Chap 03 Notes

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Chap 07 (economic Development) Class: X

Fill In the Blanks:

i. Our Malagori marble is one of the best in the world.

ii. Enormous copper reserves have been discovered in Chagi Baluchistan.
iii. Only 25% of area of total cultivable area of Pakistan is particularly under cultivation.
iv. KPK produce 50% of the total tobacco produced in Pakistan.
v. Natural gas was first discovered at Sui in the year 1952.
vi. First oil deposit in potowar was discovered at Khaur (Attock) in the year 1915.
vii. New Gwader deep seaport is located in the province of Baluchistan.
viii. Indus Basin Treaty was signed in the year of 1960.
ix. Upper Jhelum canal is located on the North bank of river Jhelum.
x. Electricity produced by burning a fuel is called Thermal.
xi. Lime stone is the main component of Cement.
xii. Bauxite metal is used in the production of Aluminum.
xiii. Attock Oil Refinery is located near Rawalpindi.
xiv. Jinnah Barrage was built on the river Indus.
xv. In the decade beginning in the year 1950 Industrial progress was the main priority.
xvi. Best quality iron ore has been discovered in Chitral.
xvii. 90% of the country’s crude oil needs does Pakistan import
xviii. 29% of the total natural gas consumption in the country goes into the manufacture of
xix. 65 % of the country’s national population engaged in agriculture.
xx. 30% of the country’s total electricity generation is hydro-generated.
xxi. Water is renewable sources of energy.
xxii. The exchange of goods called Trade.
xxiii. Enormous copper reserves have been found in Chaghi.

Short Questions Answers (Gohar Publishers Textbook)

Q no1. Write the definition of economic development given by Professor Arthur Lewis.
Ans: “ The increase in the production of goods and services is called economic development.”
In general, the movement of a backward economy towards becoming a developed economy is called economic
Q no 2. Which Organization was established in 1975 for the development of economic resources?
Ans: The mineral Development corporation was established for the purpose of development of mineral resources
in Pakistan.
Q no 3.What is meant by small industries?
Ans: A large number of people are associated with small industries. Small industry means that industry which
employs 2 to 9 workers and manufactures different items.
i. Dairy farm industry
ii. Bee keeping industry
iii. Poultry farming
Q no 4. Make three sugestions to solve agricultural problems in Pakistan.
Ans: i. Farmers should be given interest free loans for modern technology.
ii. For irrigation purpose, dams should be built to store rainwater.
iii.To increase the per acre yield of wheat, rice and other agricultural products ,seeds, chemical fertilizers and
scientific methods of cultivation should be encouraged.

Q no 5. Narrate uses of gypsum.

i. In the preparation of phosphate fertilizer, gypsum is used as a raw material.
ii. Used in cement industry.
iii. Used in paper industry
iv. Used in plaster of Paris
v. Used in sulphuric Acid
vi. Used in Polish and paint industry
vii. Used in rubber industry
Q no 6. Name six cities of Pakistan where dry ports are established.
i. Lahore (1973)
ii. Karachi (1974)
iii. Quetta (1984)
iv. Peshawar (1986)
v. Multan (1988)
vi. Rawalpindi (1990)
Q no 7. Narrate three problems being faced by agricultural sector of Pakistan.
i. In Pakistan, there is no planning to bring lakhs of acres of land under cultivation. Due to inadequate
irrigation facilities very little of cultivable land is in use.
ii. Illiteracy is a major reason for the backwardness of farmers. This makes the farmers unable to learn
new methods or plan for better production.
iii. In our country, it is difficult to transport agricultural goods from villages to markets due to
underdeveloped means of transformation.

Short Questions Answers (National Book)

1. Name thee main oil producing area of Pakistan.
Ans :
i. District Attock
ii. District Jhelum
iii. Lowe Sindh (Thar)
2. Write a brief note on water logging and salinity.
Ans: Underground water level rises and comes very close to the surface of the earth; this condition is called water
logging. Underground salts dissolve in this water and come to the surface of the earth. These slats make a crust on
earth surface this condition is called salinity.
3. Write shortly about agricultural reforms.
Ans: Under 1972 agricultural reforms:
i. Maximum limit of land holding was fixed at 15 acres irrigated and 300 acres non-irrigated.
ii. Excess land was taken over by the government and allotted to landless tenants (farmers) on easy
iii. Water and land revenue were waived off for small land holdings.
4. Write about allocation of rivers under Indus Water Treaty.
Ans: Treaty was signed by India and Pakistan in 1960 with cooperation of world bank.
Three eastern rivers (Ravi, Sutlaj and Beas) were given to India.
Three western rivers (Indus, Jhelum and Chenab) were given to Pakistan.
5. Name three major hydroelectric power projects of Pakistan.
i. Tarbela Dam on river Indus
ii. Mangla Dam on river Jhelum
iii. Warsak on river Kabul
iv. Ghazi Bortha on river Indus
6. What is the role of agriculture sector in economic development of Pakistan?
i. Almost 19% of our GDP is generated by agriculture sector.’
ii. We earn major portion of our foreign exchange from agriculture.
iii. 50% employment of our labor force, depends directly or indirectly on agriculture sector.
iv. Agriculture feeds 70% of our total population directly or indirectly.

7. Enlist main Rabi and Kharif crops.

Rabi Crops: Rabi crops grown in winters. This season lasts from September to May. Wheat, Barley, Pulses, and
oil seeds are major Rabi crops.
Kharif Crops: Kharif crops grow in summer season. Rice, cotton, jawar, bajra, tobacco, sugar cane and maize.

Short Questions Answers (conceptual)

1. Narrate uses of Limestone.

i. It is used in glass manufacturing.

ii. Soap making
iii. Paper manufacturing
iv. Cement manufacturing
v. Steel manufacturing
vi. Making of bleaching powder
vii. Paint manufacturing

2. Narrate uses of Sulphur.

i. It is used in Ordnance factories

ii. Sulphuric Acid
iii. Chemical industries
iv. Medicine industry
v. Safety Match industry

3. Write three reasons of poverty.

i. Rate of inflation is high.
ii. Due to energy crisis, employment opportunities are limited.
iii. Illiteracy and lack of technical education.

4. Write three measures for poverty reduction.

i. Job opportunities should be created in different fields.
ii. Deserving students in educational institutions should be provided aid.
iii. Loans schemes for youth should be started so that they can establish their own business.

5. What are the water resources of Pakistan?

i. Canals
ii. Rain
iii. Tube Well
iv. Well
v. Karez
vi. Springs

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