Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation

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Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation

This course is an introduction to Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation in which student
will able to learn the measurement techniques and measurement systems and it teaches signal
analyzers, signal generators and different types of oscilloscopes and their functioning and also
teaches the operation of different types of electrical transducers and bridge measurement and
also deals the measurement of physical parameters. Student gains the thorough knowledge in the
measuring instruments and their functioning.

1. Group - A (Short Answer Questions)

S. Course
No Outcome
Block Schematic of Measuring Systems , Measuring Instruments
1 Define the performance characteristics of an instrument? Understand 1
List the classification of performance characteristics of an Remember 1
Define precision and accuracy. Explain the difference between Understand 1


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S. Course
No Outcome
4 List out the characteristics of a precision. Understand 1
5 Explain the types of errors possible in an instrument? Understand 1
6 Discuss about dynamic characteristics of a system? Understand 1
7 Explain static characteristic? Understand 1
8 Distinguish between static and dynamic characteristics? Analyze 1
9 Explain ohmmeter and its classification? Understand 5
10 Explain briefly about DC voltmeters and AC voltmeters? Understand 5
Signal Analyzers, Signal Generators
1 Define wave analyzers? Understand 7
2 List out the applications of wave analyzers? Remember 7
3 Describe the t advantages incurred on spectrum analysis? Understand 7
4 Define spectrum analyzer? Understand 7
5 List out the applications of the spectrum analyzers? Understand 7
6 Define harmonic distortion analyzer? Understand 2
7 Distinguish between square and pulse wave generators? Analyze 2
8 Define a Function Generator? Understand 2
9 Distinguish between the oscillator and function generator? Analyze 2
10 List out the applications of function generator? Remember 2
1 Discuss about the CRT and its internal structure? Understand 6
2 Define CRO? Understand 6
3 Discuss vertical amplifier with a neat block diagram? Understand 6
4 Describe the roles of horizontal and vertical amplifiers? Remember 6
5 Explain vertical section of CRT? Understand 6
6 Explain about horizontal section of CRT. Understand 6

7 Discuss about dual beam CRO? Understand 6

8 Define dual trace oscilloscope? Understand 6
9 Define sampling oscilloscope? Remember 6
10 Write briefly about storage oscilloscope? Understand 6
1 Define transducer? Remember 4
2 List the classification of transducers? Understand 4
3 Define strain gauge? Understand 4

4 Discuss about LVDT? Understand 4


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S. Course
No Outcome
5 Write brief notes on thermocouples? Understand 4
6 Discuss the principle of operation of strain gauges? Understand 4
7 Explain the desirable characteristics of strain gauge? Understand 4
List out the applications of transducers? Remember 4
9 List out the advantages of thermocouples Understand 4

10 List the limitations of thermocouple. Understand 4

Bridges, Measurement of Physical parameters
1 Discuss the principle of Maxwell’s bridge? Understand 3
2 Explain the basic principle of Kelvin bridge? Understand 3
3 Describe the operation of the wheat stone bridge? Remember 3
4 Write short notes on data acquisition systems (DAS). Understand 4
5 Discuss the method of measurement of force? Understand 4
6 Explain the method of measurement of pressure Understand 4
7 Discuss about the method of measurement of velocity Understand 4
8 Discuss the method of measurement of humidity Understand 4
9 Describe the method of measurement of moisture Remember 4
10 Explain the method of measurement of displacement Understand 4

2. Group - II (Long Answer Questions)

S. Course
No Outcome
1 Define the terms Accuracy, Precision, Resolution, 1
Repeatability, Reproducibility and Sensitivity. Remember
2 Discuss about the Ayton Shunt Circuit and explain how Understand 1
current measurement is done?
3 Explain about different types of errors that occur in Understand 1
4 Explain the working of True RMS voltmeter. Understand 5


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5 Describe the basic performance characteristics of a Remember 1

system? Explain.
6 Explain the constructional details and difference Understand 1
between Ohmmeter series type and shunt type.

7 Explain the working principle of PMMC movement Understand 5

the help of equations.

8 Define voltmeter sensitivity. What is the loading effect Understand 5

of a DC voltmeter?
9 Discuss about D’Arsonval Movement. Understand 5
10 Give the block schematic of a general measuring system Understand 5
and explain the same.
11 Explain the terms : Understand 1
i. Significant figures
ii. Conformity.
12 Classify and explain various types of errors in Analyze 1
13 Define the following terms Remember 1
a) Fidelity b) Speed of response c) Lag d)Dynamic
14 Explain about the Multimeter. Understand 5
15 Discuss about AC voltmeters. Understand 5
1 Explain how a Function Generator works? Understand 2
2 Define a Sweep Generator, explain its functioning. Remember 2
3 Explain the working principle of wave analyzer with neat Understand 2
block diagram.
4 Explain the principle of operation and generation of Understand 2
pulse and square wave.

5 List out the applications of Spectrum Analyzer? Understand 2

6 Discuss about basic principle of AF wave analyzer Apply 7

with neat sketch.
7 Explain the working of the harmonic distortion analyzer? Understand 2
8 Explain the working of Basic Spectrum Analyzer with Apply 7
neat schematic block diagram.
9 Differentiate between wave analyzer and harmonic Analyze 7
distortion analyzer?
10 Explain the working of the Power analyzer? Understand 7
11 Explain Arbitrary Waveform Generator Understand


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12 Explain the working of heterodyne wave analyzer with Understand 7

neat diagram.
13 List out the considerations to be made in choosing an Remember 7
oscillator Instrument or Signal Generator Instrument?

14 Explain about the Video signal generators. Understand 2

15 Distinguish between wave analyzer and Harmonic Analyze 7

distortion analyzer.

16 Distinguish between wave Analyzer and Spectrum Analyze 7


17 Explain about basic spectrum analyzer using swept Understand 7

receiver design.

1 Explain briefly the Basic Features of a CRT? Understand 6
2 Explain briefly about the Vertical amplifier. Understand 6
3 Explain briefly about the Horizontal deflecting system? Understand 6
4 Draw the block diagram of general purpose CRO and Apply 6
explain its working.
5 Explain about storage oscilloscope with block diagram? Understand 6
6 Explain the working of Dual trace CRO with neat block Understand 6
7 Explain with neat Block Diagram of Digital Storage Understand 6
8 Draw the block diagram of Sampling oscilloscope and Apply 6
explain its working.
9 Explain the method of finding phase relationship of two Understand 6
waveforms using Lissajous figures?
10 Explain the method of finding frequency relationship of Understand 6
two waveforms using Lissajous figures?
11 Explain the working of Dual Beam CRO with neat block Understand 6
12 Explain about Delay lines in CROs. Understand 6

13 List out the different types of probes used for CROs? Remember 6
Explain about each of them

14 Explain the Applications of Oscilloscopes. Understand 6

15 Explain how different Lissajous figures can be used to Understand 6


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measure various parameters?

1 Define a transducer? Write the classifications of Remember 4
2 Explain working of strain gauge and what are its specific Understand 4
3 Explain about Piezo-electric effect? Understand 4
4 Explain the desirable characteristics of thermocouples? Understand 4

5 Explain about Displacement transducers. Understand 4

6 Describe about resistance thermometers. Understand 4
7 Explain about Variable Capacitance transducers. Understand 4
8 Explain the Magneto Strictive transducers Understand 4
9 Explain the Principle, working, Construction, Understand 4
characteristics and applications of thermistors.

10 Explain the Principle and working of Strain gauges Understand 4

11 Distinguish between thermocouple and thermistor? Analyze 4
12 Explain the principle , working , construction , Understand 4
Characteristics and applications of LVDTs.

13 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of LVDT. Understand 4

14 List out the Salient features of Semiconductor Strain Remember 4

gauges? Explain.

15 Discus the difference between active and passive Understand 4


16 Explain the principle and working of Hot-wire Understand 4


17 Explain the operation of a Piezo electric transducer. Understand 4

1 Draw and explain the Maxwell Bridge with neat diagram Apply 3
and derive the expression for unknown inductance.
2 Explain the Kelvin Bridge with neat diagram and derive Understand 3
the expression for unknown resistance.


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3 Explain the basic principle of wheat stone bridge and Understand 3

derive the expression for unknown resistance.
4 Explain general Data Acquisition System (DAS) with a Understand 4
neat block diagram?
5 Explain how pressure is measured. Understand 4
6 Discuss about Flow measurement. Understand 4
7 Describe the measurement of force. Remember 4
8 Explain the method of measurement of humidity. Understand 4
9 Discuss about the method of measurement of moisture. Understand 4
10 Describe about the Liquid level measurement. Remember 4
11 Explain the principle and working of Ionization gauge Understand
12 Explain the principle and working of ultrasonic Level Understand 3
13 Explain about Velocity measurement. Understand 3
14 Discuss about Vacuum level measurement. Understand 3
15 Explain about force measurement. Understand 3
16 Define data acquisition? Mention the essential features Remember 4
of a data acquisition system.
17 Distinguish between magnetic flow meter with turbine Analyze 4
flow meter
18 Distinguish between ionization gauge and Pirani gauge. Analyze 3

3. Group - III (Analytical Questions)

S.N Course
o outcome
Block Schematic of Measuring Systems , Measuring Instruments
It is desired to extend the range of a 10mA Ammeter with Rm=100 Evaluate 5
Ω to measure 15A. Draw the circuit and determine the value of R.
Determine the Multiplier resistance on the 50V range of a DC Evaluate 5
2 voltmeter, which
uses 300mA meter movement having internal resistance of 1.2Ω.
A Voltmeter having a sensitivity of 15k Ω /V reads 80V on a 100V Evaluate 5
scale , when connected across an unknown resistor. The current
through the resistor is 2mA. Calculate the % of error due to loading
effect .
A basic D’Arsonval movement with a full scale deflection of 100 Evaluate 5
μA and an

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S.N Course
o outcome
internal resistance of 2000 Ω is available. It is to be Converted into
a 0-5V ,
0-10V, 0-25V, and 0-50V multi range voltmeter using individual
for each range. Calculate the values of the individual resistors.
A Voltmeter having a Sensitivity of 20k Ω /V reads 100V units Evaluate 5
150V scale, when connected across an unknown resistor Rx. The
current passing through the resistor is 2.0mA .Calculate the % error
due to loading effect.
Signal Analyzers, Signal Generators
Estimate the value of a minimum detectable signal (MDS) of a Evaluate 7
Spectrum analyzer with a NF of 25dB using 1KHz 3dB filter.
In a Wien bridge oscillator R1 = R2 =55k Ω. C1 =C2 = 800 pf with Evaluate 7
usual notation. Determine the frequency of oscillations.
In an ordinary phase shift oscillator R1=R2=R3=800kΩ, C1=C2=C3= Evaluate 7
100pf, with usual notation. Find the frequency of oscillations.
Determine the dynamic range of a spectrum analyser with a third- Evaluate 7
order intercept point of +40dBm and a noise level of -100dBm.
What is the minimum detectable signal of a spectrum analyzer with Evaluate 7
a noise figure of 20dB and using a 1-kHz, 3-dB filter?
Determine the secondary emission ratio `S' of a digital storage Evaluate 6
1 oscilloscope, if the value secondary emission current IS is 15µA,
and the primary beam current IP is 150µA.
Determine the Velocity of electron beam of an oscilloscope when Evaluate 6
voltage applied is 2500V.
The deflection sensitivity of a CRT is 0.05mm/V and an unknown Evaluate 6
voltage is applied to the horizontal deflection plate, which shifts the
spot by 5mm towards the right. Determine the unknown applied
The x-deflection plates of a CRT are 20mm long and 5mm apart. Evaluate 6
The centre of the plate from the screen is 25 cm away. The
accelerating voltage is 3000V. Determine the deflection sensitivity
and the factor.
The x-deflection plates in the CRT are 1mm apart and 25mm long. Evaluate 6
The centre of the plate is 20cm from the screen. The accelerating
voltage is 3000V. Find the Vrms of the sinusoidal voltage applied to
x-deflection plates if the length of the trace is 10cm. Find the
electrostatic deflection sensitivity.


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S.N Course
o outcome
A resistance strain gauge with a guage factor of 2 is cemented to a Evaluate 4
steel member, which is subjected to a strain of 1x10-6 . If original
resistance value of the gauge is 130 Ω, calculate the change in
An ac LVDT has the following data. Evaluate 4
Input = 6.3V, Output = 5.2V, range ±0.5 in. Determine
2 (i) Calculate the output voltage vs core position for a core
movement going from +0.45in. to -0.30 in.
(ii) The output voltage when the core is -0.25 in. from the
A resistance strain gage with a gage factor of 2 is fastended to a Evaluate 4
steel member subjected to a stress of 1050 kg/cm2 . The modulus of
3 elasticity of steel is approximately 2.1x106 kg/cm2 . Calculate the
change in resistance ΔR, of the strain-gage element due to the
applied stress.
Bridges, Measurement of Physical parameters
In the case of Maxwell's bridge, one arm has resistance of 1K Ω, in Evaluate 3
another arm has also only resistance of 5K Ω. The third arm has a
1 resistor 4-7k Ω in shunt with a capacitor of 1µF. The bridge is
excited at frequency of 1KHz.Determine the Values of an unknown
Lx in the fourth arm.
In a certain Wheatstone bridge circuit measurements, RA=200k Ω, Evaluate 3
RB=400k Ω, RC=100k Ω, RD=300k Ω. E=1.5V, Rg=100 Ω, with
usual notation. Determine the current through the detector
A Maxwell bridge is used to measure inductive impedance. The Evaluate 3
bridge constants at balance are C1=0.01μF, R1=470k Ω, R2=5.1k
Ω and R3=100k Ω. Find the series equivalent of the unknown

Prepared By: Mr. G. Laxminarayana, Asst. Prof, Dept of ECE , Mr. V. Naresh Kumar, Asst.
Prof, Dept of ECE


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