Movie Poster Scoing Rubric
Movie Poster Scoing Rubric
Movie Poster Scoing Rubric
Written Includes all of the following: Includes most of the following: Includes some of the following: Missing most of the
information Book/movie title, author, rating, Book/movie title, author, rating, Book/movie title, author, rating, required
cast of main actors, director cast of main actors, director (this cast of main actors, director (this information.
(this should be you), & movie should be you), & movie tagline should be you), & movie tagline
tagline line. line. line.
Scene The illustration is relevant. The illustration is relevant, but is The illustration is not relevant to Did not include an
illustrated vague and leaves the reader the book and does not represent illustration.
It relates closely to an event or wondering about the setting/ what the book is about.
idea in the book and engages scene/or idea.
the reader to want to see the The illustration is too similar to
movie. The graphic illustrated only the book’s cover or an existing
somewhat relates to the book. poster for this movie/book.
Overall Poster shows careful planning, Planning of the poster is obvious Neatness was not a factor. Neatness was not a
Visual design, and has been presented but final product is only semi-neat. factor.
Appeal neatly. Title is not easy to read
The information is fairly easy to Title of book/movie
Quality is present. read. Author's name is missing is missing
Content of Had all required content Had most of Had some of Did not have the
Movie the required the required movie poster
Poster content content completed
Picture or
Graphic All graphics are appropriate Most graphics are appropriate Some graphics are appropriate Graphics are not
of Movie to topic to topic to topic appropriate to topic
Appearance The poster is presented For the most part the poster The poster is somewhat The poster is not
of Movie creatively and organized neatly. is presented in a creative presented in a creative manner presented creatively
Poster manner and is organized and organized neatly to some and is not organized
neatly. degree. neatly.
Grammar, Spelling, punctuation, and Spelling, punctuation, and There were problems with There were
and grammar were correct (up to grammar were mostly correct spelling, punctuation, and numerous spelling,
Punctuation two mistakes). (3-5 mistakes). grammar (6-10 mistakes) punctuation, and
of Movie grammar mistakes.
Background and
Readability Background and text make all Background and text make Background and text make some text make it
parts easy to see and read. most parts easy to see and read. parts easy to see and read. difficult to see and
read parts.
_______________points out of 64