Art Curriculum - Grade 2
Art Curriculum - Grade 2
Art Curriculum - Grade 2
Rationale: Art provides opportunities for young children to learn about and express their place in the world
through visual, tactile, and kinesthetic exploration of materials. While looking at and discussing art from this
and other cultures and time periods, students develop vocabulary and critical thinking skills
Course Description: During the second grade year, students will experience the following art media and
processes: drawing media and techniques, painting media and techniques, printmaking media and techniques,
sculpture materials and techniques, collage and assemblage materials and techniques, skills and techniques in
clay/ceramics, simple weaving and the use of fibers. In the areas of aesthetics, art criticism and art history,
students will look at and discuss art from various time periods and cultures in units on landscape,
portrait/figure, still life, non-objective art, sculpture, decorative arts, design, architecture
Strand I: Product-Performance
Concept: Artists communicate ideas through artworks by selecting and applying media
techniques and processes, subject matter, and themes.