Art Curriculum - Grade 2

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Section: Second Grade - Art

Rationale: Art provides opportunities for young children to learn about and express their place in the world
through visual, tactile, and kinesthetic exploration of materials. While looking at and discussing art from this
and other cultures and time periods, students develop vocabulary and critical thinking skills

Course Description: During the second grade year, students will experience the following art media and
processes: drawing media and techniques, painting media and techniques, printmaking media and techniques,
sculpture materials and techniques, collage and assemblage materials and techniques, skills and techniques in
clay/ceramics, simple weaving and the use of fibers. In the areas of aesthetics, art criticism and art history,
students will look at and discuss art from various time periods and cultures in units on landscape,
portrait/figure, still life, non-objective art, sculpture, decorative arts, design, architecture

Strand I: Product-Performance

Concept: Artists communicate ideas through artworks by selecting and applying media
techniques and processes, subject matter, and themes.

Measurable Learner Objectives:

Recall Application Strategic Thinking Extended Thinking
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(Basic Knowledge) (Skills) (Reasoning) (Products/Performance)
PP1D2; VA1; FA1
use over and under
methods to create a
PP3C2; VA1; FA1
define environment as a
setting or place
EP2C2; VA2; FA2
create artworks using art
concepts: color (secondary),
color contrast (mixing), figure
portrait, size relationship,
proportions, details
PP1A2; VA1; FA1
create artworks using the art
concept of value (tint, shade)
using crayons or pencils with
varying pressure
PP3A2; VA1; FA1
create an original landscape, an
original still life from
observation, and a figure
PP2A2; VA1; FA1
create a sculpture or object by
attaching pieces (including coils
and slab), showing texture
PP3B2; VA1; FA1
design a building that will serve
public or private use
PP3B2; VA1; FA1
identify, in pictures and
in the classroom, the
following parts of
buildings: walls,
openings, ceilings,
floors, roofs, and
PP3B2; VA1; FA1
discuss materials used in
architecture, i.e. wood,
brick, stone, metal,
concrete, glass, floor
coverings, and wall
PP1B2; VA1; FA1
use and clean materials,
supplies, and tools
appropriately (use paint
brush with control)
PP2A2; VA1; FA1
manipulate paper to create
low relief (curling, folding,
tearing, and cutting)
PP3C2; VA1; FA1
create an original artwork that
is related to nature
PP1A2; VA1; FA1 change
pressure to create two
values using crayon or
PP1B2; VA1; FA1 clean
paint brush before
changing colors
PP1B2; VA1; FA1 mix
two colors to create a third

Strand II: Elements and Principles

Concept: Artists communicate ideas through artworks by

selecting and applying art elements and principles.
Measurable Learner Objectives:
Recall Application Strategic Thinking Extended Thinking
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(Basic Knowledge) (Skills) (Reasoning) (Products/Performance)
EP1C2; VA2; FA2
define three-dimensional
as something that has
height, width and depth
EP1D2; VA2; FA2
identify and use texture as
the way an object feels or
looks like it feels
EP1C2; VA2; FA2
identify and use geometric
forms in sculpture (sphere,
cube, cylinder, cone)
EP1A2; VA2; FA2
identify and use zigzag,
dotted, and wavy lines
EP1F2; VA2; FA2
identify and use shade as
a color mixed with black
EP1C2; VA2; FA2
separate art objects into
two-dimensional and
three-dimensional groups
EP1F2; VA2; FA2
identify and use tint as a
color mixed with white
EP1F2; VA2; FA2
identify and use value as
the range from light to
PP1B2; VA1; FA1
define and create a
secondary color by mixing
two primary colors
(orange, violet, green)
EP2D2; VA2; FA2
identify and create a complex
EP1G2; VA2; FA2
identify and use
foreground and
background to create an
illusion of space

Strand III: Artistic Perceptions

Concept: Viewers’ respond aesthetically to artworks based upon

their personal experience and cultural values. Viewers analyze,
interpret, and evaluate the quality of artwork through art
Measurable Learner Objectives:
Recall Application Strategic Thinking Extended Thinking
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(Basic Knowledge) (Skills) (Reasoning) (Products/Performance)
EP1B2; VA2; FA2
identify concepts in
student and/or
professional artwork
(geometric shapes,
geometric forms,
foreground, background,
real textures,
contrast/variation of
AP1A2; VA3; FA3
respond to artworks by
discussing any of the
following: media, meaning,
feelings and elements of art
HC1B2; VA4; FA5
compare and contrast two
artworks on subject matter,
media, use of line, color,
shape, texture, and theme
AP 2A2; VA3, FA3 identify
the following in artworks:
geometric shapes,
geometric forms,
foreground and
background, real textures,
contrast/variety of colors

Strand IV: Interdisciplinary Connections

Concept: Visual art is connected to performing arts,

communication arts, math, science, and social studies.
Measurable Learner Objectives:
Recall Application Strategic Thinking Extended Thinking
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(Basic Knowledge) (Skills) (Reasoning) (Products/Performance)
IC1A2; VA6; FA4
compare patterns in music
to patterns in art
PP3B2; VA1; FA1
define the function of a
building as how a
building is used
PP3B2; VA1; FA1
define private buildings
as those used by a small
number of people for
their personal activities
PP3B2; VA1; FA1
define public buildings
as those used by a large
number of people, i.e.,
for education,
government, business,
religion or recreation
PP3B2; VA1; FA1
categorize buildings in the
community by function
and as either public or

Strand V: Historical and Cultural Context

Concept: Visually literate citizens understand the role and

functions of art in history and culture. Artists influence and are
influenced by the cultures and time periods in which they live.

Measurable Learner Objectives:

Recall Application Strategic Thinking Extended Thinking
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(Basic Knowledge) (Skills) (Reasoning) (Products/Performance)
HC1A1; VA4; FA5; IC2A2;
VA6; FA4
explain the connection
between Native American
culture and art; Egyptian
culture and art

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