Assignment Ch 1Indian Economic Development 2
Assignment Ch 1Indian Economic Development 2
Assignment Ch 1Indian Economic Development 2
Q1. Arrange the following events of India before the independence in chronological
Q2.. During the second half of the 19th century, the cotton textile mills, mainly
dominated by Indians, were located in (i)____________________________, while jute mills
dominated by the foreigners were mainly concentrated in(ii)______________________.
Q3. During the British colonial rule, the various social development indicators were
not encouraging. The overall literacy rate was(i)_____________________. Out of this, the
female literacy level was at a negligible low of about (ii)________________.
Reason (R):- India observed systematic de-industrialization during the British rule in
b) Both Assertion(A) and Reason (R )is not the correct explanation of Assertion(A).
Q5 _________ refers to a system of political and social relations between two countries, of
which one is the ruler and other it’s colony.
Q6. Read the following statements carefully and choose the correct alternative from the
Statement 1: Export surplus generated during the colonial period was used to meet the
expenses incurred by offices set up by the Colonial Indian government in Britain
(a)Both the statements are true (b) Both the statements are false
(c)Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false (d) Statement 2 is true and statement 1 is
Q7.Critically appraise some of the shortfalls of the industrial policy pursued by the British
colonial administration.
Q8. Due to its quality, Indian indigo was in great demand in Britain . In 1810 almost 95% of
the indigo imported into Britain was from India. Indigo production became a very profitable
business and many Britishers became indigo planters. They advanced loans to peasants at
high rate and forced them to cultivate indigo in 25% of their land. They paid a low price for
the indigo. As the indigo plant had deep roots, it exhausted the soil fertility and the land
was unfit for rice cultivation.
Do you think that the above practices of the British were justified?
Q9. “The introduction of the railways in India was considered as one of the most
important contributions of the British. However, the social benefits, which the Indian
people gained owing to the introduction of the railways were outweighed by the
county’s huge economic loss.”
Q10. Underscore some of India’s most crucial challenges at the time of independence.
Q11 . Read the following case study and answer the questions that follows:
According to historical GDP estimates by economist Angus Maddison, India’s GDP during
the British Raj grew in absolute terms but declined in relative share to the world.
The role and scale of British imperial policy on India’s relative decline in global GDP
remains a topic of debate among economists, historians and politicians. Many
commentators argue the effect of British rule was highly negative, that Britain engaged in a
policy of deindustrialisation in India for the benefit of British exporters, leaving Indians
relatively poorer than before British Rule. Others argue that Britain’s impact on India was
either broadly neutral or positive, and that India’s declining share of global GDP was due to
other factors, such as new mass production technologies being invented in Europe.
(a)What was the state of Indian economy before the arrival of Britishers and after the arrival
of the Britishers?