Minefield: Setup
Minefield: Setup
Minefield: Setup
Find a good large outdoor field or large indoor space. Be sure there are no dangerous items or hazards
nearby. Set up the “minefield” by placing “mines” (large paper cups, empty plastic bottles, cones, soft
foam balls, etc.) in many places all over the space.
Once the minefield is set up, divide players into pairs. Create pairs carefully. In each pair, one person
will be blindfolded and will be not allowed to see or talk. The other person is allowed to see and talk,
but is not allowed to touch the other person or enter the minefield. Have each pair decide which role
they want to play and distribute blindfolds.
As you lead the activity, try to inspire the players and emphasize the importance of trust and safety.
Promote a serious environment.
The goal is for each blindfolded person to get from one side of the field to the other. He or she must
safely avoid touching the “mines,” by carefully listening to the verbal guidance of their partners.
Give each pair a few minutes of planning and preparation for their communication strategy. Then, have
all three pairs go to one end of the minefield. Once blindfolds are worn and everyone is ready, say
“Go!” and the activity begins. The blindfolded person can not talk; he or she just listens and walks. The
guider can’t touch his or her partner, but he or she can speak to his partner and use whatever verbal
strategy he or she wishes.
After a pair successfully reaches the other side of the minefield, swap roles and repeat the process.
- bBe careful that blindfolded people don’t crash into each other. The facilitator should ensure
collisions don’t occur. He or she can walk around and help keep people separated.
- Create a penalty for touching a “mine”. Perhaps a time delay, or a loss of points, or (worse case)
a restart.
- Perhaps suggest that a pair develop a unique communication system. When participants swap
roles, give participants some review and planning time to refine their communication method.
- If a person prefers not to play, do not force a person to be blindfolded.
Description & Directions: Have the group form circle, holding hands. Explain that the goal of this
activity is to pass a hula hoop completely around the circle as quickly as possible without breaking
handholds. While you are explaining this, place a hula hoop over the held hands of two group
Have the group pass the hula hoop around the circle once so that everyone participates and time it.
Encourage the group to set a goal and see if they can do it faster. Support the group in working
through goal setting and strategizing about how to go faster while providing encouragement. Start
the group on their second attempt. You can do multiple attempts if the group does not meet their
goal and wants to try again or redefine their goal.
As a final challenge, tell the group that you are going to add another hula hoop to make it a little bit
more interesting. Add another hula hoop to the opposite side of the circle, with it moving in the
opposite direction.