Attorney-Client Privileged - Cloud DEI 2018 Planning
Attorney-Client Privileged - Cloud DEI 2018 Planning
Attorney-Client Privileged - Cloud DEI 2018 Planning
● [Product Engineering]: Developer Communities: Our developer communities are the most inclusive
experience in the world. Google engineering culture centers around transparency. Model culture of
inclusion tools for developers, from readability to source analysis to bugscope to enterprise-wide developer
productivity analytics to incident management.
○ KR: Accessibility beachhead secured: identify 5 key tools, reach Accessibility GAR 1 with a plan to
reach GAR4, support corresponding web content, and document best practices as a standard for
subsequent phases by EO-Q418.
Although Equity Engineering aspires to work with teams throughout TI, 2018 will be focused on PeopleOps
Works products that support processes such as hiring, development and evaluation.
○ KR: Internationalization beachhead secured: identify 5 key external tools, implement, and
document best practices for subsequent phases by EOQ418.
○ KR: Localization beachhead secured: translate webpage(s) for the internationalized tools into at
least 3 of the most impactful languages by EOQ418.
○ KR: Complete feasibility analysis with feature recommendations on 2 hypotheses about developer
behavior in the engineering lifecycle by EOQ418.
○ KR: Developer culture: document the Google developer culture guidelines, publish to GDH, link to
other relevant sites, and reach out to developers on key topics such as Respectful Terminology by
○ KR: Developer culture: create and launch Google developer culture training for Nooglers. Reach
100% of incoming Nooglers who attend technical Noogler Training by 2019.
Section 3: High-Level Funding Request S
ummary (Headcount)
● What HC do you need (summary) to fund 2018 plans across the area? 2 6 HC
○ What are your new volume based HC requirements (if applicable)?
○ What are your new project / effort based HC requirements?
■ Corp Eng Product Inclusion ( We The People ): S WE 6, UX-R/D 4, PM 1
■ Dev Tools Product Inclusion: SWE 10, UX-R/D 4, TW 1
● Approach to supplement existing projects within additional staff to deliver on
○ What would you be able to accomplish if you did not get incremental headcount?
● What efforts are you repurposing (either efforts that are ending or being deprioritized) to ‘self-fund’ the HC
request and what relief is it providing?
● What budget do you need to support the 2018 council efforts? $ 300,000.00.
○ This budget will support programs that demonstrate impact, support at least one of our 2018
OKRs, and focus on either (1) events (ie sponsoring free conference tickets for women and people
of color), (2) invitational initiatives (ie EDII Council Summits, Inclusion Weeks), or (3) learning and
development (ie programming roadshows, external facilitators, etc.).The Council will establish a
formal protocol to manage all requests for funding (see for example, DII Framework for project
2017 Plan Below
2017 Diversity Business Partner Pod OKRs:
● Move Diversity, Equity, Inclusive efforts from reactive to proactive.
○ KR: Green. New managers complete inclusive perf for managers. 90% of Directors completed
go/inclusiveperf-ttt by EOY. 85% of managers complete go/inclusive perf by EOY.
○ KR: Green. Five L7+ leaders from each function complete go/sojourn Labs [Lab 1: Our Brains on
Race, L
ab 2: Courageous Conversations About Race, and Lab 3: Building Muscle to Navigate Race].
3 out of 15 functions met the OKR.
○ KR: Green. 100% of VPs read go/inclusiveperf-handout.
○ KR: Green. One VP from each function reviewed their 2016 scorecard. 16 of 18 VPs completed.
○ KR: Green. One VP function is represented on the D&I council.
○ KR: Green. Recognize impactful D&I work via bonus, time, and visibility.
○ KR: Green. 1 00% of functions represented on the Diversity Council.
○ KR: Green. Diversity Council has at least one executive sponsor and maintained between 1 and 2
sponsors (Melody Meckfessel and Jim Miller).
○ *KR: Y ellow. Launch five site-based Allyship groups. Launched 2 site-based Allyship groups (SVL
and SFO).
○ *KR: R ed. Identify five L8+ leaders to executive sponsor site-based allyship groups. Currently
housing 2 executive sponsors for two sites.
○ *KR: R ed. Complete the EOY self assessment, and meet with y our DBP to receive your diversity
○ KR: Red. One VP from each function attended an UnTownhall. 10 of 18 VPs completed.
○ KR: Red. 1 00% of VPs share 2016 org assessment results at an All-hands. 7 of 18 completed.
○ KR: Red. 1 00% of VPs launch diversity and inclusion OKRs aligned with Cloud, 6 of 18 completed.
○ KR: Red. 100% of VPs attend an UnTownhall event, of which 10 of 18 completed.
○ KR: Red. 100% of VPs host an UnTownhall event, of which 7 of 18 completed.
2017 Council Working Group OKRs
Product Inclusion :
● Incorporate an inclusion lens into quality improvements and sales growth efforts of at least one product
or service as part of (I)2 project.
○ KR: Green. Identify two products/m services with opportunity for increased revenue, usage,
efficiency, or user satisfaction
○ KR: Yellow. M ost inclusive experience for developers. Google engineering culture centers around
transparency. Model culture of inclusion tools for developers, from readability to source analysis to
bugscope to enterprise-wide developer productivity analytics to incident management.
○ KR: Yellow. D eliver N (>2)findings and any short term impact by end of Q3.
○ KR: Yellow. Deliver N (>3) findings by the end of Q4.
● Products are inclusive of diverse global user perspectives and needs by 2018.
Org Inclusion:
● Cloud have transitioned from a Reactive → Proactive on the D iversity and Inclusion Maturity Matrix.
○ *KR: Y ellow. P ublish and promote monthly newsletters to all of Cloud teams.
○ KR: Yellow. All Cloud regions (APAC, EMEA, US-East, US-West) have a cohort of leaders who will
champion and be action initiators across all regions and sites.
○ *KR: Yellow. Establish a global allyship program with training and guidance to support Googlers in
the majority in advocating for inclusiveness
○ KR: Red. All site representatives will host an introduction to the Cloud/DI efforts with training
materials to managers and leads.
○ KR: Red. 80% of teams participate in planning their Proactive Roadmap using the designated
hashtag #TIinclusion.
○ KR: Red. 80% of Cloud leaders use and publish the results of the Proactive Scorecard using the
designated hashtag “#TIinclusion”.
● Cloud fosters a fair and inclusive environment where all can thrive.
○ KR: Yellow. Achieve ≥80% favorable rating in all Googlegeist inclusiveness index items, with no
negative gaps across gender and race.
○ KR: Yellow. A chieve ≥90% favorable rating in the category “comfortable raising concerns about
incivility and misconduct”, with no negative gaps across gender and race.
Leadership Diversity:
● The composition of Cloud leaders, from Directors to VP’s, reflects and or surpasses the staff composition
of TechInfra.
○ KR: Green. Inclusive perf and promo practices are consistently employed by managers and promo
committee members.
○ KR: Green. Prior to the perf and promo cycles, send Cloud-wide messaging to teams and people
managers re-affirming our expectations that all support a fair perf/promo process.
○ KR: Yellow. V P Sponsorship program of underrepresented minorities.
● TechInfra Leaders (Directors and above) create inclusive and diverse organizations as measured by the
Googlegeist inclusiveness scores (High inclusiveness scores; no gaps)
○ KR: Yellow. V Ps and Directors in TechInfra advocate for and support (and implement/sponsor) an
allies program with their organization.
○ KR: Red. R ace/gender diversity on critical project teams is representative of org diversity.
Hiring Diversity:
● TI’s hiring process is successful at including / closing underrepresented populations. As we hire new
team members, we ensure that % of the offers made to underrepresented minorities meet or exceed
market supply.
○ KR: Green. Establish monthly review of diversity recruiting initiatives across staffing and hiring
○ KR: Green. Cloud has sponsored and participated in one targeted industry event per quarter,
sending Cloud representatives with diversity hiring focus.
○ KR: Yellow. D evelop an online management training for hiring best practices reaching 80% of
active hiring managers by end of year.
○ KR: Yellow. Identify and collect hiring metrics for candidates from underrepresented backgrounds
who opt into data sharing. (eg. Pipeline details (YTD: Total Hires, %% of Diversity, close rate,
diversity close rate)).
○ KR: Yellow. I dentify diversity champion interviewers under each Cloud VP with a goal to including
one champion on every candidate interview panel.
○ KR: Red. D evelop a team inclusion video and talking points recruiters can share with candidates.
“Why Cloud is a great place to work” (eg. go/sre-brand-statement, g o/sre-brand-talking-points).
○ KR: Red. Promote management training opportunities and track attendance.
○ KR: Red. Develop a detailed process for evaluating the expansion of existing Google sites and
integration of new sites in geographic areas that will attract and retain diverse talent.
○ KR: Red. E xpedited recruiting...decrease median candidate cycle time by 20% for targeted hires.