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Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society? No.

They aim to transmit the traditional moral values and

intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens. ... They teach subject matter even if
the students are not interested.
Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society? No. They aim to transmit the traditional moral values and
intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens. ... They teach subject matter even if
the students are not interested.
Essentialism Question and Answer
1. Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society? No. They aim to transmit the traditional moral values
and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens.
2. Is the model citizen of the essentialist the citizen who contributes to the re-building of society? No. The model student
is the one who show mastery of the basic skills and that one who lives by traditional moral values.
3. Do the essentialist teachers give up teaching the basics if the students are not interested? No. They teach subject
matter even if the students are not interested. They are more subject matter-oriented than student-centered.
4. Do the essentialist teachers frown on long academic calendar and core requirements? No. They need long academic
calendar and core requirements for mastery of basic skills.
1. Do the progressivist teachers look at education as a preparation for adult life? No. They look at education as life.
2. Are the students’ interests and needs considered in a progressivist curriculum? Yes.
3. Does the progressivist curriculum focus mainly on facts and concepts? No. They focus more on problem-solving skills.
4. Do the progressivist teachers strive to stimulate in the classroom life in the outside world? Yes.
1. Do the perennialist teachers concerned with the students’ mastery of the fundamental skills? No. They are more
concerned with the study of the Great Books.
2. Do the perennialist teachers see the wisdom of ancient, medieval and modern times? Yes.
3. Is the perennialist curriculum geared towards specialization? No. It is geared towards general or liberal education.
4. Do the perennialist teachers sacrifice subject matter for the sake of students’ interests? No. Like the essentialist,
subject matter is foremost to the perennialist.
1. Is the existentialist teacher after students becoming specialists in order to contribute to society? No. They are more
concerned in helping students appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept responsibility over the thoughts,
actions and life.
2. Is the existentialist concerned with the education of the whole person? Yes.
3. Is the course of study imposed on students in the existentialist curriculum? No. Students are given a choice.
4. Does the existentialist teacher make heavy use of the individualized approach? Yes, to allow each student to learn at
his own pace.
1. Are behaviourists concerned with the modifications of students’ behavior? Yes.
2. Do the behaviourist teachers spend their time teaching their students on how to respond favourably to various
environmental stimuli? Yes.
3. Do behaviourist teachers believe they have control over some variables that affect learning? Yes.
4. Do behaviourist teachers believe that students are a product of their environment? Yes.
Linguistic Philosophy
1. Do linguistic philosophers promote the study of language? Yes.
2. Is the communication that linguistic philosophers encourage limited to verbal language only? No.
3. Do linguistic philosophers prefer the teacher who dominates discussion to save time to a teacher who encourages
dialogue? No.
4. Is the curriculum of the linguistic philosopher open to the learning of as many languages, like other Tongue, as
possible ? Yes.
1. Does the constructivist agree to a teaching methodology of “telling”? No
2. Do constructivists believe that students can construct knowledge? Yes.
3. Do constructivists approve of teaching learners the skill to learn? Yes.
4. Do constructivists believe that meaning can be imposed ? No

A person:1B.2E.3E&P.4B.5E.6B.7B.8P.9E&P10E.11P

1.“Education is not preparation for life;education is life itself.” ... The knowledge that is attained
through education helps open doors to a lot of opportunities for better prospects in career growth.(P)

“Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself. Such is the first principle of existentialism.'' Jean Paul Sartre
3. Essentialism:
"Gripping and enduring interests frequently grow out of initial learning efforts that are not appealing or attractive."
William Bagley
4. Behaviourism
"Give me a dozen healthy infants, well informed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to
take anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select--doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-
chief; and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and
race of his ancestors." John Watson
5.Existence precedes essence-Sartre(E)
 Inductive Reasoning: The first lipstick I pulled from my bag is red. The second lipstick I
pulled from my bag is red. Therefore, all the lipsticks in my bag are red.
Deductive Reasoning: The first lipstick I pulled from my bag is red. All lipsticks in my bag
are red. Therefore, the second lipstick I pull from my bag will be red too.
 Inductive Reasoning: My mother is Irish. She has blond hair. Therefore, everyone from
Ireland has blond hair.
Deductive Reasoning: My mother is Irish. Everyone from Ireland has blond hair.
Therefore, my mother has blond hair.
 Inductive Reasoning: Most of our snowstorms come from the north. It's starting to snow.
This snowstorm must be coming from the north.
Deductive Reasoning: All of our snowstorms come from the north. It's starting to snow.
Therefore, the storm is coming from the north.
 Inductive Reasoning: Maximilian is a shelter dog. He is happy. All shelter dogs are happy.
Deductive Reasoning: Maximillian is a shelter dog. All shelter dogs are happy. Therefore,
he is happy.

 Examples of Deductive Reasoning

 All dolphins are mammals, all mammals have kidneys; therefore all dolphins have kidneys.
 All numbers ending in 0 or 5 are divisible by 5. The number 35 ends with a 5, so it must be
divisible by 5.
 All birds have feathers and all robins are birds. Therefore, robins have feathers.
 It's dangerous to drive on icy streets. The streets are icy now, so it would be dangerous to
 All cats have a keen sense of smell. Fluffy is a cat, so Fluffy has a keen sense of smell.
 Cacti are plants and all plants perform photosynthesis; therefore, cacti perform
 Red meat has iron in it and beef is red meat. Therefore, beef has iron in it.
 Acute angles are less than 90 degrees. This angle is 40 degrees, so it must be acute.
 All noble gases are stable. Helium is a noble gas, so helium is stable.
 Elephants have cells in their bodies and all cells have DNA. Therefore, elephants have
 All horses have manes. The Arabian is a horse; therefore, Arabians have manes.

Invalid Deductive Reasoning

Even with two solid premises, sometimes, deductive reasoning goes wrong. Here are a
few examples of just that:
 All swans are white. Jane is white. Therefore, Jane is a swan.
 All farmers like burgers. Jethro likes chicken wings. Therefore, Jethro is not a farmer.
 All actors are handsome. Tom Cruise is handsome. Therefore, Tom Cruise is an actor.

Use inductive reasoning to predict the next three numbers in the pattern (or
sequence). 1, 3, 5, 7, ...

What are the 6th and 7th terms in the following sequence? Use inductive reasoning to reach your answer.

2, 12, 22, 32, …

C) 52, 62
Correct. Each number in the sequence is 10 more than the previous number. Since the 4th term is 32, the 6th
term must be 20 more, or 52, and the 7th term must be 10 more than that, or 62.

Problem 1: How many liters of 20% alcohol solution should be added

to 40 liters of a 50% alcohol solution to make a 30% solution?
Solution to Problem 1:

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