News 31
News 31
News 31
Welcome to this week’s edition of the Brinsworth Manor Opening doors early - Reading School
Junior School Newsletter This half term we are trialling opening our doors to
School Values children from 8.30am. Many of our children have said
Politeness, Fairness, Friendship, Trustworthiness, that they would like to come into school to read or
Happiness, Pride, Respect, Determination, settle into the day earlier rather than be out on the
yard. We have had a number of minor incidents in
Courage, Honesty, Teamwork and Cooperation.
the morning that could be prevented if they came
Our values are important because they help us to straight into school rather than staying out on the
grow and develop. They help us to create the yard. For example: some of our younger children
future we want to experience. They make us into being hit with balls brought from home, groups of
the people we want to be and enable us to live in children falling out or children playing too rough.
a society that cares for one another. All of our pupils have a right to a safe environment!
Y3 Trip to Longdendale 4th and 5th June I have asked staff to monitor this situation so please
As part of their rocks and soils topic Y3 visited the respect their decisions on the yard when they are
trying to keep your children safe.
Longdendale Environmental Centre in Derbyshire.
Children have breaks, lunchtimes, the daily mile and
Falcon and half of Eagle Class went on Tuesday 4th PE sessions, throughout the day when they can play
June and Osprey and half of Eagle Class went on with equipment or support their physical
Wednesday 5th June. Everyone had a fantastic time development. There will still be a staff member out
making soil, visiting the quarry and reservoir and on the yard who will blow the whistle at 8.40am.
Thank you.
identifying different rocks.
Y3-Y5 Parent Art Afternoon/Mornings Well done Iguana Class – 97% attendance
We will be holding a series of Parent Art afternoons / Just a reminder that our annual school target from
mornings for parents of pupils in years 3-5. The the local authority is 96.5%. Letters have been sent
afternoon sessions for Y3 and Y4 will start at 1.45pm, the to those pupils with 100% attendance and those
morning session for Y5 will start at 9.15am whose attendance percentage has dropped.
Please put the dates in your diaries: These letters are a reminder if a child’s
Wednesday 12th June – Y3 Parent Art Afternoon 1.45pm attendance has dropped. It is a statutory
Wednesday 19th June – Y4 Parent Art Afternoon 1.45pm
requirement to keep parents informed.
Thursday 20th June – Y5 Parent Art Morning 9.15am
Thank you to those parents who continually
support us. We will soon be awarding all children
Science Week
with excellent attendance.
Next week, the whole school will be participating in
Science Week. There are lots of fun activities Under 9 Cricket Fixtures
planned, based around the theme of ‘Journeys’. On Wednesday Brinsworth Manor Junior Under 9’s
Each year group has an exciting mission to played Brinsworth Howarth at home. In a close
fought match Brinsworth Howarth won 264 runs to
complete as part of the whole school project. We
256. Well done to everyone involved.
will also be holding some parents events for you to Next week the under 9’s play Whiston Worrygoose
share in your child’s learning. Look out for our whole away.
school science competition where your child could
win an exciting prize. We look forward to sharing our Teacher Training Days 2018/19
super science. (Children are not in school on these dates)
Monday 10th June – Y3 Science afternoon 2.30pm Monday 22nd July
Wednesday 12th June – Y5 Science morning – 9.00am Teacher Training Days 2019/20
Thursday 13th June – Y4 Science afternoon – 2.30pm 2nd September 2019
25th October 2019
pace! Picture This Project 20th December 2019
Our Picture This project this year will be focused 1st June 2020
around three artists and their work - Degas, Renoir 20th July 2020
and Monet. As well as taking some pupils on a
For enquiries: Brinsworth Manor Junior School
photographic excursion around Rotherham, we are
Telephone number: 01709 828505
trying to collect items to help us: Beach Photos and
Newspapers are really needed! However they will
need to be suitable ones for children to use –
Thank you!
Next week
English Poetry
Year 3
Mrs Rowbottom Maths Shape
Miss Kingston
Miss Bletcher Gardener’s world