Experiments 11 15 Notes
Experiments 11 15 Notes
Experiments 11 15 Notes
Results: presence of brown solution and caramel odor Phosphorus– yellow ppt ( ammonium
due to the reducing sugar glucose phosphomolybdate)
- Moore’s test – test with same principles Phosphate Ion + Ammonium molybdate =
ammonium phosphomolymdate
Moore's Test. Polymerization of aldehyde groups of
sugars (in milk, it is lactose). Calcium – white ppt. (calcium oxelate)
8. Milk Fat
- transfer filtrate from no. 6 in a evaporating dish
- place in a boiling bath to evaporate the ether
- presence of residue: MILK FAT
- touch residue with a piece of paper: formation of
translucent spot
Inorganic Salts in saliva has 2 important functions: Violet Red blue Red w/
Phosphate acts as buffers that tend to Blue bubbles
maintain the reaction (pH) of the saliva
Chloride ions are essential as coenzymes for Stimulated Saliva
the salivary amylase. - Saliva secretions during stimulation
- more basic
The flow of saliva (about 1500 cc daily) is the result of - higher pH
stimulation of the salivary glands by the nervous system, Phenolphthalein Litmus Congo Red
as is evidence by the fact that actual contact with food is
unnecessary since sight, odor, or even though will cause
the salivary gland to secrete profusely. Violet Red blue 2 layers:
Blue red (upper
Salivary Amylase/Ptyalin clear (down)
- Begins the breakdown of starches, responsible
for the digestive function of the saliva
- Principal enzyme of saliva Paraffin – stimulates saliva secretions
- Capable of hydrolyzing cooked starch into The acidic pH is essential in dissolution of enamel to
dextrin and maltose produce dental carries
Saliva is secreted by 3 pairs of glands S.S
- Parotid
- Submaxillary
- Sublingual
Factors that stimulate salivary flow
- Psychic
- Chemical Erythrodextrin Maltose
- Mechanical
Protein in saliva
- Mucin Ptyalin
Enzyme in saliva
- Ptyalin
archodextrin Maltose
Aka salivary amylase
- Ptyalin
Hydrolyzes starch
- Salivary amylase Ptyalin
Function of mucin
- Lubricate mouth & prevent bacterial build up
- Possess the property of stimulating the Exposure of bile to air: it will turn green due to
secretion of bile oxidation of bilirubin to biliverdin
o As such, it can be regarded as
cholagogues Oxidation
Substance stimulating the flow o Produces a series of colored
of bile compounds, including
- Also aid peristalsis A blue pigment
- The remaining important excretory compound
of the bile
- Ordinarily soluble in bile
- An alcohol (C27H45OH)
- The fat of sheep’s wool
- Contains the stearic, palmitic, and oleic esters
of cholesterol
URINE Oxidation
- A filtrate from the blood - when allowed to stand without preservative,
- Serves as a medium for excretion of: urine becomes ammoniacal in odor and alkaline
o Water in pH
o Acids o because of the oxidation of urea to
o Bases ammonium carbonate
o Waste products of metabolism
o Other toxic materials Organic Constituents
- Helps in the maintenance of water balance, acid Urea
base equilibrium uric acid
- Serves as an important factor in the creatinine
detoxification of the body
Inorganic Constituents
24-hour specimen Sodium urate
- Examined for the study of both the qualitative - precipitate in acidic conditions
and quantitative composition of urine o These precipitates are the primary
- Bladder is emptied at 8:00 AM (urine is components of kidney stones.
o All the urine from this time up to Calcium phosphate
8:00 AM the next day is taken as sample - precipitates in alkaline urine
Sometimes the white zone does not appear until What does its presence indicate?
allowed to stand for a few minutes. Presence of bilirubin indicates obstruction of
the flow of bile from the gall bladder so that the bile is
8. GLUCOSE absorbed in the blood and bilirubin goes to the kidneys.