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Recover A USB Stick

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Recover a USB Stick

On this page i am going to explain how to recover your self made USB Rubber
Ducky to a regular USB Stick

So now that u made your own USB Rubber Ducky using my guide HERE

you may come to a point where u want to recover the converted stick back to a
normal Flash drive

you also need to recover it to a normal flash drive every time you want to flash a
new payload on the USB Stick

so now i am going to explain you how to do this

Step One:

Download this file: HERE

For convenience save this file to c:\fw\fw_bn

This will give u this file as a result at that location


Now right click on the file and select Extract Here

this will give u this folder

Open the folder MPALLv3.710A_03MLC(UP03 64pin)

u should then see this

Now double click on MPALL_F1_9000_v371_0A.exe

u should then be in the software tool to recover the USB Stick

like seen below

Keep shorting this pins while plugging in the USB Stick
u should then come to this window
U now successfully flashed the USB Stick back to stock!

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45 Responses to “Recover a USB Stick”

U Arnoldo Machado P March 21, 2016 at 5:50 pm K Permalink


I have got the MPALL program but when I plug the USB into the computer
I got the following message F: Mode 255 ID Error 000

h Reply

U pentestshop P March 27, 2016 at 7:26 pm K

Permalink S

Did u short the pins while plugging it in? And are you sure u
have a Phison 2251-03 ?

h Reply

U Carlo P April 3, 2016 at 6:12 pm K Permalink S

Hi pentestshop,
the progress bar hang at “ISP – Firmware” and, after a while, show the
error message “CT – Read OnlyPage” with red background.
What can I do to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance,

P.S.: I transformed Kingston DT R3.0 into Duck after the S.O. doesn’t mount and show
the drive…

h Reply

U pentestshop P April 3, 2016 at 9:49 pm K

Permalink S

Hi Carlo,
Make sure u have selected the right Burner Image

and the correct firmware file

and that all the other settings are correct.
If you still have problems i would love to take a look at it using
Then contact me at pentestingshop@gmail.com

h Reply

U Datife P April 21, 2016 at 11:16 pm K Permalink S

Hi guys , how do to short the two pins ????? It’very very very difficult for
me , you know tell me how to do easy tips??

h Reply

U pentestshop P April 22, 2016 at 5:28 am K

Permalink S

It’s indeed difficult to keep shortening the pins while

plugging it in,but i’m afraid there is no other option..You
could try to solder 2 wires on the pins..But i dont know how good your
solder skills are.

h Reply

U Datalife P April 22, 2016 at 7:33 am K

Permalink S

the origianl usb duky is not in stock ?

h Reply
U pentestshop P April 22, 2016 at
7:39 am K Permalink S

I dont sell those..U need to order them

from Hak5

h Reply

U Datalife P April 22, 2016 at 7:42 am K

Permalink S

the solder on two pins can always be welded or

it must be whenever detached ??

h Reply

U pentestshop P April 22, 2016 at

7:47 am K Permalink S

Just solder the wires on the 2 pins and

strip the other end and shorten them
only when u need to reflash the stick back to

h Reply

U Datalife P April 22,

2016 at 7:59 am K
Permalink S
thanks a lot but i have the last question
… you assure me that the pins to solder
are the second and third ?? beacause in
another tutorial i have read that are the 1&2
… i have usb stick DataTravel DT111 with
Phison 2251-03

U pentestshop P April
23, 2016 at 2:28 pm K
Permalink S

No its pin 2 and 3 for a

Corsair at least

U Datalife P April 23, 2016 at 2:24 pm K Permalink S

hi guys , i have a Datatraveler 111 8gb with Phison 2251-03 :

Device Vendor: Phison

Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
Device Revision: 0110
Product Model: 2303 PRAM
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Phison
Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) – F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]

I follow the tutorial for recover a usb-stick but when Start the recover , show this error :
CT 0x1049 ( look the image ) http://i64.tinypic.com/25u6sdt.jpg

Can you help me please ??????

h Reply
U Datalife P April 23, 2016 at 2:27 pm K
Permalink S

Image of screenshot MPALL


h Reply

U pentestshop P April 23, 2016 at 9:10

pm K Permalink S

Make sure u use the right burner bin file for your
USB Stick..I dont know what one u should use
for the Datatraveler..But check usbdev.ru

h Reply

U andres P March 4, 2017 at 5:39 am K Permalink


make you sure that usb Port is 2.0 or 3.0 i have to change it,
and work for me

h Reply

U Dj P October 13, 2016 at 1:46 am K Permalink S

Did I miss it somewhere it says that be sure to have EVERY payload you
want when you create the Rubber Ducky because reverting it to add more
payloads is a nightmare?!
h Reply

U iven P December 16, 2016 at 12:30 pm K Permalink S

please can help to get Burner and firmware for

Volume: H:
Controller: Phison 2251-61 (2261)
Possible Memory Chip(s):
Toshiba TH58NVG7T2HTA20
Toshiba TC58NVG6T2HTA00
Memory Type: TLC
Flash ID: 98DE9892 7256
Chip F/W: 01.01.10
Firmware Date: 2011-01-26
PID: 3E00
Product: 2261 PRAM
Query Vendor ID:
Query Product ID: 2261 PRAM
Query Product Revision: 1.00
Physical Disk Capacity: 0 Bytes
Windows Disk Capacity: 0 Bytes
Internal Tags: 2QAF-AV3L
USB Version: 2.00
Declared Power: 50 mA
ContMeas ID: C201-07-00
Microsoft Windows 10 x64 Build 10586
Program Version:

h Reply
U pentestshop P December 17, 2016 at 3:01 am K
Permalink S

You are trying to do it with a wrong nand chipset, sadly it

only works with the Phison 2251-03 nand

h Reply

U Macke P January 3, 2017 at 4:10 pm K Permalink S

I really need some help with the recovery of my usb stick. When i plug it in
and shorted the pins it will just shows this.

h Reply

U pentestshop P January 4, 2017 at 12:19 pm K

Permalink S

i would love to help you,but first tell me what USB Stick you
have!..Cause if you have another brand of USB Stick then
the one i recommended that u should maybe use another version of MPAll

h Reply

U Macke P January 6, 2017 at 3:25 pm K

Permalink S

Yea i have the Patriot Supersonic Xpress 16gb

and checked it with GetFlashInfo and it has
Phison 2251-03
h Reply

U pentestshop P January 7, 2017

at 3:12 pm K Permalink S

add pentestingshop on facebook and

pm me, maybe i can help using

h Reply

U piterson P January 5, 2017 at 9:54 pm K Permalink S

I did everything as told, but when it detects my pendrive (which is

recommended Patriot Supersonic Xpress btw) it returns: Mode 255 ID
Error 0001.
Thank you for your help!

h Reply

U pentestshop P January 5, 2017 at 10:29 pm K

Permalink S

yeah you may have a Patriot Supersonic Xpress that is

indeed in the list on github, but did you check it first with
GetFlash info that is has the Phison 2251-03 chipset?
Cause now these day they deliver them with a Phison 2207 nand chip

h Reply
U dam P February 6, 2017 at 9:12 pm K Permalink S

I kinda removed the pin 1 and 2 and still it does not work :/

h Reply

U pentestshop P February 9, 2017 at 3:19 pm K

Permalink S

U removed the pin1 and 2 ?

I hope u didn’t break them off
U need to short pin 2 and 3 while plugging it in
use some wire to short pin 2-3 and just plug it in while keeping it shorted

h Reply

U Dat Boi P April 8, 2017 at 11:04 pm K

Permalink S

I cannot get the pins to short. Nothing will work

without shorting the pins, and they will not short.

h Reply

U db4z P March 26, 2017 at 5:30 am K Permalink S

Hi, I’ve done all the steps to configure the Kingston DT111 (PS2251-03
(PS2303)), all the steps worked, but when removing and inserting again,
the rubber ducky did not work. I thought I did something wrong, so I tried
to recover, but my USB does not appear on the MPALL screen (even if I make the short
circuit on pin 2 and 3), nothing opens. I connected on linux and tried the command
“lsusb” but find nothing, what could have done wrong? How can I check if it does not
burn(broke)? Thank you for you help.

h Reply

U pentestshop P March 26, 2017 at 11:41 am K

Permalink S

That’s weird, did you try other USB Ports as well?

And did u short the pins correctly?
Also if the Kingston DT111 is a USB 3.0 stick (Blue USB Plug) u need to
use a USB 3 port to connect to MPALL
And did u checked the chipset using the Getflash info tool, or did u
assume it has the PS2251-03 chipset?

h Reply

U db4z P March 27, 2017 at 6:28 am K

Permalink S

Yes I tried all ports, try with a normal pen drive

and they are all working, when I insert the
normal pen drive in linux and give the command “lsusb” the
new device appears but with the USB that I modified nothing
About the short circuit I was trying with other pins, I was
making the wrong short circuit and after I tried on pins 2 and 3,
so I think I should have burned the chip when I made the short
circuit on the wrong pins . I did setup on MPALL USB 3 and
USB 2 as well.
Before starting the all procedure, I checked the chipset and
it`s PS2251-03 (PS2303) with firmware of the year 2012.
I have a rubber ducky deluxe from hak5, but for a long time
I’ve been looking for a pen drive to make my own rubber
ducky. Unfortunately I’m having a hard time finding a pen drive
with this chipset, it was more than 1 month searching on ebay
for a used pen drive with this chipset. Do you know of any site
where I can find a pen drive with this chipset?
Thank very much for your attention.

h Reply

U HS P March 26, 2017 at 1:46 pm K Permalink S

My memory is 2303 and short pin 2 and 3 while plugging

But when push start button, CT. 0x0040 was showed in the box not CT.
Test finished ~~
I’m finding some document on google but not easy to find something can help.
Do you know what’s wrong??

and during working(actually i just try to input other bin file), my memory was not
recognized. But short pin 2 and 3, sometimes it was recognized.
Can I back to work??

h Reply

U pentestshop P April 9, 2017 at 7:08 pm K

Permalink S

Sorry but do not try to do it with that stick..I can not help with
that kind

h Reply

U bto P April 26, 2017 at 7:25 pm K Permalink S

What can I do if I get a this message: “Flash No Suppot”

h Reply

U pentestshop P May 13, 2017 at 9:12 pm K

Permalink S

Did u use a USB Stick with a Phison 2251-03 nand chip?

And if so try looking for another version of Phison MPALL
and always use the right burner image and firmware for your USB Drive!

h Reply

U Javi P May 10, 2017 at 7:22 am K Permalink S

Hi pentestshop, thank you for your guides. They are greats and very

I created the rubber duck from a pendrive and it worked successfully.

Although I tested the device with two laptops with Win7 and Win8.1 and it doesn’t work
on Win8.1 and in Win7 it only works on some USB ports, not on all of them. Windows
doesn’t install the same drivers for all USB ports, so sometimes Windows doesn’t
recognise the device. Is this usual? If I bought the original rubber duck would the same
happen? or would it work better?

I’d like to test another payload. I’m following this guide. I got a question about: ‘Keep
shorting this pins while plugging in the USB Stick’
Should I short the pins 2 and 3 only when I plug the device and until I press Update, or
should I keep shorting the pins the whole time the device is plugged?

Thank you in advance.

h Reply
U pentestshop P May 13, 2017 at 9:26 pm K
Permalink S

Thank you Javi for the kindly comment

And i never experienced the problem that it works on some
port’s and not all.
If u buy a real USB Rubber Ducky u wont experience that problem i guess
And about your question how u should shorten the pins
Yes u only short the pins 2 and 3 while plugging it in and until you see the
Drive listed in the Phison MPALL software

h Reply

U Javi P May 10, 2017 at 5:08 pm K Permalink S

Hi, I’ve tried the recovery way, shorting pins 2&3 the whole time, if not the
payload was loaded.

But when I click on update the field that is filled is G255-2 and inside appears:

Driver : G: Mode 255

ID Error 0001 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
You can see a screenshoot here: https://ibb.co/hLTrt5

I tried to follow the rest of the process: settings, save, start… but nothing happens.

I also tried it with pins 1&2 but the app doesn’t recognise it.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.

h Reply
U pentestshop P May 13, 2017 at 9:28 pm K
Permalink S

Keep trying or try looking for another version of Phison

MPALL that has support for a Phison 2251-03
Shortening the pins is a pain sometimes, but if u do it right u should get it

h Reply

U P. White P June 2, 2017 at 5:55 pm K Permalink S

This is how I shortened the 2 and 3 pins on my Corsair Voyager LS 16:

1. Take a small flathead screwdriver screw driver (like this one:


2. Put the USB stick close to the insertion port – don’t plug it in. It should only touch the

3. Put the flathead screwdriver firmly, but not too firmly (you don’t want to destroy the
circuit board), and push in the USB stick.

4. Click ‘Update’ in the MPAII program and you should be good to go.

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility if you ruin your USB stick. Proceed at your own
“USB” risk.

h Reply
U P. White P June 3, 2017 at 3:58 pm K Permalink

Note to step 3: Put the flathead screwdriver firmly between pin 2 and 3 to
create a bridge between the pins.

h Reply

U Jakub P September 12, 2017 at 1:39 pm K Permalink S

What pins i need to shred if i have the Silicon Power 32GB Blaze B30

h Reply

U pentestshop P October 7, 2017 at 7:25 pm K

Permalink S

Probably the same if it’s a Phison 2251-03 nand chip

h Reply

U Siva P December 22, 2017 at 7:01 am K Permalink S

I could not format usb drive which has IC version 2251-60/90 due to
absence of Bin files.Pls help me to overcome the issue,same USB drive
has write protected,Thanks.

h Reply
U Praveen P March 4, 2018 at 12:26 pm K Permalink S

Finally my pendrive is back..thank you so much……

h Reply

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