Procurement Procedures
Procurement Procedures
Procurement Procedures
Airport Authority
Reno NV
Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority
Reno-Tahoe International Airport
The BHS equipment, within the scope of Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO)
contract, is summarized as follows:
a. The subject outbound baggage system at RNO is one integrated system with
three (3) separate matrices. The scope of the RNO contract will be limited to the
outbound baggage screening-related portions of the systems. These screening
systems generally utilize pusher type diverters for distribution to subsystems with
in-line EDS machines. The subject outbound systems consist of check-in,
transport, and screening-related equipment that are associated with three
separate matrices: Matrix 1 (North Matrix), Matrix 2 (Center Matrix) and Matrix 3
(South Matrix). The matrices are all located within the Ticket Lobby Building
(wing) of the Main Terminal Building.
b. Work includes the contractor’s assuming responsibility for the BHS Systems
management, operations, maintenance, and repair of the specified Baggage
Handling System equipment, including transport, merge and metering conveyors,
power turns, fire/security doors, etc.
i. North Matrix and Bag Room related systems generally include the
a. Four (4) ticket counter transport lines fed by a total of four (4)
three-segment feeder belts (total of approximately 571 linear
feet of conveyor equipment including feeder belts, power turns,
merges, etc.).
b. One (1) oversize bag check-in line terminating in a dedicated
screening room and associated indexing make-up belt (total of
approximately 165 linear feet of conveyor equipment including
power turns, etc.).
c. One (1) screening-related subsystem with a total of
approximately 714 linear feet of conveyor equipment (including
power turns, merges, etc.). These screening systems generally
utilize pusher type diverters for distribution to subsystems with
in-line EDS machines requiring tracking of baggage for
subsequent sortation of bags by their security status via vertical
d. Sloped plate make-up carousel (approximately 190 linear feet).
i. Center Matrix and Bag Room related systems generally include the
a. Three (3) ticket counter transport lines fed by a total of three (3)
three-segment feeder belts (total of approximately 369 linear
feet of conveyor equipment including feeder belts, power turns,
merges, etc.).
i. South Matrix and Bag Room related systems generally include the
a. Two (2) ticket counter transport lines fed by a total of two (2)
three-segment feeder belts (total of approximately 540 linear
feet of conveyor equipment including feeder belts, power turns,
merges, etc.).
b. There are ten (10) Vaculex devices in this screening area that
are included in the operations and maintenance requirements.
b. There are six (6) Vaculex devices in this screening area that are
included in the operations and maintenance requirements.
5. Verification
contact the Project Technician to schedule a viewing time that will be available
only during this dedicated week.
The following schedule has been established for this selection process:
5.2 Sealed proposals shall be opened in the Airport Authority Purchasing and
Materials Management Division at 2:00 p.m. PDT, May 1, 2014. Only the
names of firms submitting proposals shall be read at this time.
The proposer shall clearly identify in his proposal any information that he
believes constitutes proprietary information within the above definition. The
Airport Authority shall, upon review of the proposal, make its own
determination whether the information constitutes such proprietary
information. If the Airport Authority determines that the information does
not constitute such proprietary information, then it shall attempt to contact
the proposer, at the address, telephone and/or facsimile number provided
by him to the Airport Authority as set forth on the Proposal Schedule, to
advise him of its determination. The proposer may then, at his sole
discretion: (a) withdraw his proposal; (b) withdraw that portion of his
proposal which he continues to believe constitutes proprietary information,
regardless of the Airport Authority’s contrary determination; or (c) agree to
allow the disputed portion of the proposal to be made available for public
inspection consistent with the terms of this RFP. The proposer shall notify
the Airport Authority, in writing, of his decision within seventy-two (72) hours
of the Airport Authority’s contact. The proposer acknowledges that his
election to proceed under (b) above might render the remainder of his
proposal noncompliant with and unresponsive to this RFP, such that his
proposal might be rejected or disqualified. The Airport Authority shall not be
liable for any failure by the proposer to receive notice of its determination as
to proprietary information, any failure by the proposer timely to respond
thereto, and/or any error in the communication or resolution of a proprietary
information issue hereunder.
5.5 The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority reserves the right to negotiate any terms
and conditions of proposals received prior to acceptance/rejection of said
proposal or contract resulting from proposal.
The site inspection will allow prospective proposers the opportunity to tour and
inspect the job site prior to submittal of their response. All prospective proposers
intending to submit a proposal as a general contractor are required to attend this
conference to be eligible to submit a proposal.
7.1 Any irregularities or lack of clarity in the Request for Proposal should be
brought to the attention of the Airport Authority Purchasing and Materials
Management Division for correction or clarification.
7.2 Any addenda issued shall forthwith become an integral part of the
proposal request. Proposer shall be required to acknowledge receipt of it
by signing and returning the addenda with the original proposal document.
7.3 Proposals shall be made only upon the forms provided, included with this
Request for Proposal document, with all items filled out, amounts
proposed stated both in words and figures, the original signatures of all
persons required to sign, and shall be typed or written in blue or black ink.
The completed form should be without interlineations, alterations, or
erasures unless the signatory initials such.
7.6 Prices quoted shall be F.O.B. destination and exclusive of federal and
state taxes, except those relating to taxable materials provided as part of
the work.
7.7 In the event of a difference between written words and figures, the amount
stated in written words shall govern. In the event of a difference between a
unit price and the extended price, the unit price shall govern.
7.8 Proposals must be provided on the proposal forms that are a part of this
Request for Proposal document. Proposal forms may not be altered in
any manner—this includes the scanning of forms for purposes of
reproducing or recreating them. Any alteration of proposal forms may be
cause for rejection of the proposal.
7.10 Except where the words or context clearly require a different result, the
Authority intends the technical specifications to be performance
7.11 All proposals shall be submitted in a form and manner as indicated in this
Request for Proposal document and by the proposal forms. Any proposal
that is not submitted in a form and manner indicated by the Request for
Proposal document and proposal forms or that contain information,
statements, conditions, or qualifications that place conditions or
qualifications on the proposal submittal for purposes of making an award, or
that alter any proposal terms, conditions, specifications, or forms that had
not previously been approved by written addendum issued by the Manager
of Purchasing and Materials Management, or that does not meet legal
requirements, shall be declared as a qualified, conditional, or non-
responsive proposal and may be rejected without further consideration.
Any proposal response that does not fully respond to and comply with all of
the detailed terms, conditions, specifications or any requests for information
including the execution of the proposal forms may be declared non-
responsive by the Airport Authority and rejected without further
consideration. The Airport Authority shall not be responsible for errors or
omissions of the proposer.
8.1 Seven (7) copies (one original and six photocopies) of the proposal and
any addenda thereto shall be enclosed in a sealed box addressed to the
Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority Purchasing and Materials Management
Division, 2770 Vassar Street, Reno, Nevada 89502 or delivered to the
office in person. Proposal box must indicate the name and address of
8.2 Proposer must ensure that the following completed documents are
included in his response package.
8.5 The Airport Authority shall not be responsible for the premature or post
opening of a proposal that is not properly addressed or identified.
8.7 Prices offered shall only be considered if they are provided in the
appropriate space(s) on the proposal schedule. For consideration, any
additions or deductions to the proposal prices offered must be shown
under the exceptions section of the proposal. Extraneous numbers,
prices, comments etc. appearing elsewhere on the proposal shall be
deemed to have no effect on the prices offered in the designated
8.8 When a proposal surety is required, such surety shall be acceptable only
in the form of a surety bond, certified check or cashier’s check in the
amount stated. The surety must accompany the proposal. After
award of the proposal, the surety of the unsuccessful proposer(s) shall be
returned. The surety of the successful proposer shall be retained until the
agreement form has been executed and the Airport Authority receives
performance and payment bonds as well as all insurance certificates.
A proposal received after the receiving time specified shall be rejected.
10.1 A request for withdrawal of a proposal after award shall not be considered.
In the event the proposer chooses not to submit a response to the solicitation but
wishes to remain on the proposer list, indicate “NO PROPOSAL” on the face of the
return envelope or Proposal Schedule page of the proposal document, affix firm
name and address and return it according to the instructions in Section 8,
“Submission of Proposal” above.
12.1 Surety shall consist of a bond, certified check, or cashier’s check, drawn in
favor of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, a quasi-municipal corporation of
the State of Nevada.
12.2 The Airport Authority shall retain the successful proposer’s surety until
successful proposer furnishes any required performance bond and labor
and materials payment bond, provides proof of insurance certificate, and
executes and delivers the resulting agreement. If successful proposer
refuses or fails to perform any of the above, he shall forfeit the proposal
surety. The forfeiture of the proposal surety is intended by the Airport
Authority as a penalty. Should this occur, in addition to forfeiting the
proposal surety, the Airport Authority reserves the right to seek any
damages resulting from successful proposer’s refusal or failure to perform.
12.3 Surety of the unsuccessful proposer(s) shall be returned within thirty (30)
days of award by the Board of Trustees.
13.1 A Labor and Materials Payment bond in an amount equal to one hundred
percent (100%) of the total amount of the proposal award; and,
13.3 The Labor and Material Payment and Performance bonds shall be effective
from the beginning of the project until the Airport Authority has
acknowledged satisfactory performance.
13.4 Bonds shall be drawn in favor of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, a quasi-
municipal corporation of the State of Nevada.
15.1 The Airport Authority guarantees the successful proposer access to job site
without undue hindrance or interference in performing work required under
the contract. The successful proposer shall perform the project without
undue interference to the operation of the Airport Authority. Employees or
representatives designated by the Airport Authority have the right to require
successful proposer's employees to take any action necessary to protect
the health, safety, and welfare of any employee, tenant, passenger, or
visitor. Successful proposer must include in all contracts with
subcontractors that the subcontractor's employees shall comply with the
orders of any of the Airport Authority's designated employees.
15.2 The successful proposer shall exercise reasonable care and caution to
avoid any damage to real and personal property of the Airport Authority.
Any damage to real and personal property of the Airport Authority due to
the actions of the successful proposer’s employees or subcontractors shall
be the responsibility of the successful proposer to repair at no additional
cost to the Airport Authority.
15.3 The successful proposer shall coordinate security badging of its employees
and subcontractors prior to commencement of work and insure compliance
with RTAA and TSA security requirements. Security requirements are
detailed in Attachment C hereto.
15.4 Failure to comply with any specification herein or with direction from the
Airport Authority's designated employees or representatives may result in a
stoppage of work until compliance is restored.
17.1 The Airport Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or
parts thereof, and to waive any informalities or irregularities.
17.2 The Airport Authority reserves the right to hold proposals for a period of one
hundred twenty (120) days from the date of opening before awarding or
rejecting said proposals.
17.3 Severability exists with regard to acceptance or rejection of any item, group
of items, or section unless proposer has stipulated specific limitations.
17.5 A contract shall not be assigned to any other person or entity without the
consent of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority. Requests for assignment
shall be submitted, in writing, to the Manager of Purchasing and Materials
18.2 The written notice of appeal must include a statement setting forth, with
specificity, the reason(s) the person filing the notice believes the applicable
provisions of law were violated.
18.3 Post, with the written appeal, a bond with good and solvent surety
authorized to do business in this state or submit other security in a form
approved by the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, who will hold the bond or
other security until a determination is made on the appeal.
18.4 Post the bond or other security with the notice of appeal in an amount equal
to the lesser of twenty-five percent (25%) of the total value of the proposal
submitted by the person filing the notice of appeal or two hundred fifty
thousand dollars ($250,000).
18.5 A notice of appeal filed in accordance with the provisions herein operates
as a stay of action in relation to the awarding of any contract until a
determination is made by the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority on the appeal.
18.6 A person who makes an unsuccessful proposal may not seek any type of
judicial intervention until the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority has made a
determination on the appeal and awarded the contract.
18.7 The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority is not liable for any costs, expenses,
attorney’s fees, loss of income, or other damages sustained by a person
who makes a proposal, whether or not the person files a notice of appeal
pursuant to this section.
18.8 If an appeal is granted, the full amount of the posted bond will be returned
to the appellant. If the appeal is denied or not upheld, the Reno-Tahoe
Airport Authority may make a claim against the bond or other security in an
amount equal to the expenses incurred by the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority
because of the unsuccessful appeal. Any money remaining after the claim
has been satisfied shall be returned to the appellant.
Questions regarding the Request for Proposal shall be directed to Joyce A.
Humphrey, Manager of Purchasing and Materials Management, at (775) 328-
6676, or e-mailed to and must be submitted not later
than April 1, 2014. Responses to questions submitted shall be published in an
addendum and posted to the Authority’s website.
The Authority Purchasing and Materials Management Division shall issue all
addenda to this Request for Proposal in writing. Additionally, all Proposers
should continually monitor the Authority’s web site ( under
The Authority – Competitive Solicitations to ensure receipt of any addenda
associated with this RFP. Proposers are solely responsible for checking the
Airport Authority’s website for any addenda issued for this solicitation.
26.1 During the contract period, the Airport Authority will provide a dumpster for
depositing waste generated in the maintenance of the baggage handling
system. Site maintenance is required on a daily basis. Hazardous waste
materials (e.g., batteries, etc.), are excluded and shall be the responsibility
of the successful proposer.
26.2 The successful proposer shall be responsible for clean-up at the sites,
including removal of debris and excess materials and a thorough cleaning
of all areas that were affected by the work of the successful proposer or his
subcontractors as acceptable to the Airport Authority.
27.2 Title page to include the name and number of the RFP, proposer’s legal
name and its contact person’s name, address, phone, facsimile number,
and e-mail address.
27.3 Table of contents listing major sections and subsections of the proposal that
correspond to the requirements of this RFP.
27.5 List of references (not less than five) to include client name, address,
contact person and telephone number, maintenance project, contract value,
and date(s) of maintenance project(s), personnel associated, and e-mail
27.8.7 Provide a sample staffing plan/schedule that includes support for the
CCR dealing with bag jams, faults in Matrix 1 (North), Matrix 2
(Center), Matrix 3 (South), all conveyor lines addressing mechanical
and electrical problems, preventative maintenance, and Brock
Solutions telephone support
27.8.8 Review contingency plan/disaster recovery plan and the plan for
orderly shutdown (process and procedures)
No assignment of any agreement resulting from award of this proposal shall be
allowed including the right to receive payment without the express written
31.3 The Airport Authority shall reserve the right to accept or reject any or all
alternatives or exceptions offered based solely on the value of said
alternatives or exceptions to the Airport Authority.
34.1 Fails to begin the work under the resulting agreement within the time
specified in the Notice to Proceed, or
34.2 Fails to perform the work under the agreement with sufficient workmen and
equipment or with sufficient materials to assure the prompt completion of
the work, or
34.5 Fails to resume work that has been discontinued within a reasonable time
after notice to do so, or
34.7 Allows any final judgment to stand against him unsatisfied for a period of
five (5) days, or
34.9 For any other cause whatsoever, fails to carry on the work in an acceptable
manner, the Airport Authority will give notice in writing to the successful
proposer and his surety of such delay, neglect, or default, or
If the successful proposer or surety, within the time period specified in the
Technical Specifications, does not proceed in accordance therewith, the Airport
Authority shall have full power and authority without violating the agreement to take
the prosecution of the work out of the hands of the successful proposer. The
Airport Authority may, at its option, call upon the surety to complete the work in
accordance with the terms of the agreement, or may take over the work, including
any or all materials and equipment on the project as may be suitable and
acceptable, and may complete the work by force account, or may enter into a new
agreement for the completion of said agreement according to the terms and
provisions thereof, or use such other methods as, in the Airport Authority’s opinion,
will be required for the completion of said contract in an acceptable manner.
All costs and charges incurred by the Airport Authority together with the cost of
completing the work under the agreement shall be deducted from the money that
may become due the successful proposer. In case the expense so incurred by the
Authority shall be less than the sum that would have been payable under the
agreement if it had been completed by the successful proposer, then the
successful proposer shall be entitled to receive the difference. In case such
expense shall exceed the sum that would have been payable under the
agreement, then the successful proposer and his surety shall be liable and shall
pay the Airport Authority the amount of said excess.
In connection with the performance of work under the resulting agreement, the
successful proposer agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant
for employment because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, or age. Such agreements shall include, but not be limited to, the
following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment
advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and
selection for training including apprenticeship. Any violation of such provision by
the successful proposer shall constitute a material breach of contract. Further,
successful proposer agrees to insert this nondiscrimination provision in all
subcontracts hereunder, except subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or
raw material.
Each proposer shall submit with his proposal, on the form provided, the name of
each subcontractor who will provide labor or a portion of the work or
improvement to the contractor for which he will be paid an amount exceeding five
percent (5%) of the prime contractor’s total proposal, and the portion of the work
that each subcontractor will do. If the proposer fails to name the subcontractors
in his proposal, he shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion of
the work himself and shall not be permitted to subcontract said portion of the
work without previous written permission of the Airport Authority.
38.1 Surety shall consist of a bond, certified check, or cashier’s check, drawn in
favor of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, a quasi-municipal corporation of
the State of Nevada.
38.2 The Airport Authority shall retain the successful proposer’s surety until
successful proposer furnishes any required performance bond and labor
and materials payment bond, provides proof of insurance certificate, and
executes and delivers the resulting agreement. If successful proposer
refuses or fails to perform any of the above, he shall forfeit the proposal
surety. The forfeiture of the proposal surety is intended by the Airport
Authority as a penalty. Should this occur, in addition to forfeiting the
proposal surety, the Airport Authority reserves the right to seek any
damages resulting from successful proposer’s refusal or failure to perform.
38.3 Surety of the unsuccessful proposer(s) shall be returned within thirty (30)
days of award by the Board of Trustees.
39.1 A Labor and Materials Payment bond in an amount equal to one hundred
percent (100%) of the total amount of the proposal award; and,
39.3 The Labor and Material Payment and Performance bonds shall be effective
from the beginning of the project until the Airport Authority has
acknowledged satisfactory performance.
39.4 Bonds shall be drawn in favor of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, a quasi-
municipal corporation of the State of Nevada.
The evaluation criteria utilized to evaluate proposals received shall include, but not
be limited to, the following:
41.1 Overall qualifications and experience of the proposer team in the BHS
operations and maintenance services market, including subconsultants, and
other team members;
41.2 Experience of the proposer and other team members with installation and
support of a Glidepath BHS or a BHS of similar complexity, with similar
capabilities, for multiple airports;
41.3 Experience of the proposer with Brock Solutions for proprietary controls of
41.4 Responsibility to contract with Brock Solutions for controls service and
support to cover both the machine level controls and the upper level
software, remote access, and site visits as required;
41.6 Quality of references for the firm and other team members with particular
emphasis on references for BHS installation and support within the past five
(5) years and particularly where the cited systems are similar in scope to the
RNO BHS in terms of capabilities, overall complexity, Brock Solutions
controls, and other key factors;
41.7 Availability of the overall project manager and other key personnel assigned
to the contract to perform the duties required;
41.11 Overall quality of submittal, including compliance with the required format,
completeness, responsiveness, and intelligibility;
41.12 DBE/EEO participation (i.e. does the proposers team structure include
certified minority or female business enterprise team members).
The Airport Authority reserves the right to reject any proposer that does not satisfy
the Airport Authority as to its ability to perform the work successfully. Causes for
disqualification or rejection may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Lack of ability, capacity, and skill of proposer firm to perform the contract or
to provide the services required promptly or within the specified time;
Based upon the proposals received, the Airport Authority shall shortlist the top
three firms whose proposals are deemed acceptable for an oral interview.
Interviews, if deemed required, shall be conducted at the Airport Authority offices
located at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport.
Proposers will, in final, be ranked in accordance with the evaluation of their written
proposals, oral interviews (if required), reference checks, and other information
that may be available to the Airport Authority. Subsequent to the final ranking, the
Airport Authority may elect to schedule site visits to those locations wherein the top
ranking proposers have operated and maintained baggage handling systems
similar in nature to that specified herein. The Airport Authority shall schedule and
pay for such site visits and the proposers’ attendance at the site visits shall be at
the discretion of the Airport Authority.
Final award recommendation will be to the highest ranked proposer. The contract,
if awarded, will be to the responsive and responsible proposer whose proposal
complies with the requirements prescribed in the Request for Proposals and is
considered most advantageous to the Airport Authority all factors considered. The
successful proposer shall be notified in writing that his proposal has been accepted
and that he has been awarded the contract.
Proposers, by submitting a signed proposal, certify that the accompanying
proposal is not the result of, or affected by, any act of collusion with any other
person or company engaged in the same line of business or commerce or any
other fraudulent act.
44.1 All employees on the job and all other persons who may be affected
thereby; and
Date of certification:
The above is for information only. The Airport Authority encourages minority business
participation; however, no preferences shall be given.
EXCEPTIONS: Does the proposer take exception to any of the terms and conditions of
this Request for Proposal and attachments hereto or the plans, drawings, or
specifications? Yes No If yes, please indicate the specific nature of the exception
or clarification in the space provided below. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary.
EXCEPTIONS (continued)
As a Proposer, the company listed below has carefully examined the Reno-Tahoe
Authority Request for Proposal (RFP) 13/14-11 that includes scope, requirements for
submission, general information and the evaluation and award process.
The proposer below acknowledges receipt and incorporation of the following addenda,
and the cost, if any, of such revisions has been included in the terms and conditions of
the In-Line Baggage Handling System Operations and Maintenance solicitation.
Addendum #________ Date:______ Addendum #________ Date:______
Addendum #________ Date:______ Addendum #________ Date:______
The Proposer hereby proposes to provide the services requested in this Proposal. I agree
to hold the pricing formulas contained in this bid from the date of award through the end
of the initial contract period. The Proposer agree that the Authority terms and conditions
herein shall take precedence over any conflicting terms and conditions submitted with the
Proposal and agree to abide by all conditions of this document.
I certify that all information contained in the Proposal is truthful to the best of my
knowledge and belief. As a representative of the Proposer, I further certify that I am duly
authorized to submit this Proposal on behalf of the company as its agent and that the
company is ready, willing and able to perform if awarded a contract.
I further certify that this Proposal is made without prior understanding, agreement,
connection, discussion, or collusion with any other person, company, or corporation
submitting a Proposal for the same product or service; no officer, employee, or agent of
the Authority or of any other Company who is interested in said Proposal; and that the
undersigned executed this Proposer’s Certification with full knowledge and understanding
of the matters therein contained and was duly authorized to do so.
(Please print or type)
Company Name
Street Address
1. Name of Business:
Type of Work:
2. Name of Business:
Type of Work:
3. Name of Business:
Type of Work:
4. Name of Business:
Type of Work:
5. Name of Business:
Type of Work:
6. Name of Business:
Type of Work:
7. Name of Business:
Type of Work:
8. Name of Business:
Type of Work:
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, that we, the undersigned ________
__________________________________________________________________, as Principal,
and _______________________________________________, as Surety, are hereby held and
firmly bound unto the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, Reno, Nevada, as an Owner, in the sum of
DOLLARS ($______________________) for the payment
of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs,
executors, administrators, successors and assigns.
Signed this _______ day of ___________________, 2014.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to
the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, Reno, Nevada, a certain proposal, attached hereto and hereby
made a part hereof, to enter into a Contract in writing for
(RFP No. 13/14-11).
Otherwise, the same shall remain in force and effect, and the sum herein specified paid
over to the Owner; it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any
and all claims hereunder shall, in no event, exceed the amount of the obligation as herein stated.
The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said
Surety and its bond shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of time within which
the Owner may accept such proposal; and said surety does hereby waive notice of any such
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have here unto set their hands and seals
and such of them as are corporations have caused their corporate seal to be hereto affixed and
these presents to be signed by their proper officers, the day and year set forth above.
NOTE: The person executing this bond on behalf of the Surety must attach power of attorney or
other appropriate proof of authority to do so.
as Principal, and ,
(Legal Designation and Address of Surety)
WHEREAS, under the Contract, said Principal agrees to perform certain duties
with the time limits set out in the Contract in accordance with the terms, specifications and
conditions contained in the Contract.
THE SURETY, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no
prepayment or delay in payment and no change, extension, addition or alteration of any
provision of the Contract or in the plans, profiles, detailed drawings, specifications, and no
forbearance on the part of Owner shall operate to relieve Surety from liability in this given
bond and consent thereto without notice to or consent by Surety is hereby given, and the
Surety hereby waives provisions of any law relating thereto; Surety shall further be bound
to take notice and shall be held to have knowledge of all acts or omissions of the
Principal, its agents and representatives in such matter pertaining to the Contract and
Surety further relieves Owner and its representatives from the exercise of any diligence
whatsoever in securing compliance on the part of the Principal with the aforesaid
provisions of the Contract.
THIS BOND is executed and no right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for
the use of any person or corporation other than the Owner named herein or the heirs,
executors, administrators or successors of Owner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden Principal and the above bounden
Surety hereunto set their hands and seals this of , 2014.
Principal (Seal)
Title (Seal)
Surety (Seal)
Title Attorney-in-Fact
NOTE: The person executing this bond on behalf of the Surety must attach power of attorney or other
appropriate proof of authority to do so.
THIS BOND is executed for the purpose of complying with the laws of the State of
Nevada, and all acts amendatory thereof, and this Bond shall inure to the benefit of any
and all persons who perform labor upon or furnish materials to be used in or furnish
appliances, teams or power contributing to the work described in said Contract in
accordance with the provisions of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden Principal and the above bounden
Surety hereunto set their hands and seals this day of , 2014.
Principal (Seal)
Surety (Seal)
Title Attorney-in-fact
NOTE: The person executing this bond on behalf of the Surety must attach power of attorney.
The Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority (Authority) has established specific indemnification,
insurance, and safety requirement for contracts to help assure that reasonable
insurance coverage is purchased and safe working conditions are maintained.
Indemnification and hold harmless clauses are intended to assure that a Contractor
accepts and is able to pay for the loss or liability related to its activities.
The Contractor shall keep and hold the Authority, its Board of Trustees and its officers,
directors, agents, servants, and employees harmless from any and all liabilities, losses,
suits, claims, judgments, fines, penalties, demands or expenses, including all reasonable
costs for investigation and defense thereof (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees,
court costs, and expert fees), claimed by anyone by reason of injury or damage to
persons or property sustained in or about the Airport, as a proximate result of the acts or
omissions of the Contractor, its agents, servants, or employees, or arising out of the
operations of the Contractor upon and about the Airport, excepting such liability as may
result from the sole negligence of the Authority, its officers, directors, servants, agents
and employees. Contractor shall further use legal counsel reasonably acceptable to the
Authority in carrying out Contractor's obligations hereunder. Any final judgment rendered
against the Authority for any cause for which Contractor is liable hereunder shall be
conclusive against Contractor as to liability and amount, where the time for appeal
therefrom has expired. The Indemnity provisions set forth herein shall survive the
expiration or early termination of any Agreement.
Airport Liability Insurance shall be provided with an occurrence limit of at least $1,000,000
each occurrence with a per location general aggregate of $1,000,000 for the following
1. Bodily injury liability including death at any time resulting therefrom
2. Property damage liability including loss of use thereof
3. Premises and operations
4. Products and completed operations
5. Contractual (excluding professional liability)
6. Independent contractors
7. Broad form property damage (including completed operations)
8. Explosion, collapses, and underground hazards
9. Cross liability or severability of interests clause
10. Advertising injury
11. Personal injury liability that means injury, other than bodily injury, arising out
of one or more of, but not limited to the following offenses:
Completed operations and Contractual Liability coverage under this policy shall be
maintained in force until three years following completion or termination of the contract
with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.
Builder's Risk or Course of Construction Insurance insuring on a "risks of direct physical
loss" basis, with a limit equal to the full insurable value or the maximum probable loss and
covering the project and all materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, including
property in transit or elsewhere and insuring the interests of the Authority, Contractor and
its subcontractors of any tier providing equipment, materials, or services for the project.
The Contractor and its subcontractor shall procure Nevada Worker's Compensation
Insurance as evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance from an acceptable insurance
company covering contractor's employees for at least the statutorily required limits.
Any changes to the deductibles or self-insured retentions made during the term of the
Agreement or during the term of any policy must be approved by the Authority prior to the
change taking effect.
Said policies shall be with insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of
Nevada with an A. M. Best rating of A- VII or better.
Such policies shall provide that written notice shall be given to Authority thirty (30) days
prior to cancellation or material change of any protection which said policies provide.
Said policies, except Worker's Compensation, shall name Authority, its Board, officers,
employees, related entities, and representatives, Contractor and subcontractors and their
officers, directors and employees, related entities and representatives; Engineer and
Construction Manager as additional insureds. The policies will be primary and any other
insurance carried by Contractor and/or Authority shall be excess and not contributing
In the event Contractor fails to provide Authority with the insurance described, no work
shall commence on the contract site. If the coverage required by the Contractor is
terminated or reduced for any reason, all work on the contract site shall immediately stop
until the all the required coverages are in place.
The extent of coverage or the limits of liability provided under the policies procured by the
Contractor and/or subcontractors shall not be construed to be a limitation on the nature or
extent of the Contractors' obligations or to relieve the Contractor of any such obligations
The Contractor covenants and agrees to exonerate and hold the Authority harmless of
and from all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever for injury or
property damage arising out of acts of commission or omission by the Contractor, its
agents, employees, subcontractors, or subordinate subcontractors or arising out of any
other operation or transaction no matter by whom performed for, or on behalf of the
The Authority reserves the right to have the Contractor furnish the Contractor's actual
insurance policies for examination by the Authority.
It is the Contractor's responsibility to familiarize itself with the coverages described herein.
Immediate notification must be given to the Authority and/or its agent upon receiving any
knowledge or notification of claim or litigation on which the Authority may be named.
Costs for providing such insurance as described above shall be incidental to the work.
That the Authority and the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter named agree as
Article 1. Scope of Work. The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and perform
all of the work described in Request for Proposals 13/14-11, entitled "In-Line Baggage
Handling System Operations and Maintenance” and its attachments, and shall do
everything required by this Agreement, Specifications, and negotiations.
Article 2. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be for a five (5) year period with
two (2) two (2) year renewal options if, in the opinion of the Authority, services rendered
have been consistently satisfactory. Renewal of the Agreement shall be at the sole
discretion of the Authority. The first year of the initial term shall commence on September
1, 2014 and end on June 30, 2015. Years two through five (and any subsequent renewal
options that are exercised) will then be consistent with the Authority’s fiscal year
commencing on July 1 of the fiscal year and ending on June 30. The Authority reserves
the right to cancel the Agreement, in whole or in part, with or without cause, upon
providing thirty (30) days written notification to the Contractor.
Article 4. The Contract Sum. The Authority shall pay the Contractor, as full
compensation for furnishing all materials and labor and doing all the work in accordance
with the Specifications and to the satisfaction of the Authority, a monthly sum not to
exceed . The contract sum is to be paid
in the manner and under the conditions hereinbefore specified.
The Authority shall reimburse the Contractor for parts and replacement materials that
have a unit price greater than $50.00 as listed on the Owner-approved inventory list. This
reimbursement to Contractor is subject to the Contractor’s monitoring and using all
warranty options available to the Authority as well as documentation that inventory
replacement was a result of Baggage Handling System operation and not inventory
shrinkage due to inadequate safeguards and procedures by the Contractor. Title to all
inventory purchases shall vest with the Authority and the levels and quantities of such
inventory shall be subject to Authority direction and approval. The approved inventory list
may be modified with the prior written approval of the Authority. Payment terms shall be
Net 30 Days.
Article 5. Indemnity and Other Provisions. Authority has contracted with Contractor
for the scope of work and Authority has relied upon Contractor's knowledge and skills in
completing the scope of work. Contractor shall be responsible for the professional
quality, technical accuracy, and the coordination of all work performed on the project.
Without limiting Contractor's liability, Contractor shall, without additional compensation,
correct or revise any errors or omissions in his work.
Contractor shall, in each and every instance, obtain written approval from the Authority
prior to the use of any subcontractor for any phase of work on the project. The Authority
shall not unreasonably withhold such approval. Contractor shall be liable for all damage
caused by subcontractors as if they were the Contractor's own employees.
Neither the Authority's review, approval, or acceptance of, or payment for any of the
services required under this Agreement shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any
rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of
this Agreement, and Contractor shall be and remain liable to the Authority in accordance
with applicable law for all damages to Authority caused by Contractor's performance of
any services furnished under this Agreement. The rights and remedies of Authority
provided for under this Agreement are in addition to any other rights and remedies
provided by law.
The Contractor shall keep and hold the Authority, its Board of Trustees and its officers,
directors, agents, servants, and employees harmless from any and all liabilities, losses,
suits, claims, judgments, fines, penalties, demands or expenses, including all reasonable
costs for investigation and defense thereof (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees,
court costs, and expert fees), claimed by anyone by reason of injury or damage to
persons or property sustained in or about the Airport, as a proximate result of the acts or
omissions of the Contractor, its agents, servants, or employees, or arising out of the
operations of the Contractor upon and about the Airport, excepting such liability as may
result from the sole negligence of the Authority, its officers, directors, servants, agents
and employees. Contractor shall further use legal counsel reasonably acceptable to the
Authority in carrying out Contractor's obligations hereunder. Any final judgment rendered
against the Authority for any cause for which Contractor is liable hereunder shall be
conclusive against Contractor as to liability and amount, where the time for appeal
therefrom has expired. The Indemnity provisions set forth herein shall survive the
expiration or early termination of any Agreement.
Article 6. Performance and Payment Bonds. The Contractor agrees that he will, upon
notification of contract award, within ten (10) calendar days, furnish the Authority a
Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond in the forms attached
hereto, furnished by a company or companies acceptable to the Authority, in an amount
equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract sum.
The Performance Bond shall be conditioned upon the work under the Contract being
performed in accordance with the Specifications and the terms of this Agreement.
The Labor and Materials Payment Bond shall be conditioned to provide and secure
payment for all material, provisions, provider, and supplies and for any labor and
contributing to the work described in said contract.
Article 7. Insurance. Contractor shall maintain, during the life of this Agreement,
primary comprehensive general liability insurance and primary vehicle insurance through
an insurance carrier licensed to do business in the State of Nevada; workman’s
compensation and unemployment insurance as required by law and any other insurance
required as detailed in Attachment A to the Request for Proposal document.
Article 10. Governing Law. It is understood and agreed by and between the
parties hereto that this Agreement shall be deemed and construed to be entered into and
to be performed in the County of Washoe, State of Nevada, and it is further understood
and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the laws of the State of Nevada shall
govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and
also govern the interpretation of the Agreement. It is further understood and agreed by
and between the parties hereto that any and all actions between the parties brought as a
result of this agreement will be brought in the Second Judicial District Court in and for the
County of Washoe, State of Nevada.
Article 11. Attorney's Fees and Expenses. In the event suit or action is instituted to
enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, or litigation concerning the
rights and duties of the parties to this Agreement, the losing party shall pay to the
prevailing party, in addition to the costs and disbursements allowed by statutes, such sum
as the court may adjudge reasonable after taking into account the extent to which the
prevailing party prevailed as attorney's fees in such suit or action, in both trial and
appellate court.
Article 12. Waiver. No waiver of a breach of any covenant, term, or condition of this
Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach of the
same or any other covenant, term, or condition, or waiver of the covenant, term, or
condition itself.
Article 14. Termination for Default. In addition to other remedies set forth herein, in the
event of breach for failure of Contractor to complete the project, any default by Contractor
in the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Authority will be entitled to notice
Contractor of such breach and unless the Contractor can remedy such breach within thirty
(30) days of the date of the notice, Authority may declare Contractor in default and
terminate the Agreement, in whole or in part, and recover all actual damages and losses,
including, but not limited to, all out-of-pocket expenses, costs of rebidding the contract,
costs of all labor and materials supplied by the Authority and others, lost revenues and all
other costs and expenses resulting to Authority from Contractor's default. Authority may
pursue all remedies available to it, both at law and in equity.
Except with respect to defaults of subcontractors, the Contractor shall not be liable for any
excess costs if the failure to perform the contract arises out of causes beyond the control
without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. Such causes may include, but are not
restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Authority in either its
sovereign or contractual capacity, acts of the Federal or State government in its sovereign
capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and
usually severe weather; but in every case the failure to perform must be beyond the
control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor.
If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a subcontractor, and if such default
arises out of causes beyond the control of both the Contractor and subcontractor, and
without the negligence of either of them, the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess
costs for failure to perform, unless the supplies or services to be furnished by the
subcontractor(s) were obtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit the
Contractor to meet the required delivery and/or installation schedule.
Should the Authority fail to perform any act required of it under this Agreement and fail to
remedy such breach within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice from Contractor of such
breach (except for nonpayment for good cause until Contractor remedies the reasons
leading to nonpayment by the Authority), the Contractor may terminate this Agreement
and receive payment to the date of termination for all labor and material satisfactorily
completed and supplied.
Article 15. Notices. Notices to the contractor shall be addressed to his place of
business as designated in the Invitation to Bid, or such other place as may be designated
in writing by the contractor.
In the event of suspension or termination of the contract, notices may also be given upon
personal delivery to any person whose action or knowledge of such suspension or
termination would be sufficient notice to the contractor.
Article 17. Examination of Records. The Authority, at any time, may cause an audit
of the Contractor’s books of accounts and financial records to be made by an employee
or a representative of the Authority. The books of accounts and records include the
complete general ledger and any source documents or recordings that support the
general ledger, including calculations, authorizations, attestations, warrants, affidavits,
or other evidence of business transactions between the Authority and the Contractor.
Such books of accounts and records shall be made available to the Authority upon
demand. Failure to provide the Authority with adequate books of accounts and records
may be deemed by the Authority to be a breach of the Agreement.
All books of accounts and records are to be made available within the greater
Reno/Sparks metropolitan area for a period of three years following the completion of
the contract or agreement. If such books of accounts and records are not available in
the greater Reno/Sparks area, then the Contractor shall pay the expenses of the
Authority representative to travel to the location of the books and records.
If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be illegal for any reason, the same
shall be severed from the Agreement and the remainder of the Agreement shall be given
full force and effect.
Article 19. Access to Records and Reports. The Contractor shall maintain an
acceptable cost accounting system. The Contractor agrees to provide the Authority, the
Federal Aviation Administration, and the Comptroller General of the United States or any
of their duly authorized representatives access to any books, documents, papers, and
records of the Contractor that are directly pertinent to the specific contract for the purpose
of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. The Contractor agrees to
maintain all books, records and reports required under this contract for a period of not
less than three years after final payment is made and all pending matters are closed.
Article 20. Termination of Contract. The Contractor agrees to comply with the
20.1 The Authority may, by written notice, terminate this contract in whole or in
part at any time, either for the Authority's convenience or because of failure
to fulfill the contract obligations. Upon receipt of such notice services shall
be immediately discontinued (unless the notice directs otherwise) and all
materials as may have been accumulated in performing this contract,
whether completed or in progress, delivered to the Authority.
20.3 If the termination is due to failure to fulfill the Contractor's obligations, the
Authority may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by
contract or otherwise. In such case, the Contractor shall be liable to the
Authority for any additional cost occasioned to the Authority thereby.
20.4 If, after notice of termination for failure to fulfill contract obligations, it is
determined that the Contractor had not so failed, the termination shall be
deemed to have been effected for the convenience of the Authority. In
such event, adjustment in the contract price shall be made as provided in
paragraph 20.2 of this clause.
20.5 The rights and remedies of the sponsor provided in this clause are in
addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this
Article 21. Additional Services. For purposes of this Agreement, additional services
means services not identified in this Agreement or any of its attachments, but that relate
to the services being performed in connection with the Agreement. The Contractor shall
perform additional services only upon the written request of Authority. The fee for any
additional services required by the Authority will be based upon actual hours and
expenses incurred by the Contractor, charged in accordance with (terms to be
Article 22. Adjustments in Service Levels. The Authority reserves the exclusive right
to reevaluate the contract scope and services based upon airline activity operations and
to increase or reduce the Contractor’s service levels accordingly. If such increases or
reductions are determined to be warranted by the Authority, the Authority shall give the
Contractor thirty (30) days written notification to allow for any Contractor additions or
reductions in workforce, inventory levels, and monthly invoiced costs.
23.1 One hour prior to start-up each morning, the Contractor shall conduct a tub
test to include a clear tub and alarm tub inducted at each ticket counter,
odd-size conveyor, return line (RT), and curbside conveyor to ensure that
the BHS is up and running in good condition.
23.2 The Contractor shall conduct an end of the day tub test to ensure all
conveyor lines are clear of bags.
23.3 The Contractor shall follow the contingency protocol manual based on
various system component and/or matrix failures and regular hands-on
annual training of Contractor’s staff for each contingency as if the failure
were to actually occur.
Article 24. Staffing Requirements. The Authority reserves the exclusive rights
regarding the Contractor’s staff employees during the term of this Agreement or any
extensions thereof:
24.1 The authority to review and reject all applicants prior to hire.
24.3 Employees are required to wear distinctive uniforms and be neat and clean
in dress and grooming. The Contractor shall provide uniforms at the
24.4 Employees are required to provide a courteous and tactful presence when
dealing with airport employees, tenants, passengers, and visitors.
Employees are not permitted to smoke while in public view. Smoking is only
allowed in designated areas. No smoking shall be allowed on the Security
Identification Display Area (SIDA) or baggage make-up area.
24.5 The Authority guarantees the Contractor access to the job site(s) without
undue hindrance or interference in performing work under the Agreement.
However, work shall be performed by the Contractor without undue
interference to the operation of the Authority. Employees designated by the
Authority have the right to require the Contractor’s employees to take any
action necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of any employee,
tenant, passenger, or visitor. Contractor’s employees shall comply with the
orders of any of the Authority’s designated employees.
24.6 The Contractor shall exercise reasonable care and caution to avoid any
damage to the real and personal property of the Authority. Any damage to
the real and personal property of the Authority due to the actions of the
Contractor’s employees shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to repair
at no additional cost to the Authority.
Article 26. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, all documents referenced herein, and
all attachments incorporated herein constitute the entire agreement between the parties
with respect to the subject matter hereof and shall supersede all other previous
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the
By: By:
Marily M. Mora, A.A.E.
Notary Public
1. The Federal Government has established strict and detailed security requirements
that all air carriers and airport operators must comply with to guard against terrorist
acts and other threats to civil aviation security. Security regulations and
requirements have been designed and implemented to prevent or deter unlawful
acts against civil aviation. These regulations include prohibiting persons from
gaining unauthorized access to an aircraft or to restricted areas of the airport (any
area where aircraft operate or park, to include: runways, taxiways, ramps, hangars,
aprons and other aircraft parking areas). All activities of contractors, vendors,
consultants and service providers (Contractor) must comply with these security
regulations as they apply to their work at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport
3. The following review of the security rules pertaining to RNO is provided for the
Contractor’s direction and guidance. This review may not discuss all security
requirements, but serves as a guideline to familiarize the Contractor with some
general airport security requirements.
1. If the project requires access through the airport perimeter fence, the Contractor:
1.1. Shall use only designated perimeter access gates and follow a pre-
approved travel route.
1.2. May be issued and responsible for media allowing access to pre-
determined and approved gates.
2. Airport Security approval is required for any proposed modifications to the airport
perimeter security system. Security fencing and/or gate construction shall be in
conformity with applicable Transportation Security Regulations (TSRs) and Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular(s) that are available at the Airport
Operations Division. Integrity of the perimeter fence and gate system shall be
strictly maintained at all times. There shall be no exceptions. Spaces between
gate end posts to fence support posts shall not exceed two inches. Spaces from
fence end posts to adjacent building structures shall not exceed three inches.
Spaces beneath fencing shall not exceed two inches from the bottom of the fence
fabric to surface grade. A four foot clear zone must be maintained on both sides
of the perimeter fence.
2.1 Never allow a security access door to be propped open unless a guard is
posted at the door to prevent unauthorized access. Guards must be
approved by Airport Security.
2.2 Not modify a security access door closure device or automatic locking
mechanism except as provided under the terms of any resulting
agreement. All security access doors must close and lock automatically.
2.3 Never use an emergency exit (alarmed door) for access, unless authorized
by Airport Security or Airport Operations.
2.4 Complete a Tool Control Form (attached) when working within a sterile area
(i.e., within the terminal buildings, beyond the security screening
checkpoint), for all prohibited items entering and exiting the sterile area.
This inventory shall be made available to Airport Security or Airport
Operations (or a designated representative) for verification of compliance.
2.2 Contractor may be required to designate at least one, but no more than
three individual(s) to serve as an Authorized Signatory for badging
purposes. These individuals are required to meet the requirements for
badging (see 2.3) and must also undergo additional Authorized Signatory
2.4 Security training and testing is required for all picture RNO ID Badge
applicants. Security education consists of an interactive electronic training
2.5 All RNO ID Badges shall be surrendered at the completion of the project, or
at the direction of Airport Security, Airport Operations, or the project or
contract manager. The current replacement fee for a lost or misplaced
badge is $50.00. Additionally, companies that fail to return RNO ID badges
at the conclusion of a project are liable for up to $10,000 in civil penalties.
3.1 When working in restricted areas of the airport, continuous display of a valid
RNO ID Badge is MANDATORY for all personnel.
All vehicles that are operated without escort on the Air Operations Area (AOA)
shall be marked so as to be readily identifiable. The Contractor’s Company logo,
name or other distinctive markings, as approved by Airport Security or Airport
Operations, shall be visible from both sides of the vehicle at all times while on the
AOA. Magnetic decals or painted logos are acceptable to comply with this
requirement. Homemade paper, cardboard or hand-printed signs/logos are not
acceptable and do not comply with this requirement.
2.1 Properly authorized vehicles having official business on the airport may
operate within specified areas of the AOA. Vehicles shall not be operated
2.2 Vehicles are restricted to the Contractor’s work location and within the
prescribed travel (haul) route. All vehicles shall follow the prescribed travel
route and the identified Vehicle Service Roads. All traffic control signs and
instructions shall be adhered to at all times.
All individuals who operate any type of vehicle on the AOA, with the exception of
those under escort, MUST possess a valid RNO AOA Driver endorsement.
Individuals requesting the privilege to drive a vehicle on the AOA must be
authorized by Airport Security and Airport Operations. All AOA driver applicants
must successfully complete an approved AOA driver training program
administered by Airport Security or Airport Operations. AOA driver applicants will
be tested on their knowledge of AOA driving rules and regulations. Successful
applicants will be issued a RNO AOA Driver endorsement on their RNO ID Badge
at the ABO. Airport Security and/or Airport Operations may revoke AOA driving
privileges at any time. The operator of any vehicle, who drives onto a movement
area without authorization from Airport Operations, is in violation of a major
safety/security rule and will have their driving privileges permanently revoked.
1.1 The driver of the vehicle performing the escort shall have a picture RNO ID
Badge and a RNO AOA Driver endorsement.
1.2 Approved escort procedures shall apply to the driver and the vehicle being
escorted at all times, as authorized by Airport Security or Airport
2. The movement, positioning and parking of exceptionally large, tall, or slow vehicles
(i.e. a large crane, vehicles carrying an oversize load, backhoes, earth movers,
dump trucks, etc.) shall be coordinated with and authorized by Airport Operations.
GATE 155
Per the RNO Airport Security Program (Part 5.A.8.5.) and the RNO Airside Traffic
Regulations (2.12.060), the following requirements must be met by all vehicles entering
the Air Operations Area (AOA) through Gate 155. All vehicles entering the AOA should be
prepared to provide the Airport Security Specialist at Gate 155 any of the documentation
referred to in these requirements at the time of entry.
For unescorted access to the AOA, the following conditions must be met:
• Company logos must be displayed on both sides of the vehicle. The only
acceptable substitutes to painted logos are magnetic placards bearing the
company’s logo. Paper signs are not acceptable.
• The driver must be in possession of valid RNO access media with driving authority.
• The company of record on the driver’s RNO access media must match the
company logos displayed on the vehicle.
Each violation of the RNO Airport Security Program subjects the Contractor to a potential
civil penalty assessment by the TSA. Civil penalties are assessed at a minimum of ten
thousand dollars ($10,000) for each violation occurrence. Fines levied against RNO due
to the actions of a Contractor, or any of its employees or subcontractors, will be withheld
from the Contractor’s final payment or reimbursed to RNO by the Contractor, as
These Security Instructions are intended to cover the majority of contracts performed at
RNO and do not include all measures that may be required.
All contractors and their subcontractors and their employees performing work in the
sterile areas of the Reno-Tahoe International Airport shall be responsible for control
and custody of all hand tools used in the performance of their work.
It is also understood that contractors and subcontractors and their employees will not
be allowed through the security check points with tools in their possession. All access
to the sterile areas while in possession of tools will be via ramp access and under
Control and custody means having all hand tools under surveillance at all times unless
said tools are under lock-and-key in a tool box or other storage unit that would not be
accessible to anyone other than the contractor or his subcontractor.
Sterile areas of the airport are defined as any area of the terminal building that is
beyond the security checkpoints.
1. General
2. Statement of Work
c. The Contractor shall staff and operate the BHS Central Control Room
(CCR) and any related remote workstations associated with the CCR
and coordinate all computer systems hardware and software
maintenance with the (OEM) and/or designated third-party
maintenance providers.
e. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, parts, supplies,
lubricants, equipment, transportation and supervision associated with
operating and maintaining the outbound BHS described herein 24
hours a day, 7 days a week and fulfill all requirements of the
specification in accordance with the best commercial practices,
consistent with the intended design and usage as defined in the BHS
1. Description of Services
a. The goal for the BHS is to provide a safe, high-quality, reliable and
uninterrupted baggage handling operations to all tenant airlines and
their passengers. In order to accomplish this goal, the RNO-FMD
requires the contractor to maintain ninety-nine percent (99%) BHS
availability. This requires the Contractor to:
e. The Contractor shall also clean and maintain the entire BHS area for
the Maintained Systems. This includes the following:
Sweep and remove litter
Vacuum and dust sensitive equipment
Dust equipment and check filters in panels
Mop areas
Clean camera lenses
Lubricate per OEM
Remove melted snow from makeup areas to mitigate slip/fall incidents
Special or additional cleaning as required after special events (i.e.
Burning Man)
2. Responsibilities of Contractor
c. The Contractor shall ensure that the Maintained Systems are operated
and maintained consistent with all applicable federal, state, local, and
airport laws, codes and safety standards, and assure a safe and
efficient system for all personnel who operate, maintain or have
access to it.
g. The Contractor must contract with Brock Solutions for control services
and support to include Standard Support Plan, Remote Access VPN
Connection, annual on-site audit, and Site Visits, as required. Site
visits must be approved, in advance, by the RNO-FMD.
n. The Contractor shall be responsible for storing and managing the BHS
spare parts inventory owned by the RNO-FMD through the CMMS
program, and for procuring, storing, and replacing used spare parts
3. Operations
7) Contingency Plan
8) Cleaning
3) The orderly shut down and coordination with the TSA of the BHS
due to a security breach
2) Schedule:
c. The Contractor shall, at the beginning of each shift, notify the RNO-FMD
of “Shift Activities” via e-mail of all units that the Contractor intends to
remove from service for corrective maintenance. The Contractor shall
include unit number, unit type, location, reason for unit being out of
service, and estimated duration of outage and any contingency plan that
would be utilized so as to ensure uninterrupted movement of baggage.
f. The Contractor shall notify the RNO-FMD of “Equipment Status” via e-mail
of all units that have been placed out of service daily. The Contractor shall
include unit number, location, reason for unit being out of service, date
and time out of service status began and estimated duration of outage.
6. Materials
a. The Contractor shall furnish all resources (i.e. supervision, labor, tools,
test equipment, materials, supplies and equipment) necessary to fulfill all
the requirements and satisfactorily perform all the services described in
this Specification in a safe, orderly, timely, efficient and workmanlike
manner. The Contractor shall provide any additional resources to fulfill the
requirements at no additional cost to the RNO-FMD.
c. The Contractor shall provide cellular telephones and radios for all key and
on-site personnel to communicate with the RNO-FMD.
d. The Contractor shall provide and utilize on the job site a digital camera
and video recorder with date and time stamp capabilities to fulfill the
requirements of this specification.
e. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, at its sole expense, all
materials, office supplies, furniture, fixed improvements, and equipment it
may require in the office space.
f. The Contractor shall provide and utilize on the job site a fax machine,
printer, and copier.
h. The Contractor shall purchase all parts and/or materials. Parts and/or
materials costing less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per unit item will not be
reimbursed by the RNO-FMD and are considered a part of base services.
The Contractor will be reimbursed for those unit items in excess of Fifty
Dollars ($50.00) as described in the Supplemental Services section of this
j. The RNO-FMD shall own all spare parts stored at the property. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the management, inventory, storage,
procurement, and safe-keeping of the RNO-FMD’s inventory and advise
the CMMS with operating and maintenance costs regardless of cost of
7. Excluded Services
1. Description of Services
a. The RNO-FMD may, during the course of this agreement, request that the
Contractor perform supplemental services that are outside the
requirements of this specification. Examples of supplemental services at
the airport are the repair of a conveyor motor that has been damaged by
an airline tug where replacement parts cost in excess of Fifty Dollars
c. The RNO-FMD shall incur no obligation for out-of-scope work that is not
authorized in advance, in writing.
a. The Contractor shall procure all parts and/or materials as described in the
system’s O&M manual. The Contractor will be reimbursed for those items
costing (for a single item) in excess of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to fulfill the
b. For parts and/or materials costing in excess of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) with
the exception of sales tax, shipping and handling costs, the RNO-FMD will
reimburse the Contractor at cost plus five (5) percent. There shall be no
mark-up for sales tax, shipping and handling. The Contractor shall provide
original invoices for all parts and materials used to complete the corrective
b. This program shall also include, but not be limited to, the following:
d. The Contractor shall not remove damaged or failed parts from the airport
until approved by the RNO-FMD.
b. The RNO-FMD has the right, at all times, to inspect services performed,
Contractor's workmanship and materials furnished/utilized in the
performance of such services to the extent practicable. The RNO-FMD
shall perform inspections, as it deems necessary, throughout the term of
the contract. Inspections and/or walk-through shall be conducted in a
manner that will not unduly interrupt/delay the Contractor's work.
c. The RNO-FMD has the right to arrange for a third party to conduct a
condition assessment on the Maintained Systems, to identify and analyze
equipment failures.
e. If, after having been directed by the RNO-FMD to correct a deficiency, the
Contractor fails to promptly perform the services again or fails to take the
necessary action to ensure future performance is in conformity with
specification requirements, the RNO-FMD may:
1) Perform the services and charge the Contractor any cost incurred by
the RNO-FMD directly related to the performance of such service.
4. Accidents
5. Delivery of Supplies
a. The Contractor shall schedule its own supply deliveries. The Contractor is
responsible for off-loading and transporting all deliveries to the parts
storage area. Deliveries shall not interfere with airline or airport
6. Security Requirements
a. The Contractor shall secure and safeguard all keys, key cards, and any
other entry devices and codes provided by the RNO-FMD. The Contractor
shall maintain a record of the key numbers issued to its employees. These
prohibitions and requirements shall also be applicable to all individuals
with regard to access, removal, and/or possession of any information,
confidential data, materials, supplies, or equipment. The Contractor shall
not duplicate and shall not allow any such issued items to be duplicated or
removed from the job site. All keys and other entry devices used by the
Contractor's employees in the performance of the work shall be returned
to the RNO-FMD when the contract expires. Failure to return keys will
result in a charge of One-Hundred Fifty Dollars ( $150.00) per issued key.
b. The Contractor shall immediately report to the RNO-FMD all keys and/or
security badges issued to it by the RNO-FMD that are lost or stolen. The
Contractor will be charged One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per lost
key for replacement. Replacement cost for lost badges is Fifty Dollars
($50.00). Both items are not eligible for reimbursement.
c. The Contractor shall ensure that, under any circumstances, none of its
employees shall enter an area not authorized for access by the
d. Contractor employees shall be subject to, and shall at all times, conform
with any and all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures pertaining to
security at the airport. Any violations of the rules, regulations, policies, and
procedures may be cause for immediate termination of employee on
7. Safety
a. All employees shall comply with all applicable OSHA and the RNO-FMD
rules and practices, including directives issued by the Airport Manager,
Airport Operations, Police and Fire Departments, Tranportation Security
Administraton and the RNO-FMD while on the job site.
b. The Contractor shall provide and ensure that all personnel at the work site
wear the safety devices/apparel described below as required.
3) Hearing protection
4) Safety shoes
5) Hard hats
6) Reflective vests
7) Safety devices, i.e., Log Out/Tag Out and Lock Out/Tag Out Safety
c. The RNO-FMD reserves the right to inspect all areas for safety violations
at its discretion, direct the Contractor to make immediate improvement of
necessary conditions and/or procedures, and/or stop the work if other
hazards are deemed to exist. Inspection does not relieve the Contractor
of any responsibility.
d. In the event that the RNO-FMD should elect to stop work because of any
type of existing safety hazards after the Contractor has been notified and
provided ample time to correct, the Contractor shall bear all costs for
eliminating the hazard(s) and shall not be granted compensation for the
work stoppage. The Contractor shall pay all additional expenses.
h. The Contractor shall, within fifteen (15) days of Contract award, submit its
own detailed safety and protection plan/program that shall comply with all
safety, environmental protection, property protection and health provisions
of the specification.
i. Prior to use of any products or materials, the Contractor shall provide the
following submittals for review and approval by the RNO-FMD.
b. The Contractor and its employees shall adhere to the rules and
regulations in regard to this facilities maintenance of a smoke free
b. The Contractor shall have no right during the term of the Contract to
demolish or remove, in whole or in part, any Fixed Improvements on the
job sites except with the prior written consent of the RNO-FMD through
12. Warranties
1) The Contractor shall reimburse the RNO-FMD for all facility user
claims resulting from the Contractor’s improper or defective
performance of services under this agreement.
3) Contractor will work with the RNO-FMD to assure the highest and best
customer service possible. This shall include, but not be limited to,
efficiency, grooming, courtesy, and compliance with uniform
4) The RNO-FMD shall have the right to require removal any of the
Contractor’s employees found to be providing poor customer service or
in non-compliance with any other requirements of this specification by
providing Contractor with written notice outlining reasons for required
removal of any employee.
b. The foregoing warranties are exclusive, and in lieu of all other warranties,
whether written, oral, implied or statutory provided, however, this warranty
does not modify or in any other way replace or supersede the warranty
covering the design, supply and installation of the BHS as provided in
certain other contracts between the Original Equipment Manufacturers,
BHS Contractors and the RNO-FMD.
13. Changes
The RNO-FMD may, at any time, by written order, make changes within the
general scope of this specification in the services to be performed.
Adjustments in the amount of agreed compensation would be made only if
any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of performance
of any part of the work under this specification, whether or not changed by a
change order. In connection therewith, the RNO-FMD and the Contractor
shall mutually agree and make an equitable adjustment in the specification
amount and shall modify the specification accordingly.
a. The Contractor must assert its right to an adjustment under this clause
within ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the written order and
provide detailed pricing date and supporting information within thirty (30)
days from the date of receipt of the written order.
b. The Contractor shall not perform work that it believes involves a scope
change and price impact without prior written order from the RNO-FMD,
and the Contractor shall not perform work until a written notice to proceed
on a time and material basis is issued by the RNO-FMD if the Contractor
believes the changes to the work represent a material and significant
increase in scope and price.
b. Some services required under this specification are time sensitive and
cannot be effectively delivered at a later time. The RNO-FMD has sole
authority to determine whether a service deficiency can be corrected or
whether the service is time sensitive and the deficiency cannot be cured.
The RNO-FMD will give written notice to the Contractor of deficiencies in
time sensitive service items within twenty-four (24) hours of discovering
the time sensitive service deficiency. Neither the RNO-FMD’s review,
approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, any of the services required
under this specification shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any
rights under this specification or of any cause of action arising out of the
performance of this specification, and the Contractor shall be and remain
liable to the RNO-FMD in accordance with applicable law for all damages
to the RNO-FMD caused by Contractor’s negligent performances of any of
the services furnished under this specification.
15. Disputes
b. The RNO-FMD and the Contractor will make a good faith effort to
negotiate a resolution of any disputes.
16. Termination
a. Not foregoing any of the other terms and conditions of this agreement, the
RNO-FMD will accept from the Contractor a request for mutual
termination effective on the next upcoming contract renewal option date.
Such request must be in writing and submitted at least six (6) months (180
days) prior to the next agreement renewal option date. For purposes of
this provision, next agreement renewal date shall mean July 1, of each
year during the term of the Contract. The RNO-FMD’s approval will be
subject to Contractor’s agreement to continue delivery of all services and
comply fully and faithfully with all provisions of this specification up until
the date of termination. Contractor shall be entitled to compensation
earned and expenses incurred as of the date of termination, but no
amount shall be allowed for anticipated profits or services not performed.
c. In the event the RNO-FMD gives the Contractor notice that the RNO-FMD
intends to terminate services, the Contractor agrees to provide services,
as requested by the RNO-FMD, in a good faith and business like manner
under the terms and conditions of this Specification not to exceed ninety
(90) days from the date of the notice or an agreed upon date.
a. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits, fees and licenses
necessary for the performance of the work contemplated hereunder.
Contractor shall comply with all statutes, laws, ordinances, regulations,
rules and orders bearing on the conduct of the work or enacted or
adopted by any federal, state, local, municipal, or other authority or
governmental body having jurisdiction, or any rules or regulations of any
insurance company, board of fire underwriters, bureau or similar body
a. The RNO-FMD and the Contractor acknowledge and agree that the
Contractor is an independent contractor, and not an employee of the
RNO-FMD and Contractor will have no authority to incur liability on behalf
of the RNO-FMD.
c. In the event that there are changes in any tax laws after the date of this
specification that require the Contractor to pay amounts in addition to
those included in the contract price, Contractor is entitled to an adjustment
to its current annual contract amount and resulting monthly billing
amounts to reflect such additional tax cost impact as a result of such a
change as agreed by the RNO-FMD once all the facts are clearly made
known to the RNO-FMD by Contractor.
a. The RNO-FMD shall have access, at the Contractor's principal local place
of business and during normal business hours, to all records and
documents of the Contractor directly relating to labor and materials used
in the performance of repair and replacement work for which the
Contractor has been compensated or is to be compensated on the basis
other than a fixed price.
b. Such documents and records shall include, but not be limited to, time
tickets, payroll records, work orders, and related reports provided to
unions, vendor's invoices, cancelled checks and published price lists,
including discount items, of the Contractor relating to any amounts for
which the Contractor has been compensated, or claims it should be
compensated for.
d. All books of accounts and records are to be made available within the
greater Reno/Sparks metropolitan area for a period of three years
following the completion of the contract or agreement. If such books of
accounts and records are not available in the greater Reno/Sparks area,
then the Contractor shall pay the expenses of the Owner representative to
travel to the location of the books and records.
2. Regulation Requirements
a. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, local, the
1) Safety Manual
3) Design Manual
4) Advisories
b. The Contractor shall report all incidents and accidents immediately to the
RNO-FMD in accordance with Federal, State and local laws and
regulations, and the RNO-FMD’s Orders and Regulations.
a. Some facilities at the airport may have been constructed prior to 1990.
Therefore, these facilities should be presumed to have both Asbestos
Containing Materials (ACM) and paint containing lead in their construction.
b. Prior to undertaking any activities that could disturb these materials, the
Contractor shall obtain prior written approval from the RNO-FMD to
proceed with such activities.
4. Hazardous/Carcinogenic Materials
a. The Contractor shall not bring, produce, use, or store on the job site any
hazardous or carcinogenic products without prior written approval by the
RNO-FMD. All hazardous and/or carcinogenic waste transported or
generated on-site at the airport by the Contractor must be properly
disposed off the airport site by the Contractor as required by law and at no
additional cost to the RNO-FMD.
b. The Contractor shall provide the RNO-FMD with complete, legible copies
of all regulatory notices, violations, citations, etc. received by the
Contractor that pertain directly or indirectly to the fulfillment of this
5. VOC Requirement
a. The Contractor shall use on the job site only chemicals and cleaning
products that do not exceed the national Volatile Organic Chemical (VOC)
limitations rule(s) published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
b. The Contractor shall provide the RNO-FMD with complete, legible copies
of all regulatory notices, violations, citations, etc. received by the
Contractor that pertain directly or indirectly to the fulfillment of this
6. Hazardous Waste
c. The Contractor shall provide the contracting officer and the RNO-FMD
with documentation of hazardous materials or wastes that are
accumulated, handled, generated, or disposed of by the Contractor's
operations. The documentation shall demonstrate the adequacy of the
handling and disposal operations used by the Contractor and will
demonstrate that the Contractor activities will not result in contamination
of airport property. The RNO-FMD shall provide this documentation upon
request during periodic environmental inspections of the Contractor's
premises. The RNO-FMD shall be copied on all correspondence with
regulatory agencies concerning the Contractors compliance with
environmental regulations.
h. In the event of the spill, the Contractor shall notify AirCom. The Contractor
shall be responsible for all cleanups, site remediation, and disposal costs
including hazardous waste response teams that may be required at the
site. All procedures shall be in accordance with applicable federal, state
and local environmental and OSHA regulations. The Contractor shall
remove all hazardous waste materials from the airport at the end of each
workday. Hazardous materials that are temporarily stored at the job site
shall be placed in containment devices that are capable of containing
One-Hundred Ten percent (110%) of the volume of the substance in the
event of a spill.
1. Performance Requirements
b. The BHS has been designed to achieve and maintain specified rates. The
Contractor will operate and maintain the BHS at all times to continuously
achieve these rates.
against only one subsystem which causes the failure. The following shall
not be deemed failures:
e. Scheduled Operating Times (ST): The scheduled time that the subsystem
is available for processing baggage (normal 20 hours per day).
f. Repair Time (RT): The interval of time between initiation of repairs and
return of the subsystems to operation.
a. Should the BHS does not achieve a System Availability (A) of at least
ninety-nine percent (99%) as defined herein, a “Payment Factor” shall be
applied to the Contractors total invoice amount for that month, as follows:
3. Corrective Action
a. For any calendar month during the contract that the BHS does not
achieve or will not achieve a minimum of ninety-nine percent (99%)
System Availability, the Contractor at his expense will promptly initiate a
review of maintenance procedures and shall propose a plan to the RNO-
FMD within two weeks to correct the problems. Corrections of
maintenance procedures shall be at no added expense to the RNO-FMD.
b. The Contractor shall submit the Schedule Deviation Report to the RNO-
FMD no later than five (5) business days prior to the end of each month.
a. The Contractor shall perform trend analyses for all equipment covered by
this agreement.
a. The Contractor shall develop and maintain daily all reports required by the
TSA, in the format defined by the TSA.
b. This report shall identify all parties involved, location, times and suspected
cause of incident.
9. Vandalism Incidents
a. The Contractor shall respond to all calls for suspected vandalism that
involve the equipment covered by this specification. If the Contractor finds
suspected vandalism damage to the equipment, the Contractor shall
secure the equipment, contact the Police, and wait at the equipment until
the Police respond and prepare an Incident Report.
b. The Contractor shall immediately notify the RNO-FMD via e-mail of each
occurrence of suspected vandalism. This notification shall include
electronic photographs of the damage along with a description of the
damage, police report number, probable cause, and estimated cost or
extent of damage.
1. General
3) Personnel training.
4) Safety.
5) Financial reporting.
6) Personnel administration.
7) Maintenance scheduling.
b) Re-order of parts.
c) The Contractor shall submit a staffing level and allocation plan and
cumulative annual budget forecast and supporting documentation
of performance containing the following categories:
6) Labor Total
2. Site Manager
a. The Contractor shall designate a qualified and experienced full time on-
site Site Manager at the Airport. The Site Manager shall have full authority
to act for the Contractor and serve at all times to carry out all the
provisions of the Contract. The Site Manager shall be in charge of and
have overall responsibility for the work to be carried out under this
agreement and as such shall devote their time exclusively to this task.
b. Site Manager work hours shall be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday, unless or until directed otherwise, in writing, by RNO-FMD.
c. The name of the Site Manager and an equally responsible alternate who
shall assume the Site Manager's duties when the primary Site Manager is
absent shall be designated, in writing, to the RNO-FMD fifteen (15)
business days prior to the Contract start date.
d. The Site Manager shall be available for calls 24 hours a day, seven (7)
days a week. The Site Manager shall be available at all times to attend
regularly scheduled and/or on-demand meetings, tours, and inspections
requested by the RNO-FMD to discuss the Maintained Systems.
e. The Site Manager shall possess the necessary computer skills required to
perform trending, queries, and analysis of the Maintained Systems'
performance histories. The Site Manager shall also possess the ability to
receive and send e-mail, and have basic spreadsheet, word processing
and database skills.
f. The Site Manager shall possess skills relating to the operation and
maintenance of the Maintained Systems and related subsystems (i.e.,
VFD's, PLC's, ATR's, software programming, etc.)
g. The RNO-FMD shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to approve or
reject any Manager selected by the Contractor at any time.
3. Technicians
e. The Contractor shall provide to the RNO-FMD resumes for all key
personnel (i.e., Site Manager, on-site personnel, etc.) for the RNO-FMD's
approval. Lead mechanics shall have a minimum of five (5) years’
experience in their field.
4. Employee Attire
a. Contractor’s employees shall, at all times while on the job site, be attired
in a distinctive company uniform that is acceptable to the RNO-FMD.
c. All Contractor employees shall wear safety shoes as part of the approved
d. The Contractor shall supply and maintain the required employee attire,
including and not limited to, protective weather wear, personal protective
equipment, etc., at no additional cost to the RNO-FMD.
5. Employee Conduct
a. The Contractor's employees shall at all times while on the job site,
whether on or off duty, conduct themselves in a professional, orderly, and
safe manner. Rudeness, fighting, being under the influence of alcohol
and/or illegal drugs or bringing and/or consuming alcohol and/or illegal
drugs, gambling, soliciting, stealing, taking pictures or bringing cameras or
other photographic devices anywhere on airport property (unless fulfilling
the requirements of this specification), and any immoral or otherwise
undesirable conduct shall not be permitted on the job site and shall result
in immediate and permanent removal from the job site of any employee
engaging in such conduct.
b. The Contractor agrees to promptly remove from the airport any employee
that the RNO-FMD advises is not satisfactory and to replace such
personnel with an employee satisfactory to the RNO-FMD.
6. Training
a. Contractor shall provide personnel who have been trained and certified as
necessary, or as specifically required in this specification, in accordance
with federal, state, and local requirements to perform under this
specification. Before being assigned to perform duties under this
specification, all personnel shall receive written training material and such
classroom training as necessary to enable them to carry out their
respective responsibilities. The RNO-FMD shall have the right to review
and approve training materials and attend classroom training.
b. Such training shall be conducted in compliance with all federal, state, and
local requirements and any additional standards as the RNO-FMD may
require at no cost to the RNO-FMD.
The Contractor shall be required to submit the following deliverables to the RNO-
FMD's contracting officer for this specification. The section of this specification
describing the required deliverables are provided with each deliverable listed
1. Daily
5. Weekly
b. PM Schedule
6. Monthly
7. Annually
8. As required
e. Accident reports
1. On-site Space
b. The Contractor shall keep such areas clean and orderly at all times.
c. The Contractor shall keep the on-site office door locked whenever
d. The Contractor shall not store any items not related to the agreement in
the on-site spaces.
b. The Contractor shall utilize these manuals only for work being performed
at the job site. The manuals shall be returned to the RNO-FMD at the end
of the contract period in the condition which they were received.
a. The RNO-FMD will provide the Contractor with access to the computer
system for the sole purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the
specification. The RNO IT department, to verify compliance of this
requirement, may monitor Contractor's computer usage.
c. The Contractor shall not allow unauthorized users to operate or use the
4. Utilities
a. The RNO-FMD will pay the cost of utilities (electric, water, etc.) used in
the operations and maintenance of the Maintained Systems as is
b. The cost of telephone service, including long distance charges, will be the
responsibility of the Contractor.
c. The RNO-FMD will not compensate or will back charge the Contractor for
unreasonable utility charges.
5. Waste Removal
b. Hazardous waste materials (e.g., batteries, etc.), are excluded and shall
be the responsibility of the contractor to dispose of properly.
a. The RNO-FMD will provide phone numbers, email and mailing addresses
for the contracting officer and other key personnel as are warranted.
b. The Contractor shall provide the RNO-FMD with phone numbers, e-mail
and mailing addresses for third-party or OEM technical support utilities in
the operation and maintenance of the Maintained Systems.
1. Invoicing
2. Base Services
a. The Contractor shall invoice the RNO-FMD for Base Services at the end
of each calendar month in which the work was performed in accordance
with the specification and shall be paid for actual services performed.
3. Supplemental Services
4. Repair Services
a. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for the labor and materials required to
complete validated repairs in accordance with the fully loaded labor rates
specified in the contract.
c. The Contractor shall not invoice the RNO-FMD for any work unless a
Service Call Order signed by the RNO-FMD has been received or for any
work described in a Call Order until after all the work described in the Call
Order has been completed to the satisfaction of the RNO-FMD.
5. Parts/Materials
a. The Contractor shall invoice the RNO-FMD for the actual cost expended
by the Contractor to purchase replacement parts and/or materials (for a
single item) in excess of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to fulfill the requirements of
the specification and which have been approved in writing by the
contracting officer and/or the RNO-FMD.
b. Materials costing less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) shall not be reimbursed,
as they are part of base services. No combining of cost for multiple
replacement parts and/or materials shall be permitted. This cost shall be
invoiced to the RNO-FMD at the end of the calendar month in which the
Contractor incurred it. Original invoice of parts purchased must be
submitted to the RNO-FMD. The Contractor will be allowed a five (5)
percent mark-up for each part over Fifty Dollars ($50.00). The contractor
shall not mark-up sales tax, shipping, and handling costs.
1. Pre-inspection of Equipment
a. The Contractor shall, within thirty (30) days from the contract award,
perform an inspection and assess the condition of all equipment covered
under this specification to establish a condition baseline.
a. The Contractor shall identify and provide the RNO-FMD with a list of
names and telephone numbers of its key personnel who shall be
responsible for fulfilling all the requirements of this specification.
3. Security Badging
b. The Contractor shall provide the RNO-FMD with a copy of all contract
personnel security badges no later than ten (10) days after Contract start
b. Upon contract termination or the end of the contract period all records and
documentation, including, but not limited to, drawings, O&M Manuals,
Preventive Maintenance schedules, Preventive Maintenance records,
equipment history data, etc. shall be surrendered to the RNO-FMD in
complete and good condition.
4. Transitional Training
Response: No.
Response: No.
Question 3: Would RNO be able to supply a 300 to 500 ft2 area for office, shop, tool
storage, employee locker and break room area for the O&M contractor?
Response: The RFP originally stated that the Contractor was required to lease space
for the storage of BHS parts. However, the RTAA recognizes the benefit of providing
such space. Please refer to the drawing attached to this addendum for space that will
be made available to the Contractor by the RTAA. However, in the event that the
Contractor requires space above and beyond that the RTAA is providing, off-site
storage should be investigated. Also noted on the attached drawing is the Control
Room. Although the primary purpose of this area is to act as the control room, the
Contractor may utilize a portion of this area as office space. It is understood and
agreed that at any time the RTAA may require the contractor to find or utilize other
office space area other than the defined area in this addendum.
Question 4: Please clarify the explanation about subcontracting with Brock Solutions.
Should the contractor include the charges for the VPN line installation and service and
the Standard Support Plan in the initial bid cost? If further site visits are approved by
RNO, will they be reimbursed to the contractor during the monthly invoicing process?
Response: The Contractor should include the charges for the VPN line installation, an
annual audit, and the Standard Support Plan in the initial proposal cost. For additional
site visits, the proposer should include this in the “other costs/exception” sections of the
base proposal bid sheet. Please note that this type of service call would require
advance approval from the Facilities and Maintenance Department.
Response: The matrices will come on-line sometime in the fall of 2009. Once testing
and commissioning is completed and all punch list items are addressed, the BHS will be
turned over to the O&M contractor.
Response: In the event of a BHS failure, the O&M contractor will be required to assist
with baggage service support, i.e., hand carry bags to screening or to baggage make-
up units (after screening). Such action would be directed by the Facilities and
Maintenance Department.
Question 7: Please clarify any minimum requirements for Brock scope of work.
Question 8: Please advise anticipated airside parking location and any associated
costs or fees.
Response: Parking will be coordinated with the successful proposer. There are no
Question 9: Please confirm that RTIA will supply all baggage tubs. Will equipment
(trolleys, etc.) be provided by airport or O&M provider?
Response: The RTAA has purchased 600 tubs for use in the BHS.
Question 10: Are there any specific requirements as to the asset structure and/or
reporting requirements of the CMMS?
Response: The asset structure hierarchy will need to track assets down to the part
level (e.g. matrix is the asset, belt section is the assembly, roller bearing is the part).
Reporting requirements are outlined in Attachment D, Technical Specifications, Section
I. However, the successful proposer is required to work with the RTAA Facilities and
Maintenance staff following award of contract to discuss and generate additional
custom reports as may be deemed necessary.
Question 11: Please confirm that all Vaculex equipment will be operated by TSA staff,
and that contractor requirement is limited to preventative and corrective maintenance.
Response: Confirmed.
Question 13: Will storage space be secured and provided with appropriate racking for
required spare parts?
Response: Storage spaces have been identified in the BHS area; no racking systems
are included.
Question 14: Please confirm that all non-warranty spare parts exceeding $50 will be
reimbursed by RNO-FMD.
Response: This deals with major failures and the need to transport bags for screening
and subsequently to the baggage makeup area. This should be covered in the
Contractor’s Contingency Plan that is required to be reviewed.
Question 16: Please confirm if the scope of cleaning is intended to apply to the entire
Bag Room area, including drive aisles; will also include TSA area and/or common
airline use areas?
Response: Cleaning is intended to apply to all areas except the TSA areas and
Question 17: System has over 1800 spare part items under $50 per unit. Please
advise how “per unit” costs of packaged items will be applied, (e.g. box of 10 items total
$60, set of 300 wheels total $3600, 100 feet of belt total $1500).
Response: The $50 threshold is applicable to each individual unit price (e.g. if there
are 10 items in a case and the case costs $100, the cost would be broken down to a
individual unit price of $10 and the unit price would, therefore, in this instance be
ineligible for reimbursement).
Question 18: If supplemental work is required for third-party damage (e.g. broken
Emergency-Stop switch), will items less than $50 be reimbursed and recovered from
the responsible party?
Response: Yes. Associated costs for such items will be paid to the contractor. The
RTAA will seek reimbursement from the third party that caused the damage.
Question 19: Please provide examples of typical and/or anticipated facility user
claims? Is there a review and/or appeal process?
Response: A typical user claim “could be” that due to a malfunction of the BHS and
attributed to the BHS O&M contractor, an airline must depart without all checked
baggage. At the destination city, passengers are informed that their luggage missed
the flight and will be delivered to the respective passengers once baggage arrives on
the next available flight. The airline may attempt to bill the airport/O&M contractor for
such fees. In such a case the airport and the O&M contractor would investigate the
cause of the malfunction to determine fault, investigate the claim and determine the
best course of action.
Question 20: Please confirm that RNO-FMD will provide and maintain fire protection
equipment consistent with minimum code requirements.
Response: Confirmed.
Question 21: Please confirm that contactor is not responsible for undertaking any
abatement work.
Response: Confirmed.
Question 23: Please confirm that data networks required for proposed CMMS will be
provided by RNO-FMD.
Response: The RTAA will provide network cabling and an Ethernet virtual LAN (VLAN)
environment to spaces within its buildings for use by contractor.
Question 24: What does the Reno airport employees uniforms look like?
Response: Custodial service uniforms are blue. Maintenance service uniforms include
green shirts and denim jeans.
Question 25: How long does it take for a new employee to get badged for the airport?
Question 26: How many tubs are going to be purchased by the airport? Is the airport
responsible for this cost?
Question 27: Page 19 of 27. Can you clarify section 27.9.2? What equipment do you
want information on?
Response: Any and all equipment that the contractor intends to utilize in order to
meet the operations and maintenance requirements contained in the Technical
Question 28: For each of the SEW motors listed can you provide the following:
Response: The RTAA will be providing a revised list of recommended spare parts.
However, proposers are advised that this only a recommended list. It is the
responsibility of the proposer to contact Glidepath to determine the exact listing and
specifications of spare parts recommended and/or required.
Question 29: For each of the Dodge parts, can you provide the Dodge part number
for each.
Response: The RTAA will be providing a revised list of recommended spare parts.
However, proposers are advised that this only a recommended list. It is the
responsibility of the proposer to contact Glidepath to determine the exact listing and
specifications of spare parts recommended and/or required.
Question 30: Paragraph 39. Labor and Materials Payment and Performance Bonds
(page 23 of 27). Will Annual Bonds issued based on the annual Contract Value, which
open and close in a given year, be acceptable?
Response: Yes provided that the upcoming year’s bond is received not later than 30
days prior to the start of a new contract year. The RTAA will then release the current
bond at the end of the prior year’s maintenance agreement term.
Question 31: Regarding the requirement for the Maximo CMMS system will RTAA
provide a room for the server for Maximo?
Response: No, the contractor will be required to locate all IT equipment in the BHS
control room.
Question 32: Will the contractor have VPN access to the RTAA network to perform
maintenance on the Maximo system?
Response: The RTAA will not provide VPN access to contractor but the contractor
may provide and maintain VPN connectivity, if desired. Wide area network (WAN)
connectivity required to facilitate VPN access shall be the responsibility of the
Question 33: Will RTAA provide us with dedicated network lines for Maximo and our
Response: The RTAA will provide network cabling and an Ethernet virtual LAN (VLAN)
environment to spaces within its buildings for use by contractor.
Question 34: How many Maximo seats do you require the contractor to purchase?
Question 35: If RTAA cannot provide office space can you tell us what the cost per
square foot would be for approximately 500 square feet of office space at the airport?
Question 36: Although the specification states that this is a two year contract with 3
one year options, it was mentioned at the pre-bid that this will only be a one year
contract. Since we will have start up costs to recover should we plan on recovering
those costs over the first year or assume that this will be a two year contract?
Response: The initial term of the agreement is two years with the provision that
funding is allocated for the successor second year of the initial agreement period. The
RTAA’s budget is an annual budget and is approved by our Board on a single fiscal
year basis; hence, the mention of one year at the pre-proposal meeting.
Question 37: Do you require the control room to be staffed 24 hours per day or only
during the baggage system operational hours?
Response: No, 24/7 is not required in the BHS Control Room; only during TSA and
airline operational hours.
Question 38: Brock Solutions requires a VPN Connection to be provided at the site in
order to support the system remotely. Is this being provided by the RTAA or is this to
be included in our bid as part of the base proposal?
Response: This should be included as part of the base proposal. The RTAA will not
provide VPN access to contractor but contractor will provide and maintain VPN
connectivity, if desired. Wide area network (WAN) connectivity required to facilitate
VPN access will be the responsibility of the contractor.
Question 39: The proposal from Brock Solutions requires a monthly fee just to have
them available to assist if needed. All actual support required of them will in addition to
the monthly fee and charged by the hour. Is this cost reimbursable by the RTAA as it is
used or is it to be estimated and included in the base proposal?
Response: The RTAA recommends this be included in the base proposal under the
“Other Costs (Use the Exceptions section of the Proposal Schedule to explain).
Question 41: Are there any manual encoding stations in the system? If so, who will
staff those positions?
Question 43: How many fire/security doors are included in the system?
Question 44: Since complete drawings and system configuration is not final, can we
provide a sample from another one of our sites with the understanding that actual
location will be edited out for security reasons?
Question 45: If the RNO-FMD upgrades Maximo software, will RNO-FMD reimburse
the expense to the contractor for this required upgrade?
Question 46: Please clarify. Realistic delivery of what? How is this considered in the
Question 47: Proposal Surety is listed twice. Should something else be in place of
one of those?
Question 49: What equipment is this referring too? The only equipment the
contractor is required to provide is capital equipment to support maintenance.
Example: must we provide all this info on a scissors lift we might be purchasing?
Question 50: Can RTAA provide the recommended OEM PM guidelines from
Question 51: Since personnel at the job walk were allowed to take pictures of the
system diagram and also take pictures of the BHS area and installed hardware, would
RTAA provide PDF's of the system drawings for continued familiarization?
Response: Photos of drawings were and are prohibited. Those on the walk-through
had the option of taking photos as sensitive security information (SSI) elements of the
project had not yet begun. The RTAA will not provide .pdf files of system drawings as
these are deemed to be SSI. To view the drawings, please make an appointment as
indicated in the O&M RFP.
Question 53: Is 24/7 presence required in CCR even after flight op's are complete for
the day?
Question 54: Please provide the approximate square footage of the area that will
require weekly mopping.
Question 55: Does RTAA provide the OEM specifications for maintenance
requirements on these systems?
Question 56: Is the contractor allowed to use their own Portec trained personnel to
train new personnel?
Response: No. Each individual must have Portec training until informed otherwise.
Question 57: According to the attachment, visits by Brock are reimbursable to the
contractor if previously approved. Does this apply to all site visits or is there a minimum
requirement for periodic site visits as part of the required agreement between contractor
and Brock?
Response: The level of service for Brock should be based on their Standard
Package. For additional visits, it is recommended this be included in the base proposal
under the “Other Costs (Use Exceptions section of the Proposal Schedule to explain).
One annual audit visit is required.
Question 58: Are the radios used by contractor expected to be compatible with the
RNO system in order to communicate with RNO? Or, are we to have radios that do not
interfere with the RNO network? Will cellular phones fulfill requirement for
communications with RNO-FMD personnel?
Question 59: The contractor is required to provide a fax machine, printer and copier.
What secure space and fees will be for securing these items?
Question 60: In what manner should proposers include their supplemental service
rates in their response?
Question 61: Please define the location of the parts storage area discussed in
referenced paragraph.
Question 62: Please provide RTAA approved list for these items.
Response: Personal protective equipment (safety) must meet all State of Nevada as
well as federal guidelines.
Question 63: Please provide the definitions of the subsystems, e.g. SA1, SA2, SA3,
Response: Subsystems (specifically SA1, SA2, and SA3) are defined in Section F of
the Technical Specifications.
Question 64: Does or will the BHS system provide data exporting functions to develop
jam reports in MS Access?
Question 65: There is a conflict between the two reference paragraphs regarding
response time to faults. Please clarify.
Response: No. The BHS is not in the Federal Inspection Services (FIS) area.
Therefore no customs “seal” is required.
Question 68: Is there a published price for space since this will require separate lease
agreement with RNO?
Question 69: Will the RNO-FMD consider relaxing the daily requirement to remove
hazardous waste as long as temporary storage meets all regulatory requirements?
Daily removal will require additional staffing resources and force offsite space leasing,
increasing costs.
Response: Yes. The RTAA requirements, however, may be more stringent than
regulatory requirements.
Question 70: Due to the incremental program cost, would the RTAA consider bonding
for the annual value rather than the entire contract value?
Question 71: Please explain the need for retainage within the service contract?
Response: Retainage will be withheld to ensure that all contractual requirements are
met at the time of contract closeout.
Question 72: Subsection 7.6 - FOB Destination. As per this section it states that
prices quoted shall be FOB Destination. According to our insurance company and
transportation carrier the correct Incoterm 2000 must be used on our transportation
documents. FOB is used only when shipping via the ocean/waterway and therefore we
plan to use either DAF, DES or DDP in which the Seller has the same responsibility as
he would under FOB.
Question 73: Section 24 Taxes. Please confirm that the tax rate to be applied to the
materials is the Washoe county rate of 7.375%.
Response: Per 7.6 of the RFP, prices quoted shall be F.O.B. destination and exclusive
of federal and state taxes, except those relating to taxable materials provided as part of
the work. The tax rate is the one applicable in the state in which the materials are
purchased. Washoe County tax rates apply only to materials purchased in the State of
response. The amounts provided will be taken into consideration in the RTAA’s
evaluation process of responses received.
Response: The records that the RTAA would be examining are those relating directly
to this agreement. As a quasi-governmental corporation of the State of Nevada, the
RTAA is subject to open records laws and cannot sign a confidentiality agreement
whereby the RTAA agrees to not disclose information.
Question 78: Consequential Damages are not addressed in the RFP. We respectfully
requested to add the below term of Consequential Damages to the end of the
Agreement form. “Neither party shall be liable to the other in contract or in tort, directly
or under any indemnity, for loss of profits or for any indirect, special, or consequential
damages, arising out of or related to this contract, including but not limited to loss or
delay of production, reservoir loss/damage, environmental pollution damage, however
same may be caused”.
Response: The proposer may take exception to the RTAA’s indemnification clause
contained in Attachment A and/or may request additional contract clauses. However,
any exceptions will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process.
Response: Performance and payment bonds are required only of the successful
proposer concurrent with execution of the agreement. However, Section 12 of the RFP
requires the submission of a proposal surety with the proposal response submittals.
October 2009
Introduction................................................................................................. 1
Contingency Planning Purpose ..................................................................... 1
General Conditions and Procedures ................................................................. 2
Event Acknowledgment............................................................................... 2
Event Significance Determination ................................................................. 2
General Procedures for Each Event ............................................................... 3
System and Large Subsystem Failures .......................................................... 5
South Matrix ................................................................................................ 6
Ticket Counter and Curbside Lines................................................................ 8
EDS Matrix.............................................................................................. 14
MU1 Sort Device Failure............................................................................ 31
Oversize Lines ......................................................................................... 32
Threat Bags ............................................................................................ 35
Central Matrix ............................................................................................ 36
Ticket Counter Lines ................................................................................. 37
EDS Matrix.............................................................................................. 43
MU2 Sort Device Failure............................................................................ 59
Oversize Lines ......................................................................................... 60
Threat Bags ............................................................................................ 63
North Matrix .............................................................................................. 64
Ticket Counter Lines ................................................................................. 65
EDS Matrix.............................................................................................. 73
MU3 Sort Device Failure............................................................................ 90
Oversize Lines ......................................................................................... 91
Threat Bags ............................................................................................ 94
October 2009
This document and its component parts are the property of CAGE Inc., which retains all rights.
This document is provided by agreement for the exclusive use of the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority
(RTAA). Any other use of the document without the express written consent of CAGE Inc. is not
The Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RTIA) uses three separate areas within
the terminal (the North, South and Central Matrices) for moving and security
scanning baggage from the passenger check-in areas to the ramp-side tug cart
areas for loading the baggage onto airplanes. Each of the systems provide
baggage induct, EDS screening and final sort services. Each of these are self-
contained Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) that include multiple ticket counter
lines, a curbside line in the South, EDS inline oversize lines (the North and
Central share one and the South has its own), out-of-gauge lines, purge lines,
inline Explosive Detection System (EDS) machines, On-Screen Resolution (OSR)
capabilities, a Check Baggage Resolution Areas (CBRA), and single make-up
devices and cleared bag oversize lines for baggage cart access.
The following guidelines and procedures for contingencies resulting from failed
systems are prepared for the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority (RTAA), the
Transportation Security Agency (TSA), the airlines using the airport, and the
BHS Contractor service for the airport.
These guidelines and procedures should be viewed as a basis for understanding
the possible approaches the airport may undertake during events that place
baggage handling operations in jeopardy. Obviously, all contingencies cannot be
accounted for and, in many cases, alternatives to the suggestions made here
may be successfully implemented. The airport and airlines should always be
prepared to improvise and create new methods for dealing with the many
possible contingencies that can arise relative to the baggage handling system.
For any questions regarding the implementation of contingencies or to report
possible outages, please contact the BHS Control Center at (775) 328-6901 or
Event Oversight
A single source of oversight and control should be instituted for the purpose of
coordinating activities during an event. These events can vary greatly in
significance and disruption to services. Some may only be an issue for a short
period of time, others for much longer; some may occur during a very busy
peak hour with numerous flights and passengers, others may occur during a
particularly slow period; some may be only modestly disruptive, others may
cause the baggage system to become inoperable. Whatever the case, the
necessary reactions may be very fluid and affect various disciplines within the
airport. A single source of coordination is of fundamental importance.
Special Considerations
The events that take longer than ten minutes to correct will be formally
identified with an identification number and a date and time stamp for the initial
report. The initial report may be made by any member of the airport’s or
airlines’ staff. The formal data entry of the ID and date and time stamp is the
responsibility of the BHS Contractor.
An acceptable database and reporting tools must be agreed upon by the various
parties and implemented by the BHS Contractor. This database will form the
basis of all reports on BHS maintenance activities for the airport that produced
the longer down-time (over ten minutes) and necessitated the need for baggage
handling contingency activities.
Standard Procedures for Airline Ticket Counter Staff and Baggage Handling Staff
The use of ticket counter and baggage handling staff for contingency purposes
will be typically limited to staff for the affected airline. Coordination between
individual airlines and airport staff will require a willingness to address
immediate issues in an innovative and cooperative manner. All baggage
handling personnel will be expected to have SIDA access rights.
PLC Failure
A PLC failure may affect a large area resulting in loss of control for many
conveyors or even a complete matrix. PLC failures are typically rare and
relatively easy to fix and recover from.
Each master PLC maintains a redundant, online clone that can be manually
switched between the two when one fails. This is largely a quick and seamless
action and only those PLCs associated with tracking bags in the CBIS will create
a noticeable contingency need. Tracked bags downstream of an EDS machine
The South Matrix BHS contains two ticket counter lines (T1 & T2) and a curbside
line (C1) that merge into a single feed line (T1) for the two L3 Communications
eXaminer 3DX 6600D EDS machines (SS1 & SS2). This self-contained BHS also
includes a single feed slope pallet make-up device (MU1) as the final destination
point for baggage on the system. Once bags are placed into the system they are
conveyed past a baggage measuring array where the BHS Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLC) begin tracking bags. An ID for each bag is assigned at the EDS
machines by the BHS PLCs.
Bags are diverted by a High Speed Sorting Device (HSSD) onto either the SS1
or SS2 EDS machine feed lines for security scanning. The lines for each EDS
machine have a vertical sorting device three queue conveyors after the exit of
the machine. The sorting device separates machine cleared bags from those that
are not. Cleared bags from the SS1 line are diverted to the CL1 clear line that
directly feeds the make-up device. Cleared bags from the SS2 line are diverted
to the CL2 line that then merges onto the CL1 line.
Bags not cleared from the SS1 line are diverted to the AL1 line that travels
toward a second vertical sorting device (VS/OSR1) for the second or OSR
decision point. Bags not cleared from the SS2 line are diverted to the AL2 line
that merges onto the AL1 line prior to the second decision point.
Bags cleared by OSR are diverted to CL8 cleared line that merges onto the CL1
line and travels to the make-up device. Bags not cleared continue on the AL1
Bags that were not scanned because of a machine failure are diverted by a
HSSD to the RT1 purge line that merges back onto the T1 ticket counter line
prior to the EDS machine divert points.
Bags too large to feed through the EDS machines (out-of-gauge) continue on
the SF1-02 conveyor onto OG1-01 until they arrive in the CBRA on the OG1-03
conveyor. There they will be screened and resolved by TSA personnel.
Bags considered suspect, become lost to tracking or unknown to the system and
do not have an associated image from the EDS machines continue on to the AL8
line in the CBRA where they are resolved by TSA personnel through ETD
scanning and directed searches.
All Bags cleared in this process are placed on the CL11 cleared bag line that
merges onto the CL1 line and then travel to the make-up device.
CL11 CL1
CL1 C1
AL1 T1
AL8 Future
SS3 Line
SS2 SS1 T2
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Reassign Additional
Baggage Handling Reassign Personnel
Personnel to the CBRA to and Tug Carts to End
Assist TSA Personnel in of OS1 Line to Load
Moving Bags to the OS1 Additional Bags from
Line from the ETD the CBRA
Place Cleared
Bags onto the
TSA Staff OS1 Oversize Back in Service
Cleared Bag
Oversize Line (OS2) Failure
If a conveyor fails on the oversize line then the bags will need to be manually
removed from the line and placed back on it downstream of the failed conveyor.
If the EDS machine fails bags will need to be manually searched without image-
based direction.
Alternate: For a longer term failure, it may be desirable to have passengers or
baggage handling personnel take tagged oversize bags to the OS4 line.
Reassign personnel to the CBRA for the extra demand on the ETD systems.
CL12 CL12
T5 T4 T3
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Use Baggage
Request Additional Select Baggage for
Hand Carts and Encourage Passengers
Ticket Help From Airline Flights with Departure
Other Special to Take Their Properly
Counter Staff for Moving Bags Times Greater than One
Equipment that Tagged Baggage to the
Staff to the OS4 Oversize Hour for Placement Later
May Support Bag Selected Lines
Line into the System
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Back in Service
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Fault Recognition
Personnel at Point of Failure
Implement Procedures
Reassign Additional TSA for Securing Service
TSA Staff Back in Service
Personnel to the CBRA from the EDS/ETD
Oversize Line (OS4) Failure
If a conveyor fails on the oversize line then the bags will need to be manually
removed from the line and placed back on it downstream of the failed conveyor.
If the EDS machine fails bags will need to be manually searched without
imaged-based direction.
Alternate: For a longer term failure, it may be desirable to have passengers or
baggage handling personnel take tagged oversize bags to the OS2 line.
Reassign personnel to the CBRA for the extra demand on the ETD systems.
Reassign personnel to the affected conveyors to assist BHS Contractor
personnel in unloading bags from the OS4 line upstream to the fault and
placing them back on the line downstream of the fault or carried directly to
the CBRA.
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
T9 T9
CL13 CL10
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Place Baggage onto
the Load Conveyor
Back in Service Baggage in
Lengthwise at Least
2 Feet Apart
Area By Flight
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Fault Recognition
Personnel at Point of Failure
Implement Procedures
Reassign Additional TSA for Securing Service
TSA Staff Back in Service
Personnel to the CBRA from the EDS/ETD
Oversize Line (OS4) Failure
If a conveyor fails on the oversize line then the bags will need to be manually
removed from the line and placed back on it downstream of the failed conveyor.
If the EDS machine fails bags will need to be manually searched without
imaged-based direction.
Alternate: For a longer term failure, it may be desirable to have passengers or
baggage handling personnel take tagged oversize bags to the OS2 line.
Reassign personnel to the CBRA for the extra demand on the ETD systems.
Reassign personnel to the affected conveyors to assist BHS Contractor
personnel in unloading bags from the OS4 line upstream to the fault and
placing them back on the line downstream of the fault or carried directly to
the CBRA.
Fault Recognition
From Fault Monitoring System or
Personnel at Point of Failure
Have Passengers or
Baggage Handling Personnel
Take Tagged Oversize Bags from the
North Matrix Ticket Counters to the OS2 Line
Reassign Personnel to the
CBRA for the Extra Demand
on the ETD Systems