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equipment purchased for the projects (MIS=3.33;R=7) were Employing such contractors may cause delay and
the causes of cost overruns. cost overrun low quality of work and accidents in the
site of project
IV. CONCLUSION 2) Use contractors with good management and
1) Justification of the presence and degree of cost overrun supervision experience in the field of the work.
on building construction tasks is essential before C. Expected From Contractors
distinguishing the causes of cost overrun. 10 public 1) It is highly advocate to use senior managers with
building projects investigated in the research suffered good level of related work experience and also
cost overrun in their accomplishment. For these public knowledge on management in critical conditions.
building construction projects, the actual cost overrun 2) Estimate the total cost before undertaking a
ranges from 0% to 126% of the contract amount. construction project contract. A contract price should
2) Rate of cost overrun is found to be affecting by the not be over the financial ability of the company.
contract amount. The regression analysis of the data Any financial problem in the project expenditure and
gathered from desk study for public building payments will cause delay and cost overrun
construction projects shows that the rate of cost accordingly.
overrun is found to decrease with expansion in the
agreement sum.
3) There are remarkable varieties in the aggregate sum of
cost invade for the different types of public building [1] Al-Najjar, J.M., 2002. -Factors Influencing Time and
construction projects scrutinize (investigated) in this Cost Overruns on Construction
research. From the study educational buildings have [2] Projects in the Gaza Strip: Master’s Thesis: The Islamic
the small rate of cost overrun, where as health University of Gaza.
buildings have the most noteworthy rate of cost [3] Nega, F., 2008, -Causes and impacts of cost overrun on
overrun. public building construction projects
4) From the results of this report 29 causes of cost [4] in Ethiopia: Master of Science thesis: Addis Ababa
overrun were identified by the respondents. The University.
reasons for cost invade were recognized in light of the [5] Widerman- Glossary of Project Management Terms.
reactions of the respondents. The most regular reasons
for cost overwhelm are additionally distinguished by
the examination based on the ranking of the rate of
happening of the variables of cost overrun. The most
widely recognized causes of cost overrun are increase
in the cost of construction materials, change in foreign
exchange rate, change orders and/or lack of control on
immoderate change orders, failure to identify problems
and institute the obligatory and timely actions.
5) There is strong correlation on the responses of
respondents, i.e. between client and contractor;
between contractor and consultant; and amongst
customer and expert in positioning reasons for cost
invades and the rate of happening of the variables of
cost overrun.
A. Expected from Consultants
1) Continuous coordination and direct communication,
which will abolish design inconsistency and errors as
well as omissions in design and also give a chance to
experts to audit the contract documents completely.
This would help in taking out change requests or
varieties because of inconsistency in contract reports.
2) As much as possible avoid complex designs, while
attempting to accomplish stylish claim, consider
seriously the issue of build capacity in the design.
3) Guarantee that the degree incorporates all the work
required, and only the work required to complete the
project successfully.
B. Expected From Clients/Project Owners
1) Avoid employing fresher contractors with an
inadequate experience in the field Of the project.