly give the customer something to see and use and to provide

feedback regarding the delivery and the requirements.

In this phase of Requirements/Planning, the researchers will conduct structured

interview with the cashier and asked sample forms for documentary analysis. The

researchers also agree with the cashier’s scope of the project.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

In this phase of User Design, the researchers will be identifying the elements of

the system to be developed. These users’ interfaces will analyse design and develop in

this stage.

The researchers will start the development of the system in this Construction

phase, which the researchers will utilize the XAMPP Server for the development of the


In Cutover phase, the propose system will be tested, it will be introduced to the

cashier, School Principal and an IT teacher for usability testing, critiquing, comments and

suggestions were noted to identify the weakness and strength of the system.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

Project Plan

Tasks November December January February March


/ Planning

User Design



Requirement/Planning- Construction-

User Design- Cutover –

Figure 2. Project Plan

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

Team Assignments

Project Role Name Function

Project Manager Jonalyn Ferrer Responsible in the planning.

Ryan Steve Dasmarinas System Analyst has to check the design

System Analyst &
Elmer Barcena and the parts of the system.
Wilart Acosta

Ryan Steve Dasmarinas

Programmer & Programmer and Developer has to do to
Elmer Barcena
Developer write and test computer programs.
Wilart Acosta

Responsible for ensuring the quality of the

Glaiza Baday
Q&A/Tester software product and help find, and
Jonalyn Ferrer
determine the functions of the system.

Glaiza Baday
Jonalyn Ferrer
Documenter & Technical
Elmer Barcena Responsible for compiling documents.
Wilart Acosta
Ryan Steve Dasmarinas

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will conduct an interview and float a questionnaire to the client

and its respondents. The researchers use the WAMMI questionnaire and structured

interview was used to the client.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus

Sources of Data

The primary source of data is the Cashier Personnel and the Principal, and the

Secondary source of data is Students which will be evaluated or implemented to them.

Data Analysis

Interview and questionnaires serve as tools in gathering the data. Mean,

Frequency Count, and the liker scale were needed to treat the needed data. In assessing

the level of usability, data gathered were interpreted from very usable to not usable.

Response to variables rated between mean ranges of 2.61 to 5.0 were interpreted a Fairly

Usable to Very Usable, while those responses to variable rated between mean ranges of

1.00 to 2.60 were interpreted as to Fairly Usable

Data Categorization

Level of Usability of Our Lady of Guadalupe Academy (Sevilla) Billing System

Point Value Mean Range Descriptive Descriptive

Rating Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Very Much Acceptable Very Usable

4 3.40-4.19 Much Acceptable Usable

3 2.60-3.39 Moderately Acceptable Fairly Usable

2 1.80-2.59 Slightly Acceptable Poorly Usable

1 1.00-1.79 Not Acceptable Not Usable

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Tagudin Campus


Introduction To Enrollment System. (2016, Jun 15). Retrieved from

Robert John G.And Riceo, Vincent Joel T., (2015), Web-based Enrollment System for

VeritasParochial School Pascual,

Kerian Greenaway, (2014), Online Enrollment System, ECU, Retrieve from

Lopez (2014), Enrollment System of UNO-R Bacolod from

Christian Le Marjo A. Caipang (2013), DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPUTERIZED


SYSTEM. Academic Research International

Ramos et al (2011), “COMPUTERIZE ENROLLMENT SYSTEM” B.Sc Research

Study, College of Computer Study, Urdaneta City University

Pascual & Riceo, (2015), A web-based enrollment system for Veritas Parochial School

(VPS) in Web Based enrollment system

Mr. Bonifacio E. Bacani, Jr., (2013), Automation Enrollment System Gumitao, for the

Computer Science Department of the Laguna College business and Arts

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

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