Notice To Explain - Drug Use
Notice To Explain - Drug Use
Notice To Explain - Drug Use
Mr. ______________
This is a formal notice requiring you to explain in writing, within five (5) days
from receipt hereof, why you should not be subjected to disciplinary action or be
terminated based on the following offense charged against you:
• Being found positive of illegal drug use during separate drug tests
conducted on ______________ and _____________, which is a ground for
dismissal under R.A. 9165 (Dangerous Drug Act) and Labor Code.
In connection with this administrative case, you are hereby requested to appear
at the administrative hearing to be held on _______(at least 5 days from
receipt)______ at the company premises.
In addition, considering the nature of your offense, you are hereby placed under
PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION without pay for thirty (30) days effective
immediately upon receipt of this Notice. In case there is a need to extend the
period of preventive suspension, you will be duly informed of the same and the
said extension shall be with pay.
Truly yours,