CG Notes
CG Notes
CG Notes
The main reasons for the downfall of railway can be described as following.
Mismanagement is the most common factor for the downfall of railway in Pakistan administration of Pakistan
railway has failed to keep a good management.
Pakistan railways is facing the problem of lack of good engineering facilities. Unskilled staff and untrained
technicians are working in the engineering department of Pakistan railways.
Carelessness of technical staff associated to Pakistan railway is also a cause of downfall of railways in Pakistan
Corruption in Pakistan railways has brought it at the edge of downfall.
Push Factors
The factors which motivate the people living in rural areas to leave and shift to urban areas are called Pull Factor.
The s factor are following.
(i) Poverty (ii) low standard of living
(iii) Scarcity of life and property (iv) worse sanitary condition
(v) Lack of transportation and communication (vi) lack of health facilities
10. Cotton is a leading vegetable crop and as well as industrial crop. Discuss.100
Cotton is considered as a plant which bears no fruit. It is a plant of Sub-tropical region. Cotton is a leading
vegetable crop as it is known as the King of all the natural fibers. It is said that the man uses cotton from his birth
to death and is popular dress of poor and rich. Greece is a leading cotton producing country in Europe. Cotton
trade as second position in international market among agricultural crops, so it is not only a leading vegetable
crop but also an important industrial crop.
11. Write note on alternative energy resources. 101
Due to the shortage of aquatic sources of energy, the search of alternative sources of energy is being continued.
Following alternative sources of energy are used throughout the world.
Ethanol is being source of energy in order to produce organic fuel.
Geothermal energy
The energy which is obtained from the inner part of earth is called as geothermal energy superheated water or
steam is obtained from the interior it is used for running the turbines to generate electricity.
Wind energy
Which is obtained from the power of moving wind is called as wind energy. Wind energy can be converted into
other forms of energy. Wind energy is commonly used in running windmill. Windmills are used to run turbines for
generation of electricity.
Those fuels which are produced by the use of energy through the process of carbon fixation are called biofuel.
These fuel are formed from Biomass conversion. Biomass refers to recently living organisms, most often to plants
or plant derived materials. This biomass can be converted to energy in three different ways that are thermal
conversion, chemical conversion and biochemical conversion. It can be converted into solid, liquid and gas form.
Solar energy
The energy which is obtained from sun in the form of heat and light called solar energy. Solar energy is used in
solar cell in order to produce energy. Solar panels are also being manufactured in order to produce electricity
from solar energy.
13. What are the three main types of chemical fertilizers? 103
The main types of chemical fertilizers
Chemical or natural substance which is added to soil for increasing the capability of its fertility is called as
fertilizer. There are two kinds of fertilizers which are organic Fertilizer and in organic fertilizer.
Three major fertilizer elements
Three major fertilizer elements and their functions are following:
It is the basic of fertilizers and it has to increase protein content of food crops.
Phosphorus is the major constituent of fertilizer full stop it help in Rapid growth of plants control for root
flowering and seed formation of plants.
Potassium is also a major element of fertilizer. It produces resistance against diseases in plants. It helps in the
growth of stalks and stems in plants
14. Write a note on solar energy. 103
The energy which is obtained in the form of heat and light from the sun is called solar energy. The technology
through which solar energy can be stored and utilized is known as Solar Energy Technology. Theses solar
technologies are used throughout the world for the storage and production of solar energy. These technologies
are helpful in the conversion and distribution of solar energy. In active solar technologies photovoltaic panels are
used for the storage, conversion and distribution of solar energy. Nellis Solar Power Plat in America is the largest
photo power plant. In Passive solar technologies, a building with special arrangements is constructed before the
sun, thus solar energy is automatically stored, converted and distributed.
The system of Karez is practiced in Baluchistan only because the following reason.
(i) Canal system of irrigation is not existed in Baluchistan.
(ii) Due to presence of mountains, it is not possible to operate canal network in Baluchistan.
(iii) In the mountainous areas of the system of Karez is used to store water for irrigation.
(iv) The Karez in the system of irrigation are covered with stones so that water may not be dried by
(v) The system of Karez Baluchistan is owned by private agriculturists and the different partners
use it on their turn. They are also responsible to look after and repair it.