CBSE Class 11 Economics Worksheet
CBSE Class 11 Economics Worksheet
CBSE Class 11 Economics Worksheet
Q2. Name some notable economists who estimated India’s per capitaincome during the colonial
Q3. Which is regarded as the defining year to make the demographic transition from its first to the
second stage?
Q6. What was the motive behind the infrastructure development during the British rule?
Q7. What was the objective of the Britishers to develop roads in India?
Q9. During the British rule what percentage of India’s population lived mostly in villages and
derived livelihood from agriculture?
Q11. Name the main items of India’s exports and imports during British rule.
Q12. During colonial rule with which country did India have more than half of its foreign trade?
Q14. What was the focus of the economic policies pursued by the colonial government in India?
What was the impact of these policies?
Q15. Explain in brief the state of agricultural sector during the colonial period?
Q16. Explain the exploitative nature of zamindari system during the British rule?
Q17. Explain in brief the state of industrial sector during the colonial period?
Q18. What was the two-fold motive behind the systematic deindustrialization affected by the
British in pre independence India?
Q19. Throw light on the state of India’s foreign trade during the colonial period . How did it lead
“to drain of Indian Wealth?”
Q21.Describe in brief the nature of occupational Structure in India on the eve of independence .
Q23.Were there any positive contributions made by the British in India? Discuss.