Essay 01 - 15.10.2018
Essay 01 - 15.10.2018
Essay 01 - 15.10.2018
Nowadays, we are producing more and more rubbish. Means u cannot start a sentence with among as the following
Why do you think its happening? A dependent clause is a clause that provides a sentence element
The rapid growth in population also giving birth to most of the issues, although,
less addressed or entertained till date but soon appear as a torpedo of
destruction for mankind.(1) Among them on the top is the quantum of garbage
being produced rapidly in today’s world.blessing
There is a need on local authority level to eradicate the issue, generating various
modus operand’s (modus operandi) with which industrial sector can control their
waste and utilize it again in manufacturing (of)any product (manufacturing of
products) or may be in their process. Promote and run awareness programs
through which people can infer the precarious effects of these domestic refuse
and adopt methods in order to get rid of them without causing harm to any other.
The rapid population growth is giving birth to most of the issues, even though it is less addressed or entertained till
date, but will soon appear to be a torpedo for destruction of mankind,among them,predominantly , is the of
copius amount of garbage being produced rapidly in today’s world.
The modernized society that we live in, is continously modifying with technoligical advancement,the luxuries and
comforts we find at our doorstep.
With such busy schedules we face everyday,people rather dwadling in culinary art,look for easier way in
prepackaged meal in plastic containers ,which ultimately find its way into stacking up of more garbage.