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It would appear that the spouses Delos Santos paid all the expenses

attendant the second spinal operation as well as for the subsequent

[ G.R. No. 154185, November 22, 2005 ]
medical treatment. Petitioner's demand for reimbursement of these
expenses was rejected by respondent for the reason that all the sickness
AMELIA J. DELOS SANTOS, PETITIONER, VS. JEBSEN MARITIME, INC., benefits of Delos Santos under the Social Security System (SSS) Law had
RESPONDENT. already been paid.

DECISION Thus, on 25 January 1997, petitioner filed a complaint[6] with the

Arbitration Branch of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)
GARCIA, J.: against respondent and Aboitiz Shipping for recovery of disability
benefits, and sick wage allowance and reimbursement of hospital and
Petitioner Amelia J. Delos Santos seeks in this petition for review medical expenses. She also sought payment of moral damages and
on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court to nullify and set attorney's fees.
aside the decision and resolution dated 21 March 2002[1] and 03 July
2002[2], respectively, of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 62229. After due proceedings, the labor arbiter rendered, on 08 January
1999,[7] judgment finding for petitioner and ordering respondent and
From the petition and its annexes, the respondent's comment thereto, Aboitiz Shipping to jointly and severally pay the former the following:
and the parties' respective memoranda, the Court gathers the following
factual antecedents: (1) P119,536.01, representing reimbursement of medical, surgical and
hospital expenses;
On 10 August 1995, or thereabout, herein respondent Jebsen Maritime,
Inc., for and in behalf of Aboitiz Shipping Co. (Aboitiz Shipping, for (2) P9,000, representing reasonable cost of board and lodging;
short), hired petitioner's husband, Gil R. Delos Santos (hereinafter, Delos
Santos) as third engineer of MV Wild Iris. The corresponding contract of (3) P500,000, representing moral damages;
employment, as approved by the Philippine Overseasp Employment
Administration (POEA), was for a fixed period of one (1) month and for a (4) US$60,000, representing disability benefits corresponding to Total
specific undertaking of conducting said vessel to and from Japan. It Permanent Disability;
quoted Delos Santos' basic monthly salary and other monetary benefits
in US currency. Under POEA rules, all employers and principals are (5) US$2,452, representing Sick Wage allowance;
required to adopt the POEA - standard employment contract (POEA-
SEC) without prejudice to their adoption of terms and conditions over (6) P62,853.60, representing attorney's fees; and,
and above the minimum prescribed by that agency.[3]
(7) US$6,245.20, also representing attorney's fees.
On the vessel's return to the Philippines a month after, Delos Santos On appeal, the NLRC, in a decision[8] dated 29 August 2000, modified
remained on board, respondent having opted to retain his services while that of the labor arbiter, as follows:
the vessel underwent repairs in Cebu. After its repair, MV Wild Iris, this
time renamed/registered as MV Super RoRo 100, sailed within domestic WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is MODIFIED to the extent
waters, having been meanwhile issued by the Maritime Industry that respondents Jebsen Maritime, Inc., and Aboitiz Shipping Company
Authority a Certificate of Vessel Registry and a permit to engage in are hereby ordered jointly and severally liable to pay Gil delos Santos
coastwise trade on the Manila-Cebu-Manila-Zamboanga-General Santos- through Amelia delos Santos the Philippine peso equivalent at the time
Manila route.[4] During this period of employment, Delos Santos was of actual payment of US DOLLARS SIXTY THOUSAND (US$60,000.00)
paid by and received from respondent his salary in Philippine peso thru a and US DOLLARS TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRD (sic) FIFTY TWO
payroll-deposit arrangement with the Philippine Commercial & Industrial (US$2,452.00) representing total disability compensation benefits and
Bank.[5] sickness wages, and the amount of ONE HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND
Some five months into the vessel's inter-island voyages, Delos Santos (P103,804.87) representing reimbursement of surgical, medical and
experienced episodes of chest pain, numbness and body weakness hospital expenses, plus the equivalent of five percent (5%) of the
which eventually left him temporarily paralyzed. On 17 February 1996, aggregate award as and for attorney's fees.
he was brought to the Manila Doctor's Hospital a duly accredited hospital
of respondent - where he underwent a spinal column All other dispositions are SET ASIDE.
operation. Respondent shouldered all operation-related expenses,
inclusive of his post operation confinement. SO ORDERED.
Like the labor arbiter, the NLRC predicated its ruling mainly on the
As narrated in the assailed decision of the Court of Appeals, the theory that the POEA-approved contract of employment continued to
following events next transpired: govern Delos Santos' employment when he contracted his illness. In
specific terms, the NLRC states that the same contract was still effective
when Delos Santos fell ill, thus entitling him to the payment of disability
and like benefits provided in and required under the POEA-SEC.
1. After his discharge from the Manila Doctor's, Delos Santos
was made to undergo physical therapy sessions at the same
Following the denial of its motion for reconsideration per NLRC
hospital, which compelled the Batangas-based Delos Santoses
Resolution[9] of 31 October 2000, respondent went to the Court of
to rent a room near the hospital at P3,000.00 a month;
Appeals on a petition for certiorari, thereat docketed as CA-G.R. No.
62229, imputing on the NLRC grave abuse of discretion. In its petition,
2. Delos Santos underwent a second spinal operation at the non-
respondent scored the NLRC for, among other things, extending the
accredited Lourdes Hospital at the cost of P119, 536.00; and
application of the expired POEA-approved employment contract beyond
the one-month limit stipulated therein.
3. After Lourdes, Delos Santos was confined in a clinic in San
Juan, Batangas where P20,000.00 in hospitalization expenses
On 21 March 2002, the Court of Appeals rendered
was incurred.

judgment[10], modifying the NLRC's decision by deleting altogether the respondent, on Delos Santos' entitlement to disability benefits and
award of disability compensation benefits, sickness wages and sickness allowance are veritably attributable to the question of
attorney's fees, thus: applicability, under the premises, of the POEA-SEC. The
principal issue to be resolved here, therefore, boils down to: which,
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition for certiorari is between the POEA-SEC and the Labor Code, governs the employer-
hereby DENIED, finding no grave abuse of discretion on the part of the employee relationship between Delos Santos and respondent after
NLRC. The Decision of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) MV Wild Iris, as later renamed Super RoRo 100, returned to the country
dated August 29, 2000 and the Resolution of October 31, 2000 denying from its one-month conduction voyage to and from Japan.
petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration are hereby AFFIRMED with
MODIFICATION, that the disability compensation benefits of The Court of Appeals ruled against the governing applicability of the
US$60,000.00 and the sickness wages of US$2,452.00 are hereby POEA-SEC and, on that basis, deleted the NLRC's award of US$60,000.00
deleted, without prejudice to claiming the same from the proper and US$2,452.00 by way of disability benefits and sickness allowance,
government agency. The award of attorney's fees is likewise deleted. respectively. An excerpt of the appellate court's explanation:
In time, petitioner moved for reconsideration, but the appellate court
denied the motion per its resolution of 03 July 2002. [11] xxx Both parties do not dispute the existence of the POEA approved
contract signed by the parties. The said contract is the law between the
Hence, petitioner's present recourse on the grounds that the Court of contracting parties and absent any showing that its provisions are
Appeals seriously erred:[12] wholly or in part contrary to law, morals, good policy, it shall be
enforced to the letter by the contracting parties (Metropolitan Bank and
I Trust Co. vs. Wong, G.R. No. 120859, June 26, 2001). The contract in
question is for a duration of one (1) month. Being a valid contract
IN DELETING THE AWARD OF US$60,000.00 REPRESENTING THE between Delos Santos and the [respondent], the provisions thereof,
MAXIMUM DISABILITY BENEFITS APPLYING THE PROVISIONS OF THE specifically with respect to the one (1) month period of employment has
POEA STANDARD EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT. the force of law between them (D.M. Consunji vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 116572,
December 18, 2000). Perforce, the said contract has already expired and
RELATION TO SECTION 2, PARAGRAPHS (A) AND (B) AND SECTION 18 The fact that Delos Santos continued to work in the same vessel which
(A), POEA STANDARD EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT. sailed within Philippine waters does not mean that the POEA standard
employment contract continues to be enforced between the
(B) THE CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT AT THE TIME OF SEAFARER parties. The employment of Delos Santos is within the Philippines, and
DELOS SANTOS' ACCIDENT HAS NOT YET EXPIRED BECAUSE IT WAS not on a foreign shore. As correctly pointed out by [respondent], the
MUTUALLY EXTENDED BY THE PARTIES WHEN DELOS SANTOS WAS provisions of the Labor Code shall govern their employer-employee
NOT SIGNED OFF AND REPATRIATED PRIOR TO SAID ACCIDENT. relationship. xxx. (Words in bracket added.)
The Court agrees with the conclusion of the Court of Appeals for two (2)
II main reasons. First, we the start with something elementary, i.e., POEA
was created primarily to undertake a systematic program for overseas
IN CONCLUDING THAT NOTWITHSTANDING THE CONTINUATION OF employment of Filipino workers and to protect their rights to fair and
DELOS SANTOS' EMPLOYMENT ON BOARD THE SAME VESSEL AND equitable employment practices.[16] And to ensure that overseas
UNDER THE SAME CONTRACT, IT IS THE PROVISIONS OF THE LABOR workers, including seafarers on board ocean-going vessels, are amply
CODE, AS AMENDED, THAT SHALL GOVERN HIS EMPLOYMENT protected, the POEA is authorized to formulate employment standards
RELATIONS. in accordance with welfare objectives of the overseas employment
program.[17] Given this consideration, the Court is at a loss to understand
III why the POEA-SEC should be made to continue to apply to domestic
employment, as here, involving a Filipino seaman on board an inter-
OF US$2,452.00.
Just as basic as the first reason is the fact that Delos Santos' POEA-
(A) THERE IS NO BASIS IN THE DELETION OF THE AWARD OF SICKNESS approved employment contract was for a definite term of one (1) month
ALOWANCE (sic) SINCE PAYMENT OF SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM SICK only, doubtless fixed to coincide with the pre-determined one-month
LEAVE BENEFIT IS INDEPENDENT, SEPARATE AND DISTINCT FROM THE long Philippines-Japan-Philippines conduction-voyage run. After the
SICKNESS ALLOWANCE PROVIDED FOR UNDER THE POEA STANDARD lapse of the said period, his employment under the POEA-approved
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT. contract may be deemed as functus oficio and Delos Santos'
The petition is devoid of merit. employment pursuant thereto considered automatically terminated,
there being no mutually-agreed renewal or extension of the expired
As a rule, stipulations in an employment contract not contrary to contract.[18] This is as it should be. For, as we have held in the landmark
statutes, public policy, public order or morals have the force of law case of Millares v. National Labor Relations Commission:[19]
between the contracting parties.[13] An employment with a period is
generally valid, unless the term was purposely intended to circumvent From the foregoing cases, it is clear that seafarers are considered
the employee's right to his security of tenure.[14] Absent a covering contractual employees. ... Their employment is governed by the
specific agreement and unless otherwise provided by law, the terms and contracts they sign every time they are rehired and their employment is
conditions of employment of all employees in the private sector shall be terminated when the contract expires. Their employment is
governed by the Labor Code[15] and such rules and regulations as may be contractually fixed for a certain period of time. They fall under the
issued by the Department of Labor and Employment and such agencies exception of Article 280 [of the Labor Code] whose employment has
charged with the administration and enforcement of the Code. been fixed for a specific project or undertaking . . . We need not depart
from the rulings of the Court in the two aforementioned cases which
The differing conclusions arrived at by the NLRC, finding for the herein indeed constitute stare decisis with respect to the employment status of
petitioner, and the Court of Appeals, siding in part with the herein seafarers. (Underscoring and words in bracket added)

Petitioner's posture, citing Section 2 (A)[20] in relation to Section 18[21] of instances where certain formal requisites go into its validity, a contract,
the POEA-SEC about the POEA approved contract still subsisting since to be valid and binding between the parties, need not be in writing. A
Delos Santos was never signed off from the vessel and repatriated to contract is perfected when the contracting minds agree on the object
Manila, the point of hire, is untenable. With the view we have of things, and cause thereof.[25] And, as earlier discussed, several
Delos Santos is deemed to have been signed off when he acceded to a circumstantial indicia tended to prove that a new arrangement under
new employment arrangement offered by the respondent. A seaman domestic terms was agreed upon by the principal players to govern the
need not physically disembarked from a vessel at the expiration of his employment of Delos Santos after the return of MV Wild Iris to the
employment contract to have such contract considered terminated. And country to engage in coastwise trading.
the repatriation aspect of the contract assumes significance only where
the vessel remains in a foreign port. For, repatriation presupposes a Given the foregoing perspective, the disallowance under the decision
return to one's country of origin or citizenship.[22] In the case at bar, subject of review of the petitioner's claim for maximum disability
however, there can be quibbling that MV Wild Iris returned to the port benefits and sickness allowance is legally correct. As it were, Delos
of Cebu with Delos Santos on board. Parenthetically, while the parties Santos' right to such benefits is predicated on the continued
are agreed that their underlying contract was executed in the country, enforceability of POEA-SEC when he contracted his illness, which,
the records do not indicate what city or province of the Philippines is the needless to stress, was not the case.
specific point of hire. While petitioner says it is Manila, she did not
bother to attach to her petition a copy of the contract of employment in Likewise legally correct is the deletion of the award of attorney's fees,
question. the NLRC having failed to explain petitioner's entitlement thereto. As a
matter of sound policy, an award of attorney's fee remains the
Petitioner next submits, echoing the NLRC's holding, that the POEA- exception rather than the rule. It must be stressed, as aptly observed by
approved contract remained in full force and effect even after the expiry the appellate court, that it is necessary for the trial court, the NLRC in
thereof owing to the interplay of the following circumstances: 1) Delos this case, to make express findings of facts and law that would bring the
Santos, after such contract expiration, did not conclude another case within the exception. In fine, the factual, legal or equitable
contract of employment with respondent, but was asked to remain and justification for the award must be set forth in the text of the
work on board the same vessel just the same; and 2) If the parties decision.[26] The matter of attorney's fees cannot be touched once and
intended their employer-employee relationship to be under the aegis of only in the fallo of the decision, else, the award should be thrown out for
a new contract, such intention should have been embodied in a new being speculative and conjectural.[27] In the absence of a stipulation,
agreement. attorney's fees are ordinarily not recoverable; otherwise a premium shall
be placed on the right to litigate.[28] They are not awarded every time a
Contract extension or continuation by mutual consent appears to be party wins a suit.
petitioner's thesis.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the assailed Decision and
We are not persuaded. Resolution of the Court of Appeals AFFIRMED.

The fact that respondent retained Delos Santos and allowed him to No pronouncement as to costs.
remain on board the vessel cannot plausibly be interpreted, in context,
as evidencing an intention on its part to continue with the POEA-SEC. In SO ORDERED.
the practical viewpoint, there could have been no sense in consenting to
renewal since the rationale for the execution of the POEA-approved
contract had already been served and achieved.

At any rate, factors obtain arguing against the notion that respondent
consented to contract extension under the same terms and conditions
prevailing when the original contract expired. Stated a bit differently,
there are compelling reasons to believe that respondent retained the
services of the acceding Delos Santos, as the Court of Appeals aptly
observed, but under domestic terms and conditions. We refer first to
the reduced salary of Delos Santos payable in Philippine peso [23] which,
significantly enough, he received without so much of a protest. As
respondent stated in its Comment, without any controverting response
from petitioner, Delos Santos, for the period ending October 31, 1995,
was drawing a salary at the rate of P8,475.00 a month, whereas the
compensation package stipulated under the POEA-approved contract
provided for a US$613 basic monthly salary and a US$184 fixed monthly
overtime pay. And secondly, MV Super RoRo 100 was no longer engaged
in foreign trading as it was no longer intended as an ocean-going ship.
Accordingly, it does not make sense why a seafarer of goodwill or a
manning agency of the same disposition would insist on being regulated
by an overseas employment agency under its standard employment
contract, which governs employment of Filipino seamen on board
ocean-going vessels.[24]

Petitioner's submission about the parties not having entered into

another employment contract after the expiration of the POEA-
approved employment contract, ergo, the extension of the expired
agreement, is flawed by the logic holding it together. For, it presupposes
that an agreement to do or to give does not bind, unless it is embodied
in a written instrument. It is elementary, however, that, save in very rare

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